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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us" lang="en">
+ <title>Stupid Template Engine</title>
+ <style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ code, code pre {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ background: #eee;
+ }
+ * {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ }
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+ }
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+ }
+ table th {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ background: #eee;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <h1>Stupid Template Engine</h1>
+ <p>This documentation is splitted in two parts:</p>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="language_definition.html">The definition of the STE Template/Programming language</a>, including the documentation of the <a href="language_definition.html#builtin">builtin tags</a> and the <a href="language_definition.html#stdlib">standard library</a></li>
+ <li><a href="nd">The documentation of the PHP implementation</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ <p>It could also be helpful to take a look at the example program (the "example" directory).</p>
diff --git a/docu/language_definition.html b/docu/language_definition.html
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+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
+ "">
+<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en-us" lang="en">
+ <title>Language definition - Stupid Template Engine</title>
+ <style type="text/css" media="screen">
+ code, code pre {
+ font-family: monospace;
+ background: #eee;
+ }
+ * {
+ font-family: sans-serif;
+ }
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+ }
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+ padding: 1mm;
+ margin: 0mm;
+ }
+ table th {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ background: #eee;
+ }
+ </style>
+ <h1>The <acronym>STE</acronym> Template/Programming Language</h1>
+ <p>This is the documentation of the Template/Programming Language of the <strong>S</strong>tupid <strong>T</strong>emplate <strong>E</strong>ngine, or <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym></p>
+ <h2 id="toc">TOC</h2>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#basic_elems">Basic elements</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#basic_elems_text">Text</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#basic_elems_variable">Variable</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a></li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Pseudotag</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#basic_elems_pseudotag_comment">ste:comment</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#basic_elems_pseudotag_rawtext">ste:rawtext</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li><a href="#escaping">Escaping special chars</a></li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#builtin">Builtin tags</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_if">ste:if</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_cmp">ste:cmp</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_not">ste:not</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_even">ste:even</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_for">ste:for</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_foreach">ste:foreach</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_infloop">ste:infloop</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_break">ste:break</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_continue">ste:continue</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_load">ste:load</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_block">ste:block</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_set">ste:set</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_calc">ste:calc</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#builtin_mktag">ste:mktag</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ <li>
+ <a href="#stdlib">Standard Library</a>
+ <ol>
+ <li><a href="#stdlib_escape">ste:escape</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#stdlib_strlen">ste:strlen</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#stdlib_arraylen">ste:arraylen</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#stdlib_inc">ste:inc</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#stdlib_dec">ste:dec</a></li>
+ <li><a href="#stdlib_date">ste:date</a></li>
+ </ol>
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ <h2 id="basic_elems">Basic Elements</h2>
+ <p>The <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym> consists of four basic elements:</p>
+ <h3 id="basic_elems_text">Text</h3>
+ <p>Everything that is not a <a href="#basic_elems_variable">Variable</a>, a <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a> or a <a href="#basic_elems_pseudotag">Pseudotag</a> is Text.</p>
+ <p>Also everything that is wrapped in the <a href="#basic_elems_pseudotag_rawtext">ste:rawtext</a> <a href="#basic_elems_pseudotag">pseudotag</a> will be Text, whereby all <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tags</a> and <a href="#basic_elems_variable">Variables</a> will not be parsed.</p>
+ <h4>Example:</h4>
+ <p>
+ <code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:rawtext>Foo <ste:bar>$baz[herpdederp]</ste:baz></ste:rawtext>]]></pre></code>
+ Will result in one text-element, but
+ <code><pre><![CDATA[Foo <ste:bar>$baz[herpdederp]</ste:baz>]]></pre></code>
+ will result in one text-element and one tag-element containing one variable-element.
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="basic_elems_variable">Variable</h3>
+ <p>Variables start with a <code>$</code> or can be wrapped within <code>${</code> and <code>}</code>, so vou can write this: <code>${foo}ish</code></p>
+ <p>Variable have names, these names can consist of letters (english alphabet; upper and lower case), numbers and underscores (<code>_</code>). As a regex: <code>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+</code></p>
+ <p>A variable can also be an array. To access an array, wrap the desired fieldname within <code>[</code> and <code>]</code>. A fieldname can be constructed of <a href="#basic_elems_text">Text</a> and othe Variables. So you can dynamically access fields: <code>$foo[$bar]</code>. These fieldnames can also be nested or concatenated: <code>$foo[$bar[baz]][herp][$de[derp]]</code></p>
+ <p>If you want a literal <code>$</code> char, you can escape it: <code>\$</code></p>
+ <p>Variables in <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym> are typeless, everything ist text. In a boolean context, empty text usually represents false, else true.</p>
+ <h3 id="basic_elems_tag">Tag</h3>
+ <p>A Tag can be compared to a function. A Tag can have parameters and children <a href="#basic_elems">elements</a>.</p>
+ <p>
+ A Tag looks like a XML-Tag with the ste-Namespace.
+ Just like their XML counterparts, they can wrap other elements (<code><![CDATA[<ste:foo>bar<ste:baz>herpdederp</ste:baz></ste:foo>]]></code>) or can be self-closing (<code><![CDATA[<ste:foo />]]></code>).
+ And they can have additional parameters (or "attributes", using the XML terminology): <code><![CDATA[<ste:foo bar="baz" />]]></code>
+ </p>
+ <p>A Tag is wrapped in <code>&lt;</code> and <code>&gt;</code>. The tag's name always start with <code>ste:</code> and can then consist of letters, numbers and underscores (Regex: <code>[a-zA-Z0-9_]+</code>).<p>
+ <p>If the tag is self-closing, the last char is a <code>/</code> (e.g.: <code><![CDATA[<ste:foo />]]></code>).</p>
+ <p>If the tag is a closing one, the first char is a <code>/</code>. An opening Tag does not have a <code>/</code>.An example of an opening-closing Tag pair wrapping the text <code>bar</code>: <code><![CDATA[<ste:foo>bar</ste:foo>]]></code></p>
+ <p>
+ Parameters of a tag consists of a name and the corresponding value (wrapped in <code>"</code> or <code>'</code>) seperated by an <code>=</code> .<br />
+ Parameters are seperated by any whitespace (space, tab or newline) char.<br />
+ Parameter values can consist of <a href="#basic_elems_text">Text</a> and <a href="#basic_elems_variable">Variable</a> elements <em>but not of Tags</em>!<br />
+ If you need a literal <code>"</code> or <code>'</code> in a parameter value, you can escape them: <code>\"</code> or <code>\'</code> .<br />
+ When using variables in paramter values, they will be "replaced" by their value. Because many tags need the variable and not its content, they expect only the variable's name. If you then write <code>foo="$bar"</code>, the tag will not operate on the <code>bar</code> variable but on the Variable with the name stored in <code>$bar</code>! So read the instructions to the tag carefully!
+ </p>
+ <p>Example: <code><![CDATA[<ste:foo bar="baz" herp="literal quote sign: \"">de <ste:derp hehe="hoho$wtf[xd]" /></ste:foo>]]></code></p>
+ <h3 id="basic_elems_pseudotag">Pseudotag</h3>
+ <p>Pseudotags look like normal tags, but they perform special tasks. There are currently two pseudotags:</p>
+ <h4 id="basic_elems_pseudotag_comment">ste:comment</h4>
+ <p>With the ste:comment pseudotag you can comment your template/code. Everything between <code>&lt;ste:comment&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/ste:comment&gt;</code> will be ignored, before the real tokenization of the code starts.</p>
+ <h4 id="basic_elems_pseudotag_rawtext">ste:rawtext</h4>
+ <p>The ste:rawtext pseudotag will output a <a href="#basic_elems_text">Text</a> element with its wrapped content. It will prevent parsing of the content. Useful if you are embedding another script language, which uses the <code>$</code> char or also has a XML-Like syntax. No <a href="#escaping">escape sequences</a> will be translated! Can not be used in <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a> parameter values!</p>
+ <h2 id="escaping">Escaping special chars</h2>
+ <p>To get a literal <code>$</code>, <code>"</code> or other special chars, <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym> gives you the following escape sequences:</p>
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>Escape Sequence</th>
+ <th>Result</th>
+ <th>Can be used in</th>
+ <th>Notes</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\$</td>
+ <td>$</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_text">Text elements</a></td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\"</td>
+ <td>"</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a> parameter values</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\'</td>
+ <td>'</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a> parameter values</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\?</td>
+ <td>?</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_text">Text elements</a></td>
+ <td>More info: <a href="#builtin_if_short">short if-clause</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\{</td>
+ <td>{</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_text">Text elements</a></td>
+ <td>More info: <a href="#builtin_if_short">short if-clause</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\}</td>
+ <td>}</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_text">Text elements</a></td>
+ <td>More info: <a href="#builtin_if_short">short if-clause</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\|</td>
+ <td>|</td>
+ <td><a href="#basic_elems_text">Text elements</a></td>
+ <td>More info: <a href="#builtin_if_short">short if-clause</a></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>\\</td>
+ <td>\</td>
+ <td>Everywhere, where the other escape sequences are valid</td>
+ <td></td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ <p>Escape sequences are not translated in <a href="#basic_elems_pseudotag">Pseudotags</a></p>
+ <h2 id="builtin">Builtin Tags</h2>
+ <p><acronym>STE</acronym> has some builtin <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tags</a>, that makes programming in <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym> possible.</p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_if">ste:if</h3>
+ <p>The ste:if Tag provides an if-clause to <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym>.</p>
+ <p>ste:if can have the subtags ste:then and ste:else. Everything between <code>&lt;ste:if&gt;</code> and <code>&lt;/ste:if&gt;</code>, that is <strong>not</strong> an ste:then or ste:else tag, will be used as the condition.</p>
+ <p>Because <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym> is typeless, every empty string (trailing whitespaces will be ignored) is considered as false, everything else is true.</p>
+ <p>If the condition is true (i.e. not empty), the content of the ste:then block will be executed. Otherwise the ste:else tag (if present) will be executed.</p>
+ <p>The ste:then Tag is mandatory, the ste:else tag is optional.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ $foo
+ <ste:then>Bar</ste:then>
+ <ste:else>Baz</ste:else>
+ If <code>$foo</code> is not empty, then <code>Bar</code> will be executed, otherwise <code>Baz</code>.
+ </p>
+ <h4 id="builtin_if_short">Short syntax for if-clause</h4>
+ <p>Because if-clauses are used often, there is an short syntax:</p>
+ <p><code>?{condition|then|else}</code></p>
+ <p>This is equavilent to:</p>
+ <p><code><![CDATA[<ste:if>condition<ste:then>then</ste:then><ste:else>else</ste:else></ste:if>]]></code></p>
+ <p><code>?</code>, <code>{</code>, <code>|</code> and <code>}</code> can be <a href="#escaping">escaped</a></p>
+ <p>In this variant, the else part <strong>is not optional</strong>!</p>
+ <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> short if-clauses can not be nested!</p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_cmp">ste:cmp</h3>
+ <p>With the ste:cmp tag you can compare two values.</p>
+ <p>ste:cmp is selfclosing, the compared values are passed by parameters.</p>
+ <p>It compares two values, a and b using an operator.</p>
+ <p>
+ a and b can be passed in two ways:
+ <ul>
+ <li>With the <code>var_x</code> parameter. The parameter value is a <em>variable name</em>.</li>
+ <li>With the <code>text_x</code> parameter. The parameter value is a <em>text</em>.</li>
+ </ul>
+ (where <code>x</code> is either <code>a</code> or <code>b</code>).
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ The operator is passed wth the <code>op</code> parameter. Following parameters are available:
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th><code>op</code> value</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>eq</code></td>
+ <td>a and b are equal</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>neq</code></td>
+ <td>a and b are not equal</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>lt</code></td>
+ <td>a is less than b</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>lte</code></td>
+ <td>a is less or equal b</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>gt</code></td>
+ <td>a is greater than b</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>gte</code></td>
+ <td>a is greater or equal b</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <p>If the comparasion was true, a non-empty text will be returned, otherwise an empty text, so you can use ste:cmp with <a href="#builtin_if">ste:if</a> </p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ <ste:cmp var_a="foo" op="eq" text_b="bar" />
+ <ste:then>:-)</ste:then>
+ <ste:else>:-(</ste:else>
+ If the variable <code>foo</code> has the content <code>bar</code>, <code>:-)</code> will be returned, <code>:-(</code> otherwise.
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_not">ste:not</h3>
+ <p>The ste:not Tag will logically invert its content. If it is an empty text (i.e. false), it will return a non-empty text (i.e. true) and vice versa.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ <ste:not>$foo</ste:not>
+ <ste:then>:-)</ste:then>
+ <ste:else>:-(</ste:else>
+ If the variable <code>foo</code> is empty (i.e. false), <code>:-)</code> will be returned, <code>:-(</code> otherwise.
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_even">ste:even</h3>
+ <p>If the enclosed text is a number, and the number is even, this tag will return a non-empty text (i.e. true), an empty text (i.e. false) otherwise.</p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_for">ste:for</h3>
+ <p>ste:for provides a counter loop.</p>
+ <p>
+ ste:for has these parameters:<br />
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>parameter name</th>
+ <th>Mandatory?</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>start</code></td>
+ <td>Yes</td>
+ <td>Begin counting at this number.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>stop</code></td>
+ <td>Yes</td>
+ <td>Stop counting at this number (inclusive).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>step</code></td>
+ <td>No</td>
+ <td>What amount should be added to the counter at each round? (Default: 1)</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>counter</code></td>
+ <td>No</td>
+ <td>The current number will be stored in this <a href="#basic_elems_variable">variable</a> (expects a variable name).</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:for start="10" stop="0" step="-1" counter="i">
+ $i<br />
+ Will count from 10 down to 0 and output the number followed by an HTML line break.
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_foreach">ste:foreach</h3>
+ <p>ste:foreach will loop through an array.</p>
+ <p>
+ ste:foreach has these parameters:<br />
+ <table>
+ <thead>
+ <tr>
+ <th>parameter name</th>
+ <th>Mandatory?</th>
+ <th>Description</th>
+ </tr>
+ </thead>
+ <tbody>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>array</code></td>
+ <td>Yes</td>
+ <td>The array to be looped through.</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>key</code></td>
+ <td>No</td>
+ <td>The array key will be stored in this variable (expects variable name).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>value</code></td>
+ <td>Yes</td>
+ <td>The value of the current element will be stored in this variable (expects variable name).</td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td><code>counter</code></td>
+ <td>No</td>
+ <td>Expects a variable name. If given, the current number of iterations will be stored in this variable. Starts with 0.</td>
+ </tr>
+ </tbody>
+ </table>
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:foreach array="foo" key="k" value="v" counter="i">
+ Number: $i<br />
+ Key: $k<br />
+ Value: $v<br />
+ <br />
+ This code will loop through the array <code>foo</code> and return the counter <code>$i</code>, the key <code>$k</code> and the value <code>$v</code> of the current iteration.
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_infloop">ste:infloop</h3>
+ <p>Create an infinitive loop. You can get out of the loop using the <a href="#builtin_break">ste:break</a> tag. Can be used to emulate othe loop constructs like while loops.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ <ste:if>
+ <ste:foo />
+ <ste:then><ste:break /></ste:then>
+ </ste:if>
+ ...
+ This code will return <code>...</code> while <code>&lt;ste:foo /&gt;</code> returns an empty text (i.e. false).
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_break">ste:break</h3>
+ <p>When this self-closing tag is called, the current loop (<a href="builtin_for">ste:for</a>, <a href="builtin_foreach">ste:foreach</a>, <a href="builtin_infloop">ste:infloop</a>) will be aborted.</p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_continue">ste:continue</h3>
+ <p>When this self-closing tag is called, the current loop(<a href="builtin_for">ste:for</a>, <a href="builtin_foreach">ste:foreach</a>, <a href="builtin_infloop">ste:infloop</a>) will go to the next iteration, aborting the current iteration. </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_load">ste:load</h3>
+ <p>This self-closing tag loads and executes anoter template. The <code>name</code> parameter (mandatory) defines the template to load.</p>
+ <p>Because each template must be parseable and transcompilable by itself, this is not a inclusion of another template. So you can not do this:</p>
+ <p>
+ slave.tpl:<br />
+ bla]]></pre></code>
+ master.tpl<br />
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:load name="slave.tpl" />
+ </p>
+ <p>But you can do this:</p>
+ <p>
+ slave.tpl:<br />
+ master.tpl<br />
+ <ste:load name="slave.tpl" />
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_block">ste:block</h3>
+ <p>ste:block provides an easy way for writing master templates. Every block has a name. When a block is defined twice, the second will overwrite the first one.</p>
+ <p>The name can be set with the <code>name</code> parameter.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ master.tpl
+<ste:block name="content">
+ Default content
+<div class="sidebar">
+ <ste:block name="sidebar">
+ Default sidebar
+ </ste:block>
+ slave.tpl:<br />
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:load name="master.tpl" />
+<ste:block name="content">
+ Much cooler content :-)
+ When executing slave.tpl, master.tpl will be loaded and its <code>content</code> block will be replaced with the new one (<code>Much cooler content :-)</code>) but leave the original <code>sidebar</code> block.
+ </p>
+ <p>Blocks can not be nested.</p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_set">ste:set</h3>
+ <p>ste:set will set a variable. The parameter <code>var</code> takes the name of the variable to set. The content of the <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a> will be the new content of the variable.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:set var="foo">bar</ste:set>]]></pre></code>
+ This will set the variable <code>foo</code> to <code>bar</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tag</a> parameter values can not contain Tags. ste:set can be used to bypass this:<br />
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:set var="temp"><ste:foo /></ste:set>
+<ste:bar baz="$temp" />]]></pre></code>
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_calc">ste:calc</h3>
+ <p>To perform mathematical calculations, you can use ste:math. ste:math calculates the mathematical formula it is wrapped around and returns the result. The formula is in the usual <a href="">infix-notation [ext. Link]</a> and has these operators: <code>+</code>, <code>-</code>, <code>*</code>, <code>/</code> and <code>^</code>. Numbers are always decimal, the decimal mark is <code>.</code> and numbers can be prefixed with an <code>-</code> to indicate a negative number. It is a good idea to wrap a negative number in brackets to prevent wrong evaluation (because <code>-</code> is also an operator). Calculations can be grouped with brackets: <code>(</code> and <code>)</code>.</p>
+ <p>Real numbers are supported, complex numbers not.</p>
+ <p>Formulas are evaluated at runtime, not during transcompilation.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ <code><![CDATA[<ste:calc>(2+3+4) * (1.5 - (-0.5))</ste:calc>]]></code> will return <code>18</code>.
+ </p>
+ <p>This Tag is pretty slow, because the formula is not transcompiled and only evaluated at runtime. For some simple increment and decrement operations it is better to use the <a href="#stdlib_inc">ste:inc</a> and <a href="#stdlib_dec">ste:dec</a> Tags from the <a href="#stdlib">standard library</a>.</p>
+ <h3 id="builtin_mktag">ste:mktag</h3>
+ <p>ste:mktag allows you to define own <a href="#basic_elems_tag">Tags</a> using <acronym>STE T/PL</acronym>.</p>
+ <p>The parameter <code>name</code> (mandatory) expects the name of the new tag. If your tag requires some parameters, you can specify them using the optional <code>mandatory</code> parameter. Names of the mandatory parameters are seperated by <code>|</code>.</p>
+ <p>The <a href="#basic_elems_variable">Variable</a> <code>_tag_parameters</code> (associative array) will hold all given parameters and their values.</p>
+ <p>With the ste:tagcontent tag you can execute the tags content.</p>
+ <p>ste:mktag will be transcompiled like any other code. So your custom tag will be almost as fast as a plugin coded in PHP.</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:
+<code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:mktag name="countdown" mandatory="from|counter">
+ <ste:for start="$_tag_parameters[from]" stop="0" step="-1" counter="$_tag_parameters[counter]">
+ <ste:tagcontent />
+ </ste:for>
+<ste:mktag name="double">
+ <ste:math><ste:tagcontent /> * 2</ste:math>
+<ste:countdown from="5" counter="i">
+ <ste:double>$i</ste:double><br />
+ Will output:<br />
+8<br />
+6<br />
+4<br />
+2<br />
+0<br />]]></pre></code>
+ </p>
+ <h2 id="stdlib">Standard Library</h2>
+ <p>The Standard Library contains some useful tags, which are not <a href="#builtin">builtin</a> but still always available.</p>
+ <h3 id="stdlib_escape">ste:escape</h3>
+ <p>Escapes characters that are reserved for HTML (e.g. <code>&lt;</code>, <code>&gt;</code>, <code>&quot;</code>, <code>&amp;</code>). The text to escape ist the tag's content.
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ <code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:escape>Foo & bar...</ste:escape>]]></pre></code>
+ Result:<br />
+ <code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:escape>Foo &amp; bar...</ste:escape>]]></pre></code>
+ </p>
+ <h3 id="stdlib_strlen">ste:strlen</h3>
+ <p>Returns the length of then content.</p>
+ <h3 id="stdlib_arraylen">ste:arraylen</h3>
+ <p>Returns the number of elements in the array (variable name given by parameter <code>array</code>).</p>
+ <h3 id="stdlib_inc">ste:inc</h3>
+ <p>Increments (i.e. add 1) a variable (variable name given by parameter <code>var</code>).</p>
+ <h3 id="stdlib_dec">ste:dec</h3>
+ <p>Decrements (i.e. substract 1) a variable (variable name given by parameter <code>var</code>).</p>
+ <h3 id="stdlib_date">ste:date</h3>
+ <p>Formats a time using PHPs <a href="">date format [ext. Link]</a>. The format is given in the tag's content. You can specify a time (unix timestamp) using the <code>timestamp</code> parameter (defaults to the current time).</p>
+ <p>
+ Example:<br />
+ <code><pre><![CDATA[<ste:date timestamp="1316357360">d. M. Y, H:i:s</ste:date>]]></pre></code>
+ Result:<br />
+ <code><pre><![CDATA[18. Sep. 2011, 16:49:20]]></pre></code>
+ </p>
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+/home/skadu/public_html/stupid_template_engine/stupid_template_engine.php 1316548283 1 stupid_template_engine.php
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+Format: 1.4
+# This is the Natural Docs languages file for this project. If you change
+# anything here, it will apply to THIS PROJECT ONLY. If you'd like to change
+# something for all your projects, edit the Languages.txt in Natural Docs'
+# Config directory instead.
+# You can prevent certain file extensions from being scanned like this:
+# Ignore Extensions: [extension] [extension] ...
+# Unlike other Natural Docs configuration files, in this file all comments
+# MUST be alone on a line. Some languages deal with the # character, so you
+# cannot put comments on the same line as content.
+# Also, all lists are separated with spaces, not commas, again because some
+# languages may need to use them.
+# Language: [name]
+# Alter Language: [name]
+# Defines a new language or alters an existing one. Its name can use any
+# characters. If any of the properties below have an add/replace form, you
+# must use that when using Alter Language.
+# The language Shebang Script is special. It's entry is only used for
+# extensions, and files with those extensions have their shebang (#!) lines
+# read to determine the real language of the file. Extensionless files are
+# always treated this way.
+# The language Text File is also special. It's treated as one big comment
+# so you can put Natural Docs content in them without special symbols. Also,
+# if you don't specify a package separator, ignored prefixes, or enum value
+# behavior, it will copy those settings from the language that is used most
+# in the source tree.
+# Extensions: [extension] [extension] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Extensions: [extension] [extension] ...
+# Defines the file extensions of the language's source files. You can
+# redefine extensions found in the main languages file. You can use * to
+# mean any undefined extension.
+# Shebang Strings: [string] [string] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Shebang Strings: [string] [string] ...
+# Defines a list of strings that can appear in the shebang (#!) line to
+# designate that it's part of the language. You can redefine strings found
+# in the main languages file.
+# Ignore Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Ignored Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# Ignore [Topic Type] Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# [Add/Replace] Ignored [Topic Type] Prefixes in Index: [prefix] [prefix] ...
+# Specifies prefixes that should be ignored when sorting symbols in an
+# index. Can be specified in general or for a specific topic type.
+# For basic language support only:
+# Line Comments: [symbol] [symbol] ...
+# Defines a space-separated list of symbols that are used for line comments,
+# if any.
+# Block Comments: [opening sym] [closing sym] [opening sym] [closing sym] ...
+# Defines a space-separated list of symbol pairs that are used for block
+# comments, if any.
+# Package Separator: [symbol]
+# Defines the default package separator symbol. The default is a dot.
+# [Topic Type] Prototype Enders: [symbol] [symbol] ...
+# When defined, Natural Docs will attempt to get a prototype from the code
+# immediately following the topic type. It stops when it reaches one of
+# these symbols. Use \n for line breaks.
+# Line Extender: [symbol]
+# Defines the symbol that allows a prototype to span multiple lines if
+# normally a line break would end it.
+# Enum Values: [global|under type|under parent]
+# Defines how enum values are referenced. The default is global.
+# global - Values are always global, referenced as 'value'.
+# under type - Values are under the enum type, referenced as
+# 'package.enum.value'.
+# under parent - Values are under the enum's parent, referenced as
+# 'package.value'.
+# Perl Package: [perl package]
+# Specifies the Perl package used to fine-tune the language behavior in ways
+# too complex to do in this file.
+# For full language support only:
+# Full Language Support: [perl package]
+# Specifies the Perl package that has the parsing routines necessary for full
+# language support.
+# The following languages are defined in the main file, if you'd like to alter
+# them:
+# Text File, Shebang Script, C/C++, C#, Java, JavaScript, Perl, Python,
+# PHP, SQL, Visual Basic, Pascal, Assembly, Ada, Tcl, Ruby, Makefile,
+# ActionScript, ColdFusion, R, Fortran
+# If you add a language that you think would be useful to other developers
+# and should be included in Natural Docs by default, please e-mail it to
+# languages [at] naturaldocs [dot] org.
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+Format: 1.4
+# You can add a title and sub-title to your menu like this:
+# Title: [project name]
+# SubTitle: [subtitle]
+# You can add a footer to your documentation like this:
+# Footer: [text]
+# If you want to add a copyright notice, this would be the place to do it.
+# You can add a timestamp to your documentation like one of these:
+# Timestamp: Generated on month day, year
+# Timestamp: Updated mm/dd/yyyy
+# Timestamp: Last updated mon day
+# m - One or two digit month. January is "1"
+# mm - Always two digit month. January is "01"
+# mon - Short month word. January is "Jan"
+# month - Long month word. January is "January"
+# d - One or two digit day. 1 is "1"
+# dd - Always two digit day. 1 is "01"
+# day - Day with letter extension. 1 is "1st"
+# yy - Two digit year. 2006 is "06"
+# yyyy - Four digit year. 2006 is "2006"
+# year - Four digit year. 2006 is "2006"
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Cut and paste the lines below to change the order in which your files
+# appear on the menu. Don't worry about adding or removing files, Natural
+# Docs will take care of that.
+# You can further organize the menu by grouping the entries. Add a
+# "Group: [name] {" line to start a group, and add a "}" to end it.
+# You can add text and web links to the menu by adding "Text: [text]" and
+# "Link: [name] ([URL])" lines, respectively.
+# The formatting and comments are auto-generated, so don't worry about
+# neatness when editing the file. Natural Docs will clean it up the next
+# time it is run. When working with groups, just deal with the braces and
+# forget about the indentation and comments.
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+File: stupid_template_engine.php (stupid_template_engine.php)
+Group: Index {
+ Index: Everything
+ Class Index: Classes
+ Constant Index: Constants
+ File Index: Files
+ Function Index: Functions
+ Variable Index: Variables
+ } # Group: Index
diff --git a/docu/nd/Topics.txt b/docu/nd/Topics.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b1a9b93
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+++ b/docu/nd/Topics.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
+Format: 1.4
+# This is the Natural Docs topics file for this project. If you change anything
+# here, it will apply to THIS PROJECT ONLY. If you'd like to change something
+# for all your projects, edit the Topics.txt in Natural Docs' Config directory
+# instead.
+# If you'd like to prevent keywords from being recognized by Natural Docs, you
+# can do it like this:
+# Ignore Keywords: [keyword], [keyword], ...
+# Or you can use the list syntax like how they are defined:
+# Ignore Keywords:
+# [keyword]
+# [keyword], [plural keyword]
+# ...
+# Topic Type: [name]
+# Alter Topic Type: [name]
+# Creates a new topic type or alters one from the main file. Each type gets
+# its own index and behavior settings. Its name can have letters, numbers,
+# spaces, and these charaters: - / . '
+# Plural: [name]
+# Sets the plural name of the topic type, if different.
+# Keywords:
+# [keyword]
+# [keyword], [plural keyword]
+# ...
+# Defines or adds to the list of keywords for the topic type. They may only
+# contain letters, numbers, and spaces and are not case sensitive. Plural
+# keywords are used for list topics. You can redefine keywords found in the
+# main topics file.
+# Index: [yes|no]
+# Whether the topics get their own index. Defaults to yes. Everything is
+# included in the general index regardless of this setting.
+# Scope: [normal|start|end|always global]
+# How the topics affects scope. Defaults to normal.
+# normal - Topics stay within the current scope.
+# start - Topics start a new scope for all the topics beneath it,
+# like class topics.
+# end - Topics reset the scope back to global for all the topics
+# beneath it.
+# always global - Topics are defined as global, but do not change the scope
+# for any other topics.
+# Class Hierarchy: [yes|no]
+# Whether the topics are part of the class hierarchy. Defaults to no.
+# Page Title If First: [yes|no]
+# Whether the topic's title becomes the page title if it's the first one in
+# a file. Defaults to no.
+# Break Lists: [yes|no]
+# Whether list topics should be broken into individual topics in the output.
+# Defaults to no.
+# Can Group With: [type], [type], ...
+# Defines a list of topic types that this one can possibly be grouped with.
+# Defaults to none.
+# The following topics are defined in the main file, if you'd like to alter
+# their behavior or add keywords:
+# Generic, Class, Interface, Section, File, Group, Function, Variable,
+# Property, Type, Constant, Enumeration, Event, Delegate, Macro,
+# Database, Database Table, Database View, Database Index, Database
+# Cursor, Database Trigger, Cookie, Build Target
+# If you add something that you think would be useful to other developers
+# and should be included in Natural Docs by default, please e-mail it to
+# topics [at] naturaldocs [dot] org.
diff --git a/docu/nd/files/stupid_template_engine-php.html b/docu/nd/files/stupid_template_engine-php.html
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+<html><head><title>stupid_template_engine.php</title><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/main.css"><script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/main.js"></script><script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/searchdata.js"></script></head><body class="ContentPage" onLoad="NDOnLoad()"><script language=JavaScript><!--
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+<div id=Content><div class="CFile"><div class=CTopic id=MainTopic><h1 class=CTitle><a name="stupid_template_engine.php"></a>stupid_template_engine.php</h1><div class=CBody><p>The implementation of the Stupid Template Engine.</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary><div class=STitle>Summary</div><div class=SBorder><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable><tr class="SMain"><td class=SEntry><a href="#stupid_template_engine.php" >stupid_template_engine.php</a></td><td class=SDescription>The implementation of the Stupid Template Engine.</td></tr><tr class="SClass"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste" >ste</a></td><td class=SDescription>Everything in this file is in this namespace.</td></tr><tr class="SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.parse" id=link1 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt1', 'link1')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt1')">parse</a></td><td class=SDescription>Parsing a STE T/PL template. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.transcompile" id=link2 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt2', 'link2')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt2')">transcompile</a></td><td class=SDescription>Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.</td></tr><tr class="SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.Constants" >Constants</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SConstant SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.Template_modes" >Template modes</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SClass"><td class=SEntry><a href="#StorageAccess" >StorageAccess</a></td><td class=SDescription>An interface. </td></tr><tr class="SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#StorageAccess.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#StorageAccess.load" id=link3 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt3', 'link3')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt3')">load</a></td><td class=SDescription>Loading a template.</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2"><td class=SEntry><a href="" id=link4 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt4', 'link4')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt4')">save</a></td><td class=SDescription>Saves a template.</td></tr><tr class="SClass"><td class=SEntry><a href="#FilesystemStorageAccess" >FilesystemStorageAccess</a></td><td class=SDescription>The default <a href="#StorageAccess" class=LClass id=link5 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link5')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt5')">StorageAccess</a> implementation for loading / saving templates into a directory structure.</td></tr><tr class="SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#FilesystemStorageAccess.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#FilesystemStorageAccess.__construct" id=link6 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt6', 'link6')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt6')">__construct</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SClass"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore" >STECore</a></td><td class=SDescription>The Core of STE</td></tr><tr class="SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.Variables" >Variables</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SVariable SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.Public_variables" >Public variables</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SGroup SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.__construct" id=link7 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt7', 'link7')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt7')">__construct</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.register_tag" id=link8 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt8', 'link8')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt8')">register_tag</a></td><td class=SDescription>Register a custom tag.</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.call_tag" id=link9 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt9', 'link9')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt9')">call_tag</a></td><td class=SDescription>Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.exectemplate" id=link10 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link10')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')">exectemplate</a></td><td class=SDescription>Executes a template and returns the result. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.get_var_reference" id=link11 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt11', 'link11')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt11')">get_var_reference</a></td><td class=SDescription>Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.get_var_by_name" id=link12 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt12', 'link12')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt12')">get_var_by_name</a></td><td class=SDescription>Get a template variable by its name. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.load" id=link13 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt13', 'link13')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt13')">load</a></td><td class=SDescription>Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use <a href="#STECore.exectemplate" class=LFunction id=link14 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link14')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')">exectemplate</a> for this).</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent2"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.evalbool" id=link15 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt14', 'link15')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt14')">evalbool</a></td><td class=SDescription>Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).</td></tr></table></div></div><!--END_ND_SUMMARY--></div></div></div>
+<div class="CClass"><div class=CTopic><h2 class=CTitle><a name="ste"></a>ste</h2><div class=CBody><p>Everything in this file is in this namespace.</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary><div class=STitle>Summary</div><div class=SBorder><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable><tr class="SGroup"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.parse" id=link16 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt1', 'link16')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt1')">parse</a></td><td class=SDescription>Parsing a STE T/PL template. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.transcompile" id=link17 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt2', 'link17')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt2')">transcompile</a></td><td class=SDescription>Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.</td></tr><tr class="SGroup"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.Constants" >Constants</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SConstant SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#ste.Template_modes" >Template modes</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr></table></div></div><!--END_ND_SUMMARY--></div></div></div>
+<div class="CGroup"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="ste.Functions"></a>Functions</h3></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="ste.parse"></a>parse</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function parse(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$code</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Parsing a STE T/PL template.&nbsp; You only need this function, if you want to manually transcompile a template.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$code</td><td class=CDLDescription>The STE T/PL code.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>An abstract syntax tree, whic can be used with <a href="#ste.transcompile" class=LFunction id=link18 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt2', 'link18')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt2')">transcompile</a>.</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="ste.transcompile"></a>transcompile</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function transcompile(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$ast</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$ast</td><td class=CDLDescription>The abstract syntax tree to transcompile.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>PHP code.&nbsp; The PHP code is an anonymous function expecting a <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link19 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link19')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance as its parameter and returns a string (everything that was not pached into a section).</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CGroup"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="ste.Constants"></a>Constants</h3></div></div>
+<div class="CConstant"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="ste.Template_modes"></a>Template modes</h3><div class=CBody><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry><a name="MODE_SOURCE"></a>MODE_SOURCE</td><td class=CDLDescription>The Templates source</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry><a name="MODE_TRANSCOMPILED"></a>MODE_TRANSCOMPILED</td><td class=CDLDescription>The transcompiled template</td></tr></table></div></div></div>
+<div class="CClass"><div class=CTopic><h2 class=CTitle><a name="StorageAccess"></a>StorageAccess</h2><div class=CBody><p>An interface.&nbsp; A StorageAccess implementation is used to access the templates from any storage.&nbsp; This means, that you are not limited to store the Templates inside directories, you can also use a database or something else.</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary><div class=STitle>Summary</div><div class=SBorder><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable><tr class="SGroup"><td class=SEntry><a href="#StorageAccess.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#StorageAccess.load" id=link20 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt3', 'link20')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt3')">load</a></td><td class=SDescription>Loading a template.</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="" id=link21 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt4', 'link21')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt4')">save</a></td><td class=SDescription>Saves a template.</td></tr></table></div></div><!--END_ND_SUMMARY--></div></div></div>
+<div class="CGroup"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="StorageAccess.Functions"></a>Functions</h3></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="StorageAccess.load"></a>load</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap>&amp;</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Loading a template.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$tpl</td><td class=CDLDescription>The name of the template.</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>&amp;$mode</td><td class=CDLDescription>Which mode is preferred?&nbsp; One of the &lt;Template modes&gt;.&nbsp; If &lt;MODE_SOURCE&gt;, the raw sourcecode is expected, if &lt;MODE_TRANSCOMPILED&gt; the transcompiled template <b>as a callable function</b> (expecting an <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link22 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link22')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance as first parameter) is expected.&nbsp; If the transcompiled version is not available or older than the source, you can set this parameter to &lt;MODE_SOURCE&gt; and return the source.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>Either the sourcecode or a callable function (first, and only parameter: an <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link23 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link23')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance).</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name=""></a>save</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function save(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$data,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Saves a template.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><p>$tpl -The name of the template.&nbsp; $data - The data to be saved.&nbsp; $mode - A &lt;Template mode&gt; constant.</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CClass"><div class=CTopic><h2 class=CTitle><a name="FilesystemStorageAccess"></a>FilesystemStorageAccess</h2><div class=CBody><p>The default <a href="#StorageAccess" class=LClass id=link25 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link25')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt5')">StorageAccess</a> implementation for loading / saving templates into a directory structure.</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary><div class=STitle>Summary</div><div class=SBorder><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable><tr class="SGroup"><td class=SEntry><a href="#FilesystemStorageAccess.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#FilesystemStorageAccess.__construct" id=link24 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt6', 'link24')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt6')">__construct</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr></table></div></div><!--END_ND_SUMMARY--></div></div></div>
+<div class="CGroup"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="FilesystemStorageAccess.Functions"></a>Functions</h3></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="FilesystemStorageAccess.__construct"></a>__construct</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$src,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$transc</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$src</td><td class=CDLDescription>The directory with the sources (Writing permissions are not mandatory, because STE does not save template sources).</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$transc</td><td class=CDLDescription>The directory with the transcompiled templates (the PHP instance / the HTTP Server needs writing permissions to this directory).</td></tr></table></div></div></div>
+<div class="CClass"><div class=CTopic><h2 class=CTitle><a name="STECore"></a>STECore</h2><div class=CBody><p>The Core of STE</p><!--START_ND_SUMMARY--><div class=Summary><div class=STitle>Summary</div><div class=SBorder><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=STable><tr class="SGroup"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.Variables" >Variables</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SVariable SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.Public_variables" >Public variables</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SGroup"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.Functions" >Functions</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.__construct" id=link26 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt7', 'link26')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt7')">__construct</a></td><td class=SDescription></td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.register_tag" id=link27 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt8', 'link27')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt8')">register_tag</a></td><td class=SDescription>Register a custom tag.</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.call_tag" id=link28 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt9', 'link28')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt9')">call_tag</a></td><td class=SDescription>Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.exectemplate" id=link29 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link29')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')">exectemplate</a></td><td class=SDescription>Executes a template and returns the result. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.get_var_reference" id=link30 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt11', 'link30')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt11')">get_var_reference</a></td><td class=SDescription>Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.get_var_by_name" id=link31 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt12', 'link31')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt12')">get_var_by_name</a></td><td class=SDescription>Get a template variable by its name. </td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1 SMarked"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.load" id=link32 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt13', 'link32')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt13')">load</a></td><td class=SDescription>Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use <a href="#STECore.exectemplate" class=LFunction id=link33 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link33')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')">exectemplate</a> for this).</td></tr><tr class="SFunction SIndent1"><td class=SEntry><a href="#STECore.evalbool" id=link34 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt14', 'link34')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt14')">evalbool</a></td><td class=SDescription>Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).</td></tr></table></div></div><!--END_ND_SUMMARY--></div></div></div>
+<div class="CGroup"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.Variables"></a>Variables</h3></div></div>
+<div class="CVariable"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.Public_variables"></a>Public variables</h3><div class=CBody><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry><a name="$blocks"></a>$blocks</td><td class=CDLDescription>Associative array of blocks (see the language definition).</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry><a name="$blockorder"></a>$blockorder</td><td class=CDLDescription>The order of the blocks (an array)</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry><a name="$vars"></a>$vars</td><td class=CDLDescription>Associative array of all template variables.&nbsp; Use this to pass data to your templates.</td></tr></table></div></div></div>
+<div class="CGroup"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.Functions"></a>Functions</h3></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.__construct"></a>__construct</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$storage_access</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$storage_access</td><td class=CDLDescription>An Instance of a <a href="#StorageAccess" class=LClass id=link35 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link35')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt5')">StorageAccess</a> implementation.</td></tr></table></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.register_tag"></a>register_tag</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function register_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$callback</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Register a custom tag.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$name</td><td class=CDLDescription>The name of the tag.</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$callback</td><td class=CDLDescription>A callable function (This must tage three parameters: The <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link36 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link36')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance, an associative array of parameters, and a function representing the tags content(This expects the <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link37 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link37')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance as its only parameter and returns its text result, i.e to get the text, you neeed to call this function with the <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link38 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link38')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance as a parameter)).</td></tr></table></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.call_tag"></a>call_tag</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function call_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$params,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$sub</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$name</td><td class=CDLDescription>The Tag&rsquo;s name</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$params</td><td class=CDLDescription>Associative array of parameters</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$sub</td><td class=CDLDescription>A callable function (expecting an <a href="#STECore" class=LClass id=link39 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link39')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')">STECore</a> instance as it&rsquo;s parameter) that represents the tag&rsquo;s content.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>The output of the tag.</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.exectemplate"></a>exectemplate</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function exectemplate(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Executes a template and returns the result.&nbsp; The huge difference to <a href="#STECore.load" class=LFunction id=link40 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt13', 'link40')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt13')">load</a> is that this function will also output all blocks.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$tpl</td><td class=CDLDescription>The name of the template to execute.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>The output of the template.</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.get_var_reference"></a>get_var_reference</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function &amp;get_var_reference(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$create_if_not_exist</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name.&nbsp; This can be used,if your custom tag takes a variable name as a parameter.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$name</td><td class=CDLDescription>The variables name.</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$create_if_not_exist</td><td class=CDLDescription>Should the variable be created, if it does not exist?&nbsp; Otherwise NULL will be returned, if the variable does not exist.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>A Reference to the variable.</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.get_var_by_name"></a>get_var_by_name</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function get_var_by_name(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Get a template variable by its name.&nbsp; This can be used,if your custom tag takes a variable name as a parameter.</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$name</td><td class=CDLDescription>The variables name.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>The variables value.</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.load"></a>load</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%></td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$quiet</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%>False</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use <a href="#STECore.exectemplate" class=LFunction id=link41 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link41')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')">exectemplate</a> for this).</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$tpl</td><td class=CDLDescription>The name of the template to be loaded.</td></tr><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$quiet</td><td class=CDLDescription>If true, do not output anything and do notmodify the blocks.&nbsp; This can be useful to load custom tags that are programmed in STE T/PL.&nbsp; Default: false.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>The result of the template (if $quiet == false).</p></div></div></div>
+<div class="CFunction"><div class=CTopic><h3 class=CTitle><a name="STECore.evalbool"></a>evalbool</h3><div class=CBody><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function evalbool(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$txt</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote><p>Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).</p><h4 class=CHeading>Parameters</h4><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=CDescriptionList><tr><td class=CDLEntry>$txt</td><td class=CDLDescription>The text to test.</td></tr></table><h4 class=CHeading>Returns</h4><p>true/false.</p></div></div></div>
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+<div class=CToolTip id="tt1"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function parse(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$code</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Parsing a STE T/PL template. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt2"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function transcompile(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$ast</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt3"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap>&amp;</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Loading a template.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt4"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function save(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$data,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Saves a template.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt5"><div class=CClass>An interface. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt6"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$src,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$transc</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote></div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt7"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$storage_access</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote></div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt8"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function register_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$callback</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Register a custom tag.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt9"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function call_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$params,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$sub</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt10"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function exectemplate(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Executes a template and returns the result. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt11"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function &amp;get_var_reference(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$create_if_not_exist</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt12"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function get_var_by_name(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Get a template variable by its name. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt13"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%></td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$quiet</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%>False</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use exectemplate for this).</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt14"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function evalbool(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$txt</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt15"><div class=CClass>The Core of STE</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
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+<div class=CToolTip id="tt1"><div class=CClass>The default StorageAccess implementation for loading / saving templates into a directory structure.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt2"><div class=CClass>Everything in this file is in this namespace.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt3"><div class=CClass>The Core of STE</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt4"><div class=CClass>An interface. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
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+<div id=Index><div class=IPageTitle>Function Index</div><div class=INavigationBar><a href="#Symbols">$#!</a> &middot; 0-9 &middot; A &middot; B &middot; <a href="#C">C</a> &middot; D &middot; <a href="#E">E</a> &middot; F &middot; <a href="#G">G</a> &middot; H &middot; I &middot; J &middot; K &middot; <a href="#L">L</a> &middot; M &middot; N &middot; O &middot; <a href="#P">P</a> &middot; Q &middot; <a href="#R">R</a> &middot; <a href="#S">S</a> &middot; <a href="#T">T</a> &middot; U &middot; V &middot; W &middot; X &middot; Y &middot; Z</div><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=IHeading id=IFirstHeading><a name="Symbols"></a>$#!</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>__construct</span><div class=ISubIndex><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#FilesystemStorageAccess.__construct" id=link1 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt1', 'link1')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt1')" class=IParent>FilesystemStorageAccess</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.__construct" id=link2 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt2', 'link2')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt2')" class=IParent>STECore</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="C"></a>C</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.call_tag" id=link3 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt3', 'link3')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt3')" class=ISymbol>call_tag</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="E"></a>E</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.evalbool" id=link4 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt4', 'link4')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt4')" class=ISymbol>evalbool</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.exectemplate" id=link5 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link5')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt5')" class=ISymbol>exectemplate</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="G"></a>G</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.get_var_by_name" id=link6 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt6', 'link6')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt6')" class=ISymbol>get_var_by_name</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.get_var_reference" id=link7 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt7', 'link7')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt7')" class=ISymbol>get_var_reference</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="L"></a>L</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>load</span><div class=ISubIndex><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.load" id=link8 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt8', 'link8')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt8')" class=IParent>STECore</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#StorageAccess.load" id=link9 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt9', 'link9')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt9')" class=IParent>StorageAccess</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="P"></a>P</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.parse" id=link10 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link10')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')" class=ISymbol>parse</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="R"></a>R</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.register_tag" id=link11 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt11', 'link11')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt11')" class=ISymbol>register_tag</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="S"></a>S</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/" id=link12 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt12', 'link12')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt12')" class=ISymbol>save</a>, <span class=IParent>StorageAccess</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="T"></a>T</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.transcompile" id=link13 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt13', 'link13')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt13')" class=ISymbol>transcompile</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr></table>
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt1"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$src,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$transc</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote></div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt2"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$storage_access</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote></div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt3"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function call_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$params,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$sub</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt4"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function evalbool(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$txt</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt5"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function exectemplate(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Executes a template and returns the result. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt6"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function get_var_by_name(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Get a template variable by its name. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt7"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function &amp;get_var_reference(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$create_if_not_exist</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt8"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%></td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$quiet</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%>False</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use exectemplate for this).</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt9"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap>&amp;</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Loading a template.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt10"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function parse(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$code</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Parsing a STE T/PL template. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt11"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function register_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$callback</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Register a custom tag.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt12"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function save(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$data,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Saves a template.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt13"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function transcompile(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$ast</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
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'tt1', 'link1')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt1')" class=IParent>FilesystemStorageAccess</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.__construct" id=link2 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt2', 'link2')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt2')" class=IParent>STECore</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="B"></a>B</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>$</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.$blockorder" id=link3 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt3', 'link3')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt3')" class=ISymbol>blockorder</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>$</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.$blocks" id=link4 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt4', 'link4')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt4')" class=ISymbol>blocks</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="C"></a>C</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.call_tag" id=link5 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt5', 'link5')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt5')" class=ISymbol>call_tag</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.Constants" class=ISymbol>Constants</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="E"></a>E</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.evalbool" id=link6 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt6', 'link6')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt6')" class=ISymbol>evalbool</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.exectemplate" id=link7 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt7', 'link7')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt7')" class=ISymbol>exectemplate</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="F"></a>F</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#FilesystemStorageAccess" id=link8 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt8', 'link8')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt8')" class=ISymbol>FilesystemStorageAccess</a></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>Functions</span><div class=ISubIndex><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#FilesystemStorageAccess.Functions" class=IParent>FilesystemStorageAccess</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.Functions" class=IParent>ste</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.Functions" class=IParent>STECore</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#StorageAccess.Functions" class=IParent>StorageAccess</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="G"></a>G</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.get_var_by_name" id=link9 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt9', 'link9')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt9')" class=ISymbol>get_var_by_name</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.get_var_reference" id=link10 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt10', 'link10')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt10')" class=ISymbol>get_var_reference</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="L"></a>L</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><span class=ISymbol>load</span><div class=ISubIndex><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.load" id=link11 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt11', 'link11')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt11')" class=IParent>STECore</a><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#StorageAccess.load" id=link12 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt12', 'link12')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt12')" class=IParent>StorageAccess</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="M"></a>M</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.MODE_SOURCE" id=link13 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt13', 'link13')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt13')" class=ISymbol>MODE_SOURCE</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.MODE_TRANSCOMPILED" id=link14 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt14', 'link14')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt14')" class=ISymbol>MODE_TRANSCOMPILED</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="P"></a>P</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.parse" id=link15 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt15', 'link15')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt15')" class=ISymbol>parse</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.Public_variables" class=ISymbol>Public variables</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="R"></a>R</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IOnlySymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.register_tag" id=link16 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt16', 'link16')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt16')" class=ISymbol>register_tag</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="S"></a>S</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/" id=link17 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt17', 'link17')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt17')" class=ISymbol>save</a>, <span class=IParent>StorageAccess</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste" id=link18 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt18', 'link18')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt18')" class=ISymbol>ste</a></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore" id=link19 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt19', 'link19')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt19')" class=ISymbol>STECore</a></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#StorageAccess" id=link20 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt20', 'link20')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt20')" class=ISymbol>StorageAccess</a></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#stupid_template_engine.php" id=link21 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt21', 'link21')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt21')" class=ISymbol>stupid_template_engine.php</a></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="T"></a>T</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.Template_modes" class=ISymbol>Template modes</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.transcompile" id=link22 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt22', 'link22')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt22')" class=ISymbol>transcompile</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></td></tr><tr><td class=IHeading><a name="V"></a>V</td><td></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=IFirstSymbolPrefix>&nbsp;</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.Variables" class=ISymbol>Variables</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr><tr><td class=ISymbolPrefix id=ILastSymbolPrefix>$</td><td class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore.$vars" id=link23 onMouseOver="ShowTip(event, 'tt23', 'link23')" onMouseOut="HideTip('tt23')" class=ISymbol>vars</a>, <span class=IParent>STECore</span></td></tr></table>
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt1"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$src,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$transc</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote></div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt2"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function __construct(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$storage_access</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote></div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt3"><div class=CVariable>The order of the blocks (an array)</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt4"><div class=CVariable>Associative array of blocks (see the language definition).</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt5"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function call_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$params,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$sub</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Calling a custom tag (builtin ones can not be called)</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt6"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function evalbool(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$txt</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Test, if a text represents false (an empty / only whitespace text) or true (everything else).</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt7"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function exectemplate(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Executes a template and returns the result. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt8"><div class=CClass>The default StorageAccess implementation for loading / saving templates into a directory structure.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt9"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function get_var_by_name(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Get a template variable by its name. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt10"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function &amp;get_var_reference(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$create_if_not_exist</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Get a reference to a template variable using a variable name. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt11"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%></td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$quiet</td><td class=PDefaultValuePrefix>&nbsp;=&nbsp;</td><td class=PDefaultValue width=100%>False</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Load a template and return its result (blocks not included, use exectemplate for this).</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt12"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function load(</td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameterPrefix nowrap>&amp;</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Loading a template.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt13"><div class=CConstant>The Templates source</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt14"><div class=CConstant>The transcompiled template</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt15"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function parse(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$code</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Parsing a STE T/PL template. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt16"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function register_tag(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$name,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$callback</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Register a custom tag.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt17"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>public function save(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$tpl,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$data,</td></tr><tr><td></td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$mode</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>)</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Saves a template.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt18"><div class=CClass>Everything in this file is in this namespace.</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt19"><div class=CClass>The Core of STE</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt20"><div class=CClass>An interface. </div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt21"><div class=CFile>The implementation of the Stupid Template Engine.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt22"><div class=CFunction><blockquote><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 class=Prototype><tr><td><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><tr><td class=PBeforeParameters nowrap>function transcompile(</td><td class=PParameter nowrap>$ast</td><td class=PAfterParameters nowrap>) /* Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */</td></tr></table></td></tr></table></blockquote>Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP.</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt23"><div class=CVariable>Associative array of all template variables. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
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+<div class=CToolTip id="tt1"><div class=CVariable>The order of the blocks (an array)</div></div><div class=CToolTip id="tt2"><div class=CVariable>Associative array of blocks (see the language definition).</div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
+<div class=CToolTip id="tt3"><div class=CVariable>Associative array of all template variables. </div></div><!--END_ND_TOOLTIPS-->
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+function SearchPanel(name, mode, resultsPath)
+ {
+ if (!name || !mode || !resultsPath)
+ { alert("Incorrect parameters to SearchPanel."); };
+ // Group: Variables
+ // ________________________________________________________________________
+ /*
+ var: name
+ The name of the global variable that will be storing this instance of the class.
+ */
+ = name;
+ /*
+ var: mode
+ The mode the search is going to work in, such as "HTML" or "FramedHTML".
+ */
+ this.mode = mode;
+ /*
+ var: resultsPath
+ The relative path from the current HTML page to the results page directory.
+ */
+ this.resultsPath = resultsPath;
+ /*
+ var: keyTimeout
+ The timeout used between a keystroke and when a search is performed.
+ */
+ this.keyTimeout = 0;
+ /*
+ var: keyTimeoutLength
+ The length of <keyTimeout> in thousandths of a second.
+ */
+ this.keyTimeoutLength = 500;
+ /*
+ var: lastSearchValue
+ The last search string executed, or an empty string if none.
+ */
+ this.lastSearchValue = "";
+ /*
+ var: lastResultsPage
+ The last results page. The value is only relevant if <lastSearchValue> is set.
+ */
+ this.lastResultsPage = "";
+ /*
+ var: deactivateTimeout
+ The timeout used between when a control is deactivated and when the entire panel is deactivated. Is necessary
+ because a control may be deactivated in favor of another control in the same panel, in which case it should stay
+ active.
+ */
+ this.deactivateTimout = 0;
+ /*
+ var: deactivateTimeoutLength
+ The length of <deactivateTimeout> in thousandths of a second.
+ */
+ this.deactivateTimeoutLength = 200;
+ // Group: DOM Elements
+ // ________________________________________________________________________
+ // Function: DOMSearchField
+ this.DOMSearchField = function()
+ { return document.getElementById("MSearchField"); };
+ // Function: DOMSearchType
+ this.DOMSearchType = function()
+ { return document.getElementById("MSearchType"); };
+ // Function: DOMPopupSearchResults
+ this.DOMPopupSearchResults = function()
+ { return document.getElementById("MSearchResults"); };
+ // Function: DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow
+ this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow = function()
+ { return document.getElementById("MSearchResultsWindow"); };
+ // Function: DOMSearchPanel
+ this.DOMSearchPanel = function()
+ { return document.getElementById("MSearchPanel"); };
+ // Group: Event Handlers
+ // ________________________________________________________________________
+ /*
+ Function: OnSearchFieldFocus
+ Called when focus is added or removed from the search field.
+ */
+ this.OnSearchFieldFocus = function(isActive)
+ {
+ this.Activate(isActive);
+ };
+ /*
+ Function: OnSearchFieldChange
+ Called when the content of the search field is changed.
+ */
+ this.OnSearchFieldChange = function()
+ {
+ if (this.keyTimeout)
+ {
+ clearTimeout(this.keyTimeout);
+ this.keyTimeout = 0;
+ };
+ var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/ +/g, "");
+ if (searchValue != this.lastSearchValue)
+ {
+ if (searchValue != "")
+ {
+ this.keyTimeout = setTimeout( + ".Search()", this.keyTimeoutLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (this.mode == "HTML")
+ { this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = "none"; };
+ this.lastSearchValue = "";
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ /*
+ Function: OnSearchTypeFocus
+ Called when focus is added or removed from the search type.
+ */
+ this.OnSearchTypeFocus = function(isActive)
+ {
+ this.Activate(isActive);
+ };
+ /*
+ Function: OnSearchTypeChange
+ Called when the search type is changed.
+ */
+ this.OnSearchTypeChange = function()
+ {
+ var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/ +/g, "");
+ if (searchValue != "")
+ {
+ this.Search();
+ };
+ };
+ // Group: Action Functions
+ // ________________________________________________________________________
+ /*
+ Function: CloseResultsWindow
+ Closes the results window.
+ */
+ this.CloseResultsWindow = function()
+ {
+ this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display = "none";
+ this.Activate(false, true);
+ };
+ /*
+ Function: Search
+ Performs a search.
+ */
+ this.Search = function()
+ {
+ this.keyTimeout = 0;
+ var searchValue = this.DOMSearchField().value.replace(/^ +/, "");
+ var searchTopic = this.DOMSearchType().value;
+ var pageExtension = searchValue.substr(0,1);
+ if (pageExtension.match(/^[a-z]/i))
+ { pageExtension = pageExtension.toUpperCase(); }
+ else if (pageExtension.match(/^[0-9]/))
+ { pageExtension = 'Numbers'; }
+ else
+ { pageExtension = "Symbols"; };
+ var resultsPage;
+ var resultsPageWithSearch;
+ var hasResultsPage;
+ // indexSectionsWithContent is defined in searchdata.js
+ if (indexSectionsWithContent[searchTopic][pageExtension] == true)
+ {
+ resultsPage = this.resultsPath + '/' + searchTopic + pageExtension + '.html';
+ resultsPageWithSearch = resultsPage+'?'+escape(searchValue);
+ hasResultsPage = true;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ resultsPage = this.resultsPath + '/NoResults.html';
+ resultsPageWithSearch = resultsPage;
+ hasResultsPage = false;
+ };
+ var resultsFrame;
+ if (this.mode == "HTML")
+ { resultsFrame = window.frames.MSearchResults; }
+ else if (this.mode == "FramedHTML")
+ { resultsFrame =['Content']; };
+ if (resultsPage != this.lastResultsPage ||
+ // Bug in IE. If everything becomes hidden in a run, none of them will be able to be reshown in the next for some
+ // reason. It counts the right number of results, and you can even read the display as "block" after setting it, but it
+ // just doesn't work in IE 6 or IE 7. So if we're on the right page but the previous search had no results, reload the
+ // page anyway to get around the bug.
+ (browserType == "IE" && hasResultsPage &&
+ (!resultsFrame.searchResults || resultsFrame.searchResults.lastMatchCount == 0)) )
+ {
+ resultsFrame.location.href = resultsPageWithSearch;
+ }
+ // So if the results page is right and there's no IE bug, reperform the search on the existing page. We have to check if there
+ // are results because NoResults.html doesn't have any JavaScript, and it would be useless to do anything on that page even
+ // if it did.
+ else if (hasResultsPage)
+ {
+ // We need to check if this exists in case the frame is present but didn't finish loading.
+ if (resultsFrame.searchResults)
+ { resultsFrame.searchResults.Search(searchValue); }
+ // Otherwise just reload instead of waiting.
+ else
+ { resultsFrame.location.href = resultsPageWithSearch; };
+ };
+ var domPopupSearchResultsWindow = this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow();
+ if (this.mode == "HTML" && != "block")
+ {
+ var domSearchType = this.DOMSearchType();
+ var left = GetXPosition(domSearchType);
+ var top = GetYPosition(domSearchType) + domSearchType.offsetHeight;
+ MoveToPosition(domPopupSearchResultsWindow, left, top);
+ = 'block';
+ };
+ this.lastSearchValue = searchValue;
+ this.lastResultsPage = resultsPage;
+ };
+ // Group: Activation Functions
+ // Functions that handle whether the entire panel is active or not.
+ // ________________________________________________________________________
+ /*
+ Function: Activate
+ Activates or deactivates the search panel, resetting things to their default values if necessary. You can call this on every
+ control's OnBlur() and it will handle not deactivating the entire panel when focus is just switching between them transparently.
+ Parameters:
+ isActive - Whether you're activating or deactivating the panel.
+ ignoreDeactivateDelay - Set if you're positive the action will deactivate the panel and thus want to skip the delay.
+ */
+ this.Activate = function(isActive, ignoreDeactivateDelay)
+ {
+ // We want to ignore isActive being false while the results window is open.
+ if (isActive || (this.mode == "HTML" && this.DOMPopupSearchResultsWindow().style.display == "block"))
+ {
+ if (this.inactivateTimeout)
+ {
+ clearTimeout(this.inactivateTimeout);
+ this.inactivateTimeout = 0;
+ };
+ this.DOMSearchPanel().className = 'MSearchPanelActive';
+ var searchField = this.DOMSearchField();
+ if (searchField.value == 'Search')
+ { searchField.value = ""; }
+ }
+ else if (!ignoreDeactivateDelay)
+ {
+ this.inactivateTimeout = setTimeout( + ".InactivateAfterTimeout()", this.inactivateTimeoutLength);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ this.InactivateAfterTimeout();
+ };
+ };
+ /*
+ Function: InactivateAfterTimeout
+ Called by <inactivateTimeout>, which is set by <Activate()>. Inactivation occurs on a timeout because a control may
+ receive OnBlur() when focus is really transferring to another control in the search panel. In this case we don't want to
+ actually deactivate the panel because not only would that cause a visible flicker but it could also reset the search value.
+ So by doing it on a timeout instead, there's a short period where the second control's OnFocus() can cancel the deactivation.
+ */
+ this.InactivateAfterTimeout = function()
+ {
+ this.inactivateTimeout = 0;
+ this.DOMSearchPanel().className = 'MSearchPanelInactive';
+ this.DOMSearchField().value = "Search";
+ this.lastSearchValue = "";
+ this.lastResultsPage = "";
+ };
+ };
+/* ________________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ Class: SearchResults
+ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
+ The class that handles everything on the search results page.
+ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
+function SearchResults(name, mode)
+ {
+ /*
+ var: mode
+ The mode the search is going to work in, such as "HTML" or "FramedHTML".
+ */
+ this.mode = mode;
+ /*
+ var: lastMatchCount
+ The number of matches from the last run of <Search()>.
+ */
+ this.lastMatchCount = 0;
+ /*
+ Function: Toggle
+ Toggles the visibility of the passed element ID.
+ */
+ this.Toggle = function(id)
+ {
+ if (this.mode == "FramedHTML")
+ { return; };
+ var parentElement = document.getElementById(id);
+ var element = parentElement.firstChild;
+ while (element && element != parentElement)
+ {
+ if (element.nodeName == 'DIV' && element.className == 'ISubIndex')
+ {
+ if ( == 'block')
+ { = "none"; }
+ else
+ { = 'block'; }
+ };
+ if (element.nodeName == 'DIV' && element.hasChildNodes())
+ { element = element.firstChild; }
+ else if (element.nextSibling)
+ { element = element.nextSibling; }
+ else
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ element = element.parentNode;
+ }
+ while (element && element != parentElement && !element.nextSibling);
+ if (element && element != parentElement)
+ { element = element.nextSibling; };
+ };
+ };
+ };
+ /*
+ Function: Search
+ Searches for the passed string. If there is no parameter, it takes it from the URL query.
+ Always returns true, since other documents may try to call it and that may or may not be possible.
+ */
+ this.Search = function(search)
+ {
+ if (!search)
+ {
+ search =;
+ search = search.substring(1); // Remove the leading ?
+ search = unescape(search);
+ };
+ search = search.replace(/^ +/, "");
+ search = search.replace(/ +$/, "");
+ search = search.toLowerCase();
+ if (search.match(/[^a-z0-9]/)) // Just a little speedup so it doesn't have to go through the below unnecessarily.
+ {
+ search = search.replace(/\_/g, "_und");
+ search = search.replace(/\ +/gi, "_spc");
+ search = search.replace(/\~/g, "_til");
+ search = search.replace(/\!/g, "_exc");
+ search = search.replace(/\@/g, "_att");
+ search = search.replace(/\#/g, "_num");
+ search = search.replace(/\$/g, "_dol");
+ search = search.replace(/\%/g, "_pct");
+ search = search.replace(/\^/g, "_car");
+ search = search.replace(/\&/g, "_amp");
+ search = search.replace(/\*/g, "_ast");
+ search = search.replace(/\(/g, "_lpa");
+ search = search.replace(/\)/g, "_rpa");
+ search = search.replace(/\-/g, "_min");
+ search = search.replace(/\+/g, "_plu");
+ search = search.replace(/\=/g, "_equ");
+ search = search.replace(/\{/g, "_lbc");
+ search = search.replace(/\}/g, "_rbc");
+ search = search.replace(/\[/g, "_lbk");
+ search = search.replace(/\]/g, "_rbk");
+ search = search.replace(/\:/g, "_col");
+ search = search.replace(/\;/g, "_sco");
+ search = search.replace(/\"/g, "_quo");
+ search = search.replace(/\'/g, "_apo");
+ search = search.replace(/\</g, "_lan");
+ search = search.replace(/\>/g, "_ran");
+ search = search.replace(/\,/g, "_com");
+ search = search.replace(/\./g, "_per");
+ search = search.replace(/\?/g, "_que");
+ search = search.replace(/\//g, "_sla");
+ search = search.replace(/[^a-z0-9\_]i/gi, "_zzz");
+ };
+ var resultRows = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
+ var matches = 0;
+ var i = 0;
+ while (i < resultRows.length)
+ {
+ var row = resultRows.item(i);
+ if (row.className == "SRResult")
+ {
+ var rowMatchName =;
+ rowMatchName = rowMatchName.replace(/^sr\d*_/, '');
+ if (search.length <= rowMatchName.length && rowMatchName.substr(0, search.length) == search)
+ {
+ = "block";
+ matches++;
+ }
+ else
+ { = "none"; };
+ };
+ i++;
+ };
+ document.getElementById("Searching").style.display="none";
+ if (matches == 0)
+ { document.getElementById("NoMatches").style.display="block"; }
+ else
+ { document.getElementById("NoMatches").style.display="none"; }
+ this.lastMatchCount = matches;
+ return true;
+ };
+ };
diff --git a/docu/nd/javascript/searchdata.js b/docu/nd/javascript/searchdata.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..985032f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docu/nd/javascript/searchdata.js
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+var indexSectionsWithContent = {
+ "General": {
+ "Symbols": true,
+ "Numbers": false,
+ "A": false,
+ "B": true,
+ "C": true,
+ "D": false,
+ "E": true,
+ "F": true,
+ "G": true,
+ "H": false,
+ "I": false,
+ "J": false,
+ "K": false,
+ "L": true,
+ "M": true,
+ "N": false,
+ "O": false,
+ "P": true,
+ "Q": false,
+ "R": true,
+ "S": true,
+ "T": true,
+ "U": false,
+ "V": true,
+ "W": false,
+ "X": false,
+ "Y": false,
+ "Z": false
+ },
+ "Variables": {
+ "Symbols": false,
+ "Numbers": false,
+ "A": false,
+ "B": true,
+ "C": false,
+ "D": false,
+ "E": false,
+ "F": false,
+ "G": false,
+ "H": false,
+ "I": false,
+ "J": false,
+ "K": false,
+ "L": false,
+ "M": false,
+ "N": false,
+ "O": false,
+ "P": true,
+ "Q": false,
+ "R": false,
+ "S": false,
+ "T": false,
+ "U": false,
+ "V": true,
+ "W": false,
+ "X": false,
+ "Y": false,
+ "Z": false
+ },
+ "Functions": {
+ "Symbols": true,
+ "Numbers": false,
+ "A": false,
+ "B": false,
+ "C": true,
+ "D": false,
+ "E": true,
+ "F": false,
+ "G": true,
+ "H": false,
+ "I": false,
+ "J": false,
+ "K": false,
+ "L": true,
+ "M": false,
+ "N": false,
+ "O": false,
+ "P": true,
+ "Q": false,
+ "R": true,
+ "S": true,
+ "T": true,
+ "U": false,
+ "V": false,
+ "W": false,
+ "X": false,
+ "Y": false,
+ "Z": false
+ },
+ "Files": {
+ "Symbols": false,
+ "Numbers": false,
+ "A": false,
+ "B": false,
+ "C": false,
+ "D": false,
+ "E": false,
+ "F": false,
+ "G": false,
+ "H": false,
+ "I": false,
+ "J": false,
+ "K": false,
+ "L": false,
+ "M": false,
+ "N": false,
+ "O": false,
+ "P": false,
+ "Q": false,
+ "R": false,
+ "S": true,
+ "T": false,
+ "U": false,
+ "V": false,
+ "W": false,
+ "X": false,
+ "Y": false,
+ "Z": false
+ },
+ "Classes": {
+ "Symbols": false,
+ "Numbers": false,
+ "A": false,
+ "B": false,
+ "C": false,
+ "D": false,
+ "E": false,
+ "F": true,
+ "G": false,
+ "H": false,
+ "I": false,
+ "J": false,
+ "K": false,
+ "L": false,
+ "M": false,
+ "N": false,
+ "O": false,
+ "P": false,
+ "Q": false,
+ "R": false,
+ "S": true,
+ "T": false,
+ "U": false,
+ "V": false,
+ "W": false,
+ "X": false,
+ "Y": false,
+ "Z": false
+ },
+ "Constants": {
+ "Symbols": false,
+ "Numbers": false,
+ "A": false,
+ "B": false,
+ "C": false,
+ "D": false,
+ "E": false,
+ "F": false,
+ "G": false,
+ "H": false,
+ "I": false,
+ "J": false,
+ "K": false,
+ "L": false,
+ "M": true,
+ "N": false,
+ "O": false,
+ "P": false,
+ "Q": false,
+ "R": false,
+ "S": false,
+ "T": true,
+ "U": false,
+ "V": false,
+ "W": false,
+ "X": false,
+ "Y": false,
+ "Z": false
+ }
+ } \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docu/nd/search/ClassesF.html b/docu/nd/search/ClassesF.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9c33ca5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docu/nd/search/ClassesF.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/main.css"><script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/main.js"></script></head><body class="PopupSearchResultsPage" onLoad="NDOnLoad()"><script language=JavaScript><!--
+if (browserType) {document.write("<div class=" + browserType + ">");if (browserVer) {document.write("<div class=" + browserVer + ">"); }}// --></script>
+<!-- Generated by Natural Docs, version 1.4 -->
+<!-- -->
+<!-- saved from url=(0026) -->
+<div id=Index><div class=SRStatus id=Loading>Loading...</div><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><div class=SRResult id=SR_FilesystemStorageAccess><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#FilesystemStorageAccess" target=_parent class=ISymbol>FilesystemStorageAccess</a></div></div></table><div class=SRStatus id=Searching>Searching...</div><div class=SRStatus id=NoMatches>No Matches</div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
+var searchResults = new SearchResults("searchResults", "HTML");
+--></script></div><script language=JavaScript><!--
+if (browserType) {if (browserVer) {document.write("</div>"); }document.write("</div>");}// --></script></body></html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docu/nd/search/ClassesS.html b/docu/nd/search/ClassesS.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..15e616d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docu/nd/search/ClassesS.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/main.css"><script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/main.js"></script></head><body class="PopupSearchResultsPage" onLoad="NDOnLoad()"><script language=JavaScript><!--
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+<div id=Index><div class=SRStatus id=Loading>Loading...</div><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><div class=SRResult id=SR_ste><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste" target=_parent class=ISymbol>ste</a></div></div><div class=SRResult id=SR_STECore><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#STECore" target=_parent class=ISymbol>STECore</a></div></div><div class=SRResult id=SR_StorageAccess><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#StorageAccess" target=_parent class=ISymbol>StorageAccess</a></div></div></table><div class=SRStatus id=Searching>Searching...</div><div class=SRStatus id=NoMatches>No Matches</div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
+var searchResults = new SearchResults("searchResults", "HTML");
+--></script></div><script language=JavaScript><!--
+if (browserType) {if (browserVer) {document.write("</div>"); }document.write("</div>");}// --></script></body></html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docu/nd/search/ConstantsM.html b/docu/nd/search/ConstantsM.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..da4b5f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docu/nd/search/ConstantsM.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/main.css"><script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/main.js"></script></head><body class="PopupSearchResultsPage" onLoad="NDOnLoad()"><script language=JavaScript><!--
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+<div id=Index><div class=SRStatus id=Loading>Loading...</div><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><div class=SRResult id=SR_MODE_undSOURCE><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.MODE_SOURCE" target=_parent class=ISymbol>MODE_SOURCE</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></div></div><div class=SRResult id=SR_MODE_undTRANSCOMPILED><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.MODE_TRANSCOMPILED" target=_parent class=ISymbol>MODE_TRANSCOMPILED</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></div></div></table><div class=SRStatus id=Searching>Searching...</div><div class=SRStatus id=NoMatches>No Matches</div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
+var searchResults = new SearchResults("searchResults", "HTML");
+--></script></div><script language=JavaScript><!--
+if (browserType) {if (browserVer) {document.write("</div>"); }document.write("</div>");}// --></script></body></html> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docu/nd/search/ConstantsT.html b/docu/nd/search/ConstantsT.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4211788
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docu/nd/search/ConstantsT.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
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+<div id=Index><div class=SRStatus id=Loading>Loading...</div><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0><div class=SRResult id=SR_Template_spcmodes><div class=IEntry><a href="../files/stupid_template_engine-php.html#ste.Template_modes" target=_parent class=ISymbol>Template modes</a>, <span class=IParent>ste</span></div></div></table><div class=SRStatus id=Searching>Searching...</div><div class=SRStatus id=NoMatches>No Matches</div><script type="text/javascript"><!--
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+--></script></div><script language=JavaScript><!--
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diff --git a/docu/nd/search/FilesS.html b/docu/nd/search/FilesS.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b33f2d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docu/nd/search/FilesS.html
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+<html><head><link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/main.css"><script language=JavaScript src="../javascript/main.js"></script></head><body class="PopupSearchResultsPage" onLoad="NDOnLoad()"><script language=JavaScript><!--
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+ margin: 0 15px .5em 15px }
+ .CGroup .CTitle {
+ font-size: 16pt; font-variant: small-caps;
+ padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;
+ border-width: 0 0 2px 0; border-color: #000000;
+ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0 }
+ .CClass .CTitle,
+ .CInterface .CTitle,
+ .CDatabase .CTitle,
+ .CDatabaseTable .CTitle,
+ .CSection .CTitle {
+ font-size: 18pt;
+ color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #A0A0A0;
+ padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px;
+ border-width: 2px 0; border-color: #000000;
+ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0 }
+ #MainTopic .CTitle {
+ font-size: 20pt;
+ color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #7070C0;
+ padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px;
+ border-width: 0 0 3px 0; border-color: #000000;
+ margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0 }
+ .CBody {
+ margin-left: 15px; margin-right: 15px }
+ .CToolTip {
+ position: absolute; visibility: hidden;
+ left: 0; top: 0;
+ background-color: #FFFFE0;
+ padding: 5px;
+ border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #000000;
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ }
+ .Opera .CToolTip {
+ max-width: 98%;
+ }
+ /* Scrollbars would be useless. */
+ .CToolTip blockquote {
+ overflow: hidden;
+ }
+ .IE6 .CToolTip blockquote {
+ overflow: visible;
+ }
+ .CHeading {
+ font-weight: bold; font-size: 10pt;
+ margin: 1.5em 0 .5em 0;
+ }
+ .CBody pre {
+ font: 10pt "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
+ margin: 1em 0;
+ }
+ .CBody ul {
+ /* I don't know why CBody's margin doesn't apply, but it's consistent across browsers so whatever.
+ Reapply it here as padding. */
+ padding-left: 15px; padding-right: 15px;
+ margin: .5em 5ex .5em 5ex;
+ }
+ .CDescriptionList {
+ margin: .5em 5ex 0 5ex }
+ .CDLEntry {
+ font: 10pt "Courier New", Courier, monospace; color: #808080;
+ padding-bottom: .25em;
+ white-space: nowrap }
+ .CDLDescription {
+ font-size: 10pt; /* For browsers that don't inherit correctly, like Opera 5. */
+ padding-bottom: .5em; padding-left: 5ex }
+ .CTopic img {
+ text-align: center;
+ display: block;
+ margin: 1em auto;
+ }
+ .CImageCaption {
+ font-variant: small-caps;
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ color: #808080;
+ text-align: center;
+ position: relative;
+ top: 1em;
+ }
+ .CImageLink {
+ color: #808080;
+ font-style: italic;
+ }
+ a.CImageLink:link,
+ a.CImageLink:visited,
+ a.CImageLink:hover { color: #808080 }
+.Prototype {
+ font: 10pt "Courier New", Courier, monospace;
+ padding: 5px 3ex;
+ border-width: 1px; border-style: solid;
+ margin: 0 5ex 1.5em 5ex;
+ }
+ .Prototype td {
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ }
+ .PDefaultValue,
+ .PDefaultValuePrefix,
+ .PTypePrefix {
+ color: #8F8F8F;
+ }
+ .PTypePrefix {
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+ .PAfterParameters {
+ vertical-align: bottom;
+ }
+ .IE .Prototype table {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ .CFunction .Prototype {
+ background-color: #F4F4F4; border-color: #D0D0D0 }
+ .CProperty .Prototype {
+ background-color: #F4F4FF; border-color: #C0C0E8 }
+ .CVariable .Prototype {
+ background-color: #FFFFF0; border-color: #E0E0A0 }
+ .CClass .Prototype {
+ border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #A0A0A0;
+ background-color: #F4F4F4;
+ }
+ .CInterface .Prototype {
+ border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #A0A0D0;
+ background-color: #F4F4FF;
+ }
+ .CDatabaseIndex .Prototype,
+ .CConstant .Prototype {
+ background-color: #D0D0D0; border-color: #000000 }
+ .CType .Prototype,
+ .CEnumeration .Prototype {
+ background-color: #FAF0F0; border-color: #E0B0B0;
+ }
+ .CDatabaseTrigger .Prototype,
+ .CEvent .Prototype,
+ .CDelegate .Prototype {
+ background-color: #F0FCF0; border-color: #B8E4B8 }
+ .CToolTip .Prototype {
+ margin: 0 0 .5em 0;
+ white-space: nowrap;
+ }
+.Summary {
+ margin: 1.5em 5ex 0 5ex }
+ .STitle {
+ font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;
+ margin-bottom: .5em }
+ .SBorder {
+ background-color: #FFFFF0;
+ padding: 15px;
+ border: 1px solid #C0C060 }
+ /* In a frame IE 6 will make them too long unless you set the width to 100%. Without frames it will be correct without a width
+ or slightly too long (but not enough to scroll) with a width. This arbitrary weirdness simply astounds me. IE 7 has the same
+ problem with frames, haven't tested it without. */
+ .FramedContentPage .IE .SBorder {
+ width: 100% }
+ /* A treat for Mozilla users. Blatantly non-standard. Will be replaced with CSS 3 attributes when finalized/supported. */
+ .Firefox .SBorder {
+ -moz-border-radius: 20px }
+ .STable {
+ font-size: 9pt; width: 100% }
+ .SEntry {
+ width: 30% }
+ .SDescription {
+ width: 70% }
+ .SMarked {
+ background-color: #F8F8D8 }
+ .SDescription { padding-left: 2ex }
+ .SIndent1 .SEntry { padding-left: 1.5ex } .SIndent1 .SDescription { padding-left: 3.5ex }
+ .SIndent2 .SEntry { padding-left: 3.0ex } .SIndent2 .SDescription { padding-left: 5.0ex }
+ .SIndent3 .SEntry { padding-left: 4.5ex } .SIndent3 .SDescription { padding-left: 6.5ex }
+ .SIndent4 .SEntry { padding-left: 6.0ex } .SIndent4 .SDescription { padding-left: 8.0ex }
+ .SIndent5 .SEntry { padding-left: 7.5ex } .SIndent5 .SDescription { padding-left: 9.5ex }
+ .SDescription a { color: #800000}
+ .SDescription a:active { color: #A00000 }
+ .SGroup td {
+ padding-top: .5em; padding-bottom: .25em }
+ .SGroup .SEntry {
+ font-weight: bold; font-variant: small-caps }
+ .SGroup .SEntry a { color: #800000 }
+ .SGroup .SEntry a:active { color: #F00000 }
+ .SMain td,
+ .SClass td,
+ .SDatabase td,
+ .SDatabaseTable td,
+ .SSection td {
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ padding-bottom: .25em }
+ .SClass td,
+ .SDatabase td,
+ .SDatabaseTable td,
+ .SSection td {
+ padding-top: 1em }
+ .SMain .SEntry,
+ .SClass .SEntry,
+ .SDatabase .SEntry,
+ .SDatabaseTable .SEntry,
+ .SSection .SEntry {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ }
+ .SMain .SEntry a,
+ .SClass .SEntry a,
+ .SDatabase .SEntry a,
+ .SDatabaseTable .SEntry a,
+ .SSection .SEntry a { color: #000000 }
+ .SMain .SEntry a:active,
+ .SClass .SEntry a:active,
+ .SDatabase .SEntry a:active,
+ .SDatabaseTable .SEntry a:active,
+ .SSection .SEntry a:active { color: #A00000 }
+.ClassHierarchy {
+ margin: 0 15px 1em 15px }
+ .CHEntry {
+ border-width: 1px 2px 2px 1px; border-style: solid; border-color: #A0A0A0;
+ margin-bottom: 3px;
+ padding: 2px 2ex;
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ background-color: #F4F4F4; color: #606060;
+ }
+ .Firefox .CHEntry {
+ -moz-border-radius: 4px;
+ }
+ .CHCurrent .CHEntry {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ border-color: #000000;
+ color: #000000;
+ }
+ .CHChildNote .CHEntry {
+ font-style: italic;
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ }
+ .CHIndent {
+ margin-left: 3ex;
+ }
+ .CHEntry a:link,
+ .CHEntry a:visited,
+ .CHEntry a:hover {
+ color: #606060;
+ }
+ .CHEntry a:active {
+ color: #800000;
+ }
+#Index {
+ background-color: #FFFFFF;
+ }
+/* As opposed to .PopupSearchResultsPage #Index */
+.IndexPage #Index,
+.FramedIndexPage #Index,
+.FramedSearchResultsPage #Index {
+ padding: 15px;
+ }
+.IndexPage #Index {
+ border-width: 0 0 1px 1px;
+ border-style: solid;
+ border-color: #000000;
+ font-size: 9pt; /* To make 27ex match the menu's 27ex. */
+ margin-left: 27ex;
+ }
+ .IPageTitle {
+ font-size: 20pt; font-weight: bold;
+ color: #FFFFFF; background-color: #7070C0;
+ padding: 10px 15px 10px 15px;
+ border-width: 0 0 3px 0; border-color: #000000; border-style: solid;
+ margin: -15px -15px 0 -15px }
+ .FramedSearchResultsPage .IPageTitle {
+ margin-bottom: 15px;
+ }
+ .INavigationBar {
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ text-align: center;
+ background-color: #FFFFF0;
+ padding: 5px;
+ border-bottom: solid 1px black;
+ margin: 0 -15px 15px -15px;
+ }
+ .INavigationBar a {
+ font-weight: bold }
+ .IHeading {
+ font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold;
+ padding: 2.5em 0 .5em 0;
+ text-align: center;
+ width: 3.5ex;
+ }
+ #IFirstHeading {
+ padding-top: 0;
+ }
+ .IEntry {
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ padding-left: 1ex;
+ }
+ .PopupSearchResultsPage .IEntry {
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ padding: 1px 5px;
+ }
+ .PopupSearchResultsPage .Opera9 .IEntry,
+ .FramedSearchResultsPage .Opera9 .IEntry {
+ text-align: left;
+ }
+ .FramedSearchResultsPage .IEntry {
+ padding: 0;
+ }
+ .ISubIndex {
+ padding-left: 3ex; padding-bottom: .5em }
+ .PopupSearchResultsPage .ISubIndex {
+ display: none;
+ }
+ /* While it may cause some entries to look like links when they aren't, I found it's much easier to read the
+ index if everything's the same color. */
+ .ISymbol {
+ font-weight: bold; color: #900000 }
+ .IndexPage .ISymbolPrefix,
+ .FramedIndexPage .ISymbolPrefix {
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ text-align: right;
+ color: #C47C7C;
+ background-color: #F8F8F8;
+ border-right: 3px solid #E0E0E0;
+ border-left: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+ padding: 0 1px 0 2px;
+ }
+ .PopupSearchResultsPage .ISymbolPrefix,
+ .FramedSearchResultsPage .ISymbolPrefix {
+ color: #900000;
+ }
+ .PopupSearchResultsPage .ISymbolPrefix {
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ }
+ .IndexPage #IFirstSymbolPrefix,
+ .FramedIndexPage #IFirstSymbolPrefix {
+ border-top: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+ }
+ .IndexPage #ILastSymbolPrefix,
+ .FramedIndexPage #ILastSymbolPrefix {
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+ }
+ .IndexPage #IOnlySymbolPrefix,
+ .FramedIndexPage #IOnlySymbolPrefix {
+ border-top: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+ border-bottom: 1px solid #E0E0E0;
+ }
+ a.IParent,
+ a.IFile {
+ display: block;
+ }
+ .PopupSearchResultsPage .SRStatus {
+ padding: 2px 5px;
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ font-style: italic;
+ }
+ .FramedSearchResultsPage .SRStatus {
+ font-size: 10pt;
+ font-style: italic;
+ }
+ .SRResult {
+ display: none;
+ }
+#Footer {
+ font-size: 8pt;
+ color: #989898;
+ text-align: right;
+ }
+#Footer p {
+ text-indent: 0;
+ margin-bottom: .5em;
+ }
+.ContentPage #Footer,
+.IndexPage #Footer {
+ text-align: right;
+ margin: 2px;
+ }
+.FramedMenuPage #Footer {
+ text-align: center;
+ margin: 5em 10px 10px 10px;
+ padding-top: 1em;
+ border-top: 1px solid #C8C8C8;
+ }
+ #Footer a:link,
+ #Footer a:hover,
+ #Footer a:visited { color: #989898 }
+ #Footer a:active { color: #A00000 }