#include "common_types.h" #include "graymap.h" #include "graymap_alleg.h" #include "paledit.h" #include #include #include #include #include void blur(BITMAP* src, BITMAP* dst) { int lim_w = src->w > dst->w ? src->w : dst->w; int lim_h = src->h > dst->h ? src->h : dst->h; int x,y; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for collapse(2) for(y = 1; y < lim_h-1; ++y) for(x = 1; x < lim_w-1; ++x) { int r,g,b,xr,yr,n; r = g = b = 0; n = 0; for(xr = x-1; xr < x+2; ++xr) { for(yr = y-1; yr < y+2; ++yr) { if((xr >= 0) && (xr < lim_w) && (yr >= 0) && (yr < lim_h)) { ++n; r += getr(getpixel(src,xr,yr)); g += getg(getpixel(src,xr,yr)); b += getb(getpixel(src,xr,yr)); } } } if(n != 0) { r /= n; g /= n; b /= n; } putpixel(dst,x,y,makeacol(r,g,b,255)); } } } double mandel_iter(double cx, double cy, double bailout, double max_iter) { double x, y, xt; int iter; x = y = 0; iter = 0; while((x*x+y*y < bailout*bailout) && (iter < max_iter)) { xt = x*x-y*y+cx; y = 2.0*x*y+cy; x = xt; iter++; } return (double) iter + (double) ((log(2*log(bailout)) - log(log(x*x+y*y))) / log(2)); } void mandelbrot(graymap_t* gm, double x1,double y1, double x2, double y2, int max_iter) { double bailout = 1000.0; double stepx = (x2-x1)/gm->w; double stepy = (y2-y1)/gm->h; int px, py; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for collapse(2) for(px = 0; px < gm->w ;px++) for(py = 0; py < gm->h; py++) GM_PIX(*gm,px,py) = mandel_iter(x1+(px*stepx),y1+(py*stepy), bailout, max_iter); } int i; static double max_gray = 0.0; if(max_gray == 0.0) for(i = 0; i < (gm->w * gm->h); ++i) max_gray = gm->data[i] > max_gray ? gm->data[i] : max_gray; #pragma omp parallel { #pragma omp for for(i = 0; i < (gm->w * gm->h); ++i) gm->data[i] /= max_gray; } } double dabs(double in) { return in < 0 ? in * -1.0 : in; } void fix_rect(double* x1, double* y1, double* x2, double* y2, double asp_ratio) { double swap = .0; if(*x1 > *x2) { swap = *x1; *x1 = *x2; *x2 = swap; } if(*y1 > *y2) { swap = *y1; *y1 = *y2; *y2 = swap; } double dx = *x2 - *x1; double dy = *y2 - *y1; double new_dx; if(dx/dy != asp_ratio) { new_dx = dy * asp_ratio; *x1 += (dx - new_dx) / 2; *x2 -= (dx - new_dx) / 2; } } void introtext(BITMAP* canvas) { textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 10, 0xffffffff, -1, "simple mandelbrot viewer by"); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 22, 0xffffffff, -1, "Kevin Chabowski (kevin@kch42.de)"); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 34, 0xffffffff, -1, "v 0.5"); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 46, 0xffffffff, -1, "This program may be redistributed under the conditions"); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 58, 0xffffffff, -1, "of the MIT-License. See LICENSE for more details."); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 82, 0xffffffff, -1, "Instructions:"); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 94, 0xffffffff, -1, "Draw a border with the mouse to zoom in."); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 106, 0xffffffff, -1, "Hold right mouse button and move mouse wheel to zoom in/out."); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 118, 0xffffffff, -1, "Drag image with middle mouse button to move section."); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 130, 0xffffffff, -1, "[P] opens the palette editor."); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 142, 0xffffffff, -1, "[ESC] to quit."); textprintf_centre_ex(canvas, font, (int) canvas->w/2, 166, 0xffffffff, -1, "Click to start."); } /* Speed control thread */ sem_t timer_sem; BOOL speed_control; void ticker() { if(speed_control) sem_post(&timer_sem); } END_OF_FUNCTION(ticker) int main() { /* init allegro */ allegro_init(); install_keyboard(); install_mouse(); install_timer(); set_color_depth(32); set_config_file("mandelbrot.cfg"); int scr_return; if(get_config_int("mandelbrot", "fullscreen", 0) != 0) scr_return = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT, get_config_int("mandelbrot", "width", 800), get_config_int("mandelbrot", "height", 600), 0, 0); else scr_return = set_gfx_mode(GFX_AUTODETECT_WINDOWED, get_config_int("mandelbrot", "width", 800), get_config_int("mandelbrot", "height", 600), 0, 0); if(scr_return != 0) { set_gfx_mode(GFX_TEXT, 0, 0, 0, 0); allegro_message("Unable to set any graphic mode\n%s\n", allegro_error); return 1; } set_alpha_blender(); drawing_mode(DRAW_MODE_TRANS, NULL, 0, 0); BITMAP* cursor; BITMAP* checkered; BITMAP* buffer; BITMAP* blurbuf; BITMAP* mandel; cursor = create_bitmap(21, 21); checkered = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); buffer = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); blurbuf = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); mandel = create_bitmap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); /* Prepare cursor */ cursor = load_tga("cursor.tga", NULL); /* Prepare checkered background pattern */ int x,y; long color = 0; for(y = 0; y < (int) floor(SCREEN_H / 20); ++y) { for(x = 0; x < (int) floor(SCREEN_W / 20); ++x) { if(x%2) color = (y%2) ? 0xff707070 : 0xff909090; else color = (y%2) ? 0xff909090 : 0xff707070; rectfill(checkered, x*20, y*20, (x+1)*20, (y+1)*20, color); } } double x1,x2,y1,y2, dx, dy; double dppx = 0; int max_iter = get_config_int("mandelbrot", "max_iter", 250); x1 = -2.5; y1 = -1.5; x2 = 1.0; y2 = 1.5; BOOL update_fract = TRUE; BOOL screen_update = FALSE; BOOL render_graymap = FALSE; int r_x1 = -1; int r_y1 = 0; int r_x2 = 0; int r_y2 = 0; BOOL old_mousebtn = FALSE; BOOL new_mousebtn = FALSE; int mmx, mmy; int draw_offset_x = 0; int draw_offset_y = 0; double draw_zoom = 1.0; BOOL drag = FALSE; graymap_t my_map = create_graymap(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); /* GUI setup */ gui_fg_color = 0xff000000; gui_bg_color = 0xffffffff; init_paledit(SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); paledit_data.pal_cols[0] = mkcol(.0, .0, .0, 1.0); paledit_data.pal_cols[1] = mkcol(.75, .0, .0, 1.0); paledit_data.pal_cols[2] = mkcol(1.0, 1.0, .0, 1.0); paledit_data.pal_cols[3] = mkcol(.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0); paledit_data.pal_cols[4] = mkcol(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0); paledit_data.pal_cols[5] = mkcol(.0, .0, .0, 1.0); paledit_data.pal_grays[0] = 0.0; paledit_data.pal_grays[1] = .05; paledit_data.pal_grays[2] = .25; paledit_data.pal_grays[3] = .5; paledit_data.pal_grays[4] = 0.9999; paledit_data.pal_grays[5] = 1.0; paledit_data.n = 6; load_palette_cc(get_config_string("mandelbrot", "palette", "default")); /* Introtext */ introtext(screen); while(!(mouse_b & 0x1)) rest(1); /* init speed control */ LOCK_FUNCTION(ticker); install_int_ex(ticker, BPS_TO_TIMER(60)); speed_control = TRUE; while(!key[KEY_ESC]) { mainloop: sem_wait(&timer_sem); if(update_fract) { fix_rect(&x1, &y1, &x2, &y2, ((double)SCREEN_W / (double)SCREEN_H)); dppx = (x2-x1) / SCREEN_W; mandelbrot(&my_map, x1, y1, x2, y2, max_iter); clear_to_color(mandel, 0xff000000); draw_offset_x = draw_offset_y = 0; draw_zoom = 1.0; update_fract = FALSE; screen_update = TRUE; render_graymap = TRUE; } new_mousebtn = mouse_b; if(new_mousebtn != old_mousebtn) { old_mousebtn = new_mousebtn; screen_update = TRUE; } get_mouse_mickeys(&mmx, &mmy); if((mmx != 0) || (mmy != 0) || (screen_update) || (mouse_z != 0)) { screen_update = TRUE; if(new_mousebtn & 0x1) { if(r_x1 == -1) { r_x1 = r_x2 = mouse_x; r_y1 = r_y2 = mouse_y; } else { r_x2 = mouse_x; r_y2 = mouse_y; } } else if(r_x1 != -1) { if((r_x1 != r_x2) && (r_y1 != r_y2)) { dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; x2 = x1 + (r_x2 * (dx/SCREEN_W)); y2 = y1 + (r_y2 * (dy/SCREEN_H)); x1 = x1 + (r_x1 * (dx/SCREEN_W)); y1 = y1 + (r_y1 * (dy/SCREEN_H)); screen_update = update_fract = TRUE; } r_x1 = -1; /* Disable zoom mode */ } if(new_mousebtn & 0x2) { if(mouse_z < 0) draw_zoom *= 0.75; else if(mouse_z > 0) draw_zoom /= 0.75; if(mouse_z != 0) { draw_offset_x = (int) round((SCREEN_W - (SCREEN_W * draw_zoom))/2); draw_offset_y = (int) round((SCREEN_H - (SCREEN_H * draw_zoom))/2); screen_update = TRUE; } } else if(draw_zoom != 1.0) { draw_zoom = 1.0 / draw_zoom; dx = x2 - x1; dy = y2 - y1; x1 -= ((dx*draw_zoom) - dx)/2; x2 += ((dx*draw_zoom) - dx)/2; y1 -= ((dy*draw_zoom) - dy)/2; y2 += ((dy*draw_zoom) - dy)/2; draw_zoom = 1.0 / draw_zoom; screen_update = update_fract = TRUE; } if(new_mousebtn & 0x4) { drag = TRUE; draw_offset_x += mmx; draw_offset_y += mmy; screen_update = TRUE; } else if(drag) { drag = FALSE; x1 -= draw_offset_x * dppx; x2 -= draw_offset_x * dppx; y1 -= draw_offset_y * dppx; y2 -= draw_offset_y * dppx; screen_update = update_fract = TRUE; } } if(key[KEY_P]) { speed_control = FALSE; blur(buffer, blurbuf); blit(blurbuf, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); exec_paledit(); render_graymap = TRUE; speed_control = TRUE; } position_mouse_z(0); if(screen_update) { /* Render graymap */ if(render_graymap) { render_graymap_alleg(mandel, &my_map, paledit_data.pal_cols, paledit_data.pal_grays, paledit_data.n); render_graymap = FALSE; } blit(checkered, buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); if((draw_offset_x != 0) || (draw_offset_y != 0) || (draw_zoom != 1.0)) stretch_blit(mandel, buffer, 0, 0, mandel->w, mandel->h, draw_offset_x, draw_offset_y, (int) round(mandel->w * draw_zoom), (int) round(mandel->h * draw_zoom)); else blit(mandel, buffer, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); if(r_x1 != -1) { rectfill(buffer, r_x1, r_y1, r_x2, r_y2, 0x80ffffff); rect(buffer, r_x1, r_y1, r_x2, r_y2, 0xffffffff); } /* Draw cursor */ draw_trans_sprite(buffer, cursor, mouse_x-10, mouse_y-10); /* Infobar */ rectfill(buffer, 0, SCREEN_H - 14, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H, 0x90000000); textprintf_ex(buffer, font, 2, SCREEN_H - 12, 0xffffffff, -1, "X = %lf Y = %lf", x1 + mouse_x * dppx, y1 + mouse_y * dppx); textprintf_right_ex(buffer, font, SCREEN_W - 2, SCREEN_H - 12, 0xffffffff, -1, "(c) 2010 by Kevin Chabowski"); if(update_fract) textprintf_centre_ex(buffer, font, (int)(SCREEN_W/2), (int)(SCREEN_H/2), 0xffffffff, makecol(0,0,0), "Rerendering. Please wait..."); blit(buffer, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); screen_update = FALSE; } } blur(buffer, blurbuf); blit(blurbuf, screen, 0, 0, 0, 0, SCREEN_W, SCREEN_H); if(alert("", "Do you really want to quit?", "", "&Yes, get out of here!", "&No, I want to stay", 'y', 'n') == 2) { screen_update = TRUE; goto mainloop; } /* Tidy up */ destroy_paledit(); destroy_graymap(&my_map); destroy_bitmap(cursor); destroy_bitmap(blurbuf); destroy_bitmap(checkered); destroy_bitmap(buffer); destroy_bitmap(mandel); allegro_exit(); return 0; } END_OF_MAIN()