path: root/kch_lastfm_recently.php
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authorKevin Chabowski <>2010-09-04 23:29:18 +0200
committerKevin Chabowski <>2010-09-04 23:29:18 +0200
commitd6650cedabfe2fa1bb2a02bcd29e67910d7ab556 (patch)
treec9ce986b438717020d37170e0dca34a783a5cbaf /kch_lastfm_recently.php
Initial commit
Diffstat (limited to 'kch_lastfm_recently.php')
1 files changed, 207 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/kch_lastfm_recently.php b/kch_lastfm_recently.php
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d23dfd2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/kch_lastfm_recently.php
@@ -0,0 +1,207 @@
+ * kch_lastfm_recently.php
+ * This file is part of kch_lastfm_recently
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2010 - Kevin Chabowski
+ *
+ * kch_lastfm_recently is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ * the Free Software Foundation; GPLv2 only.
+ *
+ * kch_lastfm_recently is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ * GNU General Public License for more details.
+ *
+ * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ * along with kch_lastfm_recently; if not, write to the Free Software
+ * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor,
+ * Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+ */
+// This is a PLUGIN TEMPLATE.
+// Copy this file to a new name like abc_myplugin.php. Edit the code, then
+// run this file at the command line to produce a plugin for distribution:
+// $ php abc_myplugin.php > abc_myplugin-0.1.txt
+// Plugin name is optional. If unset, it will be extracted from the current
+// file name. Uncomment and edit this line to override:
+# $plugin['name'] = 'abc_plugin';
+$plugin['version'] = '0.5.1';
+$plugin['author'] = 'Kevin Chabowski';
+$plugin['author_uri'] = '';
+$plugin['description'] = 'Add your recently played tracks from to your website.';
+// Plugin types:
+// 0 = regular plugin; loaded on the public web side only
+// 1 = admin plugin; loaded on both the public and admin side
+// 2 = library; loaded only when include_plugin() or require_plugin() is called
+$plugin['type'] = 0;
+if (0) {
+h1. kch_lastfm_recently
+Returns a unsorted list of your recently listened songs.
+h2. Usage
+Insert this txp tag to your template:
+@<txp:kch_lastfm_recently />@
+Here is a table of parameters:
+|_. Parameter|_. Needed|_. Default|_. Explanation|
+|name|Yes|@ @|Your account name|
+|count|No|3|How many songs should be listed|
+|cover|No|1|Whether album covers should be displayed, or not|
+|track_format|No|{ar} - {s} ({t})|Format of track information (See beyond)|
+|date_format|No|%d %h %Y %H:%M:%S|Time/Date format as used by strftime[1]|
+|caching|No|1|Should we enable caching? (See section caching)|
+And here is a list of *track_format* tokens (case sensitive):
+* @{ar}@ - *Ar*tist
+* @{s}@ - *S*ong name
+* @{al}@ - *Al*bum name ( will turn to "(?)", if Album is unknown)
+* @{t}@ - The *T*ime, you've listened to the song
+h2. Output
+The output will be a unsorted list (@<ul> ... </ul>@) with the CSS class @kch_lastfm_recently@ .
+The single list elements have this format:
+bc. <li>
+ <img src="" alt="Album cover" style="width:60px;height:60px;" />
+ <a href="">The parsed track_format</a></li>";
+h2. Hidden errors
+If something went wrong, @<txp:kch_lastfm_recently />@ will not displaying anything, but it will write an HTML comment with an errormessage. So if you can not see anything, first check the returned HTML code, if there is a comment with an error message.
+h2. Caching
+If you have enabled caching, kch_lastfm_recently will save the results to "/my/textpattern/installation/textpattern/cache".
+So if you want to use caching, you have to create a directory called "caching" inside the textpattern directory and the HTTP server must have write permission to it.
+Results are cached for one minute. If you have multiple @<txp:kch_lastfm_recently />@ tags with different configurations, this is not a problem, because the cache file gets a unique identifier based on the parameters.
+If you have the possibility to create the cache directory and set the required permissions, you really should use this feature, because the API calls can generate a lot of traffic, if your website has much hits.
+fn1. Documentation of "strftime":
+# --- END PLUGIN HELP ---
+/* For internal use only... */
+function kch_INTERNAL_lastfm_api_call($function, $params)
+ /* Prepare the API call */
+ $api_call_url = "$function";
+ $params['api_key'] = "68a0243a9eef21f92766800a084c566c";
+ foreach($params as $p_key => $p_value)
+ $api_call_url .= "&$p_key=".urlencode($p_value);
+ $raw_response = @file_get_contents($api_call_url);
+ return $raw_response==false ? false : new SimpleXMLElement($raw_response);
+function kch_lastfm_recently($atts)
+ $plugin_params = lAtts(array(
+ "name" => "",
+ "count" => "3",
+ "cover" => "1",
+ "track_format" => "{ar} - {s} ({t})",
+ "date_format" => "%d %h %Y %H:%M:%S",
+ "caching" => "1"
+ ), $atts);
+ $img_default = "";
+ /* Check attributes */
+ if(empty($plugin_params['name'] ))
+ return "<!-- lastfm-plugin: Invalid params -->";
+ foreach(array('count','cover','caching') as $testme)
+ if(!is_numeric($plugin_params[$testme]))
+ return "<!-- lastfm-plugin: Invalid params -->";
+ /* get cached data (if available and not too old) */
+ if($plugin_params['caching'])
+ {
+ $cache_filename = getcwd() . '/textpattern/cache/kch_lastfm_recently_' . md5(implode(':',$plugin_params));
+ if(file_exists($cache_filename) and (filemtime($cache_filename)>(time()-60)))
+ return file_get_contents($cache_filename);
+ }
+ $output = '<ul class="kch_lastfm_recently">';
+ $count = 0; /* We have to count all entries, because sometimes send more tracks */
+ $lastfm_query_result = kch_INTERNAL_lastfm_api_call("user.getRecentTracks", array(
+ "user" => $plugin_params['name'],
+ "limit" => $plugin_params['count'])
+ );
+ if($lastfm_query_result == false)
+ return "<!-- lastfm-plugin: failed to call correct username? -->";
+ foreach($lastfm_query_result->recenttracks->track as $track)
+ {
+ if($count++ == $plugin_params['count'])
+ break;
+ $d_album = empty($track->album) ? '(?)' : $track->album;
+ /* Get album cover or, if not available, a picture of the artist. */
+ if(!empty($track->image))
+ $d_image = $track->image[1];
+ else
+ {
+ if(!($artist_image_pre = kch_INTERNAL_lastfm_api_call("artist.getInfo", array(
+ "artist" => $track->artist
+ ))))
+ $d_image = $img_default;
+ else
+ $d_image = !empty($artist_image_pre->artist->image) ? $artist_image_pre->artist->image[1] : $img_default;
+ }
+ $datetext = $track->date["uts"] > 0 ? @strftime($plugin_params['date_format'],$track->date["uts"]+0) : ' ';
+ /* WARNING: The following command is *very* ugly! */
+ $infotext = str_replace(array(
+ "{ar}", "{s}", "{al}", "{t}"), array(
+ $track->artist, $track->name, $d_album, $datetext),
+ $plugin_params['track_format']);
+ $song_url = $track->url;
+ $output .= "<li>";
+ if($plugin_params['cover'])
+ $output .= "<img src=\"$d_image\" alt=\"Album cover\" style=\"width:60px;height:60px;\" />";
+ $output .= "<a href=\"$song_url\">$infotext</a></li>";
+ }
+ $output .= '</ul><a href="" class="kch_lastfm_recently_lfm_credits">Powered by</a>';
+ /* The TOS of forces us to credit them... */
+ if($plugin_params['caching'] and ($track->date["uts"]>0))
+ {
+ $cfh = fopen($cache_filename,"w");
+ fwrite($cfh, $output);
+ fclose($cfh);
+ }
+ return $output;
+# --- END PLUGIN CODE ---