me.laria.code.idea_caseconv Case conversion 0.7.0 Laria Chabowski

Convert between cases.

The Plugin provides actions to convert to the following cases:

How to use:

Select the text you want to convert and then invoke the desired action. There are multiple ways to do this:

You can configure how newlines should be treated: Go to "Settings" > "Tools" > "Case conversion". The setting "Treat newline as" has these two options:

White space
Treat newline like other whitespace (i.e. as a word separator)
Record separator
Treat newline as a record separator. This converts every line individually
Version 0.7.0
Add setting for newline mode and fix converting *from*
Version 0.6.2
Add Convert case: Sentence case action
Version 0.6.1
Add a short documentation on how to use the plugin
Version 0.6.0
Organize Convert case actions into new Edit submenu "Convert case" instead of cluttering up the edit menu
Version 0.5.2
Add Convert case: action