path: root/tests/test-suite/events.js
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests/test-suite/events.js')
1 files changed, 80 insertions, 24 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test-suite/events.js b/tests/test-suite/events.js
index 8e160f8..49576ef 100644
--- a/tests/test-suite/events.js
+++ b/tests/test-suite/events.js
@@ -87,31 +87,7 @@ test("[test-suite] events: testing metatable", function (t) {
assert(a[i*3] == 20 + i*4)
- `, L;
- t.plan(2);
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
- lauxlib.luaL_openlibs(L);
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(luaCode));
- }, "Lua program loaded without error");
- t.doesNotThrow(function () {
- lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
- }, "Lua program ran without error");
-test("[test-suite] events: new index", function (t) {
- let luaCode = `
do -- newindex
local foi
local a = {}
@@ -124,6 +100,86 @@ test("[test-suite] events: new index", function (t) {
foi = false; a[1]=nil; assert(not foi)
foi = false; a[1]=nil; assert(foi)
+ setmetatable(t, nil)
+ function f (t, ...) return t, {...} end
+ t.__call = f
+ do
+ local x,y = a(table.unpack{'a', 1})
+ assert(x==a and y[1]=='a' and y[2]==1 and y[3]==nil)
+ x,y = a()
+ assert(x==a and y[1]==nil)
+ end
+ local b = setmetatable({}, t)
+ setmetatable(b,t)
+ function f(op)
+ return function (...) cap = {[0] = op, ...} ; return (...) end
+ end
+ t.__add = f("add")
+ t.__sub = f("sub")
+ t.__mul = f("mul")
+ t.__div = f("div")
+ t.__idiv = f("idiv")
+ t.__mod = f("mod")
+ t.__unm = f("unm")
+ t.__pow = f("pow")
+ t.__len = f("len")
+ t.__band = f("band")
+ t.__bor = f("bor")
+ t.__bxor = f("bxor")
+ t.__shl = f("shl")
+ t.__shr = f("shr")
+ t.__bnot = f("bnot")
+ assert(b+5 == b)
+ assert(cap[0] == "add" and cap[1] == b and cap[2] == 5 and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(b+'5' == b)
+ assert(cap[0] == "add" and cap[1] == b and cap[2] == '5' and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(5+b == 5)
+ assert(cap[0] == "add" and cap[1] == 5 and cap[2] == b and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert('5'+b == '5')
+ assert(cap[0] == "add" and cap[1] == '5' and cap[2] == b and cap[3]==nil)
+ b=b-3; assert(getmetatable(b) == t)
+ assert(5-a == 5)
+ assert(cap[0] == "sub" and cap[1] == 5 and cap[2] == a and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert('5'-a == '5')
+ assert(cap[0] == "sub" and cap[1] == '5' and cap[2] == a and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a*a == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "mul" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == a and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a/0 == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "div" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == 0 and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a%2 == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "mod" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == 2 and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a // (1/0) == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "idiv" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == 1/0 and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a & "hi" == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "band" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == "hi" and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a | "hi" == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "bor" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == "hi" and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert("hi" ~ a == "hi")
+ assert(cap[0] == "bxor" and cap[1] == "hi" and cap[2] == a and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(-a == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "unm" and cap[1] == a)
+ assert(a^4 == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "pow" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == 4 and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(a^'4' == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "pow" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == '4' and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(4^a == 4)
+ assert(cap[0] == "pow" and cap[1] == 4 and cap[2] == a and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert('4'^a == '4')
+ assert(cap[0] == "pow" and cap[1] == '4' and cap[2] == a and cap[3]==nil)
+ assert(#a == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "len" and cap[1] == a)
+ assert(~a == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "bnot" and cap[1] == a)
+ assert(a << 3 == a)
+ assert(cap[0] == "shl" and cap[1] == a and cap[2] == 3)
+ assert(1.5 >> a == 1.5)
+ assert(cap[0] == "shr" and cap[1] == 1.5 and cap[2] == a)
`, L;