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authorKevin Chabowski <>2012-02-29 22:20:35 +0100
committerKevin Chabowski <>2012-02-29 22:20:35 +0100
commit4650939dcc53dca3244b7b4f8bceab7a17646124 (patch)
parent4bf14ccb74174e319fb370e656018a6b8bad0e0e (diff)
Introduced new exceptions and fixed a parsing bug.
* The exceptions RuntimeError, FatalRuntimeError, CantLoadTemplate and CantSaveTemplate were introduced. * RuntimeErrors are automatically catched by the template engine and will be displayed instead of the tag, unless the parameter $mute_runtime_errors was set to true. * Missing tags will result either in a RuntimeError or, if $fatal_error_on_missing_tag is true, in a FatalRuntimeError. * The mktag-subcompiler and the standard library functions now use the new exceptions. * A bug, that threw away leading TextNodes if a comment or rawtext pseudotag was parsed, is now fixed.
3 files changed, 115 insertions, 26 deletions
diff --git a/example/index.php b/example/index.php
index 14ca576..2ebe3c7 100644
--- a/example/index.php
+++ b/example/index.php
@@ -12,6 +12,9 @@ $ste = new \ste\STECore(
+# Set STE to a more verbose behavior:
+$ste->mute_runtime_errors = False;
# First, lets define some custom tags.
# <ste:uppercase> will exchange all letters with their uppercase complement
@@ -29,7 +32,7 @@ $ste->register_tag("repeat",
$output = "";
- throw new Exception("Sorry, but parameter n must be a number...");
+ throw new \ste\RuntimeError("Sorry, but parameter n must be a number...");
for($i = 0; $i < $params["n"]; ++$i)
$output .= $sub($ste);
diff --git a/example/templates/src/articles.html b/example/templates/src/articles.html
index 0f20aeb..36f59c4 100644
--- a/example/templates/src/articles.html
+++ b/example/templates/src/articles.html
@@ -49,4 +49,9 @@
<h3>Get a variable's content dynamically</h3>
<ste:get var="${foo}[$bar]" />
+ <h3>We will call ste:repeat with a non-numerical value for n here to see the handling of a RuntimeError</h3>
+ <ste:repeat n="lol">
+ <p>Bla</p>
+ </ste:repeat>
diff --git a/stupid_template_engine.php b/stupid_template_engine.php
index d6fe98c..7636bcc 100644
--- a/stupid_template_engine.php
+++ b/stupid_template_engine.php
@@ -88,6 +88,20 @@ class ParseCompileError extends \Exception
+ * Class: RuntimeError
+ * An Exception that a tag can throw, if a non-fatal runtime error occurred.
+ * By default this will return in no output at all. But if <STECore::$mute_runtime_errors> is false, this will generate a error message instead of the tag's output.
+ */
+class RuntimeError extends \Exception {}
+ * Class: FatalRuntimeError
+ * An Exception a tag can throw, if a fatal (irreparable) runtime error occurred.
+ * This Exception will always "bubble up" so you probably want to catch them. Remember that this exception is also in the namespace ste!
+ */
+class FatalRuntimeError extends \Exception {}
/* $text must start after the first opening bracket */
function find_closing_bracket($text, $opening, $closing)
@@ -248,9 +262,9 @@ function mk_ast($code, $tpl, $err_off)
if($tag->name == "comment")
if(preg_match("/\\<\\s*\\/\\s*ste:comment\\s*\\>/s", $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0)
- return array(); /* Treat the whole code as comment */
+ return $ast; /* Treat the whole code as comment */
$comment_end = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]);
- return mk_ast(substr($code, $comment_end), $tpl, $err_off + $comment_end);
+ return array_merge($ast, mk_ast(substr($code, $comment_end), $tpl, $err_off + $comment_end));
/* Handling ste:rawtext pseudotag */
@@ -261,11 +275,13 @@ function mk_ast($code, $tpl, $err_off)
/* Treat the rest of the code as rawtext */
$tag->text = $code;
- return array($tag);
+ $ast[] = $tag;
+ return $ast;
$tag->text = strpos($code, 0, $matches[0][1]);
+ $ast[] = $tag;
$rawtext_end = $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]);
- return array_merge(array($tag), mk_ast(substr($code, $rawtext_end), $tpl, $err_off + $rawtext_end));
+ return array_merge($ast, mk_ast(substr($code, $rawtext_end), $tpl, $err_off + $rawtext_end));
$off = 0;
@@ -421,10 +437,10 @@ function shunting_yard($infix_math)
$output_queue[] = $op;
- throw new \Exception("Bracket mismatch.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Bracket mismatch.");
else if(!isset($operators[$token]))
- throw new \Exception("Invalid token ($token): Not a number, bracket or operator. Stop.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Invalid token ($token): Not a number, bracket or operator. Stop.");
$priority = $operators[$token][1];
@@ -442,7 +458,7 @@ function shunting_yard($infix_math)
$op = array_pop($op_stack);
if($op == "(")
- throw new \Exception("Bracket mismatch...");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Bracket mismatch...");
$output_queue[] = $op;
@@ -453,7 +469,7 @@ function pop2(&$array)
$rv = array(array_pop($array), array_pop($array));
if(array_search(NULL, $rv, True) !== False)
- throw new \Exception("Not enough numbers on stack. Invalid formula.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Not enough numbers on stack. Invalid formula.");
return $rv;
@@ -487,7 +503,7 @@ function calc_rpn($rpn)
case "_":
$a = array_pop($stack);
if($a === NULL)
- throw new \Exception("Not enough numbers on stack. Invalid formula.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Not enough numbers on stack. Invalid formula.");
$stack[] = -$a;
@@ -593,7 +609,7 @@ $ste_builtins = array(
return "case '$op_stetpl':\n\t\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (($a) $op_php ($b)) ? 'yes' : '';\n\tbreak;\n\t";
}, $operators
- $code .= "default: throw new \Exception('Runtime Error: Unknown operator in <ste:cmp>.');\n}\n";
+ $code .= "default: throw new \\ste\\RuntimeError('Unknown operator in <ste:cmp>.');\n}\n";
return $code;
@@ -640,7 +656,7 @@ $ste_builtins = array(
if($step === NULL)
- $code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step == 0)\n\tthrow new \Exception('Runtime Error: step can not be 0 in <ste:for>.');\n";
+ $code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step == 0)\n\tthrow new \\ste\\RuntimeError('step can not be 0 in <ste:for>.');\n";
$code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step > 0)\n{\n";
$code .= "\tfor(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter <= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += \$${loopname}_step)\n";
$code .= $loopbody;
@@ -750,7 +766,7 @@ $ste_builtins = array(
$code .= _transcompile($ast->params["mandatory"]);
$code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$mandatory_params = explode('|', array_pop(\$outputstack));\n";
- $fxbody .= "foreach(\$mandatory_params as \$mp)\n{\n\tif(!isset(\$params[\$mp]))\n\t\tthrow new \Exception(\"Runtime Error: \$mp missing in <ste:\" . $tagname . \">. Stop.\");\n}";
+ $fxbody .= "foreach(\$mandatory_params as \$mp)\n{\n\tif(!isset(\$params[\$mp]))\n\t\tthrow new \\ste\\RuntimeError(\"\$mp missing in <ste:\" . $tagname . \">.\");\n}";
$fxbody .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
@@ -870,7 +886,7 @@ $ste_transc_boilerplate = "\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n";
function transcompile($ast) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */
global $ste_transc_boilerplate;
- return "function(\$ste)\n{\n" . indent_code($ste_transc_boilerplate . _transcompile($ast) . "return array_pop(\$outputstack);") . "\n}";
+ return "function(\$ste)\n{/*" . print_r($ast, True) . "*/\n" . indent_code($ste_transc_boilerplate . _transcompile($ast) . "return array_pop(\$outputstack);") . "\n}";
@@ -882,6 +898,20 @@ function transcompile($ast) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */
const MODE_SOURCE = 0;
+abstract class StorageAccessFailure extends \Exception { }
+ * Class: CantLoadTemplate
+ * An exception that a <StorageAccess> implementation can throw, if it is unable to load a template.
+ */
+class CantLoadTemplate extends StorageAccessFailure { }
+ * Class: CantSaveTemplate
+ * An exception that a <StorageAccess> implementation can throw, if it is unable to save a template.
+ */
+class CantSaveTemplate extends StorageAccessFailure { }
* Class: StorageAccess
* An interface.
@@ -900,6 +930,9 @@ interface StorageAccess
* If <MODE_SOURCE>, the raw sourcecode is expected, if <MODE_TRANSCOMPILED> the transcompiled template *as a callable function* (expecting an <STECore> instance as first parameter) is expected.
* If the transcompiled version is not available or older than the source, you can set this parameter to <MODE_SOURCE> and return the source.
+ * Throws:
+ * A <CantLoadTemplate> exception if the template could not be loaded.
+ *
* Returns:
* Either the sourcecode or a callable function (first, and only parameter: an <STECore> instance).
@@ -909,6 +942,9 @@ interface StorageAccess
* Function: save
* Saves a template.
+ * Throws:
+ * A <CantSaveTemplate> exception if the template could not be saved.
+ *
* Parameters:
* $tpl -The name of the template.
* $data - The data to be saved.
@@ -948,7 +984,7 @@ class FilesystemStorageAccess implements StorageAccess
$content = @file_get_contents($src_fn);
if($content === False)
- throw new \Exception("Template not found.");
+ throw new CantLoadTemplate("Template not found.");
return $content;
@@ -956,7 +992,7 @@ class FilesystemStorageAccess implements StorageAccess
$transc_stat = @stat($transc_fn);
if(($src_stat === False) and ($transc_stat === False))
- throw new \Exception("Template not found.");
+ throw new CantLoadTemplate("Template not found.");
else if($transc_stat === False)
$mode = MODE_SOURCE;
@@ -986,7 +1022,9 @@ class FilesystemStorageAccess implements StorageAccess
$fn = (($mode == MODE_SOURCE) ? $this->sourcedir : $this->transcompileddir) . "/" . $tpl . (($mode == MODE_TRANSCOMPILED) ? ".php" : "");
@mkdir(dirname($fn), 0777, True);
- file_put_contents($fn, "<?php \$transcompile_fx = $data; ?>");
+ if(file_put_contents($fn, "<?php \$transcompile_fx = $data; ?>") === False)
+ throw new CantSaveTemplate("Unable to save template.");
@@ -1009,10 +1047,14 @@ class STECore
* $blocks - Associative array of blocks (see the language definition).
* $blockorder - The order of the blocks (an array)
* $vars - Associative array of all template variables. Use this to pass data to your templates.
+ * $mute_runtime_errors - If True (default) a <RuntimeError> exception will result in no output from the tag, if False a error message will be written to output.
+ * $fatal_error_on_missing_tag - If True, STE will throw a <FatalRuntimeError> if a tag was called that was not registered, otherwise (default) a regular <RuntimeError> will be thrown and automatically handled by STE (see <$mute_runtime_errors>).
public $blocks;
public $blockorder;
public $vars;
+ public $mute_runtime_errors = True;
+ public $fatal_error_on_missing_tag = False;
* Constructor: __construct
@@ -1037,6 +1079,9 @@ class STECore
* Parameters:
* $name - The name of the tag.
* $callback - A callable function (This must tage three parameters: The <STECore> instance, an associative array of parameters, and a function representing the tags content(This expects the <STECore> instance as its only parameter and returns its text result, i.e to get the text, you neeed to call this function with the <STECore> instance as a parameter)).
+ *
+ * Throws:
+ * An Exception if the tag could not be registered (if $callback is not callable or if $name is empty)
public function register_tag($name, $callback)
@@ -1056,14 +1101,29 @@ class STECore
* $params - Associative array of parameters
* $sub - A callable function (expecting an <STECore> instance as it's parameter) that represents the tag's content.
+ * Throws:
+ * Might throw a <FatalRuntimeError> (see <$fatal_error_on_missing_tag>.
+ *
* Returns:
- * The output of the tag.
+ * The output of the tag or, if a <RuntimeError> was thrown, the appropiate result (see <$mute_runtime_errors>).
public function call_tag($name, $params, $sub)
- if(!isset($this->tags[$name]))
- throw new \Exception("Can not call tag \"$name\": Does not exist.");
- return call_user_func($this->tags[$name], $this, $params, $sub);
+ try
+ {
+ if(!isset($this->tags[$name]))
+ {
+ if($this->fatal_error_on_missing_tag)
+ throw new FatalRuntimeError("Can not call tag \"$name\": Does not exist.");
+ else
+ throw new RuntimeError("Can not call tag \"$name\": Does not exist.");
+ }
+ return call_user_func($this->tags[$name], $this, $params, $sub);
+ }
+ catch(RuntimeError $e)
+ {
+ return "RuntimeError occurred on tag '$name': " . $e->getMessage();
+ }
public function calc($expression)
@@ -1078,6 +1138,12 @@ class STECore
* Parameters:
* $tpl - The name of the template to execute.
+ * Throws:
+ * * A <CantLoadTemplate> exception if the template could not be loaded.
+ * * A <ParseCompileError> if the template could not be parsed or transcompiled.
+ * * A <FatalRuntimeError> if a tag threw it or if a tag was not found and <$fatal_error_on_missing_tag> is true.
+ * * Might also throw different exceptions, if a external tag threw it (but they should use <RuntimeError> or <FatalRuntimeError> to make it possible for STE to handle them correctly).
+ *
* Returns:
* The output of the template.
@@ -1101,6 +1167,9 @@ class STECore
* $name - The variables name.
* $create_if_not_exist - Should the variable be created, if it does not exist? Otherwise NULL will be returned, if the variable does not exist.
+ * Throws:
+ * <RuntimeError> if the variable name can not be parsed (e.g. unbalanced brackets).
+ *
* Returns:
* A Reference to the variable.
@@ -1129,7 +1198,7 @@ class STECore
$old_varname = $varname;
$bracket_close = strpos($name, "]", $bracket_open);
if($bracket_close === FALSE)
- throw new Excpeption("Runtime Error: Invalid varname \"$varname\". Missing closing \"]\".");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Invalid varname \"$varname\". Missing closing \"]\".");
$varname = substr($name, 0, $bracket_open);
$name = substr($name, $bracket_open + 1, $bracket_close - $bracket_open - 1) . substr($name, $bracket_close + 1);
@@ -1146,7 +1215,7 @@ class STECore
catch(Exception $e)
- throw new Excpeption("Runtime Error: Invalid varname \"$old_varname\". Missing closing \"]\".");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Invalid varname \"$old_varname\". Missing closing \"]\".");
@@ -1159,6 +1228,9 @@ class STECore
* Parameters:
* $name - The variables name.
* $val - The new value.
+ *
+ * Throws:
+ * <RuntimeError> if the variable name can not be parsed (e.g. unbalanced brackets).
public function set_var_by_name($name, $val)
@@ -1174,6 +1246,9 @@ class STECore
* Parameters:
* $name - The variables name.
+ * Throws:
+ * <RuntimeError> if the variable name can not be parsed (e.g. unbalanced brackets).
+ *
* Returns:
* The variables value.
@@ -1191,6 +1266,12 @@ class STECore
* $tpl - The name of the template to be loaded.
* $quiet - If true, do not output anything and do notmodify the blocks. This can be useful to load custom tags that are programmed in STE T/PL. Default: false.
+ * Throws:
+ * * A <CantLoadTemplate> exception if the template could not be loaded.
+ * * A <ParseCompileError> if the template could not be parsed or transcompiled.
+ * * A <FatalRuntimeError> if a tag threw it or if a tag was not found and <$fatal_error_on_missing_tag> is true.
+ * * Might also throw different exceptions, if a external tag threw it (but they should use <RuntimeError> or <FatalRuntimeError> to make it possible for STE to handle them correctly).
+ *
* Returns:
* The result of the template (if $quiet == false).
@@ -1290,7 +1371,7 @@ class STEStandardLibrary
static public function arraylen($ste, $params, $sub)
- throw new \Exception("Runtime Error: missing array parameter in <ste:arraylen>.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Missing array parameter in <ste:arraylen>.");
$a = $ste->get_var_by_name($params["array"]);
return (is_array($a)) ? count($a) : "";
@@ -1298,7 +1379,7 @@ class STEStandardLibrary
static public function inc($ste, $params, $sub)
- throw new \Exception("Runtime Error: missing var parameter in <ste:inc>.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Missing var parameter in <ste:inc>.");
$ref = $ste->_get_var_reference($ste->vars, $params["var"]);
@@ -1306,7 +1387,7 @@ class STEStandardLibrary
static public function dec($ste, $params, $sub)
- throw new \Exception("Runtime Error: missing var parameter in <ste:dec>.");
+ throw new RuntimeError("Missing var parameter in <ste:dec>.");
$ref = $ste->_get_var_reference($ste->vars, $params["var"]);