diff options
authorBenoit Giannangeli <>2017-05-23 11:06:36 +0200
committerBenoit Giannangeli <>2017-05-24 10:15:31 +0200
commit98994b4140e9df0b7795c74f6debf0a4161aae5b (patch)
parent79f22d796c8c7fac57b5a7a4cf0ca259ea3fbca7 (diff)
ltests.js: sethook, runJS
1 files changed, 381 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test-suite/ltests.js b/tests/test-suite/ltests.js
index b4b575b..fc81131 100644
--- a/tests/test-suite/ltests.js
+++ b/tests/test-suite/ltests.js
@@ -4,7 +4,324 @@ global.WEB = false;
const lua = require('../../src/lua.js');
const lauxlib = require('../../src/lauxlib.js');
+const ljstype = require('../../src/ljstype.js');
+const delimits = [" ", "\t", "\n", ",", ";"].map(e => e.charCodeAt(0));
+const skip = function(pc) {
+ for (;;) {
+ if (pc.script[pc.offset] !== 0 && pc.offset < pc.script.length && delimits.indexOf(pc.script[pc.offset]) >= 0)
+ pc.offset++;
+ else if (pc.script[pc.offset] === '#'.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ while (pc.script[pc.offset] !== '\n'.charCodeAt(0) && pc.script[pc.offset] !== 0 && pc.offset < pc.script.length)
+ pc.offset++;
+ } else break;
+ }
+const getnum = function(L, L1, pc) {
+ let res = 0;
+ let sig = 1;
+ skip(pc);
+ if (pc.script[pc.offset] === '.'.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ res = lua.lua_tointeger(L1, -1);
+ lua.lua_pop(L1, 1);
+ pc.offset++;
+ return res;
+ } else if (pc.script[pc.offset] === '*'.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ res = lua.lua_gettop(L1);
+ pc.offset++;
+ return res;
+ }
+ else if (pc.script[pc.offset] === '-'.charCodeAt(0)) {
+ sig = -1;
+ pc.offset++;
+ }
+ if (!ljstype.lisdigit(pc.script[pc.offset]))
+ lauxlib.luaL_error(L, lua.to_luastring("number expected (%s)"), pc.script);
+ while (ljstype.lisdigit(pc.script[pc.offset])) res = res*10 + pc.script[pc.offset++] - '0'.charCodeAt(0);
+ return sig*res;
+const getstring = function(L, buff, pc) {
+ let i = 0;
+ skip(pc);
+ if (pc.script[pc.offset] === '"'.charCodeAt(0) || pc.script[pc.offset] === '\''.charCodeAt(0)) { /* quoted string? */
+ let quote = pc.script[pc.offset++];
+ while (pc.script[pc.offset] !== quote) {
+ if (pc.script[pc.offset] === 0 || pc.offset >= pc.script.length)
+ lauxlib.luaL_error(L, lua.to_luastring("unfinished string in JS script", true));
+ buff[i++] = pc.script[pc.offset++];
+ }
+ pc.offset++;
+ } else {
+ while (pc.script[pc.offset] !== 0 && pc.offset < pc.script.length && delimits.indexOf(pc.script[pc.offset]) < 0)
+ buff[i++] = pc.script[pc.offset++];
+ }
+ buff[i] = 0;
+ return buff;
+const getindex = function(L, L1, pc) {
+ skip(pc);
+ switch (pc.script[pc.offset++]) {
+ case 'R'.charCodeAt(0): return lua.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX;
+ case 'G'.charCodeAt(0): return lauxlib.luaL_error(L, lua.to_luastring("deprecated index 'G'", true));
+ case 'U'.charCodeAt(0): return lua.lua_upvalueindex(getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ default: pc.offset--; return getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ }
+const codes = ["OK", "YIELD", "ERRRUN", "ERRSYNTAX", "ERRMEM", "ERRGCMM", "ERRERR"].map(e => lua.to_luastring(e));
+const pushcode = function(L, code) {
+ lua.lua_pushstring(L, codes[code]);
+const printstack = function(L) {
+ let n = lua.lua_gettop(L);
+ for (let i = 1; i <= n; i++) {
+ console.log("${i}: %{lua.to_jsstring(lauxlib.luaL_tolstring(L, i, null))}\n");
+ lua.lua_pop(L, 1);
+ }
+ console.log("");
+** arithmetic operation encoding for 'arith' instruction
+** LUA_OPIDIV -> \
+** LUA_OPSHL -> <
+** LUA_OPSHR -> >
+** LUA_OPUNM -> _
+** LUA_OPBNOT -> !
+const ops = "+-*%^/\\&|~<>_!".split('').map(e => e.charCodeAt(0));
+const runJS = function(L, L1, pc) {
+ let buff = [];
+ let status = 0;
+ if (!pc || pc.length === 0) return lauxlib.luaL_error(L, "attempt to runJS empty script");
+ for (;;) {
+ let inst = getstring(L, buff, pc);
+ if (inst.length === 0) return 0;
+ else if (inst === "absindex") {
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(1, lua.lua_absindex(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "append") {
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ let i = lua.lua_rawlen(1, t);
+ lua.lua_rawseti(1, t, i + 1);
+ } else if (inst === "arith") {
+ let op;
+ skip(pc);
+ op = ops.indexOf(pc[0]);
+ lua.lua_arith(1, op);
+ } else if (inst === "call") {
+ let narg = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_call(1, narg, nres);
+ } else if (inst === "callk") {
+ let narg = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_callk(1, narg, nres, i, Cfunck);
+ } else if (inst === "checkstack") {
+ let sz = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let msg = getstring(L, buff, pc);
+ if (msg.length === 0)
+ msg = null; /* to test 'luaL_checkstack' with no message */
+ lauxlib.luaL_checkstack(1, sz, msg);
+ } else if (inst === "compare") {
+ let opt = getstring(L, buff, pc); /* EQ, LT, or LE */
+ let op = (opt[0] === 'E'.charCodeAt(0)) ? lua.LUA_OPEQ
+ : (opt[1] === 'T'.charCodeAt(0)) ? lua.LUA_OPLT : lua.LUA_OPLE;
+ let a = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ let b = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_compare(1, a, b, op));
+ } else if (inst === "concat") {
+ lua.lua_concat(1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "copy") {
+ let f = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_copy(1, f, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "func2num") {
+ let func = lua.lua_tocfunction(1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(1, NaN); // TOODO
+ } else if (inst === "getfield") {
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_getfield(1, t, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "getglobal") {
+ lua.lua_getglobal(1, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "getmetatable") {
+ if (lua.lua_getmetatable(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)) === 0)
+ lua.lua_pushnil(1);
+ } else if (inst === "gettable") {
+ lua.lua_gettable(1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "gettop") {
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(1, lua.lua_gettop(1));
+ } else if (inst === "gsub") {
+ let a = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let b = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let c = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ lauxlib.luaL_gsub(1, lua.lua_tostring(1, a), lua.lua_tostring(1, b), lua.lua_tostring(1, c));
+ } else if (inst === "insert") {
+ lua.lua_insert(1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "iscfunction") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_iscfunction(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isfunction") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isfunction(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isnil") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isnil(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isnull") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isnone(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isnumber") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isnumber(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isstring") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isstring(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "istable") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_istable(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isudataval") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_islightuserdata(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "isuserdata") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lua.lua_isuserdata(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "len") {
+ lua.lua_len(1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "Llen") {
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(1, lauxlib.luaL_len(1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "loadfile") {
+ lauxlib.luaL_loadfile(1, lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(1, getnum(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "loadstring") {
+ let s = lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(1, s);
+ } else if (inst === "newmetatable") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(1, lauxlib.luaL_newmetatable(1, getstring(L, buff, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "newtable") {
+ lua.lua_newtable(1);
+ } else if (inst === "newthread") {
+ lua.lua_newthread(1);
+ } else if (inst === "newuserdata") {
+ lua.lua_newuserdata(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "next") {
+ lua.lua_next(L1, -2);
+ } else if (inst === "objsize") {
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L1, lua.lua_rawlen(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "pcall") {
+ let narg = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ status = lua.lua_pcall(L1, narg, nres, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "pcallk") {
+ let narg = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ status = lua.lua_pcallk(L1, narg, nres, 0, i, Cfunck);
+ } else if (inst === "pop") {
+ lua.lua_pop(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "print") {
+ let n = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ if (n !== 0) {
+ console.log(`${lauxlib.luaL_tojsstring(L1, n, null)}\n`);
+ lua.lua_pop(L1, 1);
+ }
+ else printstack(L1);
+ } else if (inst === "pushbool") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "pushcclosure") {
+ lua.lua_pushcclosure(L1, testC, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "pushint") {
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "pushnil") {
+ lua.lua_pushnil(L1);
+ } else if (inst === "pushnum") {
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "pushstatus") {
+ pushcode(L1, status);
+ } else if (inst === "pushstring") {
+ lua.lua_pushstring(L1, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "pushupvalueindex") {
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L1, lua.lua_upvalueindex(getnum(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "pushvalue") {
+ lua.lua_pushvalue(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "rawgeti") {
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_rawgeti(L1, t, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "rawgetp") {
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_rawgetp(L1, t, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "rawsetp") {
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_rawsetp(L1, t, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "remove") {
+ lua.lua_remove(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "replace") {
+ lua.lua_replace(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "resume") {
+ let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ status = lua.lua_resume(lua.lua_tothread(L1, i), L, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "return") {
+ let n = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ if (L1 != L) {
+ let i;
+ for (i = 0; i < n; i++)
+ lua.lua_pushstring(L, lua.lua_tostring(L1, -(n - i)));
+ }
+ return n;
+ } else if (inst === "rotate") {
+ let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_rotate(L1, i, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "setfield") {
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_setfield(L1, t, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "setglobal") {
+ lua.lua_setglobal(L1, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "sethook") {
+ let mask = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let count = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ sethookaux(L1, mask, count, getstring(L, buff, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "setmetatable") {
+ lua.lua_setmetatable(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "settable") {
+ lua.lua_settable(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "settop") {
+ lua.lua_settop(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "testudata") {
+ let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lauxlib.luaL_testudata(L1, i, getstring(L, buff, pc)) !== null);
+ } else if (inst === "error") {
+ lua.lua_error(L1);
+ } else if (inst === "throw") {
+ throw new Error();
+ } else if (inst === "tobool") {
+ lua.lua_pushboolean(L1, lua.lua_toboolean(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "tocfunction") {
+ lua.lua_pushcfunction(L1, lua.lua_tocfunction(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "tointeger") {
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L1, lua.lua_tointeger(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "tonumber") {
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(L1, lua.lua_tonumber(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "topointer") {
+ lua.lua_pushnumber(L1, lua.lua_topointer(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "tostring") {
+ let s = lua.lua_tostring(L1, getindex(L, L1, pc));
+ let s1 = lua.lua_pushstring(L1, s);
+ lua.lua_longassert((s === null && s1 === null) || s.join('|') === s1.join('|'));
+ } else if (inst === "type") {
+ lua.lua_pushstring(L1, lauxlib.luaL_typename(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc)));
+ } else if (inst === "xmove") {
+ let f = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ let t = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ let fs = (f === 0) ? L1 : lua.lua_tothread(L1, f);
+ let ts = (t === 0) ? L1 : lua.lua_tothread(L1, t);
+ let n = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ if (n === 0) n = lua.lua_gettop(fs);
+ lua.lua_xmove(fs, ts, n);
+ } else if (inst === "yield") {
+ return lua.lua_yield(L1, getnum(L, L1, pc));
+ } else if (inst === "yieldk") {
+ let nres = getnum(L, L1, pc);
+ let i = getindex(L, L1, pc);
+ return lua.lua_yieldk(L1, nres, i, Cfunck);
+ } else lauxlib.luaL_error(L, lua.to_luastring("unknown instruction %s"), buff);
+ }
+ return 0;
const tpanic = function(L) {
console.error(`PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (${lua.lua_tojsstring(L, -1)})\n`);
@@ -16,8 +333,71 @@ const newuserdata = function(L) {
return 1;
+** C hook that runs the C script stored in registry.C_HOOK[L]
+const Chook = function(L, ar) {
+ let scpt;
+ let events = ["call", "ret", "line", "count", "tailcall"].map(e => lua.to_luastring(e));
+ lua.lua_getfield(L, lua.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua.to_luastring("JS_HOOK", true));
+ lua.lua_pushlightuserdata(L, L);
+ lua.lua_gettable(L, -2); /* get C_HOOK[L] (script saved by sethookaux) */
+ scpt = lua.lua_tostring(L, -1); /* not very religious (string will be popped) */
+ lua.lua_pop(L, 2); /* remove C_HOOK and script */
+ lua.lua_pushstring(L, events[ar.event]); /* may be used by script */
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L, ar.currentline); /* may be used by script */
+ runJS(L, L, { script: scpt, offset: 0 }); /* run script from C_HOOK[L] */
+** sets 'registry.C_HOOK[L] = scpt' and sets 'Chook' as a hook
+const sethookaux = function(L, mask, count, scpt) {
+ if (scpt.length <= 0) { /* no script? */
+ lua.lua_sethook(L, null, 0, 0); /* turn off hooks */
+ return;
+ }
+ lua.lua_getfield(L, lua.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua.to_luastring("JS_HOOK", true)); /* get C_HOOK table */
+ if (!lua.lua_istable(L, -1)) { /* no hook table? */
+ lua.lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove previous value */
+ lua.lua_newtable(L); /* create new C_HOOK table */
+ lua.lua_pushvalue(L, -1);
+ lua.lua_setfield(L, lua.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua.to_luastring("JS_HOOK", true)); /* register it */
+ }
+ lua.lua_pushlightuserdata(L, L);
+ lua.lua_pushstring(L, scpt);
+ lua.lua_settable(L, -3); /* C_HOOK[L] = script */
+ lua.lua_sethook(L, Chook, mask, count);
+const sethook = function(L) {
+ if (lua.lua_isnoneornil(L, 1))
+ lua.lua_sethook(L, null, 0, 0); /* turn off hooks */
+ else {
+ const scpt = lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(L, 1);
+ const smask = lauxlib.luaL_checkstring(L, 2);
+ let count = lauxlib.luaL_optinteger(L, 3, 0);
+ let mask = 0;
+ if (smask.indexOf('c'.charCodeAt(0))) mask |= lua.LUA_MASKCALL;
+ if (smask.indexOf('r'.charCodeAt(0))) mask |= lua.LUA_MASKRET;
+ if (smask.indexOf('l'.charCodeAt(0))) mask |= lua.LUA_MASKLINE;
+ if (count > 0) mask |= lua.LUA_MASKCOUNT;
+ sethookaux(L, mask, count, scpt);
+ }
+const Cfunck = function(L, status, ctx) {
+ pushcode(L, status);
+ lua.lua_setglobal(L, "status");
+ lua.lua_pushinteger(L, ctx);
+ lua.lua_setglobal(L, "ctx");
+ return runJS(L, L, lua.lua_tostring(L, ctx));
const tests_funcs = {
- "newuserdata": newuserdata
+ "newuserdata": newuserdata,
+ "sethook": sethook
const luaB_opentests = function(L) {