Case Conversion =============== A plugin for JetBrain IDEs to convert between cases. The plugin provides actions to convert to these cases: - `snake_case` - `dash-case` - `camelCase` - `PascalCase` - `SCREAMING_SNAKE_CASE` - `UPPER CASE` - `lower case` - `fLIP cASE` - `Title Case` - `` The Plugin was inspired by the [Case Conversion Plugin for SublimeText]( How to use ---------- Select the text you want to convert and then invoke the desired action. There are multiple ways to do this: - Use the menu bar: The actions of this plugin can be found in "Edit" > "Convert Case" - Use the Find Action feature: Bring up the "Find Action" search dialog (default keyboard shortcut is Ctrl+Shift+A) and type the name of the desired convert action (or type "Convert Case" to see all actions). Tip: This search uses fuzzy matching so you can just type "camcas" for "Convert Case: camelCase". - Create a keyboard shortcut: Open Settings > Keymap and search for "Convert Case" and create a keyboard shortcut for the desired action. Contributing ------------ You can send patches, bugreports or feature-requests to laria-code at laria dot me. You can also go to the mirrored GitHub repo () and create a pull request.