nextpath = $nextpath; parent::__construct(); } } class NotFoundError extends Exception { } function url_action_simple($function) { return function(&$data, $url_now, &$url_next) use ($function) { try { $data = call_user_func($function, $data); $url_next = array(); } catch(Redirect $e) { $url_next = $e->nextpath; } }; } function url_action_subactions($actions) { return function (&$data, $url_now, &$url_next) use ($actions) { $result = url_process($url_next, $actions, $data); if($result !== NULL) $url_next = $result; }; } function url_process($url, $actions, &$data) { $epilog_running = 0; if(is_string($url)) $url = explode("/", $url); if(count($url) == 0) $url = array("_index"); if(isset($actions["_prelude"])) $url = array_merge(array("_prelude"), $url); $url_now = $url[0]; $url_next = array_slice($url, 1); while(is_string($url_now) and ($url_now != "") and ($url_now != "..")) { $cb = NULL; if(isset($actions[$url_now])) $cb = $actions[$url_now]; else if(isset($actions["_default"])) $cb = $actions["_default"]; else if(isset($actions["_notfound"])) $cb = $actions["_notfound"]; else throw new NotFoundError(); try { $cb($data, $url_now, $url_next); } catch(NotFoundError $e) { if(isset($actions["_notfound"])) $url_next = array("_notfound"); else throw $e; } if(count($url_next) > 0) { $url_now = $url_next[0]; $url_next = array_slice($url_next, 1); } else if(isset($actions["_epilog"]) and ($epilog_running <= 0)) { $epilog_running = 2; $url_now = "_epilog"; } else $url_now = ""; --$epilog_running; } if($url_now == "..") return $url_next; else return NULL; } ?>