BranchCommit messageAuthorAge
developInclude new STE versionKevin Chabowski11 years
feature-access-control-listsFixed creation of default ACLs.Kevin Chabowski13 years
feature-easier-templatingRemoved debug stuff from standard.html template.Kevin Chabowski13 years
feature-move-data-checking-to-modelsStyle::test_name implemented.Kevin Chabowski13 years
feature-plugin-articledataPlugins can now hook into the Article editor.Kevin Chabowski13 years
feature-ui-improvementsFilters in backend are now dynamic.Kevin Chabowski13 years
hotfixFixed extract_meta.Kevin Chabowski11 years
masterAdd notice that r7r is no longer maintainedLaria Carolin Chabowski7 weeks
replace-mysql-with-pdoMerge branch 'replace-mysql-with-pdo' of git@github.com:kch42/ratatoeskr-cms....Kevin Chabowski11 years
AgeCommit messageAuthor
2025-01-05Add notice that r7r is no longer maintainedHEADmasterLaria Carolin Chabowski
2021-01-01Add htmlesc againLaria Carolin Chabowski
2021-01-01Fix path handling bugLaria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08setup.php: Fix list of required directoriesLaria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08Get rid of db.php and include config directly in entry pointsLaria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08Make SITE_BASE_PATH a method of EnvLaria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08Move delete_directory() into Plugin classLaria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08Remove intcmp()Laria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08Replace array_repeat() with equivalent array_fill() callsLaria Carolin Chabowski
2020-11-08Remove unused functionLaria Carolin Chabowski