Here are some data to make parameter files in this directory. Using one same pesudorandom number generator for generating multiple independent streams by changing the initial values may cause a problem (with negligibly small probability). To avoid the problem, using diffrent parameters for each generation is prefered. See Matsumoto and Nishimura [1] for detailed information. Here we put some csv files for parameters of SFMT giving several different period length. For each period, we list 32 distinct sets of parameters. You can make parameter files from csv files using scv2params.awk ./csv2param.awk line-no csv-filename > parameter-file Here, line-no is a number of range 1 to 32 which specifies the line no of csv file. [1] Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura, "Dynamic Creation of Pseudorandom Number Generators", Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 1998, Springer, 2000, pp 56--69.