register_tag( "get_translation", function ($ste, $params, $sub) { global $translation; if ((!isset($translation)) or empty($params["for"]) or (!isset($translation[$params["for"]]))) { return ""; } $rv = $translation[$params["for"]]; return (!empty($params["raw"])) ? $rv : htmlesc($rv); } ); define("TRANSLATION_PLUGIN_LOADED", true); } /* * Function: load_language * Load a language (i.e. set the global $translation variable). * * Parameters: * $lang - The language (2-Letter code, e.g. "en", "de", "it" ...) to load. NULL for default (from database). */ function load_language($lang=null) { if (!defined("SETUP")) { global $ratatoeskr_settings; if ($lang === null) { $lang = $ratatoeskr_settings["default_language"]; } } else { if ($lang === null) { $lang = "en"; } } /* * Because we will include an file defined by the $lang param, we will * only allow alphabetic characters, so this function should not be * vulnerable to LFI-Exploits... */ $lang = implode("", array_filter(str_split($lang, 1), "ctype_alpha")); require(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../translations/$lang.php"); $GLOBALS["translation"] = $translation; }