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2 files changed, 131 insertions, 37 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test-suite/inprogress/coroutine.js b/tests/test-suite/inprogress/coroutine.js
index 8bf2664..29461d3 100644
--- a/tests/test-suite/inprogress/coroutine.js
+++ b/tests/test-suite/inprogress/coroutine.js
@@ -1197,6 +1197,100 @@ test("[test-suite] coroutine: testing debug library on last function in a suspen
+test("[test-suite] coroutine: reusing a thread", function (t) {
+ let luaCode = `
+ assert(T.testC([[
+ newthread # create thread
+ pushvalue 2 # push body
+ pushstring 'a a a' # push argument
+ xmove 0 3 2 # move values to new thread
+ resume -1, 1 # call it first time
+ pushstatus
+ xmove 3 0 0 # move results back to stack
+ setglobal X # result
+ setglobal Y # status
+ pushvalue 2 # push body (to call it again)
+ pushstring 'b b b'
+ xmove 0 3 2
+ resume -1, 1 # call it again
+ pushstatus
+ xmove 3 0 0
+ return 1 # return result
+ ]], function (...) return ... end) == 'b b b')
+ assert(X == 'a a a' and Y == 'OK')
+ `, L;
+ t.plan(2);
+ t.doesNotThrow(function () {
+ L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
+ lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
+ ltests.luaopen_tests(L);
+ lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(luaCode));
+ }, "Lua program loaded without error");
+ t.doesNotThrow(function () {
+ lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
+ }, "Lua program ran without error");
+test("[test-suite] coroutine: resuming running coroutine", function (t) {
+ let luaCode = `
+ C = coroutine.create(function ()
+ return T.testC([[
+ pushnum 10;
+ pushnum 20;
+ resume -3 2;
+ pushstatus
+ gettop;
+ return 3]], C)
+ end)
+ local a, b, c, d = coroutine.resume(C)
+ assert(a == true and string.find(b, "non%-suspended") and
+ c == "ERRRUN" and d == 4)
+ a, b, c, d = T.testC([[
+ rawgeti R 1 # get main thread
+ pushnum 10;
+ pushnum 20;
+ resume -3 2;
+ pushstatus
+ gettop;
+ return 4]])
+ assert(a == coroutine.running() and string.find(b, "non%-suspended") and
+ c == "ERRRUN" and d == 4)
+ `, L;
+ t.plan(2);
+ t.doesNotThrow(function () {
+ L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate();
+ lualib.luaL_openlibs(L);
+ ltests.luaopen_tests(L);
+ lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(luaCode));
+ }, "Lua program loaded without error");
+ t.doesNotThrow(function () {
+ lua.lua_call(L, 0, -1);
+ }, "Lua program ran without error");
test("[test-suite] coroutine: tests for coroutine API", { skip: true }, function (t) {
diff --git a/tests/test-suite/ltests.js b/tests/test-suite/ltests.js
index f9d75a6..1f26d45 100644
--- a/tests/test-suite/ltests.js
+++ b/tests/test-suite/ltests.js
@@ -105,98 +105,98 @@ const runJS = function(L, L1, pc) {
let inst = lua.to_jsstring(getstring(L, buff, pc));
if (inst.length === 0) return 0;
else if (inst === "absindex") {
- lua.lua_pushnumber(1, lua.lua_absindex(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(L1, lua.lua_absindex(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "append") {
let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
- let i = lua.lua_rawlen(1, t);
- lua.lua_rawseti(1, t, i + 1);
+ let i = lua.lua_rawlen(L1, t);
+ lua.lua_rawseti(L1, t, i + 1);
} else if (inst === "arith") {
let op;
op = ops.indexOf(pc[0]);
- lua.lua_arith(1, op);
+ lua.lua_arith(L1, op);
} else if (inst === "call") {
let narg = getnum(L, L1, pc);
let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
- lua.lua_call(1, narg, nres);
+ lua.lua_call(L1, narg, nres);
} else if (inst === "callk") {
let narg = getnum(L, L1, pc);
let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
- lua.lua_callk(1, narg, nres, i, Cfunck);
+ lua.lua_callk(L1, narg, nres, i, Cfunck);
} else if (inst === "checkstack") {
let sz = getnum(L, L1, pc);
let msg = getstring(L, buff, pc);
if (msg.length === 0)
msg = null; /* to test 'luaL_checkstack' with no message */
- lauxlib.luaL_checkstack(1, sz, msg);
+ lauxlib.luaL_checkstack(L1, sz, msg);
} else if (inst === "compare") {
let opt = getstring(L, buff, pc); /* EQ, LT, or LE */
let op = (opt[0] === 'E'.charCodeAt(0)) ? lua.LUA_OPEQ
: (opt[1] === 'T'.charCodeAt(0)) ? lua.LUA_OPLT : lua.LUA_OPLE;
let a = getindex(L, L1, pc);
let b = getindex(L, L1, pc);
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_compare(1, a, b, op));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_compare(L1, a, b, op));
} else if (inst === "concat") {
- lua.lua_concat(1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_concat(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
} else if (inst === "copy") {
let f = getindex(L, L1, pc);
- lua.lua_copy(1, f, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_copy(L1, f, getindex(L, L1, pc));
} else if (inst === "func2num") {
- let func = lua.lua_tocfunction(1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
- lua.lua_pushnumber(1, NaN); // TOODO
+ let func = lua.lua_tocfunction(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(L1, NaN); // TOODO
} else if (inst === "getfield") {
let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
- lua.lua_getfield(1, t, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ lua.lua_getfield(L1, t, getstring(L, buff, pc));
} else if (inst === "getglobal") {
- lua.lua_getglobal(1, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ lua.lua_getglobal(L1, getstring(L, buff, pc));
} else if (inst === "getmetatable") {
- if (lua.lua_getmetatable(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)) === 0)
- lua.lua_pushnil(1);
+ if (lua.lua_getmetatable(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)) === 0)
+ lua.lua_pushnil(L1);
} else if (inst === "gettable") {
- lua.lua_gettable(1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_gettable(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
} else if (inst === "gettop") {
- lua.lua_pushinteger(1, lua.lua_gettop(1));
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L1, lua.lua_gettop(L1));
} else if (inst === "gsub") {
let a = getnum(L, L1, pc);
let b = getnum(L, L1, pc);
let c = getnum(L, L1, pc);
- lauxlib.luaL_gsub(1, lua.lua_tostring(1, a), lua.lua_tostring(1, b), lua.lua_tostring(1, c));
+ lauxlib.luaL_gsub(L1, lua.lua_tostring(L1, a), lua.lua_tostring(L1, b), lua.lua_tostring(L1, c));
} else if (inst === "insert") {
- lua.lua_insert(1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_insert(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
} else if (inst === "iscfunction") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_iscfunction(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_iscfunction(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isfunction") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isfunction(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_isfunction(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isnil") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isnil(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_isnil(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isnull") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isnone(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_isnone(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isnumber") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isnumber(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_isnumber(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isstring") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isstring(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_isstring(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "istable") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_istable(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_istable(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isudataval") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_islightuserdata(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_islightuserdata(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "isuserdata") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isuserdata(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_isuserdata(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "len") {
- lua.lua_len(1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_len(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
} else if (inst === "Llen") {
- lua.lua_pushinteger(1, lauxlib.luaL_len(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L1, lauxlib.luaL_len(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "loadfile") {
- lauxlib.luaL_loadfile(1, lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(1, getnum(L, L1, pc)));
+ lauxlib.luaL_loadfile(L1, lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc)));
} else if (inst === "loadstring") {
- let s = lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
- lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(1, s);
+ let s = lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L1, s);
} else if (inst === "newmetatable") {
- lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lauxlib.luaL_newmetatable(1, getstring(L, buff, pc)));
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lauxlib.luaL_newmetatable(L1, getstring(L, buff, pc)));
} else if (inst === "newtable") {
- lua.lua_newtable(1);
+ lua.lua_newtable(L1);
} else if (inst === "newthread") {
- lua.lua_newthread(1);
+ lua.lua_newthread(L1);
} else if (inst === "newuserdata") {
lua.lua_newuserdata(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
} else if (inst === "next") {