path: root/tests/test-suite/constructs.js
diff options
authordaurnimator <quae@daurnimator.com>2018-04-20 21:16:24 +1000
committerdaurnimator <quae@daurnimator.com>2018-04-20 21:16:24 +1000
commita260f381d30e036b39078fee0295e539067c10a3 (patch)
tree4f3b2ecb264ec8dd29cac74d23223d15d297eb8e /tests/test-suite/constructs.js
parentfe9b43374c2e8dc28df0ce460aefaf50b933aaa7 (diff)
parent9f5d4d35de0b88334bba7c11a9e960a19ee0740b (diff)
Merge branch 'test-with-jest'
Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test-suite/constructs.js')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 441 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test-suite/constructs.js b/tests/test-suite/constructs.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 93bbf1a..0000000
--- a/tests/test-suite/constructs.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,441 +0,0 @@
-"use strict";
-const test = require('tape');
-const lua = require('../../src/lua.js');
-const lauxlib = require('../../src/lauxlib.js');
-const lualib = require('../../src/lualib.js');
-const {to_luastring} = require("../../src/fengaricore.js");
-const checkload = `
- local function checkload (s, msg)
- assert(string.find(select(2, load(s)), msg))
- end
-test('[test-suite] constructs: testing semicolons', function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
- do ;;; end
- ; do ; a = 3; assert(a == 3) end;
- ;
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, to_luastring(checkload + luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");
-test('[test-suite] constructs: invalid operations should not raise errors when not executed', function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
- if false then a = 3 // 0; a = 0 % 0 end
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, to_luastring(checkload + luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");
-test('[test-suite] constructs: testing priorities', function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
- assert(2^3^2 == 2^(3^2));
- assert(2^3*4 == (2^3)*4);
- assert(2.0^-2 == 1/4 and -2^- -2 == - - -4);
- assert(not nil and 2 and not(2>3 or 3<2));
- assert(-3-1-5 == 0+0-9);
- assert(-2^2 == -4 and (-2)^2 == 4 and 2*2-3-1 == 0);
- assert(-3%5 == 2 and -3+5 == 2)
- assert(2*1+3/3 == 3 and 1+2 .. 3*1 == "33");
- assert(not(2+1 > 3*1) and "a".."b" > "a");
- assert("7" .. 3 << 1 == 146)
- assert(10 >> 1 .. "9" == 0)
- assert(10 | 1 .. "9" == 27)
- assert(0xF0 | 0xCC ~ 0xAA & 0xFD == 0xF4)
- assert(0xFD & 0xAA ~ 0xCC | 0xF0 == 0xF4)
- assert(0xF0 & 0x0F + 1 == 0x10)
- assert(3^4//2^3//5 == 2)
- assert(-3+4*5//2^3^2//9+4%10/3 == (-3)+(((4*5)//(2^(3^2)))//9)+((4%10)/3))
- assert(not ((true or false) and nil))
- assert( true or false and nil)
- -- old bug
- assert((((1 or false) and true) or false) == true)
- assert((((nil and true) or false) and true) == false)
- local a,b = 1,nil;
- assert(-(1 or 2) == -1 and (1 and 2)+(-1.25 or -4) == 0.75);
- x = ((b or a)+1 == 2 and (10 or a)+1 == 11); assert(x);
- x = (((2<3) or 1) == true and (2<3 and 4) == 4); assert(x);
- x,y=1,2;
- assert((x>y) and x or y == 2);
- x,y=2,1;
- assert((x>y) and x or y == 2);
- assert(1234567890 == tonumber('1234567890') and 1234567890+1 == 1234567891)
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, to_luastring(checkload + luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");
-test('[test-suite] constructs: silly loops', function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
- repeat until 1; repeat until true;
- while false do end; while nil do end;
- do -- test old bug (first name could not be an 'upvalue')
- local a; function f(x) x={a=1}; x={x=1}; x={G=1} end
- end
- function f (i)
- if type(i) ~= 'number' then return i,'jojo'; end;
- if i > 0 then return i, f(i-1); end;
- end
- x = {f(3), f(5), f(10);};
- assert(x[1] == 3 and x[2] == 5 and x[3] == 10 and x[4] == 9 and x[12] == 1);
- assert(x[nil] == nil)
- x = {f'alo', f'xixi', nil};
- assert(x[1] == 'alo' and x[2] == 'xixi' and x[3] == nil);
- x = {f'alo'..'xixi'};
- assert(x[1] == 'aloxixi')
- x = {f{}}
- assert(x[2] == 'jojo' and type(x[1]) == 'table')
- local f = function (i)
- if i < 10 then return 'a';
- elseif i < 20 then return 'b';
- elseif i < 30 then return 'c';
- end;
- end
- assert(f(3) == 'a' and f(12) == 'b' and f(26) == 'c' and f(100) == nil)
- for i=1,1000 do break; end;
- n=100;
- i=3;
- t = {};
- a=nil
- while not a do
- a=0; for i=1,n do for i=i,1,-1 do a=a+1; t[i]=1; end; end;
- end
- assert(a == n*(n+1)/2 and i==3);
- assert(t[1] and t[n] and not t[0] and not t[n+1])
- function f(b)
- local x = 1;
- repeat
- local a;
- if b==1 then local b=1; x=10; break
- elseif b==2 then x=20; break;
- elseif b==3 then x=30;
- else local a,b,c,d=math.sin(1); x=x+1;
- end
- until x>=12;
- return x;
- end;
- assert(f(1) == 10 and f(2) == 20 and f(3) == 30 and f(4)==12)
- local f = function (i)
- if i < 10 then return 'a'
- elseif i < 20 then return 'b'
- elseif i < 30 then return 'c'
- else return 8
- end
- end
- assert(f(3) == 'a' and f(12) == 'b' and f(26) == 'c' and f(100) == 8)
- local a, b = nil, 23
- x = {f(100)*2+3 or a, a or b+2}
- assert(x[1] == 19 and x[2] == 25)
- x = {f=2+3 or a, a = b+2}
- assert(x.f == 5 and x.a == 25)
- a={y=1}
- x = {a.y}
- assert(x[1] == 1)
- function f(i)
- while 1 do
- if i>0 then i=i-1;
- else return; end;
- end;
- end;
- function g(i)
- while 1 do
- if i>0 then i=i-1
- else return end
- end
- end
- f(10); g(10);
- do
- function f () return 1,2,3; end
- local a, b, c = f();
- assert(a==1 and b==2 and c==3)
- a, b, c = (f());
- assert(a==1 and b==nil and c==nil)
- end
- local a,b = 3 and f();
- assert(a==1 and b==nil)
- function g() f(); return; end;
- assert(g() == nil)
- function g() return nil or f() end
- a,b = g()
- assert(a==1 and b==nil)
- f = [[
- return function ( a , b , c , d , e )
- local x = a >= b or c or ( d and e ) or nil
- return x
- end , { a = 1 , b = 2 >= 1 , } or { 1 };
- ]]
- f = string.gsub(f, "%s+", "\\n"); -- force a SETLINE between opcodes
- f,a = load(f)();
- assert(a.a == 1 and a.b)
- function g (a,b,c,d,e)
- if not (a>=b or c or d and e or nil) then return 0; else return 1; end;
- end
- function h (a,b,c,d,e)
- while (a>=b or c or (d and e) or nil) do return 1; end;
- return 0;
- end;
- assert(f(2,1) == true and g(2,1) == 1 and h(2,1) == 1)
- assert(f(1,2,'a') == 'a' and g(1,2,'a') == 1 and h(1,2,'a') == 1)
- assert(f(1,2,'a')
- ~= -- force SETLINE before nil
- nil, "")
- assert(f(1,2,'a') == 'a' and g(1,2,'a') == 1 and h(1,2,'a') == 1)
- assert(f(1,2,nil,1,'x') == 'x' and g(1,2,nil,1,'x') == 1 and
- h(1,2,nil,1,'x') == 1)
- assert(f(1,2,nil,nil,'x') == nil and g(1,2,nil,nil,'x') == 0 and
- h(1,2,nil,nil,'x') == 0)
- assert(f(1,2,nil,1,nil) == nil and g(1,2,nil,1,nil) == 0 and
- h(1,2,nil,1,nil) == 0)
- assert(1 and 2<3 == true and 2<3 and 'a'<'b' == true)
- x = 2<3 and not 3; assert(x==false)
- x = 2<1 or (2>1 and 'a'); assert(x=='a')
- do
- local a; if nil then a=1; else a=2; end; -- this nil comes as PUSHNIL 2
- assert(a==2)
- end
- function F(a)
- assert(debug.getinfo(1, "n").name == 'F')
- return a,2,3
- end
- a,b = F(1)~=nil; assert(a == true and b == nil);
- a,b = F(nil)==nil; assert(a == true and b == nil)
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, to_luastring(checkload + luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");
-test.skip('[test-suite] constructs: huge loops, upvalue', function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
- -- sometimes will be 0, sometimes will not...
- _ENV.GLOB1 = math.floor(os.time()) % 2
- -- basic expressions with their respective values
- local basiccases = {
- {"nil", nil},
- {"false", false},
- {"true", true},
- {"10", 10},
- {"(0==_ENV.GLOB1)", 0 == _ENV.GLOB1},
- }
- print('testing short-circuit optimizations (' .. _ENV.GLOB1 .. ')')
- -- operators with their respective values
- local binops = {
- {" and ", function (a,b) if not a then return a else return b end end},
- {" or ", function (a,b) if a then return a else return b end end},
- }
- local cases = {}
- -- creates all combinations of '(cases[i] op cases[n-i])' plus
- -- 'not(cases[i] op cases[n-i])' (syntax + value)
- local function createcases (n)
- local res = {}
- for i = 1, n - 1 do
- for _, v1 in ipairs(cases[i]) do
- for _, v2 in ipairs(cases[n - i]) do
- for _, op in ipairs(binops) do
- local t = {
- "(" .. v1[1] .. op[1] .. v2[1] .. ")",
- op[2](v1[2], v2[2])
- }
- res[#res + 1] = t
- res[#res + 1] = {"not" .. t[1], not t[2]}
- end
- end
- end
- end
- return res
- end
- -- do not do too many combinations for soft tests
- local level = _soft and 3 or 4
- cases[1] = basiccases
- for i = 2, level do cases[i] = createcases(i) end
- local prog = [[if %s then IX = true end; return %s]]
- local i = 0
- for n = 1, level do
- for _, v in pairs(cases[n]) do
- local s = v[1]
- local p = load(string.format(prog, s, s), "")
- IX = false
- assert(p() == v[2] and IX == not not v[2])
- i = i + 1
- if i % 60000 == 0 then print('+') end
- end
- end
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, to_luastring(checkload + luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");
-test("[test-suite] constructs: testing some syntax errors (chosen through 'gcov')", function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
- _soft = true
- checkload("for x do", "expected")
- checkload("x:call", "expected")
- if not _soft then
- -- control structure too long
- local s = string.rep("a = a + 1\\n", 2^18)
- s = "while true do " .. s .. "end"
- checkload(s, "too long")
- end
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, to_luastring(checkload + luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");