function randomColor() { var h = Math.floor(Math.random() * 360); var s = Math.floor((Math.random() * 0.5 + 0.5)*100); var l = Math.floor((Math.random() * 0.4 + 0.3)*100); return "hsl("+h+", "+s+"%, "+l+"%)"; } function askTryAgain(reason, ws_url) { if(confirm("Could not join chat (Reason: "+ reason +"). Try again?")) { window.setTimeout(RunChat, 1, ws_url); // We use a timeout, so we don't accidentally fill up the call stack. } } var buddyColors = {}; function addBuddy(nick) { var found = false; $("#buddies li").each(function(index) { if($(this).text() == nick) { found = true; } }); if(!found) { var col = randomColor(); buddyColors[nick] = col; console.log(col); $("#buddies").append($("
  • ").css("color", col).text(nick)); } } function removeBuddy(nick) { $("#buddies li").each(function(index) { var self = $(this); if(self.text() == nick) { self.remove(); } }); } function chatlogWriter(event) { var data = JSON.parse(; var msgtext = ""; switch(data.type) { case "chat": msgtext = data.text; break; case "join": msgtext = "joined the room"; addBuddy(data.user); break; case "leave": msgtext = "left the room"; removeBuddy(data.user); break; } var elemNick = $("").addClass("nick").prop("style", "color: " + buddyColors[data.user]).text(data.user); var elemText = $("").addClass("msg").text(msgtext); var logentry = $("
  • ").addClass(data.type).append(elemNick).append(elemText); $("#chatlog").append(logentry); window.scrollTo(0, logentry.offset().top); } function initChatSender(ws) { var send = function() { var ct = $("#chattext") ws.send(ct.prop("value")); ct.prop("value",""); ct.focus(); }; $("#sendbtn").click(send); $("#chattext").keyup(function(event) { if(event.keyCode==13) { send(); } }); } function Join(ws_url, nick) { var ws = new WebSocket(ws_url, "chat"); ws.onopen = function(_) { ws.send(nick); ws.onmessage = function(event) { var data = JSON.parse(; if(data.ok) { ws.onmessage = chatlogWriter; for(i in data.buddies) { addBuddy(data.buddies[i]); } initChatSender(ws); ws.onclose = function(_) { alert("Connection lost. Try refreshing the page."); }; } else { ws.close(); askTryAgain(data.error, ws_url); } }; }; } function RunChat(ws_url) { var nick = ""; while(nick == "") { nick = prompt("Choose a nickname"); if(nick === null) { return; } } Join(ws_url, nick); }