falseknees-atom =============== A simple Lua script that generates an Atom Feed of the fantastic [False Knees][falseknees] webcomic. Requirements ------------ You need to have [Lua][lua] (5.3 or later) and [LuaSocket][luasocket] installed. Usage ----- Executing `falseknees-atom.lua` will write an Atom Feed with all the comic strips to stdout. When you are using a feed reader that can take it's input from an external binary, you can just point it to the script. E.g. here is an entry for [Newsboat][newsboat]'s `~/.newsboat/urls` that I use: exec:~/src/falseknees-atom/falseknees-atom.lua `~/src/falseknees-atom/` is where this repo lives on my machine. Adapt the path to fit wherever you put it. Why? ---- I want to know when the latest comic arrives, but does not seem to get updated any more :(. [falseknees]: https://falseknees.com [lua]: https://lua.org [luasocket]: http://w3.impa.br/~diego/software/luasocket/home.html [newsboat]: https://newsboat.org/