path: root/ratatoeskr/backend.php
diff options
authorKevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>2011-12-23 01:43:53 +0100
committerKevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>2011-12-23 01:43:53 +0100
commitdf0658f7e10d2bf87460195f792398d16eee811e (patch)
tree1f7720ecc6c3ca5e94e84022766121f6f677c88f /ratatoeskr/backend.php
parent7d6a5eca4e0a38ae615634542859d29ab79c94e8 (diff)
Added plugin management to bakend and fixed db models.
Diffstat (limited to 'ratatoeskr/backend.php')
1 files changed, 262 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/ratatoeskr/backend.php b/ratatoeskr/backend.php
index 2efe00c..c5ae9c9 100644
--- a/ratatoeskr/backend.php
+++ b/ratatoeskr/backend.php
@@ -1532,8 +1532,268 @@ $backend_subactions = url_action_subactions(array(
echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/user.html");
- ))
- ))
+ )),
+ "repos" => function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next)
+ {
+ global $ste, $translation, $languages, $rel_path_to_root;
+ $url_next = array();
+ $ste->vars["section"] = "admin";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = "repos";
+ $ste->vars["pagetitle"] = $translation["menu_plugin_repos"];
+ echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/repos.html");
+ }
+ )),
+ "plugin" => url_action_subactions(array(
+ "list" => function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next)
+ {
+ global $ste, $translation, $languages, $rel_path_to_root, $plugin_objs;
+ $url_next = array();
+ $ste->vars["section"] = "plugins";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = "pluginlist";
+ $ste->vars["pagetitle"] = $translation["menu_pluginlist"];
+ /* Delete plugins? */
+ if(isset($_POST["delete"]) and ($_POST["really_delete"] == "yes") and (!empty($_POST["plugins_multiselect"])))
+ {
+ foreach($_POST["plugins_multiselect"] as $pid)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $plugin = Plugin::by_id($pid);
+ if(!isset($plugin_objs[$pid]))
+ {
+ eval($plugin->code);
+ $plugin_objs[$pid] = new $plugin->classname($pid);
+ }
+ $plugin_objs[$pid]->uninstall();
+ $plugin->delete();
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["successfully_deleted_plugins"];
+ }
+ /* Activate or deactivate plugins? */
+ if((isset($_POST["activate"]) or isset($_POST["deactivate"])) and (!empty($_POST["plugins_multiselect"])))
+ {
+ $newstatus = isset($_POST["activate"]);
+ foreach($_POST["plugins_multiselect"] as $pid)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $plugin = Plugin::by_id($pid);
+ if(!$plugin->installed)
+ continue;
+ $plugin->active = $newstatus;
+ $plugin->save();
+ if($newstatus and(!isset($plugin_objs[$pid])))
+ {
+ eval($plugin->code);
+ $plugin_objs[$pid] = new $plugin->classname($pid);
+ $plugin_objs[$pid]->init();
+ }
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation[$newstatus ? "plugins_activated" : "plugins_deactivated"];
+ }
+ $stream_ctx = stream_context_create(array("http" => array("timeout" => 5)));
+ /* Update plugins? */
+ if(isset($_POST["update"]) and (!empty($_POST["plugins_multiselect"])))
+ {
+ $updated = array();
+ foreach($_POST["plugins_multiselect"] as $pid)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $plugin = Plugin::by_id($pid);
+ if(!empty($plugin->updatepath))
+ {
+ $update_info = @unserialize(@file_get_contents($plugin->updatepath, False, $stream_ctx));
+ if(is_array($update_info) and ($update_info["current-version"] > $plugin->versioncount))
+ {
+ $pkg = PluginPackage::load(@file_get_contents($update_info["dl-path"], False, $stream_ctx));
+ $plugin->fill_from_pluginpackage($pkg);
+ $plugin->update = True;
+ $plugin->save();
+ $updated[] = $plugin->name;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ catch(InvalidPackage $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if(empty($updated))
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["nothing_to_update"];
+ else
+ $ste->vars["success"] = str_replace("[[PLUGINS]]", implode(", ", $updated), $translation["successfully_updated_plugins"]);
+ }
+ /* Load plugin data */
+ $all_plugins = Plugin::all();
+ $ste->vars["plugins"] = array();
+ foreach($all_plugins as $p)
+ {
+ if(!$p->installed)
+ continue;
+ $ste->vars["plugins"][] = array(
+ "id" => $p->get_id(),
+ "name" => $p->name,
+ "versiontext" => $p->versiontext,
+ "active" => $p->active,
+ "description" => $p->short_description,
+ "web" => $p->web,
+ "author" => $p->author,
+ "help" => !empty($p->help)
+ );
+ }
+ echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/pluginlist.html");
+ },
+ "help" => function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next)
+ {
+ global $ste, $translation, $languages, $rel_path_to_root;
+ try
+ {
+ $plugin = Plugin::by_id($url_next[0]);
+ if(empty($plugin->help))
+ throw new NotFoundError();
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ throw new NotFoundError();
+ }
+ $url_next = array();
+ $ste->vars["section"] = "plugins";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = "";
+ $ste->vars["pagetitle"] = $plugin->name;
+ $ste->vars["help"] = $plugin->help;
+ echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/pluginhelp.html");
+ },
+ "install" => function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next)
+ {
+ global $ste, $translation, $languages, $rel_path_to_root, $api_compat;
+ $url_next = array();
+ $ste->vars["section"] = "plugins";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = "installplugins";
+ $ste->vars["pagetitle"] = $translation["menu_plugininstall"];
+ if(isset($_POST["installpackage"]))
+ {
+ if(is_uploaded_file($_FILES["pluginpackage"]["tmp_name"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $package = PluginPackage::load(file_get_contents($_FILES["pluginpackage"]["tmp_name"]));
+ unlink($_FILES["pluginpackage"]["tmp_name"]);
+ if(in_array($package->api, $api_compat))
+ {
+ $plugin = Plugin::create();
+ $plugin->fill_from_pluginpackage($package);
+ $plugin->installed = False;
+ $plugin->active = False;
+ $plugin->save();
+ $url_next = array("confirminstall", (string) $plugin->get_id());
+ return;
+ }
+ else
+ $ste->vars["error"] = str_replace("[[API]]", $package->api, $translation["incompatible_plugin"]);
+ }
+ catch(InvalidPackage $e)
+ {
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["invalid_package"];
+ unlink($_FILES["pluginpackage"]["tmp_name"]);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["upload_failed"];
+ }
+ echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/plugininstall.html");
+ },
+ "confirminstall" => function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next)
+ {
+ global $ste, $translation, $languages, $rel_path_to_root;
+ list($plugin_id) = $url_next;
+ $url_next = array();
+ $ste->vars["section"] = "plugins";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = "installplugins";
+ $ste->vars["pagetitle"] = $translation["menu_plugininstall"];
+ try
+ {
+ $plugin = Plugin::by_id($plugin_id);
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ throw new NotFoundError();
+ }
+ if($plugin->installed)
+ throw new NotFoundError();
+ $ste->vars["plugin_id"] = $plugin->get_id();
+ $ste->vars["name"] = $plugin->name;
+ $ste->vars["description"] = $plugin->short_description;
+ $ste->vars["code"] = $plugin->code;
+ $ste->vars["license"] = $plugin->license;
+ if(isset($_POST["yes"]))
+ {
+ $plugin->installed = True;
+ $plugin->save();
+ eval($plugin->code);
+ $plugin_instance = new $plugin->classname($plugin->get_id());
+ $plugin_instance->install();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["plugin_installed_successfully"];
+ $url_next = array("list");
+ return;
+ }
+ if(isset($_POST["no"]))
+ {
+ $plugin->delete();
+ $url_next = array("install");
+ return;
+ }
+ echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/confirminstall.html");
+ }
+ )),
+ "pluginpages" => url_action_subactions($pluginpages_handlers)