diff options
authorKevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>2011-12-28 14:38:20 +0100
committerKevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>2011-12-28 14:38:20 +0100
commite99281261767710f96b9967a0ab03a3ea24a05e0 (patch)
Initial Commit.
* Many files copied from Ratatöskr (maybe there should be some kind of libratatoeskr ?) * Included the Stupid Template Engine * Wrote first version of models.php
15 files changed, 2661 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/.htaccess b/.htaccess
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7db1e17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.htaccess
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+RewriteEngine On
+Options FollowSymLinks
+RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f [OR]
+RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
+RewriteRule ^(.+) - [PT,L]
+RewriteRule (.*) index.php?action=$1 [QSA,L]
+<Files *.php>
+ Order Allow,Deny
+ Deny from all
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..eb521ac
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+People who have worked on r7r_repo
+If you modified something, feel free to append your name to this list.
+* Kevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>
diff --git a/COPYING b/COPYING
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..abf8589
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+r7r_repo is licensed under the X11/MIT license for free software:
+Copyright (c) 2011 The Ratatöskr Team
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of
+this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in
+the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to
+use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of
+the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this
+permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the
+r7r_repo uses many files (db.php, pwhash.php, urlprocess, utils.php, parts of
+models.php) of Ratatöskr by the Ratatöskr Team, which ist also licensed under the X11/MIT license for
+free software.
+r7r_repo uses the Stupid Template Engine by Kevin Chabowsi which is also licensed unter the
+X11/MIT license for free software.
+r7r_repo uses the pluginpackage.php file by the Ratatöskr Team, which is licensed under the WTFPL:
+ Version 2, December 2004
+Copyright (C) 2004 Sam Hocevar <sam@hocevar.net>
+Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim or modified
+copies of this license document, and changing it is allowed as long
+as the name is changed.
diff --git a/config.php b/config.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..83efe05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config.php
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+define("CONFIG_FILLED_OUT", True);
+$config["mysql"]["db"] = "s_db_47";
+$config["mysql"]["user"] = "dbuser_47";
+$config["mysql"]["passwd"] = "DfXVQBoVOBPbLlL";
+$config["mysql"]["prefix"] = "repo_";
diff --git a/db.php b/db.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6add093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/db.php
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+ * File: ratatoeskr/sys/db.php
+ *
+ * Helper functions for dealing with MySQL.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * This file is part of Ratatöskr.
+ * Ratatöskr is licensed unter the MIT / X11 License.
+ * See "ratatoeskr/licenses/ratatoeskr" for more information.
+ */
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../config.php");
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/utils.php");
+ * Function: db_connect
+ *
+ * Establish a connection to the MySQL database.
+ */
+function db_connect()
+ global $config;
+ $db_connection = mysql_pconnect(
+ $config["mysql"]["server"],
+ $config["mysql"]["user"],
+ $config["mysql"]["passwd"]);
+ if(!$db_connection)
+ die("Could not connect to database server. " . mysql_error());
+ if(!mysql_select_db($config["mysql"]["db"], $db_connection))
+ die("Could not open database. " . mysql_error());
+ mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'", $db_connection);
+function sqlesc($str)
+ return mysql_real_escape_string($str);
+ * Function: qdb_vfmt
+ * Like <qdb_fmt>, but needs arguments as single array.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $args - The arguments as an array.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The formatted string.
+ */
+function qdb_vfmt($args)
+ global $config;
+ if(count($args) < 1)
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException('Need at least one parameter');
+ $query = $args[0];
+ $data = array_map(function($x) { return is_string($x) ? sqlesc($x) : $x; }, array_slice($args, 1));
+ $query = str_replace("PREFIX_", $config["mysql"]["prefix"], $query);
+ return vsprintf($query, $data);
+ * Function: qdb_fmt
+ * Formats a string like <qdb>, that means it replaces "PREFIX_" and <sqlesc>'s everything before sends everything to vsprintf.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The formatted string.
+ */
+function qdb_fmt()
+ return qdb_vfmt(func_get_args());
+ * Function: qdb
+ * Query Database.
+ *
+ * This function replaces mysql_query and should eliminate SQL-Injections.
+ * Use it like this:
+ *
+ * $result = qdb("SELECT `foo` FROM `bar` WHERE `id` = %d AND `baz` = '%s'", 100, "lol");
+ *
+ * It will also replace "PREFIX_" with the prefix defined in 'config.php'.
+ */
+function qdb()
+ $query = qdb_vfmt(func_get_args());
+ $rv = mysql_query($query);
+ if($rv === false)
+ throw new MySQLException(mysql_errno() . ': ' . mysql_error() . (__DEBUG__ ? ("[[FULL QUERY: " . $query . "]]") : "" ));
+ return $rv;
+ * Class: MySQLException
+ * Will be thrown by qdb*, if the query induced an MySQL error.
+ */
+class MySQLException extends Exception { }
diff --git a/index.php b/index.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3ce0daa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.php
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+/* Load and check config */
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/config.php");
+ die("Config file not filled out.");
+/* Include more files... */
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/stupid_template_engine.php");
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/db.php");
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/models.php");
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/urlprocess.php");
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/pwhash.php");
+/* init STE */
+$tpl_basedir = dirname(__FILE__). "/templates";
+$ste = new \ste\STECore(new \ste\FilesystemStorageAccess("$tpl_basedir/src", "$tpl_basedir/transc"));
+/* start session and check auth. */
diff --git a/models.php b/models.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..62e541d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/models.php
@@ -0,0 +1,388 @@
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/db.php");
+require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/utils.php");
+/* Exceptions copied from Ratatöskr */
+class DoesNotExistError extends Exception { }
+class AlreadyExistsError extends Exception { }
+class NotAllowedError extends Exception { }
+/* copied from Ratatöskr: */
+abstract class BySQLRowEnabled
+ protected function __construct() { }
+ abstract protected function populate_by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ protected static function by_sqlrow($sqlrow)
+ {
+ $obj = new static();
+ $obj->populate_by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ return $obj;
+ }
+/* SettingsIterator ans Settings copied from Ratatöskr */
+class SettingsIterator implements Iterator
+ private $index;
+ private $keys;
+ private $settings_obj;
+ public function __construct($settings_obj, $keys)
+ {
+ $this->index = 0;
+ $this->settings_obj = $settings_obj;
+ $this->keys = $keys;
+ }
+ /* Iterator implementation */
+ public function current() { return $this->settings_obj[$this->keys[$this->index]]; }
+ public function key() { return $this->keys[$this->index]; }
+ public function next() { ++$this->index; }
+ public function rewind() { $this->index = 0; }
+ public function valid() { return $this->index < count($this->keys); }
+ * Class: Settings
+ * A class that holds the Settings of Ratatöskr.
+ * You can access settings like an array.
+ */
+class Settings implements ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate, Countable
+ /* Singleton implementation */
+ private function __copy() {}
+ private static $instance = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Constructor: get_instance
+ * Get an instance of this class.
+ * All instances are equal (ie. this is a singleton), so you can also use
+ * the global <$ratatoeskr_settings> instance.
+ */
+ public static function get_instance()
+ {
+ if(self::$instance === NULL)
+ self::$instance = new self;
+ return self::$instance;
+ }
+ private $buffer;
+ private $to_be_deleted;
+ private $to_be_created;
+ private $to_be_updated;
+ private function __construct()
+ {
+ $this->buffer = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `key`, `value` FROM `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` WHERE 1");
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $this->buffer[$sqlrow["key"]] = unserialize(base64_decode($sqlrow["value"]));
+ $this->to_be_created = array();
+ $this->to_be_deleted = array();
+ $this->to_be_updated = array();
+ }
+ public function save()
+ {
+ foreach($this->to_be_deleted as $k)
+ qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` WHERE `key` = '%s'", $k);
+ foreach($this->to_be_updated as $k)
+ qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` SET `value` = '%s' WHERE `key` = '%s'", base64_encode(serialize($this->buffer[$k])), $k);
+ foreach($this->to_be_created as $k)
+ qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $k, base64_encode(serialize($this->buffer[$k])));
+ $this->to_be_created = array();
+ $this->to_be_deleted = array();
+ $this->to_be_updated = array();
+ }
+ /* ArrayAccess implementation */
+ public function offsetExists($offset)
+ {
+ return isset($this->buffer[$offset]);
+ }
+ public function offsetGet($offset)
+ {
+ return $this->buffer[$offset];
+ }
+ public function offsetSet ($offset, $value)
+ {
+ if(!$this->offsetExists($offset))
+ {
+ if(in_array($offset, $this->to_be_deleted))
+ {
+ $this->to_be_updated[] = $offset;
+ unset($this->to_be_deleted[array_search($offset, $this->to_be_deleted)]);
+ }
+ else
+ $this->to_be_created[] = $offset;
+ }
+ elseif((!in_array($offset, $this->to_be_created)) and (!in_array($offset, $this->to_be_updated)))
+ $this->to_be_updated[] = $offset;
+ $this->buffer[$offset] = $value;
+ }
+ public function offsetUnset($offset)
+ {
+ if(in_array($offset, $this->to_be_created))
+ unset($this->to_be_created[array_search($offset, $this->to_be_created)]);
+ else
+ $this->to_be_deleted[] = $offset;
+ unset($this->buffer[$offset]);
+ }
+ /* IteratorAggregate implementation */
+ public function getIterator() { return new SettingsIterator($this, array_keys($this->buffer)); }
+ /* Countable implementation */
+ public function count() { return count($this->buffer); }
+$settings = Settings::get_instance();
+/* users */
+class User extends BySQLRowEnabled
+ private $name;
+ private $id;
+ public $pwhash;
+ public $isadmin;
+ protected function __construct() {}
+ protected function populate_by_sqlrow($sqlrow)
+ {
+ $this->id = $sqlrow["id"];
+ $this->name = $sqlrow["name"];
+ $this->pwhash = $sqlrow["pwhash"];
+ $this->isadmin = $sqlrow["isadmin"] == 1;
+ }
+ function get_id() { return $this->id; }
+ function get_name() { return $this->name; }
+ public static function create($name)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ self::by_name($name);
+ throw new AlreadyExistsError();
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ $obj = new self;
+ $obj->name = $name;
+ $obj->pwhash = "";
+ $obj->isadmin = False;
+ qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_users` (`name`, `pwhash`, isadmin`) VALUES ('%s', '', 0)", $name);
+ $this->id = mysql_insert_id();
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function by_id($id)
+ {
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `pwhash`, `isadmin` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `id` = %d", $id);
+ $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+ if($sqlrow === False)
+ throw new DoesNotExistError();
+ return self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ }
+ public static function by_name($name)
+ {
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `pwhash`, `isadmin` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `name` = '%s'", $name);
+ $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+ if($sqlrow === False)
+ throw new DoesNotExistError();
+ return self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ }
+ public static function all()
+ {
+ $rv = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `pwhash`, `isadmin` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE 1");
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $rv[] = self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ return $rv;
+ }
+ public function get_packages()
+ {
+ $rv = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE `user` = %d", $this->id);
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $rv[] = Package::by_sqlrow($result);
+ return $rv;
+ }
+ public function save()
+ {
+ qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_users` SET `isadmin` = %d, `pwhash` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", ($this->isadmin ? 1 : 0), $this->pwhash, $this->id);
+ }
+ public function delete()
+ {
+ qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id);
+ }
+class Package extends BySQLRowEnabled
+ private $id;
+ private $name;
+ private $user;
+ public $lastversion;
+ public $description;
+ public $lastupdate;
+ public $txtversion;
+ public function get_id() { return $id; }
+ public function get_name() { return $name; }
+ public function get_user() { return $user; }
+ protected function __construct() {}
+ protected function populate_by_sqlrow($sqlrow)
+ {
+ $this->id = $sqlrow["id"];
+ $this->name = $sqlrow["name"];
+ $this->user = User::by_id($sqlrow["user"]);
+ $this->lastversion = $sqlrow["lastversion"];
+ $this->description = $sqlrow["description"];
+ $this->lastupdate = $sqlrow["lastupdate"];
+ $this->txtversion = $sqlrow["txtversion"];
+ }
+ public static function create($name, $user)
+ {
+ if(preg_match("/^[0-9a-zA-Z_\\-]+$/", $name) != 1)
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid package name (must be min 1 char, 0-9A-Za-z_-");
+ try
+ {
+ self::by_name($name);
+ throw new AlreadyExistsError();
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ $obj = new self;
+ $obj->name = $name;
+ $obj->user = $user;
+ $obj->lastupdate = time();
+ $obj->lastversion = 0;
+ $obj->txtversion = "";
+ $obj->description = "";
+ qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_packages` (`name`, `user`, `lastupdate`, `lastversion`, `txtversion`, description`, `description`) VALUES ('%s', %d, UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 0, '', '')", $name, $user->get_id());
+ $obj->id = mysql_insert_id();
+ mkdir(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packages/" . $this->name);
+ return $obj;
+ }
+ }
+ public static function by_id($id)
+ {
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE `id` = %d", $id);
+ $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+ if($sqlrow === False)
+ throw new DoesNotExistError();
+ return self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ }
+ public static function by_name($name)
+ {
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE `name` = '%s'", $name);
+ $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);
+ if($sqlrow === False)
+ throw new DoesNotExistError();
+ return self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ }
+ public static function update_lists()
+ {
+ $packagelist = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE 1");
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $packagelist[] = array($sqlrow["name"], $sqlrow["lastversion"], $sqlrow["description"]);
+ file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packagelist", serialize($packagelist));
+ }
+ public static function all()
+ {
+ $rv = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE 1");
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $rv[] = self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ return $rv;
+ }
+ public static function latest()
+ {
+ $rv = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE 1 ORDER BY `lastupdate` DESC LIMIT 0,15");
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $rv[] = self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ return $rv;
+ }
+ public static function search($search)
+ {
+ $rv = array();
+ $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `user`, `lastversion`, `description`, `lastupdate`, `txtversion` FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE `name` LIKE '%%%s%%' OR `description` LIKE '%%%s%%'", $search, $search);
+ while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
+ $rv[] = self::by_sqlrow($sqlrow);
+ return $rv;
+ }
+ public function newversion($pgk)
+ {
+ global $settings;
+ if($pkg->name != $this->name)
+ throw new NotAllowedError("Package name not equal.");
+ if($pkg->versioncount <= $this->lastversion)
+ throw new NotAllowedError("Older or same version.");
+ $pkg->updatepath = $settings["root_url"] . "/packages/" . urlencode($this->name) . "/update";
+ $pkg_ser = $pkg->save();
+ file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packages/" . urlencode($this>name) . "/versions/" . $pkg->versioncount, $pkg_ser);
+ file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packages/" . urlencode($this>name) . "/versions/current", $pkg_ser);
+ $meta = $pkg->extract_meta();
+ file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packages/" . urlencode($this>name) . "/meta", serialize($meta));
+ $this->lastversion = $pkg->versioncount;
+ $this->txtversion = $pkg->versiontext;
+ $this->description = $pkg->short_description;
+ $this->lastupdate = time();
+ $this->save();
+ $update_info = array(
+ "current-version" => $this->lastversion,
+ "dl-path" => $settings["root_url"] . "/packages/" . urlencode($this->name) . "/versions/" . $this->lastversion;
+ );
+ file_put_contents(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packages/" . urlencode($this>name) . "/update", serialize($update_info));
+ self::update_lists();
+ }
+ public function save()
+ {
+ qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_packages` SET `lastversion` = %d, `lastupdate` = %d, `txtversion` = '%s', `description` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", $this->lastversion, $this->lastupdate, $this->txtversion, $this->description, $this->id);
+ }
+ public function delete()
+ {
+ qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_packages` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id);
+ delete_directory(dirname(__FILE__) . "/packages/" . $this->name);
+ self::update_lists();
+ }
diff --git a/packagelist b/packagelist
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packagelist
diff --git a/pluginpackage.php b/pluginpackage.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d8ce170
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pluginpackage.php
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+ * File: ratatoeskr/sys/pluginpackage.php
+ * Handle plugin packages easily.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * This file is part of Ratatöskr.
+ * Unlike the other parts of Ratatöskr, *this* file ist *not* licensed under the
+ * MIT / X11 License, but under the WTFPL, to make it even easier to use this
+ * file in other projects.
+ * See "ratatoeskr/licenses/wtfpl" for more information.
+ */
+ * Function: dir2array
+ * Pack a directory into an array.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $dir - The directory to pack.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * Associative array. Keys are filenames, values are either the file's content as a string or another array, if it's a directory.
+ */
+function dir2array($dir)
+ $rv = array();
+ foreach(scandir($dir) as $fn)
+ {
+ if(($fn == ".") or ($fn == ".."))
+ continue;
+ $fn_new = $dir . "/" . $fn;
+ if(is_dir($fn_new))
+ $rv[$fn] = dir2array($fn_new);
+ elseif(is_file($fn_new))
+ $rv[$fn] = file_get_contents($fn_new);
+ }
+ return $rv;
+ * Function: array2dir
+ * Unpack an array into a directory.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $a - Array to unpack.
+ * $dir - Directory to unpack to.
+ */
+function array2dir($a, $dir)
+ if(!is_dir($dir))
+ mkdir($dir);
+ foreach($a as $k => $v)
+ {
+ $k = "$dir/$k";
+ if(is_array($v))
+ array2dir($v, $k);
+ else
+ file_put_contents($k, $v);
+ }
+ * Class: InvalidPackage
+ * An Exception that <PluginPackage>'s function can throw, if the package is invalid.
+ */
+class InvalidPackage extends Exception {}
+ * Class: PluginPackage
+ * A plugin package representation.
+ */
+class PluginPackage
+ public static $magic = "R7RPLGPACKV001";
+ /*
+ * Variables: Mandatory values
+ *
+ * $code - The plugin code
+ * $classname - The name of the plugins main class
+ * $name - Name of the plugin (must be at least one character, allowed chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _)
+ * $author - The author of the plugin (preferably in the format: Name<mail@address>)
+ * $versiontext - A text to describe the current version, something like "1.1 Beta"
+ * $versioncount - A number for this version, should be increased with every release
+ * $api - The used API version
+ * $short_description - A short description.
+ */
+ public $code = NULL;
+ public $classname = NULL;
+ public $name = NULL;
+ public $author = NULL;
+ public $versiontext = NULL;
+ public $versioncount = NULL;
+ public $api = NULL;
+ public $short_description = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Variables: Optional values
+ *
+ * $updatepath - A URL that points to a update information resource (serialize'd array("current-version" => VERSIONCOUNT, "dl-path" => DOWNLOAD PATH); will get overwritten/set by the default repository software.
+ * $web - A URL to the webpage for the plugin. If left empty, the default repository software will set this to the description page of your plugin.
+ * $license - The license text of your plugin.
+ * $help - A help / manual (formatted in HTML) for your plugin.
+ * $custompub - <dir2array> 'd directory that contains custom public(i.e. can later be accessed from the web) data.
+ * $custompriv - <dir2array> 'd directory that contains custom private data.
+ * $tpls - <dir2array> 'd directory containing custom STE templates.
+ */
+ public $updatepath = NULL;
+ public $web = NULL;
+ public $license = NULL;
+ public $help = NULL;
+ public $custompub = NULL;
+ public $custompriv = NULL;
+ public $tpls = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Function: validate
+ * Validate, if the variables are set correctly.
+ * Will throw an <InvalidPackage> exception if invalid.
+ */
+ public function validate()
+ {
+ function validate_url ($u) { return preg_match("/^http[s]{0,1}:\\/\\/.*$/", $u) != 0; }
+ function validate_arraydir($a)
+ {
+ if(!is_array($a))
+ return False;
+ foreach($a as $k=>$v)
+ {
+ if(!is_string($k))
+ return False;
+ if(is_array($v) and (!validate_arraydir($v)))
+ return False;
+ elseif(!is_string($v))
+ return False;
+ }
+ return True;
+ }
+ if(!is_string($this->code))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid code value.");
+ if(!is_string($this->classname))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid classname value.");
+ if(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$/", $this->name) == 0)
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid name value (must be at least 1 character, accepted chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _).");
+ if(!is_string($this->author))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid author value.");
+ if(!is_string($this->versiontext))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid versiontext value.");
+ if(!is_numeric($this->versioncount))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid versioncount value. Must be a number.");
+ if(!is_numeric($this->api))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid api value. Must be a number.");
+ if(!is_string($this->short_description))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid short_description value.");
+ if(($this->updatepath !== NULL) and (!validate_url($this->updatepath)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid updatepath value. Must be an URL.");
+ if(($this->web !== NULL) and (!validate_url($this->web)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid web value. Must be an URL.");
+ if(($this->license !== NULL) and (!is_string($this->license)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid license value.");
+ if(($this->help !== NULL) and (!is_string($this->help)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid help value.");
+ if(($this->custompub !== NULL) and (!validate_arraydir($this->custompub)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid custompub value.");
+ if(($this->custompriv !== NULL) and (!validate_arraydir($this->custompriv)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid custompriv value.");
+ if(($this->tpls !== NULL) and (!validate_arraydir($this->tpls)))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid tpls value.");
+ return True;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: load
+ * Load a plugin package from binary data.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $plugin_raw - The raw package to load.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The <PluginPackage> object.
+ *
+ * Throws:
+ * <InvalidPackage> if package is invalid.
+ */
+ public static function load($plugin_raw)
+ {
+ /* Read and compare magic number */
+ $magic = substr($plugin_raw, 0, strlen(self::$magic));
+ if($magic != self::$magic)
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Wrong magic number");
+ /* Read sha1sum and uncompress serialized plugin, then compare the hash */
+ $sha1sum = substr($plugin_raw, strlen(self::$magic), 20);
+ $pluginser = gzuncompress(substr($plugin_raw, strlen(self::$magic) + 20));
+ if(sha1($pluginser, True) != $sha1sum)
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Wrong SHA1 hash");
+ $plugin = @unserialize($pluginser);
+ if(!($plugin instanceof self))
+ throw new InvalidPackage("Not the correct class or not unserializeable.");
+ $plugin->validate();
+ return $plugin;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: save
+ * Save the plugin.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * A binary plugin package.
+ *
+ * Throws:
+ * <InvalidPackage> if package is invalid.
+ */
+ public function save()
+ {
+ $this->validate();
+ $ser = serialize($this);
+ return self::$magic . sha1($ser, True) . gzcompress($ser, 9);
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: extract_meta
+ * Get just the metadata of this package.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * A <PluginPackageMeta> object.
+ */
+ public function extract_meta()
+ {
+ $meta = new PluginPackageMeta();
+ $meta->name = $this>name;
+ $meta->author = $this>author;
+ $meta->versiontext = $this>versiontext;
+ $meta->versioncount = $this>versioncount;
+ $meta->api = $this>api;
+ $meta->short_description = $this>short_description;
+ $meta->updatepath = $this>updatepath;
+ $meta->web = $this>web;
+ $meta->license = $this>license;
+ return $meta;
+ }
+ * Class: PluginPackageMeta
+ * Only the metadata of a <PluginPackage>.
+ */
+class PluginPackageMeta
+ /*
+ * Variables: Mandatory values
+ *
+ * $name - Name of the plugin (must be at least one character, allowed chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _)
+ * $author - The author of the plugin (preferably in the format: Name<mail@address>)
+ * $versiontext - A text to describe the current version, something like "1.1 Beta"
+ * $versioncount - A number for this version, should be increased with every release
+ * $api - The used API version
+ * $short_description - A short description.
+ */
+ public $name = NULL;
+ public $author = NULL;
+ public $versiontext = NULL;
+ public $versioncount = NULL;
+ public $api = NULL;
+ public $short_description = NULL;
+ /*
+ * Variables: Optional values
+ *
+ * $updatepath - A URL that points to a update information resource (serialize'd array("current-version" => VERSIONCOUNT, "dl-path" => DOWNLOAD PATH); will get overwritten/set by the default repository software.
+ * $web - A URL to the webpage for the plugin. If left empty, the default repository software will set this to the description page of your plugin.
+ * $license - The license text of your plugin.
+ */
+ public $updatepath = NULL;
+ public $web = NULL;
+ public $license = NULL;
diff --git a/pwhash.php b/pwhash.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8ec4762
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pwhash.php
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+ * File: ratatoeskr/sys/pwhash.php
+ *
+ * Hashing passwords
+ *
+ * License:
+ * This file is part of Ratatöskr.
+ * Ratatöskr is licensed unter the MIT / X11 License.
+ * See "ratatoeskr/licenses/ratatoeskr" for more information.
+ */
+ * Class: PasswordHash
+ * Contains static functions for password hashes.
+ * Is just used as a namespace, can not be created.
+ *
+ * It should be fairly difficult to break these salted hashes via bruteforce attacks.
+ */
+class PasswordHash
+ private function __construct() {} /* Prevent construction */
+ private static $saltlen_min = 20;
+ private static $saltlen_max = 30;
+ private static $iterations_min = 200;
+ private static $iterations_max = 1000;
+ private static function hash($data, $salt, $iterations)
+ {
+ $hash = $data . $salt;
+ for($i = $iterations ;$i--;)
+ $hash = sha1($data . $hash . $salt, (bool) $i);
+ return $iterations . '$' . bin2hex($salt) . '$' . $hash;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: create
+ * Create a password hash string.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $password - The password (or other data) to hash.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The salted hash as a string.
+ */
+ public static function create($password)
+ {
+ $salt = "";
+ $saltlen = mt_rand(self::$saltlen_min, self::$saltlen_max);
+ for($i = 0; $i < $saltlen; $i++)
+ $salt .= chr(mt_rand(0,255));
+ return self::hash($password, $salt, mt_rand(self::$iterations_min, self::$iterations_max));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: validate
+ * Validate a salted hash.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $password - The password to test.
+ * $pwhash - The hash to test against.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * True, if $password was correct, False otherwise.
+ */
+ public static function validate($password, $pwhash)
+ {
+ list($iterations, $hexsalt, $hash) = explode('$', $pwhash);
+ return self::hash($password, pack("H*", $hexsalt), $iterations) == $pwhash;
+ }
diff --git a/repometa b/repometa
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e69de29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/repometa
diff --git a/stupid_template_engine.php b/stupid_template_engine.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0edb880
--- /dev/null
+++ b/stupid_template_engine.php
@@ -0,0 +1,1297 @@
+ * File: stupid_template_engine.php
+ * The implementation of the Stupid Template Engine.
+ *
+ * About: License
+ * This file is licensed under the MIT/X11 License.
+ * See COPYING for more details.
+ */
+ * Namespace: ste
+ * Everything in this file is in this namespace.
+ */
+namespace ste;
+abstract class ASTNode
+ public $tpl;
+ public $offset;
+ public function __construct($tpl, $off)
+ {
+ $this->tpl = $tpl;
+ $this->offset = $off;
+ }
+class TextNode extends ASTNode
+ public $text;
+class TagNode extends ASTNode
+ public $name;
+ public $params;
+ public $sub;
+class VariableNode extends ASTNode
+ public $name;
+ public $arrayfields;
+ public function transcompile()
+ {
+ $varaccess = '@$ste->vars[' . (is_numeric($this->name) ? $this->name : '\'' . escape_text($this->name) . '\''). ']';
+ foreach($this->arrayfields as $af)
+ {
+ if((count($af) == 1) and ($af[0] instanceof TextNode) and is_numeric($af->text))
+ $varaccess .= '[' . $af->text . ']';
+ else
+ $varaccess .= '[' . implode(".",
+ array_map(
+ function($node)
+ {
+ if($node instanceof TextNode)
+ return "\"" . escape_text($node->text) . "\"";
+ else if($node instanceof VariableNode)
+ return $node->transcompile();
+ }, $af
+ )
+ ). ']';
+ }
+ return $varaccess;
+ }
+class ParseCompileError extends \Exception
+ public $msg;
+ public $tpl;
+ public $off;
+ public function __construct($msg, $tpl, $offset, $code = 0, $previous = NULL)
+ {
+ $this->msg = $msg;
+ $this->tpl = $tpl;
+ $this->off = $offset;
+ $this->message = "$msg (Template $tpl, Offset $offset)";
+ }
+ public function rewrite($code)
+ {
+ $line = substr_count(str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $code), "\n", 0, $this->off + 1) + 1;
+ $this->message = "{$this->msg} (Template $tpl, Line $line)";
+ $this->is_rewritten = True;
+ }
+/* $text must start after the first opening bracket */
+function find_closing_bracket($text, $opening, $closing)
+ $counter = 1;
+ $len = strlen($text);
+ for($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i)
+ {
+ switch($text[$i])
+ {
+ case $opening:
+ ++$counter;
+ break;
+ case $closing:
+ --$counter;
+ break;
+ }
+ if($counter == 0)
+ break;
+ }
+ if($counter > 0)
+ throw new \Exception("Missing closing \"$closing\". Stop.");
+ return $i;
+function instance_in_array($classname, $a)
+ foreach($a as $v)
+ {
+ if($v instanceof $classname)
+ return True;
+ }
+ return False;
+function unescape_text($text)
+ return stripcslashes($text);
+function tokenize_text($text, $tpl, $off)
+ $tokens = array();
+ /* Find next non-escaped $-char */
+ if(preg_match("/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\$)/s", $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0)
+ {
+ $node = new TextNode($tpl, $off);
+ $node->text = preg_replace("/^\\n\\s*/s", "", unescape_text($text));
+ return (strlen($node->text) == 0) ? array() : array($node);
+ }
+ if($match[0][1] > 0)
+ {
+ $node = new TextNode($tpl, $off);
+ $node->text = unescape_text(substr($text, 0, $match[0][1]));
+ $tokens[] = $node;
+ }
+ if($text[$match[0][1] + 1] == "{")
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $varend = find_closing_bracket(substr($text, $match[0][1] + 2), "{", "}") + $match[0][1] + 2;
+ }
+ catch(\Exception $e)
+ {
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Parse Error: Missing closing '}'", $tpl, $off + $match[0][1] + 1);
+ }
+ return array_merge(
+ $tokens,
+ tokenize_text("\$" . substr($text, $match[0][1] + 2, ($varend - 1) - ($match[0][1] + 1)), $tpl, $off + $match[0][1] + 2),
+ tokenize_text(substr($text, $varend + 1), $tpl, $off + $varend + 1)
+ );
+ }
+ $text = substr($text, $match[0][1] + 1);
+ $off += $match[0][1] + 1;
+ if(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_]+/s", $text, $match, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0)
+ {
+ $nexttokens = tokenize_text($text, $tpl, $off);
+ if($nexttokens[0] instanceof TextNode)
+ $nexttokens[0]->text = "\$" . $nexttokens[0]->text;
+ else
+ {
+ $node = new TextNode($tpl, $off);
+ $node->text = "\$";
+ $tokens[] = $node;
+ }
+ return array_merge($tokens, $nexttokens);
+ }
+ $node = new VariableNode($tpl, $off + $match[0][1]);
+ $node->name = $match[0][0];
+ $node->arrayfields = array();
+ $text = substr($text, $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]));
+ $off += $match[0][1] + strlen($match[0][0]);
+ while(@$text[0] == "[")
+ {
+ $text = substr($text, 1);
+ $off += 1;
+ try
+ {
+ $fieldend = find_closing_bracket($text, "[", "]");
+ }
+ catch(\Exception $e)
+ {
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Parse Error: Missing closing ']'", $tpl, $off - 1);
+ }
+ $node->arrayfields[] = tokenize_text(substr($text, 0, $fieldend), $tpl, $off);
+ $text = substr($text, $fieldend + 1);
+ $off += $fieldend + 1;
+ }
+ $tokens[] = $node;
+ return strlen($text) > 0 ? array_merge($tokens, tokenize_text($text, $tpl, $off)) : $tokens;
+function mk_ast($code, $tpl, $err_off)
+ $ast = array();
+ if(preg_match("/\\<\\s*ste:([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)/s", $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) == 0)
+ return tokenize_text($code, $tpl, $err_off);
+ $ast = tokenize_text(substr($code, 0, $matches[0][1]), $tpl, $err_off);
+ $tag = new TagNode($tpl, $err_off + $matches[0][1]);
+ $tag->name = $matches[1][0];
+ $code = substr($code, $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]));
+ $err_off += $matches[0][1] + strlen($matches[0][0]);
+ $tag->params = array();
+ while(preg_match("/^\\s+([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=((?:\"(?:.*?)(?<!\\\\)\")|(?:'(?:.*?)(?<!\\\\)'))/s", $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE) > 0)
+ {
+ $paramval = substr($code, $matches[2][1] + 1, strlen($matches[2][0]) - 2);
+ $paramval = str_replace("\\\"", "\"", $paramval);
+ $paramval = str_replace("\\'", "'", $paramval);
+ $tag->params[$matches[1][0]] = tokenize_text($paramval, $tpl, $err_off + $matches[2][1] + 1);
+ $code = substr($code, strlen($matches[0][0]));
+ $err_off += strlen($matches[0][0]);
+ }
+ if(preg_match("/^\\s*([\\/]?)\\s*\\>/s", $code, $matches) == 0)
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Parse Error: Missing closing '>' in \"" . $tag->name . "\"-Tag.", $tpl, $tag->offset);
+ $code = substr($code, strlen($matches[0]));
+ $err_off += strlen($matches[0]);
+ $tag->sub = array();
+ if($matches[1][0] != "/")
+ {
+ $off = 0;
+ $last_tag_start = 0;
+ $tagstack = array(array($tag->name, $tag->offset));
+ while(preg_match("/\\<((?:\\s*)|(?:\\s*\\/\\s*))ste:([a-zA-Z0-9_]*)(?:\\s+(?:[a-zA-Z0-9_]+)=(?:(?:\"(?:.*?)(?<!\\\\)\")|(?:'(?:.*?)(?<!\\\\)')))*((?:\\s*)|(?:\\s*\\/\\s*))\\>/s", $code, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $off) > 0) /* RegEx from hell! Matches all <ste:> Tags. Opening, closing and self-closing ones. */
+ {
+ if(trim($matches[3][0]) != "/")
+ {
+ $closingtag = trim($matches[1][0]);
+ if($closingtag[0] == "/")
+ {
+ list($matching_opentag, $mo_off) = array_pop($tagstack);
+ if($matching_opentag != $matches[2][0])
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Parse Error: Missing closing \"ste:$matching_opentag\"-Tag.", $tpl, $mo_off + $err_off);
+ }
+ else
+ $tagstack[] = array($matches[2][0], $matches[0][1]);
+ }
+ $last_tag_start = $matches[0][1];
+ $off = $last_tag_start + strlen($matches[0][0]);
+ if(empty($tagstack))
+ break;
+ }
+ if((!empty($tagstack)) or ($tag->name != $matches[2][0]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Parse Error: Missing closing \"ste:" . $tag->name . "\"-Tag.", $tpl, $tag->offset);
+ if($tag->name == "rawtext")
+ {
+ $tag = new TextNode($tpl, $err_off);
+ $tag->text = substr($code, 0, $last_tag_start);
+ }
+ else if($tag->name == "comment")
+ $tag = NULL; /* All this work to remove a comment ... */
+ else
+ $tag->sub = mk_ast(substr($code, 0, $last_tag_start), $tpl, $err_off);
+ $code = substr($code, $off);
+ $err_off += $off;
+ }
+ if($tag !== NULL)
+ $ast[] = $tag;
+ return array_merge($ast, strlen($code) > 0 ? mk_ast($code, $tpl, $err_off) : array());
+ * Function: precompile
+ * Precompiling STE T/PL templates.
+ * You only need this function, if you want to manually transcompile a template.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $code - The input code
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The precompiled code.
+ */
+function precompile($code)
+ $code = preg_replace( /* Transform short form of comparison (~{a|op|b}) to long form */
+ "/(?:(?<!\\\\)~)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\{)(.*?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\|)(.*?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\|)(.*?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\})/s",
+ "<ste:cmp text_a=\"\$1\" op=\"\$2\" text_b=\"\$3\" />",
+ $code
+ );
+ $code = preg_replace( /* Transform short form of if-clause (?{cond|then|else}) to long form */
+ "/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\{)(.*?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\|)(.*?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\|)(.*?)(?:(?<!\\\\)\\})/s",
+ "<ste:if>\$1<ste:then>\$2</ste:then><ste:else>\$3</ste:else></ste:if>",
+ $code
+ );
+ /* Unescape \? \~ \{ \} \| */
+ $code = preg_replace("/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\\\?)/s", "?", $code);
+ $code = preg_replace("/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\~)/s", "~", $code);
+ $code = preg_replace("/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\\\{)/s", "{", $code);
+ $code = preg_replace("/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\\\})/s", "}", $code);
+ $code = preg_replace("/(?:(?<!\\\\)\\\\\\|)/s", "|", $code);
+ return $code;
+ * Function: parse
+ * Parsing a STE T/PL template.
+ * You only need this function, if you want to manually transcompile a template.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $code - The STE T/PL code.
+ * $tpl - The name of the template.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * An abstract syntax tree, which can be used with <transcompile>.
+ */
+function parse($code, $tpl)
+ return mk_ast($code, $tpl, 0);
+function indent_code($code)
+ return implode(
+ "\n",
+ array_map(
+ function($line) { return "\t$line"; },
+ explode("\n", $code)
+ )
+ );
+/* We could also just eval() the $infix_math code, but this is much cooler :-D (Parser inception) */
+function shunting_yard($infix_math)
+ $operators = array(
+ "+" => array("l", 2),
+ "-" => array("l", 2),
+ "*" => array("l", 3),
+ "/" => array("l", 3),
+ "^" => array("r", 4),
+ "_" => array("r", 5),
+ "(" => array("", 0),
+ ")" => array("", 0)
+ );
+ preg_match_all("/\s*(?:(?:[+\\-\\*\\/\\^\\(\\)])|(\\d*[\\.]?\\d*))\\s*/s", $infix_math, $tokens, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
+ $tokens_raw = array_filter(array_map('trim', $tokens[0]), function($x) { return ($x === "0") or (!empty($x)); });
+ $output_queue = array();
+ $op_stack = array();
+ $lastpriority = NULL;
+ /* Make - unary, if neccessary */
+ $tokens = array();
+ foreach($tokens_raw as $token)
+ {
+ $priority = isset($operators[$token]) ? $operators[$token][1] : -1;
+ if(($token == "-") and (($lastpriority === NULL) or ($lastpriority >= 0)))
+ {
+ $priority = $operators["_"][1];
+ $tokens[] = "_";
+ }
+ else
+ $tokens[] = $token;
+ $lastpriority = $priority;
+ }
+ while(!empty($tokens))
+ {
+ $token = array_shift($tokens);
+ if(is_numeric($token))
+ $output_queue[] = $token;
+ else if($token == "(")
+ $op_stack[] = $token;
+ else if($token == ")")
+ {
+ $lbr_found = False;
+ while(!empty($op_stack))
+ {
+ $op = array_pop($op_stack);
+ if($op == "(")
+ {
+ $lbr_found = True;
+ break;
+ }
+ $output_queue[] = $op;
+ }
+ if(!$lbr_found)
+ throw new \Exception("Bracket mismatch.");
+ }
+ else if(!isset($operators[$token]))
+ throw new \Exception("Invalid token ($token): Not a number, bracket or operator. Stop.");
+ else
+ {
+ $priority = $operators[$token][1];
+ if($operators[$token][0] == "l")
+ while((!empty($op_stack)) and ($priority <= $operators[$op_stack[count($op_stack)-1]][1]))
+ $output_queue[] = array_pop($op_stack);
+ else
+ while((!empty($op_stack)) and ($priority < $operators[$op_stack[count($op_stack)-1]][1]))
+ $output_queue[] = array_pop($op_stack);
+ $op_stack[] = $token;
+ }
+ }
+ while(!empty($op_stack))
+ {
+ $op = array_pop($op_stack);
+ if($op == "(")
+ throw new \Exception("Bracket mismatch...");
+ $output_queue[] = $op;
+ }
+ return $output_queue;
+function pop2(&$array)
+ $rv = array(array_pop($array), array_pop($array));
+ if(array_search(NULL, $rv, True) !== False)
+ throw new \Exception("Not enough numbers on stack. Invalid formula.");
+ return $rv;
+function calc_rpn($rpn)
+ $stack = array();
+ foreach($rpn as $token)
+ {
+ switch($token)
+ {
+ case "+":
+ list($b, $a) = pop2($stack);
+ $stack[] = $a + $b;
+ break;
+ case "-":
+ list($b, $a) = pop2($stack);
+ $stack[] = $a - $b;
+ break;
+ case "*":
+ list($b, $a) = pop2($stack);
+ $stack[] = $a * $b;
+ break;
+ case "/":
+ list($b, $a) = pop2($stack);
+ $stack[] = $a / $b;
+ break;
+ case "^":
+ list($b, $a) = pop2($stack);
+ $stack[] = pow($a, $b);
+ break;
+ case "_":
+ $a = array_pop($stack);
+ if($a === NULL)
+ throw new \Exception("Not enough numbers on stack. Invalid formula.");
+ $stack[] = -$a;
+ break;
+ default:
+ $stack[] = $token;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return array_pop($stack);
+function loopbody($code)
+ return "try\n{\n" . indent_code($code) . "\n}\ncatch(\ste\BreakException \$e) { break; }\ncatch(\ste\ContinueException \$e) { continue; }\n";
+$ste_builtins = array(
+ "if" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $output = "";
+ $condition = array();
+ $then = NULL;
+ $else = NULL;
+ foreach($ast->sub as $node)
+ {
+ if(($node instanceof TagNode) and ($node->name == "then"))
+ $then = $node->sub;
+ else if(($node instanceof TagNode) and ($node->name == "else"))
+ $else = $node->sub;
+ else
+ $condition[] = $node;
+ }
+ if($then === NULL)
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile error: Missing <ste:then> in <ste:if>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $output .= "\$outputstack[] = \"\";\n\$outputstack_i++;\n";
+ $output .= _transcompile($condition);
+ $output .= "\$outputstack_i--;\nif(\$ste->evalbool(array_pop(\$outputstack)))\n{\n";
+ $output .= indent_code(_transcompile($then));
+ $output .= "\n}\n";
+ if($else !== NULL)
+ {
+ $output .= "else\n{\n";
+ $output .= indent_code(_transcompile($else));
+ $output .= "\n}\n";
+ }
+ return $output;
+ },
+ "cmp" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $operators = array(
+ array('eq', '=='),
+ array('neq', '!='),
+ array('lt', '<'),
+ array('lte', '<='),
+ array('gt', '>'),
+ array('gte', '>=')
+ );
+ $code = "";
+ if(isset($ast->params["var_b"]))
+ $b = '$ste->get_var_by_name(' . _transcompile($ast->params["var_b"], True) . ')';
+ else if(isset($ast->params["text_b"]))
+ $b = _transcompile($ast->params["text_b"], True);
+ else
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile error: neiter var_b nor text_b set in <ste:cmp>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ if(isset($ast->params["var_a"]))
+ $a = '$ste->get_var_by_name(' . _transcompile($ast->params["var_a"], True) . ')';
+ else if(isset($ast->params["text_a"]))
+ $a = _transcompile($ast->params["text_a"], True);
+ else
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile error: neiter var_a nor text_a set in <ste:cmp>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ if(!isset($ast->params["op"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile error: op not given in <ste:cmp>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ if((count($ast->params["op"]) == 1) and ($ast->params["op"][0] instanceof TextNode))
+ {
+ /* Operator is known at compile time, this saves *a lot* of output code! */
+ $op = trim($ast->params["op"][0]->text);
+ $op_php = NULL;
+ foreach($operators as $v)
+ {
+ if($v[0] == $op)
+ {
+ $op_php = $v[1];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if($op_php === NULL)
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: Unknown operator in <ste:cmp>", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (($a) $op_php ($b)) ? 'yes' : '';\n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $code .= "switch(trim(" . _transcompile($ast->params["op"], True) . "))\n{\n\t";
+ $code .= implode("", array_map(
+ function($op) use ($a,$b)
+ {
+ list($op_stetpl, $op_php) = $op;
+ return "case '$op_stetpl':\n\t\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (($a) $op_php ($b)) ? 'yes' : '';\n\tbreak;\n\t";
+ }, $operators
+ ));
+ $code .= "default: throw new \Exception('Runtime Error: Unknown operator in <ste:cmp>.');\n}\n";
+ }
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "not" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n";
+ $code .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (!\$ste->evalbool(array_pop(\$outputstack))) ? 'yes' : '';\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "even" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n";
+ $code .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$tmp_even = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (is_numeric(\$tmp_even) and (\$tmp_even % 2 == 0)) ? 'yes' : '';\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "for" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $code = "";
+ $loopname = "forloop_" . str_replace(".", "_", uniqid("",True));
+ if(empty($ast->params["start"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile error: Missing 'start' parameter in <ste:for>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_start = " . _transcompile($ast->params["start"], True) . ";\n";
+ if(empty($ast->params["stop"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile error: Missing 'end' parameter in <ste:for>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_stop = " . _transcompile($ast->params["stop"], True) . ";\n";
+ $step = NULL; /* i.e. not known at compilation time */
+ if(empty($ast->params["step"]))
+ $step = 1;
+ else if((count($ast->params["step"]) == 1) and ($ast->params["step"][0] instanceof TextNode))
+ $step = $ast->params["step"][0]->text + 0;
+ else
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_step = " . _transcompile($ast->params["step"], True) . ";\n";
+ if(!empty($ast->params["counter"]))
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_countername = " . _transcompile($ast->params["counter"], True) . ";\n";
+ $loopbody = empty($ast->params["counter"]) ? "" : "\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_countername, \$${loopname}_counter);\n";
+ $loopbody .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $loopbody = indent_code("{\n" . loopbody(indent_code($loopbody)) . "\n}\n");
+ if($step === NULL)
+ {
+ $code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step == 0)\n\tthrow new \Exception('Runtime Error: step can not be 0 in <ste:for>.');\n";
+ $code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step > 0)\n{\n";
+ $code .= "\tfor(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter <= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += \$${loopname}_step)\n";
+ $code .= $loopbody;
+ $code .= "\n}\nelse\n{\n";
+ $code .= "\tfor(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter >= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += \$${loopname}_step)\n";
+ $code .= $loopbody;
+ $code .= "\n}\n";
+ }
+ else if($step == 0)
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: step can not be 0 in <ste:for>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ else if($step > 0)
+ $code .= "for(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter <= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += $step)\n$loopbody\n";
+ else
+ $code .= "for(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter >= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += $step)\n$loopbody\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "foreach" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $loopname = "foreachloop_" . str_replace(".", "_", uniqid("",True));
+ $code = "";
+ if(empty($ast->params["array"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: array not given in <ste:foreach>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_arrayvar = " . _transcompile($ast->params["array"], True) . ";\n";
+ if(empty($ast->params["value"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: value not given in <ste:foreach>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_valuevar = " . _transcompile($ast->params["value"], True) . ";\n";
+ if(!empty($ast->params["key"]))
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_keyvar = " . _transcompile($ast->params["key"], True) . ";\n";
+ if(!empty($ast->params["counter"]))
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_countervar = " . _transcompile($ast->params["counter"], True) . ";\n";
+ $loopbody = "";
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_array = \$ste->get_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_arrayvar);\n";
+ $code .= "if(!is_array(\$${loopname}_array))\n\t\$${loopname}_array = array();\n";
+ if(!empty($ast->params["counter"]))
+ {
+ $code .= "\$${loopname}_counter = -1;\n";
+ $loopbody .= "\$${loopname}_counter++;\n\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_countervar, \$${loopname}_counter);\n";
+ }
+ $loopbody .= "\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_valuevar, \$${loopname}_value);\n";
+ if(!empty($ast->params["key"]))
+ $loopbody .= "\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_keyvar, \$${loopname}_key);\n";
+ $loopbody .= "\n";
+ $loopbody .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $loopbody = "{\n" . loopbody(indent_code($loopbody)) . "\n}\n";
+ $code .= "foreach(\$${loopname}_array as \$${loopname}_key => \$${loopname}_value)\n$loopbody\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "infloop" => function($ast)
+ {
+ return "while(True)\n{\n" . loopbody(indent_code(_transcompile($ast->sub)) . "\n}") . "\n";
+ },
+ "break" => function($ast)
+ {
+ return "throw new \\ste\\BreakException();\n";
+ },
+ "continue" => function($ast)
+ {
+ return "throw new \\ste\\ContinueException();\n";
+ },
+ "block" => function($ast)
+ {
+ if(empty($ast->params["name"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: name missing in <ste:block>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $blknamevar = "blockname_" . str_replace(".", "_", uniqid("", True));
+ $code = "\$${blknamevar} = " . _transcompile($ast->params["name"], True) . ";\n";
+ $tmpblk = uniqid("", True);
+ $code .= "\$ste->blocks['$tmpblk'] = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n\$ste->blockorder[] = '$tmpblk';\n\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n";
+ $code .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $code .= "\$ste->blocks[\$${blknamevar}] = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n";
+ $code .= "if(array_search(\$${blknamevar}, \$ste->blockorder) === FALSE)\n\t\$ste->blockorder[] = \$${blknamevar};\n\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "load" => function($ast)
+ {
+ if(empty($ast->params["name"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: name missing in <ste:load>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ return "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->load(" . _transcompile($ast->params["name"], True) . ");\n";
+ },
+ "mktag" => function($ast)
+ {
+ if(empty($ast->params["name"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: name missing in <ste:mktag>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $tagname = _transcompile($ast->params["name"], True);
+ $fxbody = "\$outputstack = array(); \$outputstack_i = 0;\$ste->vars['_tag_parameters'] = \$params;\n";
+ if(!empty($ast->params["mandatory"]))
+ {
+ $code .= "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n";
+ $code .= _transcompile($ast->params["mandatory"]);
+ $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$mandatory_params = explode('|', array_pop(\$outputstack));\n";
+ $fxbody .= "foreach(\$mandatory_params as \$mp)\n{\n\tif(!isset(\$params[\$mp]))\n\t\tthrow new \Exception(\"Runtime Error: \$mp missing in <ste:\" . $tagname . \">. Stop.\");\n}";
+ }
+ $fxbody .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $fxbody .= "return array_pop(\$outputstack);";
+ $code .= "\$tag_fx = function(\$ste, \$params, \$sub) use (\$mandatory_params)\n{\n" . indent_code($fxbody) . "\n};\n";
+ $code .= "\$ste->register_tag($tagname, \$tag_fx);\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "tagcontent" => function($ast)
+ {
+ return "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$sub(\$ste);";
+ },
+ "set" => function($ast)
+ {
+ if(empty($ast->params["var"]))
+ throw new ParseCompileError("Transcompile Error: var missing in <ste:set>.", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset);
+ $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n";
+ $code .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n";
+ $code .= "\$ste->set_var_by_name(" . _transcompile($ast->params["var"], True) . ", array_pop(\$outputstack));\n";
+ return $code;
+ },
+ "calc" => function($ast)
+ {
+ $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n";
+ $code .= _transcompile($ast->sub);
+ $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->calc(array_pop(\$outputstack));\n";
+ return $code;
+ }
+function escape_text($text)
+ return addcslashes($text, "\r\n\t\$\0..\x1f\\'\"\x7f..\xff");
+function _transcompile($ast, $no_outputstack = False) /* The real transcompile function, does not add boilerplate code. */
+ $code = "";
+ global $ste_builtins;
+ $text_and_var_buffer = array();
+ foreach($ast as $node)
+ {
+ if($node instanceof TextNode)
+ $text_and_var_buffer[] = '"' . escape_text($node->text) . '"';
+ else if($node instanceof VariableNode)
+ $text_and_var_buffer[] = $node->transcompile();
+ else if($node instanceof TagNode)
+ {
+ if(!empty($text_and_var_buffer))
+ {
+ $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= " . implode (" . ", $text_and_var_buffer) . ";\n";
+ $text_and_var_buffer = array();
+ }
+ if(isset($ste_builtins[$node->name]))
+ $code .= $ste_builtins[$node->name]($node);
+ else
+ {
+ $paramarray = "parameters_" . str_replace(".", "_", uniqid("", True));
+ $code .= "\$$paramarray = array();\n";
+ foreach($node->params as $pname => $pcontent)
+ $code .= "\$${paramarray}['" . escape_text($pname) . "'] = " . _transcompile($pcontent, True) . ";\n";
+ $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->call_tag('" . escape_text($node->name) . "', \$${paramarray}, ";
+ $code .= empty($node->sub) ? "function(\$ste) { return ''; }" : transcompile($node->sub);
+ $code .= ");\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if(!empty($text_and_var_buffer))
+ {
+ if(!$no_outputstack)
+ $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= ";
+ $code .= implode (" . ", $text_and_var_buffer);
+ if(!$no_outputstack)
+ $code .= ";\n";
+ $text_and_var_buffer = array();
+ }
+ else if($no_outputstack)
+ {
+ $code = "\"\"";
+ }
+ return $code;
+$ste_transc_boilerplate = "\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n";
+ * Function: transcompile
+ * Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.
+ * You only need this function, if you want to manually transcompile a template.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $ast - The abstract syntax tree to transcompile.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * PHP code. The PHP code is an anonymous function expecting a <STECore> instance as its parameter and returns a string (everything that was not pached into a section).
+ */
+function transcompile($ast) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */
+ global $ste_transc_boilerplate;
+ return "function(\$ste)\n{\n" . indent_code($ste_transc_boilerplate . _transcompile($ast) . "return array_pop(\$outputstack);") . "\n}";
+ * Constants: Template modes
+ *
+ * MODE_SOURCE - The Templates source
+ * MODE_TRANSCOMPILED - The transcompiled template
+ */
+const MODE_SOURCE = 0;
+ * Class: StorageAccess
+ * An interface.
+ * A StorageAccess implementation is used to access the templates from any storage.
+ * This means, that you are not limited to store the Templates inside directories, you can also use a database or something else.
+ */
+interface StorageAccess
+ /*
+ * Function: load
+ * Loading a template.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $tpl - The name of the template.
+ * &$mode - Which mode is preferred? One of the <Template modes>.
+ * If <MODE_SOURCE>, the raw sourcecode is expected, if <MODE_TRANSCOMPILED> the transcompiled template *as a callable function* (expecting an <STECore> instance as first parameter) is expected.
+ * If the transcompiled version is not available or older than the source, you can set this parameter to <MODE_SOURCE> and return the source.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * Either the sourcecode or a callable function (first, and only parameter: an <STECore> instance).
+ */
+ public function load($tpl, &$mode);
+ /*
+ * Function: save
+ * Saves a template.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $tpl -The name of the template.
+ * $data - The data to be saved.
+ * $mode - A <Template mode> constant.
+ */
+ public function save($tpl, $data, $mode);
+ * Class: FilesystemStorageAccess
+ * The default <StorageAccess> implementation for loading / saving templates into a directory structure.
+ */
+class FilesystemStorageAccess implements StorageAccess
+ protected $sourcedir;
+ protected $transcompileddir;
+ /*
+ * Constructor: __construct
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $src - The directory with the sources (Writing permissions are not mandatory, because STE does not save template sources).
+ * $transc - The directory with the transcompiled templates (the PHP instance / the HTTP Server needs writing permissions to this directory).
+ */
+ public function __construct($src, $transc)
+ {
+ $this->sourcedir = $src;
+ $this->transcompileddir = $transc;
+ }
+ public function load($tpl, &$mode)
+ {
+ $src_fn = $this->sourcedir . "/" . $tpl;
+ $transc_fn = $this->transcompileddir . "/" . $tpl . ".php";
+ if($mode == MODE_SOURCE)
+ {
+ $content = @file_get_contents($src_fn);
+ if($content === False)
+ throw new \Exception("Template not found.");
+ return $content;
+ }
+ $src_stat = @stat($src_fn);
+ $transc_stat = @stat($transc_fn);
+ if(($src_stat === False) and ($transc_stat === False))
+ throw new \Exception("Template not found.");
+ else if($transc_stat === False)
+ {
+ $mode = MODE_SOURCE;
+ return file_get_contents($src_fn);
+ }
+ else if($src_stat === False)
+ {
+ include($transc_fn);
+ return $transcompile_fx;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if($src_stat["mtime"] > $transc_stat["mtime"])
+ {
+ $mode = MODE_SOURCE;
+ return file_get_contents($src_fn);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ include($transc_fn);
+ return $transcompile_fx;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public function save($tpl, $data, $mode)
+ {
+ $fn = (($mode == MODE_SOURCE) ? $this->sourcedir : $this->transcompileddir) . "/" . $tpl . (($mode == MODE_TRANSCOMPILED) ? ".php" : "");
+ @mkdir(dirname($fn), 0777, True);
+ file_put_contents($fn, "<?php \$transcompile_fx = $data; ?>");
+ }
+class BreakException extends \Exception { }
+class ContinueException extends \Exception { }
+ * Class: STECore
+ * The Core of STE
+ */
+class STECore
+ private $tags;
+ private $storage_access;
+ private $cur_tpl_dir;
+ /*
+ * Variables: Public variables
+ *
+ * $blocks - Associative array of blocks (see the language definition).
+ * $blockorder - The order of the blocks (an array)
+ * $vars - Associative array of all template variables. Use this to pass data to your templates.
+ */
+ public $blocks;
+ public $blockorder;
+ public $vars;
+ /*
+ * Constructor: __construct
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $storage_access - An Instance of a <StorageAccess> implementation.
+ */
+ public function __construct($storage_access)
+ {
+ $this->storage_access = $storage_access;
+ $this->cur_tpl_dir = "/";
+ STEStandardLibrary::_register_lib($this);
+ $this->vars = array();
+ $this->blockorder = array();
+ $this->blocks = array();
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: register_tag
+ * Register a custom tag.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $name - The name of the tag.
+ * $callback - A callable function (This must tage three parameters: The <STECore> instance, an associative array of parameters, and a function representing the tags content(This expects the <STECore> instance as its only parameter and returns its text result, i.e to get the text, you neeed to call this function with the <STECore> instance as a parameter)).
+ */
+ public function register_tag($name, $callback)
+ {
+ if(!is_callable($callback))
+ throw new \Exception("Can not register tag \"$name\", not callable.");
+ if(empty($name))
+ throw new \Exception("Can not register tag, empty name.");
+ $this->tags[$name] = $callback;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: call_tag
+ * Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $name - The Tag's name
+ * $params - Associative array of parameters
+ * $sub - A callable function (expecting an <STECore> instance as it's parameter) that represents the tag's content.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The output of the tag.
+ */
+ public function call_tag($name, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ if(!isset($this->tags[$name]))
+ throw new \Exception("Can not call tag \"$name\": Does not exist.");
+ return call_user_func($this->tags[$name], $this, $params, $sub);
+ }
+ public function calc($expression)
+ {
+ return calc_rpn(shunting_yard($expression));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: exectemplate
+ * Executes a template and returns the result. The huge difference to <load> is that this function will also output all blocks.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $tpl - The name of the template to execute.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The output of the template.
+ */
+ public function exectemplate($tpl)
+ {
+ $output = "";
+ $lastblock = $this->load($tpl);
+ foreach($this->blockorder as $blockname)
+ $output .= $this->blocks[$blockname];
+ return $output . $lastblock;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: get_var_reference
+ * Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name.
+ * This can be used,if your custom tag takes a variable name as a parameter.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $name - The variables name.
+ * $create_if_not_exist - Should the variable be created, if it does not exist? Otherwise NULL will be returned, if the variable does not exist.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * A Reference to the variable.
+ */
+ public function &get_var_reference($name, $create_if_not_exist)
+ {
+ $ref = $this->_get_var_reference($this->vars, $name, $create_if_not_exist);
+ return $ref;
+ }
+ private function &_get_var_reference(&$from, $name, $create_if_not_exist)
+ {
+ $bracket_open = strpos($name, "[");
+ if($bracket_open === False)
+ {
+ if(isset($from[$name]) or $create_if_not_exist)
+ {
+ $ref = &$from[$name];
+ return $ref;
+ }
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $old_varname = $varname;
+ $bracket_close = strpos($name, "]", $bracket_open);
+ if($bracket_close === FALSE)
+ throw new Excpeption("Runtime Error: Invalid varname \"$varname\". Missing closing \"]\".");
+ $varname = substr($name, 0, $bracket_open);
+ $name = substr($name, $bracket_open + 1, $bracket_close - $bracket_open - 1) . substr($name, $bracket_close + 1);
+ if(!is_array($from[$varname]))
+ {
+ if($create_if_not_exist)
+ $from[$varname] = array();
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ try
+ {
+ $ref = &$this->_get_var_reference($from[$varname], $name, $create_if_not_exist);
+ return $ref;
+ }
+ catch(Exception $e)
+ {
+ throw new Excpeption("Runtime Error: Invalid varname \"$old_varname\". Missing closing \"]\".");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: set_var_by_name
+ * Set a template variable by its name.
+ * This can be used,if your custom tag takes a variable name as a parameter.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $name - The variables name.
+ * $val - The new value.
+ */
+ public function set_var_by_name($name, $val)
+ {
+ $ref = &$this->_get_var_reference($this->vars, $name, True);
+ $ref = $val;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: get_var_by_name
+ * Get a template variable by its name.
+ * This can be used,if your custom tag takes a variable name as a parameter.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $name - The variables name.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The variables value.
+ */
+ public function get_var_by_name($name)
+ {
+ $ref = $this->_get_var_reference($this->vars, $name, False);
+ return $ref === NULL ? "" : $ref;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: load
+ * Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use <exectemplate> for this).
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $tpl - The name of the template to be loaded.
+ * $quiet - If true, do not output anything and do notmodify the blocks. This can be useful to load custom tags that are programmed in STE T/PL. Default: false.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * The result of the template (if $quiet == false).
+ */
+ public function load($tpl, $quiet=False)
+ {
+ $tpldir_b4 = $this->cur_tpl_dir;
+ /* Resolve ".", ".." and protect from possible LFI */
+ $tpl = str_replace("\\", "/", $tpl);
+ if($tpl[0] != "/")
+ $tpl = $this->cur_tpl_dir . "/" . $tpl;
+ $pathex = array_filter(explode("/", $tpl), function($s) { return ($s != ".") and (!empty($s)); });
+ $pathex = array_merge($pathex);
+ while(($i = array_search("..", $pathex)) !== False)
+ {
+ if($i == 0)
+ $pathex = array_slice($pathex, 1);
+ else
+ $pathex = array_merge(array_slice($pathex, 0, $i), array_slice($pathex, $i + 2));
+ }
+ $tpl = implode("/", $pathex);
+ $this->cur_tpl_dir = dirname($tpl);
+ if($quiet)
+ {
+ $blocks_back = clone $this->blocks;
+ $blockorder_back = clone $this->blockorder;
+ }
+ $content = $this->storage_access->load($tpl, $mode);
+ if($mode == MODE_SOURCE)
+ {
+ $content = precompile($content);
+ try
+ {
+ $ast = parse($content, $tpl, 0);
+ $transc = transcompile($ast);
+ }
+ catch(ParseCompileError $e)
+ {
+ $e->rewrite($content);
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ $this->storage_access->save($tpl, $transc, MODE_TRANSCOMPILED);
+ eval("\$content = $transc;");
+ }
+ $output = $content($this);
+ $this->cur_tpl_dir = $tpldir_b4;
+ if($quiet)
+ {
+ $this->blocks = $blocks_back;
+ $this->blockorder = $blockorder_back;
+ }
+ else
+ return $output;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Function: evalbool
+ * Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $txt - The text to test.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * true/false.
+ */
+ public function evalbool($txt)
+ {
+ return trim($txt) != "";
+ }
+class STEStandardLibrary
+ static public function _register_lib($ste)
+ {
+ foreach(get_class_methods(__CLASS__) as $method)
+ if($method[0] != "_")
+ $ste->register_tag($method, array(__CLASS__, $method));
+ }
+ static public function escape($ste, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ return htmlentities($sub($ste), ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
+ }
+ static public function strlen($ste, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ return strlen($sub($ste));
+ }
+ static public function arraylen($ste, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ if(empty($params["array"]))
+ throw new \Exception("Runtime Error: missing array parameter in <ste:arraylen>.");
+ $a = $ste->get_var_by_name($params["array"]);
+ return (is_array($a)) ? count($a) : "";
+ }
+ static public function inc($ste, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ if(empty($params["var"]))
+ throw new \Exception("Runtime Error: missing var parameter in <ste:inc>.");
+ $ref = $ste->_get_var_reference($ste->vars, $params["var"]);
+ $ref++;
+ }
+ static public function dec($ste, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ if(empty($params["var"]))
+ throw new \Exception("Runtime Error: missing var parameter in <ste:dec>.");
+ $ref = $ste->_get_var_reference($ste->vars, $params["var"]);
+ $ref--;
+ }
+ static public function date($ste, $params, $sub)
+ {
+ return @strftime($sub($ste), empty($params["timestamp"]) ? @time() : (int) $params["timestamp"]);
+ }
diff --git a/templates/.htaccess b/templates/.htaccess
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..19469bf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/.htaccess
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+<Files *>
+ Order Allow,Deny
+ Deny from all
diff --git a/urlprocess.php b/urlprocess.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..14d67c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/urlprocess.php
@@ -0,0 +1,179 @@
+ * File: ratatoeskr/sys/urlprocess.php
+ *
+ * Providing functions / classes to handle URLs
+ *
+ * License:
+ * This file is part of Ratatöskr.
+ * Ratatöskr is licensed unter the MIT / X11 License.
+ * See "ratatoeskr/licenses/ratatoeskr" for more information.
+ */
+ * Function: url_action_simple
+ * Generate an action in a more simple way.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $function - A callback that gets the $data var as an input and returns the new $data var. Can throw an <Redirect> Exception.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * A callback that can be used as an url action.
+ */
+function url_action_simple($function)
+ return function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next) use ($function)
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $data = call_user_func($function, $data);
+ $url_next = array();
+ }
+ catch(Redirect $e)
+ {
+ $url_next = $e->nextpath;
+ }
+ };
+ * Function: url_action_subactions
+ * Generate an action that contains subactions. Subactions can redirect to ".." to go to the level above.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $actions - Associative array of actions.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * A callback that can be used as an url action.
+ */
+function url_action_subactions($actions)
+ return function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next) use ($actions)
+ {
+ $result = url_process($url_next, $actions, $data);
+ if($result !== NULL)
+ $url_next = $result;
+ else
+ $url_next = array();
+ };
+ * Function: url_action_alias
+ * Generate an action that is an alias for another one (i.e. redirects).
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $for - Path (array) of the action this one should be an alias of.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * A callback that can be used as an url action.
+ */
+function url_action_alias($for)
+ return function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next) use($for)
+ {
+ $url_next = array_merge($for, $url_next);
+ };
+ * Function: url_process
+ * Choose an appropiate action for the given URL.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $url - Either an array containing the URL components or the URL (both relative).
+ * $actions - Associative array of actions.
+ * Key is the name (anything alphanumeric, should usually not start with '_', reserved for special URL names, see beneath).
+ * Value is a callback of the form: function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next). $data can be used for shared data between subactions. $url_next can be modified in order to redirect to another action / stop the routing.
+ *
+ * Special actions:
+ * _index - If name is empty, the index will be called.
+ * _default - If nothing was found, this is the default.
+ * _notfound - If not even _default exists or NotFoundError was thrown.
+ * _prelude - If existant, will be executed before everything else.
+ * _epilog - If existant, will be executed after evrything else.
+ */
+function url_process($url, $actions, &$data)
+ $epilog_running = 0;
+ if(is_string($url))
+ $url = explode("/", $url);
+ $url = array_filter($url, function($x) { return !empty($x); });
+ if(count($url) == 0)
+ $url = array("_index");
+ if(isset($actions["_prelude"]))
+ $url = array_merge(array("_prelude"), $url);
+ $url_now = $url[0];
+ $url_next = array_slice($url, 1);
+ while(is_string($url_now) and ($url_now != "") and ($url_now != ".."))
+ {
+ $cb = NULL;
+ if(empty($url_now))
+ $url_now = "_index";
+ if(isset($actions[$url_now]))
+ $cb = $actions[$url_now];
+ else if(isset($actions["_default"]))
+ $cb = $actions["_default"];
+ else if(isset($actions["_notfound"]))
+ $cb = $actions["_notfound"];
+ else
+ throw new NotFoundError();
+ try
+ {
+ $cb($data, $url_now, $url_next);
+ }
+ catch(NotFoundError $e)
+ {
+ if(isset($actions["_notfound"]))
+ $url_next = array("_notfound");
+ else
+ throw $e;
+ }
+ if(count($url_next) > 0)
+ {
+ $url_now = $url_next[0];
+ $url_next = array_slice($url_next, 1);
+ }
+ else if(isset($actions["_epilog"]) and ($epilog_running <= 0))
+ {
+ $epilog_running = 2;
+ $url_now = "_epilog";
+ }
+ else
+ $url_now = "";
+ --$epilog_running;
+ }
+ if($url_now == "..")
+ return $url_next;
+ else
+ return NULL;
+ * Class: Redirect
+ * Exception that can be thrown inside an <url_action_simple>.
+ * throw new Redirect(array("..", "foo")); will redirect to "../foo" and won't touch $data.
+ */
+class Redirect extends Exception
+ public $nextpath;
+ public function __construct($nextpath)
+ {
+ $this->nextpath = $nextpath;
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ * Class: NotFoundError
+ * An Exception
+ */
+class NotFoundError extends Exception { }
diff --git a/utils.php b/utils.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d6093ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/utils.php
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+ * File: ratatoeskr/sys/utils.php
+ *
+ * Various useful helper functions.
+ *
+ * License:
+ * This file is part of Ratatöskr.
+ * Ratatöskr is licensed unter the MIT / X11 License.
+ * See "ratatoeskr/licenses/ratatoeskr" for more information.
+ */
+ * Function: array_repeat
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * $val -
+ * $n -
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ * An array with $val $n-times repeated.
+ */
+function array_repeat($val, $n)
+ $rv = array();
+ for($i = 0; $i < $n; ++$i)
+ array_push($rv, $val);
+ return $rv;
+ * Function: array_blend
+ *
+ * Blend multiple arrays together.
+ *
+ * Example:
+ *
+ * array_blend(array(1,2,3), array(4,5,6), array(7,8,9));
+ * will return array(1,4,7,2,5,8,3,6,9)
+ */
+function array_blend()
+ $arrays = array_filter(func_get_args(), "is_array");
+ switch(count($arrays))
+ {
+ case 0: return array(); break;
+ case 1: return $arrays[0]; break;
+ default:
+ $rv = array();
+ while(array_sum(array_map("count", $arrays)) > 0)
+ {
+ for($i = 0; $i < count($arrays); ++$i)
+ {
+ $val = array_shift($arrays[$i]);
+ if($val === NULL)
+ continue;
+ array_push($rv, $val);
+ }
+ }
+ return $rv;
+ break;
+ }
+ * Function: array_filter_empty
+ *
+ * Filters all empty elements out of an array.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * $input - The input array
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ * The $input without its empty elements.
+ */
+function array_filter_empty($input)
+ return array_filter($input, function($x){return !empty($x);});
+ * Function: array_filter_keys
+ *
+ * Like PHPs `array_filter`, but callback will get the key, not the value of the array element.
+ */
+function array_filter_keys($input, $callback)
+ if(!is_array($input))
+ throw new InvalidArgumentException("Argument 1 must be an array");
+ if(empty($input))
+ return array();
+ $delete_keys = array_filter(array_keys($input), function ($x) use ($callback) { return !$callback($x);});
+ foreach($delete_keys as $key)
+ unset($input[$key]);
+ return $input;
+ * Function: array_kvpairs_to_assoc
+ * Convert array of key-value pairs to an associative array.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $input - Array of key-value pairs
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * An associative array.
+ */
+function array_kvpairs_to_assoc($input)
+ $rv = array();
+ foreach($input as $kvpair)
+ $rv[$kvpair[0]] = $kvpair[1];
+ return $rv;
+ * Function: intcmp
+ * Compare integers (equavilent to strcmp)
+ */
+function intcmp($a, $b)
+ return ($a == $b) ? 0 : (($a < $b) ? -1 : 1);
+ * Function: ucount
+ *
+ * Count elements of an array matching unser-defined rules.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $array - The input array.
+ * $callback - A callback function. It will be called with the current value as the only parameter. The value is counted, if callback returns TRUE.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ * Number of elements where $callback returned TRUE.
+ */
+function ucount($array, $callback)
+ return count(array_filter($array, $callback));
+ * Function: vcount
+ *
+ * Counts how often $value appears in $array.
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ *
+ * $array -
+ * $value -
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ *
+ * How often $value appears in $array.
+ */
+function vcount($array, $value)
+ return ucount($array, function($x){return $x===$value;});
+ * Function: self_url
+ *
+ * Gets current URL.
+ *
+ * From: http://dev.kanngard.net/Permalinks/ID_20050507183447.html
+ */
+function self_url() {
+ $s = empty($_SERVER["HTTPS"]) ? ''
+ : ($_SERVER["HTTPS"] == "on") ? "s"
+ : "";
+ $protocol = strleft(strtolower($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"]), "/").$s;
+ $port = ($_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"] == "80") ? ""
+ : (":".$_SERVER["SERVER_PORT"]);
+ return $protocol."://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$port.$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
+function strleft($s1, $s2) {
+ return substr($s1, 0, strpos($s1, $s2));
+ * Function: htmlesc
+ * Escape HTML (shorter than htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8"))
+ *
+ * Parameters:
+ * $text - Input text.
+ *
+ * Returns:
+ * HTML
+ */
+function htmlesc($text)
+ return htmlentities($text, ENT_QUOTES, "UTF-8");
+ * Function: delete_directory
+ * Delete a directory and all of its content.
+ */
+function delete_directory($dir)
+ $dir_content = scandir($dir);
+ foreach($dir_content as $f)
+ {
+ if(($f == "..") or ($f == "."))
+ continue;
+ $f = "$dir/$f";
+ if(is_dir($f))
+ delete_directory($f);
+ else
+ unlink($f);
+ }
+ rmdir($dir);
+ * Constant: SITE_BASE_PATH
+ * The Base path of this ratatoeskr site.
+ */
+define("SITE_BASE_PATH", dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));