Another-mandelbrot-viewerA graphcal, multithreaded (using OpenMP) mandelbrot viewer. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
ClipboardStackOrganize multiple clipboards on a stack with this Sublime Text 2 plugin! Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
SerialRGB-LED-ArduinoControlling an RGB-LED via serial port using Arduino and Python. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
atom_feedA Plugin for Ratatöskr to provide Atom feeds. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
binprotoA custom binary protocol for Go. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
biomedA Minecraft Biome Editor Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
buzhashA Go library implementing a buzhash rolling hash function Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
code.laria.meThe code that powers Laria Carolin Chabowski4 years
custom_translationA Plugin for Ratatöskr that makes it possible to internationalize your template...Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
dotfilesdotfiles and stuff Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
dotstr_editA tool for easily editing the .str files of EA's LOTR Battle for Middle Earth 2 Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
falseknees-atomA simple Lua script that generates an Atom feed of the fantastic False Knees web...Laria Carolin Chabowski5 years
golibrsyncA Go language binding for the librsync library for creating binary deltas. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
gomcmapReading and modifying Minecraft maps in Go. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
gonbtA Go library for reading and writing NBT data. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
idea_caseconvA plugin for JetBrain IDEs to convert between cases. Laria Carolin Chabowski4 months
kaguskagus: Awesome Go Utility Stuff Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
kch42_gravatarGravatars for your Ratatöskr page. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
kch_lastfm_recentlyPlugin for Textpattern, which will list your recently listened songs. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
laria.meSource code for the backend of Laria Carolin Chabowski4 years
lua_uuidFork of with some additional functions Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
mailremindSend yourself scheduled mails to remind you of something. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
mcanimalfixPlace animals in your Minecraft map, if they were lost with the 1.8.x update. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
micropolyA very simple, very WIP note management app. Laria Carolin Chabowski4 years
nebula2A program for calculating and rendering a Nebulabrot image. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
new_comment_notifierThis Ratatöskr plugin sends you a mail, if someone posted a new comment. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
petrifica content-addressable backup/data archival software Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
r7r-plugin-packerA command line tool for packing a plugin for Ratatöskr. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
r7r-repor7r_repo helps to setting up a plugin package repository for the Ratatöskr CMS....Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
ratatoeskr-cmsRatatöskr is a flexible Content Management System / Blogging Software for PHP 5...Laria Carolin Chabowski4 years
rhythmbox_awn_coverRhythmbox plugin to change Rhythmbox' icon in Awn to current cover artwork. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
sha3sumSimple program to expose `` on the command line Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
simplechatA simple websocket-based chatserver written in Go. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
simpleconfA simple config file parser for Go. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
startpageA simple startpage Laria Carolin Chabowski3 years
steThe STE Template Engine is a compiling template engine for PHP ≥ 5.3. Laria Carolin Chabowski4 years
sublime-text-3-packagesMy Packages/ directory for Sublime Text 3 Laria Carolin Chabowski5 years
todoA simple todo web-application (basically just something for me to learn F3) Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
twitter-to-atomGenerate an Atom-Feed from a Twitter account Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
youtube-feedCombine multiple YouTube user feeds into a single RSS feed. Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
fengariMirrored from Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years
lua-resty-cookieMirrored from Laria Carolin Chabowski5 years
valuaMirrored from Laria Carolin Chabowski6 years