function($ast) { $output = ""; $condition = array(); $then = NULL; $else = NULL; foreach($ast->sub as $node) { if(($node instanceof TagNode) and ($node->name == "then")) { $then = $node->sub; } else if(($node instanceof TagNode) and ($node->name == "else")) { $else = $node->sub; } else { $condition[] = $node; } } if($then === NULL) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile error: Missing in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } $output .= "\$outputstack[] = \"\";\n\$outputstack_i++;\n"; $output .= self::_transcompile($condition); $output .= "\$outputstack_i--;\nif(\$ste->evalbool(array_pop(\$outputstack)))\n{\n"; $output .= self::indent_code(self::_transcompile($then)); $output .= "\n}\n"; if($else !== NULL) { $output .= "else\n{\n"; $output .= self::indent_code(self::_transcompile($else)); $output .= "\n}\n"; } return $output; }, "cmp" => function($ast) { $operators = array( array('eq', '=='), array('neq', '!='), array('lt', '<'), array('lte', '<='), array('gt', '>'), array('gte', '>=') ); $code = ""; if(isset($ast->params["var_b"])) { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["var_b"], true); $code .= $pre; $b = '$ste->get_var_by_name(' . $val . ')'; } else if(isset($ast->params["text_b"])) { list($b, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["text_b"], true); $code .= $pre; } else { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile error: neiter var_b nor text_b set in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } if(isset($ast->params["var_a"])) { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["var_a"], true); $code .= $pre; $a = '$ste->get_var_by_name(' . $val . ')'; } else if(isset($ast->params["text_a"])) { list($a, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["text_a"], true); $code .= $pre; } else { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile error: neiter var_a nor text_a set in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } if(!isset($ast->params["op"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile error: op not given in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } if((count($ast->params["op"]) == 1) and ($ast->params["op"][0] instanceof TextNode)) { /* Operator is known at compile time, this saves *a lot* of output code! */ $op = trim($ast->params["op"][0]->text); $op_php = NULL; foreach($operators as $v) { if($v[0] == $op) { $op_php = $v[1]; break; } } if($op_php === NULL) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: Unknown operator in ", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (($a) $op_php ($b)) ? 'yes' : '';\n"; } else { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["op"], true); $code .= $pre . "switch(trim(" . $val . "))\n{\n\t"; $code .= implode("", array_map( function($op) use ($a,$b) { list($op_stetpl, $op_php) = $op; return "case '$op_stetpl':\n\t\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (($a) $op_php ($b)) ? 'yes' : '';\n\tbreak;\n\t"; }, $operators )); $code .= "default: throw new \\kch42\\ste\\RuntimeError('Unknown operator in .');\n}\n"; } return $code; }, "not" => function($ast) { $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n"; $code .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (!\$ste->evalbool(array_pop(\$outputstack))) ? 'yes' : '';\n"; return $code; }, "even" => function($ast) { $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n"; $code .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$tmp_even = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= (is_numeric(\$tmp_even) and (\$tmp_even % 2 == 0)) ? 'yes' : '';\n"; return $code; }, "for" => function($ast) { $code = ""; $loopname = self::tempvar("forloop"); if(empty($ast->params["start"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile error: Missing 'start' parameter in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["start"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_start = " . $val . ";\n"; if(empty($ast->params["stop"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile error: Missing 'end' parameter in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["stop"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_stop = " . $val . ";\n"; $step = NULL; /* i.e. not known at compilation time */ if(empty($ast->params["step"])) { $step = 1; } else if((count($ast->params["step"]) == 1) and ($ast->params["step"][0] instanceof TextNode)) { $step = $ast->params["step"][0]->text + 0; } else { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["step"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_step = " . $val . ";\n"; } if(!empty($ast->params["counter"])) { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["counter"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_countername = " . $val . ";\n"; } $loopbody = empty($ast->params["counter"]) ? "" : "\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_countername, \$${loopname}_counter);\n"; $loopbody .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $loopbody = self::indent_code("{\n" . self::loopbody(self::indent_code($loopbody)) . "\n}\n"); if($step === NULL) { $code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step == 0)\n\tthrow new \\kch42\\ste\\RuntimeError('step can not be 0 in .');\n"; $code .= "if(\$${loopname}_step > 0)\n{\n"; $code .= "\tfor(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter <= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += \$${loopname}_step)\n"; $code .= $loopbody; $code .= "\n}\nelse\n{\n"; $code .= "\tfor(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter >= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += \$${loopname}_step)\n"; $code .= $loopbody; $code .= "\n}\n"; } else if($step == 0) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: step can not be 0 in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } else if($step > 0) { $code .= "for(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter <= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += $step)\n$loopbody\n"; } else { $code .= "for(\$${loopname}_counter = \$${loopname}_start; \$${loopname}_counter >= \$${loopname}_stop; \$${loopname}_counter += $step)\n$loopbody\n"; } return $code; }, "foreach" => function($ast) { $loopname = self::tempvar("foreachloop"); $code = ""; if(empty($ast->params["array"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: array not given in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["array"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_arrayvar = " . $val . ";\n"; if(empty($ast->params["value"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: value not given in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["value"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_valuevar = " . $val . ";\n"; if(!empty($ast->params["key"])) { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["key"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_keyvar = " . $val . ";\n"; } if(!empty($ast->params["counter"])) { list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["counter"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$${loopname}_countervar = " . $val . ";\n"; } $loopbody = ""; $code .= "\$${loopname}_array = \$ste->get_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_arrayvar);\n"; $code .= "if(!is_array(\$${loopname}_array))\n\t\$${loopname}_array = array();\n"; if(!empty($ast->params["counter"])) { $code .= "\$${loopname}_counter = -1;\n"; $loopbody .= "\$${loopname}_counter++;\n\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_countervar, \$${loopname}_counter);\n"; } $loop = array(); $else = array(); foreach($ast->sub as $node) { if(($node instanceof TagNode) && ($node->name == "else")) { $else = array_merge($else, $node->sub); } else { $loop[] = $node; } } $loopbody .= "\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_valuevar, \$${loopname}_value);\n"; if(!empty($ast->params["key"])) { $loopbody .= "\$ste->set_var_by_name(\$${loopname}_keyvar, \$${loopname}_key);\n"; } $loopbody .= "\n"; $loopbody .= self::_transcompile($loop); $loopbody = "{\n" . self::loopbody(self::indent_code($loopbody)) . "\n}\n"; if(!empty($else)) { $code .= "if(empty(\$${loopname}_array))\n{\n"; $code .= self::indent_code(self::_transcompile($else)); $code .= "\n}\nelse "; } $code .= "foreach(\$${loopname}_array as \$${loopname}_key => \$${loopname}_value)\n$loopbody\n"; return $code; }, "infloop" => function($ast) { return "while(true)\n{\n" . self::indent_code(self::loopbody(self::indent_code(self::_transcompile($ast->sub)))) . "\n}\n"; }, "break" => function($ast) { return "throw new \\kch42\\ste\\BreakException();\n"; }, "continue" => function($ast) { return "throw new \\kch42\\ste\\ContinueException();\n"; }, "block" => function($ast) { if(empty($ast->params["name"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: name missing in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } $blknamevar = self::tempvar("blockname"); list($val, $code) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["name"], true); $code .= "\$${blknamevar} = " . $val . ";\n"; $tmpblk = uniqid("", true); $code .= "\$ste->blocks['$tmpblk'] = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n\$ste->blockorder[] = '$tmpblk';\n\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n"; $code .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $code .= "\$ste->blocks[\$${blknamevar}] = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n"; $code .= "if(array_search(\$${blknamevar}, \$ste->blockorder) === false)\n\t\$ste->blockorder[] = \$${blknamevar};\n\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n"; return $code; }, "load" => function($ast) { if(empty($ast->params["name"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: name missing in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } list($val, $code) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["name"], true); $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->load(" . $val . ");\n"; return $code; }, "mktag" => function($ast) { $code = ""; if(empty($ast->params["name"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: name missing in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } $fxbody = "\$outputstack = array(''); \$outputstack_i = 0;\$ste->set_local_var('_tag_parameters', \$params);\n"; list($tagname, $tagname_pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["name"], true); $usemandatory = ""; if(!empty($ast->params["mandatory"])) { $usemandatory = " use (\$mandatory_params)"; $code .= "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n"; $code .= self::_transcompile($ast->params["mandatory"]); $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$mandatory_params = explode('|', array_pop(\$outputstack));\n"; $fxbody .= "foreach(\$mandatory_params as \$mp)\n{\n\tif(!isset(\$params[\$mp]))\n\t\tthrow new \\kch42\\ste\\RuntimeError(\"\$mp missing in .\");\n}"; } $fxbody .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $fxbody .= "return array_pop(\$outputstack);"; $code .= "\$tag_fx = \$ste->make_closure(function(\$ste, \$params, \$sub)" . $usemandatory . "\n{\n" . self::indent_code($fxbody) . "\n});\n"; $code .= $tagname_pre; $code .= "\$ste->register_tag($tagname, \$tag_fx);\n"; return $code; }, "tagcontent" => function($ast) { return "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$sub(\$ste);"; }, "set" => function($ast) { if(empty($ast->params["var"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: var missing in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n"; $code .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n"; list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["var"], true); $code .= $pre; $code .= "\$ste->set_var_by_name(" . $val . ", array_pop(\$outputstack));\n"; return $code; }, "get" => function($ast) { if(empty($ast->params["var"])) { throw new ParseCompileError("self::Transcompile Error: var missing in .", $ast->tpl, $ast->offset); } list($val, $pre) = self::_transcompile($ast->params["var"], true); return "$pre\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->get_var_by_name(" . $val . ");"; }, "calc" => function($ast) { $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;\n"; $code .= self::_transcompile($ast->sub); $code .= "\$outputstack_i--;\n\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->calc(array_pop(\$outputstack));\n"; return $code; } ); } private static function indent_code($code) { return implode( "\n", array_map(function($line) { return "\t$line"; }, explode("\n", $code)) ); } private static function loopbody($code) { return "try\n{\n" . self::indent_code($code) . "\n}\ncatch(\\kch42\\ste\\BreakException \$e) { break; }\ncatch(\\kch42\\ste\\ContinueException \$e) { continue; }\n"; } private static function _transcompile($ast, $avoid_outputstack = false) { /* The real self::transcompile function, does not add boilerplate code. */ $code = ""; $text_and_var_buffer = array(); foreach($ast as $node) { if($node instanceof TextNode) { $text_and_var_buffer[] = '"' . Misc::escape_text($node->text) . '"'; } else if($node instanceof VariableNode) { $text_and_var_buffer[] = $node->transcompile(); } else if($node instanceof TagNode) { if(!empty($text_and_var_buffer)) { $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= " . implode (" . ", $text_and_var_buffer) . ";\n"; $text_and_var_buffer = array(); } if(isset(self::$builtins[$node->name])) { /* PHP's parser fails once again... Apparently we cannot call a function from an array that is a static property */ $func = self::$builtins[$node->name]; $code .= $func($node); } else { $paramarray = self::tempvar("parameters"); $code .= "\$$paramarray = array();\n"; foreach($node->params as $pname => $pcontent) { list($pval, $pre) = self::_transcompile($pcontent, true); $code .= $pre . "\$${paramarray}['" . Misc::escape_text($pname) . "'] = " . $pval . ";\n"; } $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= \$ste->call_tag('" . Misc::escape_text($node->name) . "', \$${paramarray}, "; $code .= empty($node->sub) ? "function(\$ste) { return ''; }" : ("\$ste->make_closure(" . self::transcompile($node->sub) . ")"); $code .= ");\n"; } } } if($avoid_outputstack && ($code == "")) { return array(implode (" . ", $text_and_var_buffer), ""); } if(!empty($text_and_var_buffer)) { $code .= "\$outputstack[\$outputstack_i] .= ". implode (" . ", $text_and_var_buffer) . ";\n"; } if($avoid_outputstack) { $tmpvar = self::tempvar("tmp"); $code = "\$outputstack[] = '';\n\$outputstack_i++;" . $code; $code .= "\$$tmpvar = array_pop(\$outputstack);\n\$outputstack_i--;\n"; return array("\$$tmpvar", $code); } return $code; } /* * Function: transcompile * Transcompiles an abstract syntax tree to PHP. * You only need this function, if you want to manually transcompile a template. * * Parameters: * $ast - The abstract syntax tree to transcompile. * * Returns: * PHP code. The PHP code is an anonymous function expecting a instance as its parameter and returns a string (everything that was not pached into a section). */ public static function transcompile($ast) { /* self::Transcompile and add some boilerplate code. */ $boilerplate = "\$outputstack = array('');\n\$outputstack_i = 0;\n"; return "function(\$ste)\n{\n" . self::indent_code($boilerplate . self::_transcompile($ast) . "return array_pop(\$outputstack);") . "\n}"; } } Transcompiler::init_builtins();