path: root/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'ratatoeskr/translations/en.php')
1 files changed, 278 insertions, 278 deletions
diff --git a/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php b/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
index a53617c..9770696 100644
--- a/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
+++ b/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
@@ -1,287 +1,287 @@
$translation = array(
- "username" => "Username",
- "password" => "Password",
- "login_form_header" => "Login",
- "login_form_button" => "Login",
- "login_background_image" => "Background image: <a href=\"[[URL]]\">[[FILENAME]]</a> by [[AUTHOR]]. License: [[LICENSE]]",
- "login_failed" => "Login failed (Username/Password is wrong or you are not an admin).",
- "logout" => "Logout",
- "section_admin" => "Administration",
- "section_content" => "Content",
- "section_design" => "Design",
- "section_plugins" => "Plugins",
- "menu_articles" => "Articles",
- "menu_comments" => "Comments",
- "menu_images" => "Images",
- "menu_languages" => "Languages",
- "menu_newarticles" => "New Article",
- "menu_pagesections" => "Page Sections",
- "menu_plugin_repos" => "Plugin Repositories",
- "menu_plugininstall" => "Install Plugin",
- "menu_pluginlist" => "Plugin List",
- "menu_settings" => "Settings",
- "menu_styles" => "Styles",
- "menu_tags" => "Tags",
- "menu_templates" => "Templates",
- "menu_users_groups" => "Users / Groups",
- "new_article" => "New Article",
- "articleedit_title" => "Article Title",
- "articleedit_content" => "Content",
- "articleedit_excerpt" => "Excerpt",
- "comment_form_name" => "Your name",
- "comment_form_mail" => "Your E-Mailaddress",
- "comment_form_text" => "Your comment (Markdown format)",
- "comment_form_submit" => "Submit comment",
- "comment_form_preview" => "Preview",
- "page_prev" => "&lt;-- previous page",
- "page_next" => "next page --&gt;",
- "e404_details" => "The page [[URL]] could not be found. Sorry.",
- "author_name_missing" => "No author name given.",
- "author_email_missing" => "No author E-Mailaddress given.",
- "comment_text_missing" => "An empty comment can not be posted.",
- "comment_form_invalid" => "The comment form is invalid.",
- "comment_too_fast" => "This comment was written too fast. Are you a spambot?",
- "article_other_languages" => "This article in other languages: ",
- "save_texts_as_lang" => "Save texts as language",
- "settings_meta" => "Settings / Metadata",
- "urlname" => "Unique URL name",
- "tags_cs" => "Tags (comma seperated)",
- "date_time" => "Date / Time",
- "article_status" => "Article Status",
- "article_status_hidden" => "Hidden",
- "article_status_live" => "Live",
- "article_status_sticky" => "Sticky",
- "article_section" => "Section",
- "invalid_urlname" => "Invalid URL name (Can contain a-z A-Z 0-9 - and _)",
- "invalid_article_status" => "Invalid article status",
- "unknown_txtproc" => "Unknown Textprocessor",
- "invalid_date" => "Invalid date",
- "article_edit_error" => "Could not edit article.",
- "unknown_section" => "Unknown section",
- "allow_comments" => "Allow comments?",
- "article_name_already_in_use" => "Article name is already in use.",
- "article_save_success" => "Article successfully saved.",
- "tags_successfully_deleted" => "Tags successfully deleted.",
- "new_tag_name" => "Name",
- "tags_successfully_edited" => "Successfully edited tags.",
- "tags_overview" => "Tag Overview",
- "tag_name" => "Tag name",
- "yes" => "Yes",
- "no" => "No",
- "tag_add_lang" => "Add translation",
- "save_changes" => "Save changes",
- "language_unknown" => "Unknown language",
- "translation_added_successfully" => "Translation added successfully.",
- "invalid_tag_name" => "Invalid tag name. A tag name can not contain commas (,) or spaces ( ) and must not be empty.",
- "available_languages" => "Available languages",
- "tags" => "Tags",
- "section" => "Section",
- "no_articles" => "No articles stored.",
- "delete" => "Delete",
- "articles_deleted" => "Articles deleted.",
- "sort_asc" => "ascending",
- "sort_desc" => "descending",
- "filter" => "Filter",
- "filter_urlname" => "by URL name",
- "filter_tag" => "by tag",
- "filter_section" => "by section",
- "image_upload" => "Upload a new image",
- "img_upload_name" => "Name",
- "img_upload_name_leave_empty" => "(Leave empty for default filename)",
- "image_preview" => "Preview",
- "image_name" => "Name",
- "image_getmarkup" => "Embed code",
- "no_images" => "No images stored.",
- "upload_failed" => "Upload failed.",
- "unknown_file_format" => "Unknown file format.",
- "upload_success" => "Upload successful",
- "images_deleted" => "Images deleted.",
- "generate_embed_code" => "Generate embed code.",
- "image_alt" => "Alternative Title",
- "embed_code" => "Embed code",
- "was_read" => "Read?",
- "article" => "Article",
- "visible" => "Visible",
- "comment_excerpt" => "Comment (excerpt)",
- "no_comments" => "No comments available.",
- "read_more" => "Read more",
- "language" => "Language",
- "author" => "Author",
- "filter_article" => "by Article",
- "commentaction_make_invisible" => "Make invisible",
- "commentaction_make_visible" => "Make visible",
- "commentaction_mark_read" => "Mark as read",
- "commentaction_mark_unread" => "Mark as unread",
- "comments_successfully_deleted" => "Comments sucessfully deleted.",
- "comments_successfully_marked_read" => "Comments successfully marked as read.",
- "comments_successfully_marked_unread" => "Comments successfully marked as unread.",
- "comments_successfully_made_visible" => "Comments successfully made visible.",
- "comments_successfully_made_invisible" => "Comments successfully made invisible.",
- "unknown_action" => "Unknown action.",
- "comment_successfully_deleted" => "Comment sucessfully deleted.",
- "comment_successfully_made_visible" => "Comment successfully made visible.",
- "comment_successfully_made_invisible" => "Comment successfully made invisible.",
- "comment_perform_action" => "Perform an action on this comment",
- "comment_text" => "Comment Text",
- "comment_text_raw" => "Comment Text (raw)",
- "new_template" => "New Template",
- "template" => "Template",
- "template_name" => "Template name",
- "template_code" => "Template code",
- "templates_successfully_deleted" => "Templates successfully deleted",
- "invalid_template_name" => "Invalid template name. Valid template names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_), hyphens(-) and dots(.)",
- "could_not_compile_template" => "Could not compile template. Reason: ",
- "template_successfully_saved" => "Template successfully saved.",
- "style" => "Style",
- "new_style" => "New style",
- "style_name" => "Style name",
- "style_code" => "Style code",
- "styles_successfully_deleted" => "Styles successfully deleted",
- "invalid_style_name" => "Invalid style name. Valid style names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_), hyphens(-) and dots(.)",
- "style_successfully_saved" => "Style successfully saved.",
- "new_section" => "New Section",
- "section_name" => "Section name",
- "section_is_default" => "Is default",
- "styles" => "Styles",
- "make_default" => "Make default",
- "set_template" => "Set template",
- "add_style" => "Add style",
- "section_already_exists" => "Section already exists.",
- "unknown_template" => "Unknown template",
- "invalid_section_name" => "Invalid section name. Valid section names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_) and hyphens(-)",
- "section_title" => "Title",
- "set_title" => "Set Title",
- "section_created_successfully" => "Section created",
- "style_removed" => "Style removed",
- "remove" => "Remove",
- "cannot_delete_default_section" => "Can not delete default section.",
- "section_successfully_deleted" => "Section successfully deleted.",
- "default_section_changed_successfully" => "Default section changed successfully.",
- "successfully_added_style" => "Successfully added style.",
- "successfully_set_section_title" => "Successfully set title.",
- "successfully_set_template" => "Successfully set template.",
- "comment_textprocessor" => "Textprocessor for comments",
- "language_settings" => "Language settings",
- "language_code" => "Language code",
- "default_language" => "Default language",
- "add_language" => "Add language",
- "comment_auto_visible" => "Make comments visible automatically",
- "comment_settings" => "Comment settings",
- "comment_settings_successfully_saved" => "Comment settings successfully saved",
- "cannot_delete_default_language" => "Can not delete default language.",
- "language_successfully_deleted" => "Language successfully deleted.",
- "successfully_set_default_language" => "Successfully set default language.",
- "language_successfully_added" => "Language successfully added.",
- "new_user" => "New user",
- "initial_password" => "Initial password",
- "new_group" => "New Group",
- "groupname" => "Group name",
- "users" => "Users",
- "groups" => "Groups",
- "group" => "Group",
- "member_of_groups" => "Member of these groups",
- "cannot_delete_admin_group" => "Can not delete admin group.",
- "successfully_deleted_groups" => "Successfully deleted groups.",
- "empty_group_name" => "Can not create group: Empty group name.",
- "group_already_exists" => "Group already exists.",
- "successfully_created_group" => "Successfully created group.",
- "empty_username" => "Can not create user: Empty username.",
- "user_already_exists" => "User already exists.",
- "successfully_created_user" => "Successfully created user.",
- "cannot_delete_yourself" => "You can not delete yourself.",
- "successfully_deleted_users" => "Successfully deleted users.",
- "fullname" => "Full name",
- "mail_address" => "Mail Address",
- "new_password" => "New password",
- "successfully_modified_user" => "Successfully modified user.",
- "successfully_set_new_password" => "Successfully set new password.",
- "plugin_name" => "Name",
- "plugin_version" => "Version",
- "plugin_isactive" => "Active",
- "plugin_description" => "Description",
- "plugin_author" => "Author",
- "plugin_web" => "Web",
- "plugin_help" => "Help",
- "plugin_update" => "Update",
- "plugin_activate" => "Activate",
- "plugin_deactivate" => "Deactivate",
- "no_plugins" => "No plugins installed",
- "install_from_package" => "Install from package",
- "invalid_package" => "Invalid package",
- "incompatible_plugin" => "This plugin is not comatible wit this version of Ratatöskr. It requires the API version [[API]] or a compatible one.",
- "plugin_safety_warning" => "<strong>Never</strong> install plugins you do not trust! Plugins have a lot of power and could potentially destroy your Ratatöskr installation!",
- "plugin_src" => "Source code",
- "license" => "License",
- "plugin_installed_successfully" => "Plugin successfully installed.",
- "successfully_deleted_plugins" => "Successfully deleted plugins.",
- "plugins_activated" => "Plugins activated.",
- "plugins_deactivated" => "Plugins deactivated.",
- "successfully_updated_plugins" => "These plugins were updated: [[PLUGINS]]",
- "nothing_to_update" => "Nothing to update.",
- "add_repo" => "Add a repository",
- "repo_baseurl" => "Repository base URL",
- "repo_list" => "Repository List",
- "repo_name" => "Name",
- "repo_description" => "Description",
- "no_repos" => "No repositories found.",
- "force_repo_refresh" => "Force refresh",
- "successfully_added_repo" => "Successfully added repository.",
- "repository_unreachable_or_invalid" => "Repository is unreachable or is invalid.",
- "repos_deleted" => "Repositories deleted.",
- "successfully_refreshed_repos" => "Successfully refreshed.",
- "repo_refresh_failed_on" => "Repository refresh failed on these repositories: [[REPOS]]",
- "no_repos_add_some" => "No repositories found. You should <a href=\"[[URL]]\">add some repositories</a>.",
- "install_from_repo" => "Install from repository",
- "search" => "Search",
- "repo_plugin_search_in" => "Search in",
- "search_in_all_repos" => "all repositories",
- "repo" => "Repository",
- "install" => "Install",
- "package_or_repo_not_found" => "Package or repository not found.",
- "dbsetup_mysql_host" => "MySQL host (usually 'localhost')",
- "dbsetup_mysql_user" => "MySQL Username",
- "dbsetup_mysql_passwd" => "MySQL Password",
- "dbsetup_mysql_database" => "MySQL Database name",
- "dbsetup_table_prefix" => "Table prefix",
- "dbsetup" => "Database setup",
- "admin_setup" => "Administrator data",
- "setup_almost_done" => "Almost done",
- "setup_configfile_instructions" => "You need to change the contents of the file '/ratatoeskr/config.php' in your Ratatöskr installation to this:",
- "setup_delete_setup_instructions_and_pointers" => "Also you really should delete the '/setup.php' in your Ratatöskr installation. If you have done that, you can go to your new Ratatöskr installation:",
- "setup_link_yourpage" => "Your new Webpage",
- "setup_link_backend" => "The backend of your Webpage",
- "admin_data_must_be_filled_out" => "Administrator data must be filled out",
- "enforce" => "Enforce",
- "could_not_activate_plugin_api_incompat" => "Could not activate these plugins, because they are not / no longer compatible with your Ratatöskr-installation: [[PLUGINS]]",
- "plugins_incompat" => "These plugins are not / no longer compatible with your Ratatöskr -installation: [[PLUGINS]]",
- "could_not_initialize_repos" => "Setup is completed, but the default repositories could not be initalized.",
- "debugmode" => "Debugmode",
- "enabled" => "Enabled",
- "disabled" => "Disabled",
- "debugmode_might_get_overwritten_by_config_file" => "(this can be overwritten by config.php)",
- "debugmode_now_enabled" => "Debugmode now enabled",
- "debugmode_now_disabled" => "Debugmode now disabled",
- /* Very long texts here */
- "linking_back_hint" => <<<LINKINGBACK
+ "username" => "Username",
+ "password" => "Password",
+ "login_form_header" => "Login",
+ "login_form_button" => "Login",
+ "login_background_image" => "Background image: <a href=\"[[URL]]\">[[FILENAME]]</a> by [[AUTHOR]]. License: [[LICENSE]]",
+ "login_failed" => "Login failed (Username/Password is wrong or you are not an admin).",
+ "logout" => "Logout",
+ "section_admin" => "Administration",
+ "section_content" => "Content",
+ "section_design" => "Design",
+ "section_plugins" => "Plugins",
+ "menu_articles" => "Articles",
+ "menu_comments" => "Comments",
+ "menu_images" => "Images",
+ "menu_languages" => "Languages",
+ "menu_newarticles" => "New Article",
+ "menu_pagesections" => "Page Sections",
+ "menu_plugin_repos" => "Plugin Repositories",
+ "menu_plugininstall" => "Install Plugin",
+ "menu_pluginlist" => "Plugin List",
+ "menu_settings" => "Settings",
+ "menu_styles" => "Styles",
+ "menu_tags" => "Tags",
+ "menu_templates" => "Templates",
+ "menu_users_groups" => "Users / Groups",
+ "new_article" => "New Article",
+ "articleedit_title" => "Article Title",
+ "articleedit_content" => "Content",
+ "articleedit_excerpt" => "Excerpt",
+ "comment_form_name" => "Your name",
+ "comment_form_mail" => "Your E-Mailaddress",
+ "comment_form_text" => "Your comment (Markdown format)",
+ "comment_form_submit" => "Submit comment",
+ "comment_form_preview" => "Preview",
+ "page_prev" => "&lt;-- previous page",
+ "page_next" => "next page --&gt;",
+ "e404_details" => "The page [[URL]] could not be found. Sorry.",
+ "author_name_missing" => "No author name given.",
+ "author_email_missing" => "No author E-Mailaddress given.",
+ "comment_text_missing" => "An empty comment can not be posted.",
+ "comment_form_invalid" => "The comment form is invalid.",
+ "comment_too_fast" => "This comment was written too fast. Are you a spambot?",
+ "article_other_languages" => "This article in other languages: ",
+ "save_texts_as_lang" => "Save texts as language",
+ "settings_meta" => "Settings / Metadata",
+ "urlname" => "Unique URL name",
+ "tags_cs" => "Tags (comma seperated)",
+ "date_time" => "Date / Time",
+ "article_status" => "Article Status",
+ "article_status_hidden" => "Hidden",
+ "article_status_live" => "Live",
+ "article_status_sticky" => "Sticky",
+ "article_section" => "Section",
+ "invalid_urlname" => "Invalid URL name (Can contain a-z A-Z 0-9 - and _)",
+ "invalid_article_status" => "Invalid article status",
+ "unknown_txtproc" => "Unknown Textprocessor",
+ "invalid_date" => "Invalid date",
+ "article_edit_error" => "Could not edit article.",
+ "unknown_section" => "Unknown section",
+ "allow_comments" => "Allow comments?",
+ "article_name_already_in_use" => "Article name is already in use.",
+ "article_save_success" => "Article successfully saved.",
+ "tags_successfully_deleted" => "Tags successfully deleted.",
+ "new_tag_name" => "Name",
+ "tags_successfully_edited" => "Successfully edited tags.",
+ "tags_overview" => "Tag Overview",
+ "tag_name" => "Tag name",
+ "yes" => "Yes",
+ "no" => "No",
+ "tag_add_lang" => "Add translation",
+ "save_changes" => "Save changes",
+ "language_unknown" => "Unknown language",
+ "translation_added_successfully" => "Translation added successfully.",
+ "invalid_tag_name" => "Invalid tag name. A tag name can not contain commas (,) or spaces ( ) and must not be empty.",
+ "available_languages" => "Available languages",
+ "tags" => "Tags",
+ "section" => "Section",
+ "no_articles" => "No articles stored.",
+ "delete" => "Delete",
+ "articles_deleted" => "Articles deleted.",
+ "sort_asc" => "ascending",
+ "sort_desc" => "descending",
+ "filter" => "Filter",
+ "filter_urlname" => "by URL name",
+ "filter_tag" => "by tag",
+ "filter_section" => "by section",
+ "image_upload" => "Upload a new image",
+ "img_upload_name" => "Name",
+ "img_upload_name_leave_empty" => "(Leave empty for default filename)",
+ "image_preview" => "Preview",
+ "image_name" => "Name",
+ "image_getmarkup" => "Embed code",
+ "no_images" => "No images stored.",
+ "upload_failed" => "Upload failed.",
+ "unknown_file_format" => "Unknown file format.",
+ "upload_success" => "Upload successful",
+ "images_deleted" => "Images deleted.",
+ "generate_embed_code" => "Generate embed code.",
+ "image_alt" => "Alternative Title",
+ "embed_code" => "Embed code",
+ "was_read" => "Read?",
+ "article" => "Article",
+ "visible" => "Visible",
+ "comment_excerpt" => "Comment (excerpt)",
+ "no_comments" => "No comments available.",
+ "read_more" => "Read more",
+ "language" => "Language",
+ "author" => "Author",
+ "filter_article" => "by Article",
+ "commentaction_make_invisible" => "Make invisible",
+ "commentaction_make_visible" => "Make visible",
+ "commentaction_mark_read" => "Mark as read",
+ "commentaction_mark_unread" => "Mark as unread",
+ "comments_successfully_deleted" => "Comments sucessfully deleted.",
+ "comments_successfully_marked_read" => "Comments successfully marked as read.",
+ "comments_successfully_marked_unread" => "Comments successfully marked as unread.",
+ "comments_successfully_made_visible" => "Comments successfully made visible.",
+ "comments_successfully_made_invisible" => "Comments successfully made invisible.",
+ "unknown_action" => "Unknown action.",
+ "comment_successfully_deleted" => "Comment sucessfully deleted.",
+ "comment_successfully_made_visible" => "Comment successfully made visible.",
+ "comment_successfully_made_invisible" => "Comment successfully made invisible.",
+ "comment_perform_action" => "Perform an action on this comment",
+ "comment_text" => "Comment Text",
+ "comment_text_raw" => "Comment Text (raw)",
+ "new_template" => "New Template",
+ "template" => "Template",
+ "template_name" => "Template name",
+ "template_code" => "Template code",
+ "templates_successfully_deleted" => "Templates successfully deleted",
+ "invalid_template_name" => "Invalid template name. Valid template names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_), hyphens(-) and dots(.)",
+ "could_not_compile_template" => "Could not compile template. Reason: ",
+ "template_successfully_saved" => "Template successfully saved.",
+ "style" => "Style",
+ "new_style" => "New style",
+ "style_name" => "Style name",
+ "style_code" => "Style code",
+ "styles_successfully_deleted" => "Styles successfully deleted",
+ "invalid_style_name" => "Invalid style name. Valid style names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_), hyphens(-) and dots(.)",
+ "style_successfully_saved" => "Style successfully saved.",
+ "new_section" => "New Section",
+ "section_name" => "Section name",
+ "section_is_default" => "Is default",
+ "styles" => "Styles",
+ "make_default" => "Make default",
+ "set_template" => "Set template",
+ "add_style" => "Add style",
+ "section_already_exists" => "Section already exists.",
+ "unknown_template" => "Unknown template",
+ "invalid_section_name" => "Invalid section name. Valid section names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_) and hyphens(-)",
+ "section_title" => "Title",
+ "set_title" => "Set Title",
+ "section_created_successfully" => "Section created",
+ "style_removed" => "Style removed",
+ "remove" => "Remove",
+ "cannot_delete_default_section" => "Can not delete default section.",
+ "section_successfully_deleted" => "Section successfully deleted.",
+ "default_section_changed_successfully" => "Default section changed successfully.",
+ "successfully_added_style" => "Successfully added style.",
+ "successfully_set_section_title" => "Successfully set title.",
+ "successfully_set_template" => "Successfully set template.",
+ "comment_textprocessor" => "Textprocessor for comments",
+ "language_settings" => "Language settings",
+ "language_code" => "Language code",
+ "default_language" => "Default language",
+ "add_language" => "Add language",
+ "comment_auto_visible" => "Make comments visible automatically",
+ "comment_settings" => "Comment settings",
+ "comment_settings_successfully_saved" => "Comment settings successfully saved",
+ "cannot_delete_default_language" => "Can not delete default language.",
+ "language_successfully_deleted" => "Language successfully deleted.",
+ "successfully_set_default_language" => "Successfully set default language.",
+ "language_successfully_added" => "Language successfully added.",
+ "new_user" => "New user",
+ "initial_password" => "Initial password",
+ "new_group" => "New Group",
+ "groupname" => "Group name",
+ "users" => "Users",
+ "groups" => "Groups",
+ "group" => "Group",
+ "member_of_groups" => "Member of these groups",
+ "cannot_delete_admin_group" => "Can not delete admin group.",
+ "successfully_deleted_groups" => "Successfully deleted groups.",
+ "empty_group_name" => "Can not create group: Empty group name.",
+ "group_already_exists" => "Group already exists.",
+ "successfully_created_group" => "Successfully created group.",
+ "empty_username" => "Can not create user: Empty username.",
+ "user_already_exists" => "User already exists.",
+ "successfully_created_user" => "Successfully created user.",
+ "cannot_delete_yourself" => "You can not delete yourself.",
+ "successfully_deleted_users" => "Successfully deleted users.",
+ "fullname" => "Full name",
+ "mail_address" => "Mail Address",
+ "new_password" => "New password",
+ "successfully_modified_user" => "Successfully modified user.",
+ "successfully_set_new_password" => "Successfully set new password.",
+ "plugin_name" => "Name",
+ "plugin_version" => "Version",
+ "plugin_isactive" => "Active",
+ "plugin_description" => "Description",
+ "plugin_author" => "Author",
+ "plugin_web" => "Web",
+ "plugin_help" => "Help",
+ "plugin_update" => "Update",
+ "plugin_activate" => "Activate",
+ "plugin_deactivate" => "Deactivate",
+ "no_plugins" => "No plugins installed",
+ "install_from_package" => "Install from package",
+ "invalid_package" => "Invalid package",
+ "incompatible_plugin" => "This plugin is not comatible wit this version of Ratatöskr. It requires the API version [[API]] or a compatible one.",
+ "plugin_safety_warning" => "<strong>Never</strong> install plugins you do not trust! Plugins have a lot of power and could potentially destroy your Ratatöskr installation!",
+ "plugin_src" => "Source code",
+ "license" => "License",
+ "plugin_installed_successfully" => "Plugin successfully installed.",
+ "successfully_deleted_plugins" => "Successfully deleted plugins.",
+ "plugins_activated" => "Plugins activated.",
+ "plugins_deactivated" => "Plugins deactivated.",
+ "successfully_updated_plugins" => "These plugins were updated: [[PLUGINS]]",
+ "nothing_to_update" => "Nothing to update.",
+ "add_repo" => "Add a repository",
+ "repo_baseurl" => "Repository base URL",
+ "repo_list" => "Repository List",
+ "repo_name" => "Name",
+ "repo_description" => "Description",
+ "no_repos" => "No repositories found.",
+ "force_repo_refresh" => "Force refresh",
+ "successfully_added_repo" => "Successfully added repository.",
+ "repository_unreachable_or_invalid" => "Repository is unreachable or is invalid.",
+ "repos_deleted" => "Repositories deleted.",
+ "successfully_refreshed_repos" => "Successfully refreshed.",
+ "repo_refresh_failed_on" => "Repository refresh failed on these repositories: [[REPOS]]",
+ "no_repos_add_some" => "No repositories found. You should <a href=\"[[URL]]\">add some repositories</a>.",
+ "install_from_repo" => "Install from repository",
+ "search" => "Search",
+ "repo_plugin_search_in" => "Search in",
+ "search_in_all_repos" => "all repositories",
+ "repo" => "Repository",
+ "install" => "Install",
+ "package_or_repo_not_found" => "Package or repository not found.",
+ "dbsetup_mysql_host" => "MySQL host (usually 'localhost')",
+ "dbsetup_mysql_user" => "MySQL Username",
+ "dbsetup_mysql_passwd" => "MySQL Password",
+ "dbsetup_mysql_database" => "MySQL Database name",
+ "dbsetup_table_prefix" => "Table prefix",
+ "dbsetup" => "Database setup",
+ "admin_setup" => "Administrator data",
+ "setup_almost_done" => "Almost done",
+ "setup_configfile_instructions" => "You need to change the contents of the file '/ratatoeskr/config.php' in your Ratatöskr installation to this:",
+ "setup_delete_setup_instructions_and_pointers" => "Also you really should delete the '/setup.php' in your Ratatöskr installation. If you have done that, you can go to your new Ratatöskr installation:",
+ "setup_link_yourpage" => "Your new Webpage",
+ "setup_link_backend" => "The backend of your Webpage",
+ "admin_data_must_be_filled_out" => "Administrator data must be filled out",
+ "enforce" => "Enforce",
+ "could_not_activate_plugin_api_incompat" => "Could not activate these plugins, because they are not / no longer compatible with your Ratatöskr-installation: [[PLUGINS]]",
+ "plugins_incompat" => "These plugins are not / no longer compatible with your Ratatöskr -installation: [[PLUGINS]]",
+ "could_not_initialize_repos" => "Setup is completed, but the default repositories could not be initalized.",
+ "debugmode" => "Debugmode",
+ "enabled" => "Enabled",
+ "disabled" => "Disabled",
+ "debugmode_might_get_overwritten_by_config_file" => "(this can be overwritten by config.php)",
+ "debugmode_now_enabled" => "Debugmode now enabled",
+ "debugmode_now_disabled" => "Debugmode now disabled",
+ /* Very long texts here */
+ "linking_back_hint" => <<<LINKINGBACK
<h2>Linking back</h2>
<p>The text <code>%root%</code> will be replaced with a path, that points to the root of your Ratatöskr page.</p>
- ,"content_write_cheatsheet" => <<<CHEATSHEET
+ ,"content_write_cheatsheet" => <<<CHEATSHEET
<h2>Markdown Cheat Sheet</h2>
<h3>Emphasis / Strong</h3>
- <code>*<em>emphasis</em>*</code><br />
- <code>_<em>emphasis</em>_</code><br />
- <code>**<strong>strong</strong>**</code><br />
- <code>__<strong>strong</strong>__</code>
+ <code>*<em>emphasis</em>*</code><br />
+ <code>_<em>emphasis</em>_</code><br />
+ <code>**<strong>strong</strong>**</code><br />
+ <code>__<strong>strong</strong>__</code>
<h3>Paragraphs and manual line breaks.</h3>
- <code>First Paragraph<br />
+ <code>First Paragraph<br />
<br />
Second Paragraph with<br />
long<br />
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ end a line with two whitespaces.</code>
- <code>Header 1<br />
+ <code>Header 1<br />
========<br />
<br />
Header 2<br />
@@ -310,22 +310,22 @@ Header 2<br />
- <code>[Linktext](http://url/to/resource "Optional title")</code>
+ <code>[Linktext](http://url/to/resource "Optional title")</code>
- <code>[Linktext][id]. Somewhere else:<br />
+ <code>[Linktext][id]. Somewhere else:<br />
&nbsp;<br />
[id]: http://url/to/resource "Optional title"</code>
- <code>![alt text](/path/to/image "Optional title")</code>
+ <code>![alt text](/path/to/image "Optional title")</code>
<h3>Ordered / Unordered Lists</h3>
- <code>* Item A<br />
+ <code>* Item A<br />
* Item B<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;With a second paragraph.<br />
@@ -335,15 +335,15 @@ Header 2<br />
&nbsp;&nbsp;* Item C2<br /></code>
- <code>1. First element<br />
+ <code>1. First element<br />
2. Second Element
<h3>Learn More</h3>
- <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax">Complete Syntax</a><br />
- <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus">Test Markdown</a>
+ <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/syntax">Complete Syntax</a><br />
+ <a href="http://daringfireball.net/projects/markdown/dingus">Test Markdown</a>