Commit message (Expand)AuthorAge
* Enabled setting the Biome of the MapWidgetKevin Chabowski2013-08-16
* Preparing for tool usageKevin Chabowski2013-08-15
* Undo will not be implemented at the momentKevin Chabowski2013-08-15
* Fixing checkerboard backgroundKevin Chabowski2013-08-15
* Statusbar now displays current pos and biomeKevin Chabowski2013-08-15
* Added MapWidgetKevin Chabowski2013-08-15
* Using gdk.Color instead of image/color for colorboxKevin Chabowski2013-08-14
* Added ToolsKevin Chabowski2013-08-14
* Added spin button for draw radius.Kevin Chabowski2013-08-14
* Added undo to menu bar.Kevin Chabowski2013-08-14
* Initial commitKevin Chabowski2013-08-14