$v) { $k = "$dir/$k"; if(is_array($v)) array2dir($v, $k); else file_put_contents($k, $v); } } function validate_url ($u) { return preg_match("/^http[s]{0,1}:\\/\\/.*$/", $u) != 0; } function validate_arraydir($a) { if(!is_array($a)) return False; foreach($a as $k=>$v) { if(!is_string($k)) return False; if(is_array($v) and (!validate_arraydir($v))) return False; elseif(!is_string($v)) return False; } return True; } /* * Class: InvalidPackage * An Exception that 's function can throw, if the package is invalid. */ class InvalidPackage extends Exception {} /* * Class: PluginPackage * A plugin package representation. */ class PluginPackage { public static $magic = "R7RPLGPACKV001"; /* * Variables: Mandatory values * * $code - The plugin code * $classname - The name of the plugins main class * $name - Name of the plugin (must be at least one character, allowed chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _) * $author - The author of the plugin (preferably in the format: Name) * $versiontext - A text to describe the current version, something like "1.1 Beta" * $versioncount - A number for this version, should be increased with every release * $api - The used API version * $short_description - A short description. */ public $code = NULL; public $classname = NULL; public $name = NULL; public $author = NULL; public $versiontext = NULL; public $versioncount = NULL; public $api = NULL; public $short_description = NULL; /* * Variables: Optional values * * $updatepath - A URL that points to a update information resource (serialize'd array("current-version" => VERSIONCOUNT, "dl-path" => DOWNLOAD PATH); will get overwritten/set by the default repository software. * $web - A URL to the webpage for the plugin. If left empty, the default repository software will set this to the description page of your plugin. * $license - The license text of your plugin. * $help - A help / manual (formatted in HTML) for your plugin. * $custompub - 'd directory that contains custom public(i.e. can later be accessed from the web) data. * $custompriv - 'd directory that contains custom private data. * $tpls - 'd directory containing custom STE templates. */ public $updatepath = NULL; public $web = NULL; public $license = NULL; public $help = NULL; public $custompub = NULL; public $custompriv = NULL; public $tpls = NULL; /* * Function: validate * Validate, if the variables are set correctly. * Will throw an exception if invalid. */ public function validate() { if(!is_string($this->code)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid code value."); if(!is_string($this->classname)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid classname value."); if(preg_match("/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\\-]+$/", $this->name) == 0) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid name value (must be at least 1 character, accepted chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _)."); if(!is_string($this->author)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid author value."); if(!is_string($this->versiontext)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid versiontext value."); if(!is_numeric($this->versioncount)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid versioncount value. Must be a number."); if(!is_numeric($this->api)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid api value. Must be a number."); if(!is_string($this->short_description)) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid short_description value."); if((!empty($this->updatepath)) and (!validate_url($this->updatepath))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid updatepath value. Must be an URL. " .$this->updatepath); if((!empty($this->web)) and (!validate_url($this->web))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid web value. Must be an URL."); if(($this->license !== NULL) and (!is_string($this->license))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid license value."); if(($this->help !== NULL) and (!is_string($this->help))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid help value."); if(($this->custompub !== NULL) and (!validate_arraydir($this->custompub))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid custompub value."); if(($this->custompriv !== NULL) and (!validate_arraydir($this->custompriv))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid custompriv value."); if(($this->tpls !== NULL) and (!validate_arraydir($this->tpls))) throw new InvalidPackage("Invalid tpls value."); return True; } /* * Function: load * Load a plugin package from binary data. * * Parameters: * $plugin_raw - The raw package to load. * * Returns: * The object. * * Throws: * if package is invalid. */ public static function load($plugin_raw) { /* Read and compare magic number */ $magic = substr($plugin_raw, 0, strlen(self::$magic)); if($magic != self::$magic) throw new InvalidPackage("Wrong magic number"); /* Read sha1sum and uncompress serialized plugin, then compare the hash */ $sha1sum = substr($plugin_raw, strlen(self::$magic), 20); $pluginser = gzuncompress(substr($plugin_raw, strlen(self::$magic) + 20)); if(sha1($pluginser, True) != $sha1sum) throw new InvalidPackage("Wrong SHA1 hash"); $plugin = @unserialize($pluginser); if(!($plugin instanceof self)) throw new InvalidPackage("Not the correct class or not unserializeable."); $plugin->validate(); return $plugin; } /* * Function: save * Save the plugin. * * Returns: * A binary plugin package. * * Throws: * if package is invalid. */ public function save() { $this->validate(); $ser = serialize($this); return self::$magic . sha1($ser, True) . gzcompress($ser, 9); } /* * Function: extract_meta * Get just the metadata of this package. * * Returns: * A object. */ public function extract_meta() { $meta = new PluginPackageMeta(); $meta->name = $this->name; $meta->author = $this->author; $meta->versiontext = $this->versiontext; $meta->versioncount = $this->versioncount; $meta->api = $this->api; $meta->short_description = $this->short_description; $meta->updatepath = $this->updatepath; $meta->web = $this->web; $meta->license = $this->license; return $meta; } } /* * Class: PluginPackageMeta * Only the metadata of a . */ class PluginPackageMeta { /* * Variables: Mandatory values * * $name - Name of the plugin (must be at least one character, allowed chars: a-z A-Z 0-9 - _) * $author - The author of the plugin (preferably in the format: Name) * $versiontext - A text to describe the current version, something like "1.1 Beta" * $versioncount - A number for this version, should be increased with every release * $api - The used API version * $short_description - A short description. */ public $name = NULL; public $author = NULL; public $versiontext = NULL; public $versioncount = NULL; public $api = NULL; public $short_description = NULL; /* * Variables: Optional values * * $updatepath - A URL that points to a update information resource (serialize'd array("current-version" => VERSIONCOUNT, "dl-path" => DOWNLOAD PATH); will get overwritten/set by the default repository software. * $web - A URL to the webpage for the plugin. If left empty, the default repository software will set this to the description page of your plugin. * $license - The license text of your plugin. */ public $updatepath = NULL; public $web = NULL; public $license = NULL; }