path: root/ratatoeskr
diff options
authorKevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>2011-11-23 18:17:52 +0100
committerKevin Chabowski <kevin@kch42.de>2011-11-23 18:17:52 +0100
commit767b3ebdd83bfd49d82438711f2e240f505a27c5 (patch)
treea7216ef528efc159df181dd26a250cbfda232d5c /ratatoeskr
parent57feb6e59f414026e1367146d89a9b5ff8f066ad (diff)
Added page section management to backend.
Diffstat (limited to 'ratatoeskr')
4 files changed, 308 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/ratatoeskr/backend/main.php b/ratatoeskr/backend/main.php
index 83ca013..e8ed80c 100644
--- a/ratatoeskr/backend/main.php
+++ b/ratatoeskr/backend/main.php
@@ -66,9 +66,15 @@ $backend_subactions = url_action_subactions(array(
global $ratatoeskr_settings, $admin_grp, $ste, $languages;
$ste->vars["all_languages"] = array();
+ $ste->vars["all_langcodes"] = array();
foreach($languages as $code => $data)
+ {
$ste->vars["all_languages"][$code] = $data["language"];
+ $ste->vars["all_langcodes"][] = $code;
+ }
+ sort($ste->vars["all_langcodes"]);
/* Check authentification */
@@ -159,7 +165,7 @@ $backend_subactions = url_action_subactions(array(
$default_section = Section::by_id($ratatoeskr_settings["default_section"]);
$ste->vars["section"] = "content";
- $ste->vars["submenu"] = "newarticle";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = isset($article) ? "articles" : "newarticle";
$ste->vars["textprocessors"] = array();
foreach($textprocessors as $txtproc => $properties)
@@ -1045,6 +1051,197 @@ $backend_subactions = url_action_subactions(array(
echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/styles.html");
+ },
+ "sections" => function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next)
+ {
+ global $ste, $translation, $languages, $rel_path_to_root, $ratatoeskr_settings;
+ list($style) = $url_next;
+ $url_next = array();
+ $ste->vars["section"] = "design";
+ $ste->vars["submenu"] = "sections";
+ $ste->vars["pagetitle"] = $translation["menu_pagesections"];
+ /* New section? */
+ if(isset($_POST["new_section"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ Section::by_name($_POST["section_name"]);
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["section_already_exists"];
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ if((preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\.]+$/", $_POST["template"]) == 0) or (!is_file(SITE_BASE_PATH . "/ratatoeskr/templates/src/usertemplates/{$_POST['template']}")))
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["unknown_template"];
+ else if(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_]+$/", $_POST["section_name"]) == 0)
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["invalid_section_name"];
+ else
+ {
+ $section = Section::create($_POST["section_name"]);
+ $section->template = $_POST["template"];
+ $section->title[$data["user"]->language] = new Translation($_POST["section_name"], "");
+ $section->save();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["section_created_successfully"];
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Remove a style? */
+ if(isset($_GET["rmstyle"]) and isset($_GET["rmfrom"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $section = Section::by_name($_GET["rmfrom"]);
+ $style = $_GET["rmstyle"];
+ $section->styles = array_filter($section->styles, function($s) use ($style) { return $s->name != $style; });
+ $section->save();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["style_removed"];
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Delete a section? */
+ if(isset($_POST["delete"]) and (@$_POST["really_delete"] == "yes") and isset($_POST["section_select"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $section = Section::by_name($_POST["section_select"]);
+ if($section->get_id() == $ratatoeskr_settings["default_section"])
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["cannot_delete_default_section"];
+ else
+ {
+ $default_section = Section::by_id($ratatoeskr_settings["default_section"]);
+ foreach($section->get_articles() as $article)
+ {
+ $article->section = $default_section;
+ $article->save();
+ }
+ $section->delete();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["section_successfully_deleted"];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Make section default? */
+ if(isset($_POST["make_default"]) and isset($_POST["section_select"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $section = Section::by_name($_POST["section_select"]);
+ $ratatoeskr_settings["default_section"] = $section->get_id();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["default_section_changed_successfully"];
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set template? */
+ if(isset($_POST["set_template"]) and isset($_POST["section_select"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $section = Section::by_name($_POST["section_select"]);
+ if((preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9\\-_\\.]+$/", $_POST["set_template_to"]) == 0) or (!is_file(SITE_BASE_PATH . "/ratatoeskr/templates/src/usertemplates/{$_POST['set_template_to']}")))
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["unknown_template"];
+ else
+ {
+ $section->template = $_POST["set_template_to"];
+ $section->save();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["successfully_set_template"];
+ }
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Adding a style? */
+ if(isset($_POST["add_style"]) and isset($_POST["section_select"]))
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $section = Section::by_name($_POST["section_select"]);
+ $style = Style::by_name($_POST["style_to_add"]);
+ if(!in_array($style, $section->styles))
+ {
+ $section->styles[] = $style;
+ $section->save();
+ }
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["successfully_added_style"];
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set/unset title? */
+ if(isset($_POST["set_title"]) and isset($_POST["section_select"]))
+ {
+ if(!isset($languages[$_POST["set_title_lang"]]))
+ $ste->vars["error"] = $translation["language_unknown"];
+ else
+ {
+ try
+ {
+ $section = Section::by_name($_POST["section_select"]);
+ if(!empty($_POST["set_title_text"]))
+ $section->title[$_POST["set_title_lang"]] = new Translation($_POST["set_title_text"], "");
+ else if(isset($section->title[$_POST["set_title_lang"]]))
+ unset($section->title[$_POST["set_title_lang"]]);
+ $section->save();
+ $ste->vars["success"] = $translation["successfully_set_section_title"];
+ }
+ catch(DoesNotExistError $e)
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /* Get all templates */
+ $ste->vars["templates"] = array();
+ $tpldir = new DirectoryIterator(SITE_BASE_PATH . "/ratatoeskr/templates/src/usertemplates");
+ foreach($tpldir as $fo)
+ {
+ if($fo->isFile())
+ $ste->vars["templates"][] = $fo->getFilename();
+ }
+ sort($ste->vars["templates"]);
+ /* Get all styles */
+ $ste->vars["styles"] = array_map(function($s) { return $s->name; }, Style::all());
+ sort($ste->vars["styles"]);
+ /* Get all sections */
+ $sections = Section::all();
+ $ste->vars["sections"] = array_map(function($section) use ($ratatoeskr_settings) {
+ $titles = array();
+ foreach($section->title as $l => $t)
+ $titles[$l] = $t->text;
+ return array(
+ "name" => $section->name,
+ "title" => $titles,
+ "template" => $section->template,
+ "styles" => array_map(function($style) { return $style->name; }, $section->styles),
+ "default" => ($section->get_id() == $ratatoeskr_settings["default_section"])
+ );
+ }, $sections);
+ echo $ste->exectemplate("systemtemplates/sections.html");
diff --git a/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/articles.html b/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/articles.html
index 0742726..4d9c2ff 100644
--- a/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/articles.html
+++ b/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/articles.html
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@
?{~{$i|eq|0}||, } <ste:escape>$tag</ste:escape>
- <td><a href="$rel_path_to_root/backend/design/sections/$article[section][id]"><ste:escape>$article[section][name]</ste:escape></a></td>
+ <td><ste:escape>$article[section][name]</ste:escape></td>
diff --git a/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/sections.html b/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/sections.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1228933
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ratatoeskr/templates/src/systemtemplates/sections.html
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+<ste:load name="master.html" />
+<ste:mktag name="instant_select" mandatory="name|array"><select name="$_tag_parameters[name]">
+ <ste:foreach array="$_tag_parameters[array]" value="instant_select_v">
+ <option value="$instant_select_v"?{~{$_tag_parameters[selected]|eq|$instant_select_v}| selected="selected"|}>$instant_select_v</option>
+ </ste:foreach>
+<ste:block name="content">
+ <ste:if>$success
+ <ste:then>
+ <div class="success"><ste:escape>$success</ste:escape></div>
+ </ste:then>
+ </ste:if>
+ <ste:if>$error
+ <ste:then>
+ <div class="error"><ste:escape>$error</ste:escape></div>
+ </ste:then>
+ </ste:if>
+ <div class="dualcolumns">
+ <div class="column_left">
+ <h2><ste:get_translation for="new_section" /></h2>
+ <form action="$rel_path_to_root/backend/design/sections" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+ <p>
+ <strong><ste:get_translation for="section_name" />:</strong><br />
+ <input type="text" name="section_name" />
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <strong><ste:get_translation for="template" />:</strong><br />
+ <ste:instant_select name="template" array="templates" />
+ </p>
+ <p><input type="submit" name="new_section" /></p>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ <div class="column_main">
+ <form action="$rel_path_to_root/backend/design/sections" method="POST" accept-charset="UTF-8">
+ <table class="listtab fullwidth">
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>&nbsp;</th>
+ <th><ste:get_translation for="section" /></th>
+ <th><ste:get_translation for="section_title" /></th>
+ <th><ste:get_translation for="section_is_default" /></th>
+ <th><ste:get_translation for="template" /></th>
+ <th><ste:get_translation for="styles" /></th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <ste:foreach array="sections" value="section">
+ <tr>
+ <td><input type="radio" name="section_select" value="$section[name]" /></td>
+ <td><ste:escape>$section[name]</ste:escape></td>
+ <td>
+ <ste:foreach array="section[title]" key="langcode" value="title" counter="ti">
+ ?{~{$ti|eq|0}||<br />}
+ ($langcode) <ste:escape>$title</ste:escape>
+ </ste:foreach>
+ </td>
+ <td>?{$section[default]|<strong><ste:get_translation for="yes" /></strong>|<ste:get_translation for="no" />}</td>
+ <td><a href="$rel_path_to_root/backend/design/templates/<ste:escape>$section[template]</ste:escape>"><ste:escape>$section[template]</ste:escape></a></td>
+ <td>
+ <ste:foreach array="section[styles]" value="style" counter="si">
+ ?{~{$si|eq|0}||<br />}
+ <a href="$rel_path_to_root/backend/design/sections?rmstyle=${style}&rmfrom=${section[name]}"><img src="$rel_path_to_root/ratatoeskr/cms_style/images/delete.png" alt="<ste:get_translation for='remove' />" /></a> <a href="$rel_path_to_root/backend/design/styles/$style">$style</a>
+ </ste:foreach>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ </ste:foreach>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <div>
+ <input type="submit" name="delete" value="<ste:get_translation for='delete' />" />&nbsp;<select name="really_delete">
+ <option value="no" selected="selected"><ste:get_translation for="no" /></option>
+ <option value="yes"><ste:get_translation for="yes" /></option>
+ </select>
+ |
+ <input type="submit" name="make_default" value="<ste:get_translation for='make_default' />" />
+ |
+ <input type="submit" name="set_template" value="<ste:get_translation for='set_template' />" />&nbsp;<ste:instant_select name="set_template_to" array="templates" />
+ |
+ <input type="submit" name="add_style" value="<ste:get_translation for='add_style' />" />&nbsp;<ste:instant_select name="style_to_add" array="styles" />
+ |
+ <input type="submit" name="set_title" value="<ste:get_translation for='set_title' />" />&nbsp;<ste:instant_select name="set_title_lang" array="all_langcodes" />&nbsp;<input type="text" name="set_title_text" />
+ </div>
+ </form>
+ </div>
+ </div>
+ <div class="dualcolumns_stop"></div>
diff --git a/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php b/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
index 440306d..5a4d1c4 100644
--- a/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
+++ b/ratatoeskr/translations/en.php
@@ -145,7 +145,28 @@ $translation = array(
"style_code" => "Style code",
"styles_successfully_deleted" => "Styles successfully deleted",
"invalid_style_name" => "Invalid style name. Valid style names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_), hyphens(-) and dots(.)",
- "style_successfully_saved" => "Style successfully saved."
+ "style_successfully_saved" => "Style successfully saved.",
+ "new_section" => "New Section",
+ "section_name" => "Section name",
+ "section_is_default" => "Is default",
+ "styles" => "Styles",
+ "make_default" => "Make default",
+ "set_template" => "Set template",
+ "add_style" => "Add style",
+ "section_already_exists" => "Section already exists.",
+ "unknown_template" => "Unknown template",
+ "invalid_section_name" => "Invalid section name. Valid section names are at least 1 character long and only contains letters, numbers, underscores(_) and hyphens(-)",
+ "section_title" => "Title",
+ "set_title" => "Set Title",
+ "section_created_successfully" => "Section created",
+ "style_removed" => "Style removed",
+ "remove" => "Remove",
+ "cannot_delete_default_section" => "Can not delete default section.",
+ "section_successfully_deleted" => "Section successfully deleted.",
+ "default_section_changed_successfully" => "Default section changed successfully.",
+ "successfully_added_style" => "Successfully added style.",
+ "successfully_set_section_title" => "Successfully set title.",
+ "successfully_set_template" => "Successfully set template."