"gif", IMAGETYPE_JPEG => "jpg", IMAGETYPE_PNG => "png", IMAGETYPE_BMP => "bmp", IMAGETYPE_TIFF_II => "tif", IMAGETYPE_TIFF_MM => "tif", ); /* * Variable: $ratatoeskr_settings * The global object. For internal use. */ $ratatoeskr_settings = NULL; /* * Constants: ARTICLE_STATUS_ * Possible
::$status values. * * ARTICLE_STATUS_HIDDEN - Article is hidden (Numeric: 0) * ARTICLE_STATUS_LIVE - Article is visible / live (Numeric: 1) * ARTICLE_STATUS_STICKY - Article is sticky (Numeric: 2) */ define("ARTICLE_STATUS_HIDDEN", 0); define("ARTICLE_STATUS_LIVE", 1); define("ARTICLE_STATUS_STICKY", 2); /* * Class: DoesNotExistError * This Exception is thrown by an ::by_*-constructor or any array-like object if the desired object is not present in the database. */ class DoesNotExistError extends Exception { } /* * Class: AlreadyExistsError * This Exception is thrown by an ::create-constructor or a save-method, if the creation/modification of the object would result in duplicates. */ class AlreadyExistsError extends Exception { } /* * Class: NotAllowedError */ class NotAllowedError extends Exception { } /* * Class: User * Data model for Users */ class User { private $id; /* * Variables: Public class properties * * $username - The username. * $pwhash - of the password. * $mail - E-Mail-address. * $fullname - The full name of the user. * $language - Users language */ public $username; public $pwhash; public $mail; public $fullname; public $language; /* Should not be constructed directly. */ private function __construct() { } /* * Constructor: create * Creates a new user. * * Parameters: * $username - The username * $pwhash - of the password * $mail - E-Mail-address * $fullname - The full name. * * Returns: * An User object */ public static function create($username, $pwhash, $mail, $fullname) { try { $obj = self::by_name($name); } catch(DoesNotExistError $e) { global $ratatoeskr_settings; qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_users` (`username`, `pwhash`, `mail`, `fullname`, `language`) VALUES ('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')", $username, $pwhash, $mail, $fullname, $ratatoeskr_settings["default_language"]); $obj = new self; $obj->id = mysql_insert_id(); $obj->username = $username; $obj->pwhash = $pwhash; $obj->mail = $mail; $obj->fullname = $fullname; $obj->language = $ratatoeskr_settings["default_language"]; return $obj; } throw new AlreadyExistsError("\"$name\" is already in database."); } /* DANGER: $result must be valid! The calling function has to check this! */ private function populate_by_sqlresult($result) { $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow == False) throw new DoesNotExistError(); $this->id = $sqlrow["id"]; $this->username = $sqlrow["username"]; $this->pwhash = $sqlrow["pwhash"]; $this->mail = $sqlrow["mail"]; $this->fullname = $sqlrow["fullname"]; $this->language = $sqlrow["language"]; } /* * Constructor: by_id * Get a User object by ID * * Parameters: * $id - The ID. * * Returns: * An User object. */ public static function by_id($id) { $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `username`, `pwhash`, `mail`, `fullname`, `language` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `id` = %d", $id); $obj = new self; $obj->populate_by_sqlresult($result); return $obj; } /* * Constructor: by_username * Get a User object by username * * Parameters: * $username - The username. * * Returns: * An User object. */ public static function by_name($username) { $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `username`, `pwhash`, `mail`, `fullname`, `language` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `username` = '%s'", $username); $obj = new self; $obj->populate_by_sqlresult($result); return $obj; } /* * Function: all_users * Returns array of all available users. */ public static function all_users() { $rv = array(); $result = qdb("SELECT `id` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE 1"); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $rv[] = self::by_id($sqlrow["id"]); return $rv; } /* * Function: get_id * Returns: * The user ID. */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /* * Function: save * Saves the object to database */ public function save() { $result = qdb("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `username` = '%s' AND `id` != %d", $this->username, $this->id); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow["n"] > 0) throw new AlreadyExistsError(); qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_users` SET `username` = '%s', `pwhash` = '%s', `mail` = '%s', `fullname` = '%s', `language` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", $this->username, $this->pwhash, $this->mail, $this->id, $this->fullname, $this->language); } /* * Function: delete * Deletes the user from the database. * WARNING: Do NOT use this object any longer after you called this function! */ public function delete() { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `user` = %d", $this->id); qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_users` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id); } /* * Function: get_groups * Returns: * List of all groups where this user is a member (array of objects). */ public function get_groups() { $rv = array(); $result = qdb("SELECT `group` FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `user` = %d", $this->id); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { try { $rv[] = Group::by_id($sqlrow["group"]); } catch(DoesNotExistError $e) { /* WTF?!? This should be fixed! */ qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `user` = %d AND `group` = %d", $this->id, $sqlrow["group"]); } } return $rv; } /* * Function: member_of * Checks, if the user is a member of a group. * * Parameters: * $group - A Group object * * Returns: * True, if the user is a member of $group. False, if not. */ public function member_of($group) { $result = qdb("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `num` FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `user` = %d AND `group` = %d", $this->id, $group->get_id()); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return ($sqlrow["num"] > 0); } } /* * Class: Group * Data model for groups */ class Group { private $id; /* * Variables: Public class properties * * $name - Name of the group. */ public $name; /* Should not be constructed directly. */ private function __construct() { } /* * Constructor: create * Creates a new group. * * Parameters: * $name - The name of the group. * * Returns: * An Group object */ public static function create($name) { try { $obj = self::by_name($name); } catch(DoesNotExistError $e) { qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_groups` (`name`) VALUES ('%s')", $name); $obj = new self; $obj->id = mysql_insert_id(); $obj->name = $name; return $obj; } throw new AlreadyExistsError("\"$name\" is already in database."); } private function populate_by_sqlresult($result) { $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow == False) throw new DoesNotExistError(); $this->id = $sqlrow["id"]; $this->name = $sqlrow["name"]; } /* * Constructor: by_id * Get a Group object by ID * * Parameters: * $id - The ID. * * Returns: * A Group object. */ public static function by_id($id) { $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `PREFIX_groups` WHERE `id` = %d", $id); $obj = new self; $obj->populate_by_sqlresult($result); return $obj; } /* * Constructor: by_name * Get a Group object by name * * Parameters: * $name - The group name. * * Returns: * A Group object. */ public static function by_name($name) { $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `name` FROM `PREFIX_groups` WHERE `name` = '%s'", $name); $obj = new self; $obj->populate_by_sqlresult($result); return $obj; } /* * Function: all_groups * Returns array of all groups */ public static function all_groups() { $rv = array(); $result = qdb("SELECT `id` FROM `PREFIX_groups` WHERE 1"); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $rv[] = self::by_id($sqlrow["id"]); return $rv; } /* * Function: get_id * Returns: * The group ID. */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /* * Function: delete * Deletes the group from the database. * WARNING: Do NOT use this object any longer after you called this function! */ public function delete() { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `group` = %d", $this->id); qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_groups` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id); } /* * Function: get_members * Get all members of the group. * * Returns: * Array of objects. */ public function get_members() { $rv = array(); $result = qdb("SELECT `user` FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `group` = %d", $this->id); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) { try { $rv[] = User::by_id($sqlrow["user"]); } catch(DoesNotExistError $e) { /* WTF?!? This should be fixed!*/ qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `user` = %d AND `group` = %d", $sqlrow["user"], $this->id); } } return $rv; } /* * Function: exclude_user * Excludes user from group. * * Parameters: * $user - object. */ public function exclude_user($user) { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_group_members` WHERE `user` = %d AND `group` = %d", $user->get_id(), $this->id); } /* * Function: include_user * Includes user to group. * * Parameters: * $user - object. */ public function include_user($user) { if(!$user->member_of($this)) qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_group_members` (`user`, `group`) VALUES (%d, %d)", $user->get_id(), $this->id); } } /* * Class: Translation * A translation. Can only be stored using an object. */ class Translation { /* * Varialbes: Public class variables. * * $text - The translated text. * $texttype - The type of the text. Has only a meaning in a context. */ public $text; public $texttype; /* * Constructor: __construct * Creates a new Translation object. * IT WILL NOT BE STORED TO DATABASE! * * Parameters: * $text - The translated text. * $texttype - The type of the text. Has only a meaning in a context. * * See also: * */ public function __construct($text, $texttype) { $this->text = $text; $this->texttype = $texttype; } } /* * Class: Multilingual * Container for objects. * Translations can be accessed array-like. So, if you want the german translation: $translation = $my_multilingual["de"]; * * See also: * */ class Multilingual implements Countable, ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate { private $translations; private $id; private $to_be_deleted; private $to_be_created; private function __construct() { $this->translations = array(); $this->to_be_deleted = array(); $this->to_be_created = array(); } /* * Function: get_id * Retuurns the ID of the object. */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /* * Constructor: create * Creates a new Multilingual object * * Returns: * An Multilingual object. */ public static function create() { $obj = new self; qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_multilingual` () VALUES ()"); $obj->id = mysql_insert_id(); return $obj; } /* * Constructor: by_id * Gets an Multilingual object by ID. * * Parameters: * $id - The ID. * * Returns: * An Multilingual object. */ public static function by_id($id) { $obj = new self; $result = qdb("SELECT `id` FROM `PREFIX_multilingual` WHERE `id` = %d", $id); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow == False) throw new DoesNotExistError(); $obj->id = $id; $result = qdb("SELECT `language`, `text`, `texttype` FROM `PREFIX_translations` WHERE `multilingual` = %d", $id); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $obj->translations[$sqlrow["language"]] = new Translation($sqlrow["text"], $sqlrow["texttype"]); return $obj; } /* * Function: save * Saves the translations to database. */ public function save() { foreach($this->to_be_deleted as $deletelang) qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_translations` WHERE `multilingual` = %d AND `language` = '%s'", $this->id, $deletelang); $this->to_be_deleted = array(); foreach($this->to_be_created as $lang) qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_translations` (`multilingual`, `language`, `text`, `texttype`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s', '%s')", $this->id, $lang, $this->translations[$lang]->text, $this->translations[$lang]->texttype); foreach($this->translations as $lang => $translation) { if(!in_array($lang, $this->to_be_created)) qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_translations` SET `text` = '%s', `texttype` = '%s' WHERE `multilingual` = %d AND `language` = '%s'", $translation->text, $translation->texttype, $this->id, $lang); } $this->to_be_created = array(); } /* * Function: delete * Deletes the data from database. */ public function delete() { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_translations` WHERE `multilingual` = %d", $this->id); qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_multilingual` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id); } /* Countable interface implementation */ public function count() { return count($this->languages); } /* ArrayAccess interface implementation */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return isset($this->translations[$offset]); } public function offsetGet($offset) { if(isset($this->translations[$offset])) return $this->translations[$offset]; else throw new DoesNotExistError(); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { unset($this->translations[$offset]); if(in_array($offset, $this->to_be_created)) unset($this->to_be_created[array_search($offset, $this->to_be_created)]); else $this->to_be_deleted[] = $offset; } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if(!isset($this->translations[$offset])) { if(in_array($offset, $this->to_be_deleted)) unset($this->to_be_deleted[array_search($offset, $this->to_be_deleted)]); else $this->to_be_created[] = $offset; } $this->translations[$offset] = $value; } /* IteratorAggregate interface implementation */ public function getIterator() { return new ArrayIterator($this->translations); } } /* * Buffer for settings keys. * NEVER(!) MODIFY DIRECTLY! */ $global_settings_keys_buffer = NULL; /* DO NOT CONSTRUCT THIS YOURSELF! */ class SettingsIterator implements Iterator { private $iter_keys_buffer; private $settings_obj; private $position = 0; public function __construct($settings_obj) { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; $this->settings_obj = $settings_obj; $this->iter_keys_buffer = array_slice($global_settings_keys_buffer, 0); /* a.k.a. copying */ } function rewind() { return $this->position = 0; } function current() { return $this->settings_obj->offsetGet($this->iter_keys_buffer[$this->position]); } function key() { return $this->iter_keys_buffer[$this->position]; } function next() { ++$this->position; } function valid() { return isset($this->iter_keys_buffer[$this->position]); } } /* * Class: Settings * Representing the settings. * You can access them like an array. */ class Settings implements Countable, ArrayAccess, IteratorAggregate { private $rw; /* * Constructor: __construct * Creates a new Settings object. * * Parameters: * $mode - "rw" for read-write access, "r" for read-only access (default) */ public function __construct($mode="r") { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; if($global_settings_keys_buffer === NULL) { $global_settings_keys_buffer = array(); $result = qdb("SELECT `key` FROM `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` WHERE 1"); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $global_settings_keys_buffer[] = $sqlrow["key"]; } $this->rw = ($mode == "rw"); } /* Countable interface implementation */ public function count() { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; return count($global_settings_keys_buffer); } /* ArrayAccess interface implementation */ public function offsetExists($offset) { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; return in_array($offset, $global_settings_keys_buffer); } public function offsetGet($offset) { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; if($this->offsetExists($offset)) { $result = qdb("SELECT `value` FROM `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` WHERE `key` = '%s'", $offset); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return unserialize(base64_decode($sqlrow["value"])); } else throw new DoesNotExistError(); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; if(!$this->rw) throw new NotAllowedError(); unset($global_settings_keys_buffer[array_search($offset, $global_settings_keys_buffer)]); qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` WHERE `key` = '%s'", $offset); } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { global $global_settings_keys_buffer; if(!$this->rw) throw new NotAllowedError(); if(in_array($offset, $global_settings_keys_buffer)) qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` SET `value` = '%s' WHERE `key` = '%s'", base64_encode(serialize($value)), $offset); else { $global_settings_keys_buffer[] = $offset; qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_settings_kvstorage` (`key`, `value`) VALUES ('%s', '%s')", $offset, base64_encode(serialize($value))); } } /* IteratorAggregate interface implementation */ public function getIterator() { return new SettingsIterator($this); } } $ratatoeskr_settings = new Settings("rw"); /* * Class: PluginKVStorage * A Key-Value-Storage for Plugins * Can be accessed like an array. * Keys are strings and Values can be everything serialize() can process. */ class PluginKVStorage implements Countable, ArrayAccess, Iterator { private $plugin_id; private $keybuffer; private $counter; /* * Constructor: __construct * * Parameters: * $plugin_id - The ID of the Plugin. */ public function __construct($plugin_id) { $this->keybuffer = array(); $this->plugin_id = $plugin_id; $result = qdb("SELECT `key` FROM `PREFIX_plugin_kvstorage` WHERE `plugin` = %d", $plugin_id); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $this->keybuffer[] = $sqlrow["key"]; $this->counter = 0; } /* Countable interface implementation */ public function count() { return count($this->keybuffer); } /* ArrayAccess interface implementation */ public function offsetExists($offset) { return in_array($offset, $this->keybuffer); } public function offsetGet($offset) { if($this->offsetExists($offset)) { $result = qdb("SELECT `value` FROM `PREFIX_plugin_kvstorage` WHERE `key` = '%s' AND `plugin` = %d", $offset, $this->plugin_id); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); return unserialize(base64_decode($sqlrow["value"])); } else throw new DoesNotExistError(); } public function offsetUnset($offset) { if($this->offsetExists($offset)) { unset($this->keybuffer[array_search($offset, $this->keybuffer)]); $this->keybuffer = array_merge($this->keybuffer); qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_plugin_kvstorage` WHERE `key` = '%s' AND `plugin` = %d", $offset, $this->plugin_id); } } public function offsetSet($offset, $value) { if($this->offsetExists($offset)) qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_plugin_kvstorage` SET `value` = '%s' WHERE `key` = '%s' AND `plugin` = %d", base64_encode(serialize($value)), $offset, $this->plugin_id); else { qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_plugin_kvstorage` (`plugin`, `key`, `value`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '%s')", $this->plugin_id, $offset, base64_encode(serialize($value))); $this->keybuffer[] = $offset; } } /* Iterator interface implementation */ function rewind() { return $this->position = 0; } function current() { return $this->offsetGet($this->keybuffer[$this->position]); } function key() { return $this->keybuffer[$this->position]; } function next() { ++$this->position; } function valid() { return isset($this->keybuffer[$this->position]); } } /* * Class: Comment * Representing a user comment */ class Comment { private $id; private $article; private $language; private $timestamp; /* * Variables: Public class variables. * * $author_name - Name of comment author. * $author_mail - E-Mail of comment author. * $text - Comment text. * $visible - Should the comment be visible? */ public $author_name; public $author_mail; public $text; public $visible; /* Should not be constructed manually. */ private function __construct() { } /* * Functions: Getters * * get_id - Gets the comment ID. * get_article - Gets the article. * get_language - Gets the language. * get_timestamp - Gets the timestamp. */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } public function get_article() { return $this->article; } public function get_language() { return $this->language; } public function get_timestamp() { return $this->timestamp; } /* * Constructor: create * Creates a new comment. * Automatically sets the $timestamp and $visible (default from setting "comment_visible_default"). * * Parameters: * $article - An
Object. * $language - Which language? (see ) */ public static function create($article, $language) { global $ratatoeskr_settings; $obj = new self; qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_comments` (`article`, `language`, `author_name`, `author_mail`, `text`, `timestamp`, `visible`) VALUES (%d, '%s', '', '', '', UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()), %d)", $article->get_id(), $language, $ratatoeskr_settings["comment_visible_default"] ? 1 : 0); $obj->id = mysql_insert_id(); $obj->article = $article; $obj->language = $language; $obj->author_name = ""; $obj->author_mail = ""; $obj->text = ""; $obj->timestamp = time(); $obj->visible = $ratatoeskr_settings["comment_visible_default"]; return $obj; } /* * Constructor: by_id * Gets a Comment by ID. * * Parameters: * $id - The comments ID. */ public static function by_id($id) { $obj = new self; $result = qdb("SELECT `id`, `article`, `language`, `author_name`, `author_mail`, `text`, `timestamp`, `visible` FROM `PREFIX_comments` WHERE `id` = %d", $id); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow === False) throw new DoesNotExistError(); $obj->id = $sqlrow["id"]; $obj->article = Article::by_id($sqlrow["article"]); $obj->language = $sqlrow["language"]; $obj->author_name = $sqlrow["author_name"]; $obj->author_mail = $sqlrow["author_mail"]; $obj->text = $sqlrow["text"]; $obj->timestamp = $sqlrow["timestamp"]; $obj->visible = $sqlrow["visible"] == 1; return $obj; } /* * Function: save * Save changes to database. */ public function save() { qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_comments` SET `author_name` = '%s', `author_mail` = '%s', `text` = '%s', `visible` = %d WHERE `id` = %d", $this->author_name, $this->author_mail, $this->text, ($this->visible ? 1 : 0), $this->id); } /* * Function: delete */ public function delete() { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_comments` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id); } } /* * Class: Style * Represents a Style */ class Style { private $id; /* * Variables: Public class variables. * * $name - The name of the style. * $code - The CSS code. */ public $name; public $code; /* Should not be constructed manually */ private function __construct() { } private function populate_by_sqlresult($result) { $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow === False) throw new DoesNotExistError(); $this->id = $sqlrow["id"]; $this->name = $sqlrow["name"]; $this->code = $sqlrow["code"]; } /* * Function: get_id */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /* * Constructor: create * Create a new style. * * Parameters: * $name - A name for the new style. */ public static function create($name) { try { self::by_name($name); } catch(DoesNotExistError $e) { $obj = new self; $obj->name = $name; $obj->code = ""; qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_styles` (`name`, `code`) VALUES ('%s', '')", $name); $obj->id = mysql_insert_id(); return $obj; } throw new AlreadyExistsError(); } /* * Constructor: by_id * Gets a style object by ID. * * Parameters: * $id - The ID */ public static function by_id($id) { $obj = new self; $obj->populate_by_sqlresult(qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `code` FROM `PREFIX_styles` WHERE `id` = %d", $id)); return $obj; } /* * Constructor: by_name * Gets a style object by name. * * Parameters: * $name - The name. */ public static function by_name($name) { $obj = new self; $obj->populate_by_sqlresult(qdb("SELECT `id`, `name`, `code` FROM `PREFIX_styles` WHERE `name` = '%s'", $name)); return $obj; } /* * Function: save * Save changes to database. */ public function save() { $result = qdb("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `n` FROM `PREFIX_styles` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `id` != %d", $this->name, $this->id); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow["n"] > 0) throw new AlreadyExistsError(); qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_styles` SET `name` = '%s', `code` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d", $this->name, $this->code, $this->id); } /* * Function: delete */ public function delete() { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_styles` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id); } } /* * Class: PluginDB * The representation of a plugin in the database. * See for loader functions and higher-level plugin access. */ class PluginDB { private $id; /* * Variables: Public class variables. * * $name - Plugin name * $class - Main class of the plugin * $version - Plugin version * $author - Plugin author * $author_url - Website of author * $description - Description of plugin * $help - Help page (HTML) * $phpcode - The plugin code * $active - Is the plugin active? */ public $name = ""; public $class = ""; public $version = ""; public $author = ""; public $author_url = ""; public $description = ""; public $help = ""; public $phpcode = ""; public $active = False; private function __construct() { } /* * Function: get_id */ public function get_id() { return $this->id; } /* * Constructor: create * Creates a new, empty plugin database entry */ public static function create() { $obj = new self; qdb("INSERT INTO `PREFIX_plugins` () VALUES ()"); $obj->id = mysql_insert_id(); return $obj; } /* * Constructor: by_id * Gets plugin by ID. * * Parameters: * $id - The ID */ public static function by_id($id) { $obj = new self; $result = qdb("SELECT `name`, `class`, `version`, `author`, `author_url`, `description`, `help`, `phpcode`, `active` FROM `PREFIX_plugins` WHERE `id` = %d", $id); $sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result); if($sqlrow === False) throw new DoesNotExistError(); $obj->id = $id; $obj->name = $sqlrow["name"]; $obj->class = $sqlrow["class"]; $obj->version = $sqlrow["version"]; $obj->author = $sqlrow["author"]; $obj->author_url = $sqlrow["author_url"]; $obj->description = $sqlrow["description"]; $obj->help = $sqlrow["help"]; $obj->phpcode = $sqlrow["phpcode"]; $obj->active = ($sqlrow["active"] == 1); return $obj; } /* * Constructor: all * Gets all Plugins * * Returns: * List of objects. */ public static function all() { $rv = array(); $result = qdb("SELECT `id` FROM `PREFIX_plugins` WHERE 1"); while($sqlrow = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) $rv[] = self::by_id($sqlrow["id"]); return $rv; } /* * Function: save */ public function save() { qdb("UPDATE `PREFIX_plugins` SET `name` = '%s', `class` = '%s', `version` = '%s', `author` = '%s', `author_url` = '%s', `description` = '%s', `help` = '%s', `phpcode` = '%s', `active` = %d WHERE `id` = %d`", $this->name, $this->class, $this->version, $this->author, $this->author_url, $this->description, $this->help, $this->phpcode, $this->active ? 1 : 0, $this->id); } /* * Function: delete */ public function delete() { qdb("DELETE FROM `PREFIX_plugins` WHERE `id` = %d", $this->id); } /* * Function get_kvstorage * Get the KeyValue Storage for the plugin. * * Returns: * An object. */ public function get_kvstorage() { return new PluginKVStorage($this->id); } } /* * Class: Section * Representing a section */ class Section { private $id; /* * Variables: Public class variables * * $name - The name of the section. * $title - The title of the section (a object). * $template - Name of the template. * $styles - List of