query = $query; } /** * @param int|array $values * @return string */ public static function valueListPlaceholders($values): string { if (is_array($values)) $num = count($values); elseif (is_int($values)) $num = $values; else throw new InvalidArgumentException("\$values must be an int or an array"); return implode(",", array_fill(0, $num, "?")); } public static function insert(SQLite3 $db, string $table, array $fields, array $records) { if (empty($records) || empty($fields)) return; $recordTemplate = "(" . implode(",", array_fill(0, count($fields), "?")) . ")"; $query = new self("INSERT INTO $table (" . implode(',', $fields) . ") VALUES " . implode(",", array_fill(0, count($records), $recordTemplate))); $i = 1; $fieldCount = count($fields); foreach ($records as $record) { if (count($record) !== $fieldCount) throw new InvalidArgumentException("count of all record fields must match field count!"); foreach ($record as $v) { $query->bind($i, $v); $i++; } } $query->exec($db); } public static function insertKV(SQLite3 $db, string $table, array $kv) { self::insert($db, $table, array_keys($kv), [array_values($kv)]); } /** * @param mixed $where Name/Index of parameter * @param BoundVal|mixed $val * @return $this */ public function bind($where, $val): self { if (!($val instanceof BoundVal)) $val = new BoundVal($val, null); $this->boundVals[$where] = $val; return $this; } private function bindMulti(array $vals, $type, int $offset): self { foreach ($vals as $i => $v) $this->bind($i + $offset, new BoundVal($v, $type)); return $this; } public function bindMultiAuto(array $vals, int $offset = 1): self { return $this->bindMulti($vals, null, $offset); } public function bindMultiInt(array $vals, int $offset = 1): self { return $this->bindMulti($vals, SQLITE3_INTEGER, $offset); } public function bindMultiFloat(array $vals, int $offset = 1): self { return $this->bindMulti($vals, SQLITE3_FLOAT, $offset); } public function bindMultiText(array $vals, int $offset = 1): self { return $this->bindMulti($vals, SQLITE3_TEXT, $offset); } public function bindMultiBlob(array $vals, int $offset = 1): self { return $this->bindMulti($vals, SQLITE3_BLOB, $offset); } public function bindMultiNull(array $vals, int $offset = 1): self { return $this->bindMulti($vals, SQLITE3_NULL, $offset); } /** * @param SQLite3 $db * @param callable|null $cb * @return mixed Result of callback or null, if none given * @throws DBError */ public function exec(SQLite3 $db, ?callable $cb = null) { $stmt = $db->prepare($this->query); if ($stmt === false) throw new DBError("Prepare failed", $this->query); foreach ($this->boundVals as $where => $boundVal) $boundVal->bind($stmt, $where); $res = $stmt->execute(); if ($res === false) { throw new DBError("execute failed", $this->query); } $out = $cb ? $cb($res) : null; $res->finalize(); $stmt->close(); return $out; } public function fetchRow(SQLite3 $db, int $fetchMode = SQLITE3_NUM): ?array { return $this->exec($db, static function (SQLite3Result $res) use ($fetchMode) { return $res->numColumns() ? $res->fetchArray($fetchMode) : null; }); } public function fetchRowAssoc(SQLite3 $db): ?array { return $this->fetchRow($db, SQLITE3_ASSOC); } public function fetchRows(SQLite3 $db, int $fetchMode = SQLITE3_NUM): array { return $this->exec($db, static function (SQLite3Result $res) use ($fetchMode) { if (!$res->numColumns()) return []; $out = []; while (($row = $res->fetchArray($fetchMode))) $out[] = $row; return $out; }); } public function fetchRowsAssoc(SQLite3 $db): array { return $this->fetchRows($db, SQLITE3_ASSOC); } public function fetchIndexedRows(SQLite3 $db, ...$keys): array { return $this->exec($db, static function (SQLite3Result $res) use ($keys) { if (!$res->numColumns()) return []; $out = []; while (($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))) { $cursor =& $out; foreach ($keys as $k) $cursor =& $cursor[$row[$k]]; $cursor = $row; } return $out; }); } public function fetchIndexedValues(SQLite3 $db, $val, ...$keys): array { return array_map(fn ($row) => $row[$val] ?? null, $this->fetchIndexedRows($db, ...$keys)); } public function fetchIndexedAllRows(SQLite3 $db, ...$keys): array { return $this->exec($db, static function (SQLite3Result $res) use ($keys) { if (!$res->numColumns()) return []; $out = []; while (($row = $res->fetchArray(SQLITE3_ASSOC))) { $cursor =& $out; foreach ($keys as $k) $cursor =& $cursor[$row[$k]]; $cursor[] = $row; } return $out; }); } }