get_article(); $msg = "Hello, Someone posted a comment to this article: Title: " . @$article->title[$comment->get_language()]->text . " URL: " . $baseurl . "/" . $comment->get_language() . "/" . $article->get_section()->name . "/" . $article->urlname . " The comment: Author Name: " . $comment->author_name . " Author Mail: " . $comment->author_mail . " Comment Text: " . implode("\n", array_map(function($l){return " " . $l;}, explode("\n", $comment->text))) . " If you are logged in to the Ratatöskr backend, you can view the comment here: " . $baseurl . "/backend/content/comments/" . $comment->get_id(); $moreheaders = "From: " . $this->config["from"] . "\r\nX-Mailer: new_comment_notifier plugin for Ratatoeskr\r\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=\"UTF-8\""; foreach($this->config["to"] as $to) mail($to, "Comment received", $msg, $moreheaders); } public function backend_page(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next) { $this->prepare_backend_pluginpage(); if(isset($_POST["send_general_settings"])) { if(empty($_POST["mail_from"])) $this->ste->vars["error"] = "Mail From must not be empty."; else { $this->config["from"] = $_POST["mail_from"]; $this->config_modified = True; $this->ste->vars["success"] = "Settings saved."; } } if(isset($_POST["add_new_recv"]) and (!empty($_POST["new_recv"]))) { $this->config["to"][] = $_POST["new_recv"]; $this->config_modified = True; $this->ste->vars["success"] = "Address added."; } if(isset($_POST["delete_recvs"]) and ($_POST["really_delete"] == "yes")) { $this->config["to"] = array_diff($this->config["to"], $_POST["recvs_multiselect"]); $this->config_modified = True; $this->ste->vars["success"] = "Receivers deleted."; } $this->ste->vars["mail_to"] = $this->config["to"]; $this->ste->vars["mail_from"] = $this->config["from"]; echo $this->ste->exectemplate($this->get_template_dir() . "/config.html"); } public function install() { $this->kvstorage["config"] = array("from" => "", "to" => array()); } public function init() { $this->config = $this->kvstorage["config"]; $this->register_on_comment_store(array($this, "on_comment_store")); $this->register_backend_pluginpage("New comment notifier", array($this, "backend_page")); } public function atexit() { if($this->config_modified) $this->kvstorage["config"] = $this->config; } } ?>