"use strict"; const test = require('tape'); const lapi = require("../../src/lapi.js"); const lauxlib = require("../../src/lauxlib.js"); const lua = require('../../src/lua.js'); const linit = require('../../src/linit.js'); const checkerror = ` local maxi, mini = math.maxinteger, math.mininteger local function checkerror (msg, f, ...) local s, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(not s and string.find(err, msg)) end `; test('testing string comparisons', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert('alo' < 'alo1') assert('' < 'a') assert('alo\\0alo' < 'alo\\0b') assert('alo\\0alo\\0\\0' > 'alo\\0alo\\0') assert('alo' < 'alo\\0') assert('alo\\0' > 'alo') assert('\\0' < '\\1') assert('\\0\\0' < '\\0\\1') assert('\\1\\0a\\0a' <= '\\1\\0a\\0a') assert(not ('\\1\\0a\\0b' <= '\\1\\0a\\0a')) assert('\\0\\0\\0' < '\\0\\0\\0\\0') assert(not('\\0\\0\\0\\0' < '\\0\\0\\0')) assert('\\0\\0\\0' <= '\\0\\0\\0\\0') assert(not('\\0\\0\\0\\0' <= '\\0\\0\\0')) assert('\\0\\0\\0' <= '\\0\\0\\0') assert('\\0\\0\\0' >= '\\0\\0\\0') assert(not ('\\0\\0b' < '\\0\\0a\\0')) `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing string.sub', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert('alo' < 'alo1') assert('' < 'a') assert('alo\\0alo' < 'alo\\0b') assert('alo\\0alo\\0\\0' > 'alo\\0alo\\0') assert('alo' < 'alo\\0') assert('alo\\0' > 'alo') assert('\\0' < '\\1') assert('\\0\\0' < '\\0\\1') assert('\\1\\0a\\0a' <= '\\1\\0a\\0a') assert(not ('\\1\\0a\\0b' <= '\\1\\0a\\0a')) assert('\\0\\0\\0' < '\\0\\0\\0\\0') assert(not('\\0\\0\\0\\0' < '\\0\\0\\0')) assert('\\0\\0\\0' <= '\\0\\0\\0\\0') assert(not('\\0\\0\\0\\0' <= '\\0\\0\\0')) assert('\\0\\0\\0' <= '\\0\\0\\0') assert('\\0\\0\\0' >= '\\0\\0\\0') assert(not ('\\0\\0b' < '\\0\\0a\\0')) `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing string.find', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(string.find("123456789", "345") == 3) a,b = string.find("123456789", "345") assert(string.sub("123456789", a, b) == "345") assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", "345", 3) == 3) assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", "345", 4) == 13) assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", "346", 4) == nil) assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", ".45", -9) == 13) assert(string.find("abcdefg", "\\0", 5, 1) == nil) assert(string.find("", "") == 1) assert(string.find("", "", 1) == 1) assert(not string.find("", "", 2)) assert(string.find('', 'aaa', 1) == nil) assert(('alo(.)alo'):find('(.)', 1, 1) == 4) `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing string.len and #', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(string.len("") == 0) assert(string.len("\\0\\0\\0") == 3) assert(string.len("1234567890") == 10) assert(#"" == 0) assert(#"\\0\\0\\0" == 3) assert(#"1234567890" == 10) `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing string.byte/string.char', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(string.byte("a") == 97) assert(string.byte("\\xe4") > 127) assert(string.byte(string.char(255)) == 255) assert(string.byte(string.char(0)) == 0) assert(string.byte("\\0") == 0) assert(string.byte("\\0\\0alo\\0x", -1) == string.byte('x')) assert(string.byte("ba", 2) == 97) assert(string.byte("\\n\\n", 2, -1) == 10) assert(string.byte("\\n\\n", 2, 2) == 10) assert(string.byte("") == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", -3) == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", 3) == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", 9, 10) == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", 2, 1) == nil) assert(string.char() == "") assert(string.char(0, 255, 0) == "\\0\\255\\0") assert(string.char(0, string.byte("\\xe4"), 0) == "\\0\\xe4\\0") assert(string.char(string.byte("\\xe4l\\0óu", 1, -1)) == "\\xe4l\\0óu") assert(string.char(string.byte("\\xe4l\\0óu", 1, 0)) == "") assert(string.char(string.byte("\\xe4l\\0óu", -10, 100)) == "\\xe4l\\0óu") assert(string.upper("ab\\0c") == "AB\\0C") assert(string.lower("\\0ABCc%$") == "\\0abcc%$") assert(string.rep('teste', 0) == '') assert(string.rep('tés\\00tê', 2) == 'tés\\0têtés\\000tê') assert(string.rep('', 10) == '') if string.packsize("i") == 4 then -- result length would be 2^31 (int overflow) checkerror("too large", string.rep, 'aa', (1 << 30)) checkerror("too large", string.rep, 'a', (1 << 30), ',') end `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing repetitions with separator', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(string.rep('teste', 0, 'xuxu') == '') assert(string.rep('teste', 1, 'xuxu') == 'teste') assert(string.rep('\\1\\0\\1', 2, '\\0\\0') == '\\1\\0\\1\\0\\0\\1\\0\\1') assert(string.rep('', 10, '.') == string.rep('.', 9)) assert(not pcall(string.rep, "aa", maxi // 2 + 10)) assert(not pcall(string.rep, "", maxi // 2 + 10, "aa")) assert(string.reverse"" == "") assert(string.reverse"\\0\\1\\2\\3" == "\\3\\2\\1\\0") assert(string.reverse"\\0001234" == "4321\\0") for i=0,30 do assert(string.len(string.rep('a', i)) == i) end `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing tostring', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(type(tostring(nil)) == 'string') assert(type(tostring(12)) == 'string') assert(string.find(tostring{}, 'table:')) assert(string.find(tostring(print), 'function:')) assert(#tostring('\\0') == 1) assert(tostring(true) == "true") assert(tostring(false) == "false") assert(tostring(-1203) == "-1203") assert(tostring(1203.125) == "1203.125") assert(tostring(-0.5) == "-0.5") assert(tostring(-32767) == "-32767") if math.tointeger(2147483647) then -- no overflow? (32 bits) assert(tostring(-2147483647) == "-2147483647") end if math.tointeger(4611686018427387904) then -- no overflow? (64 bits) assert(tostring(4611686018427387904) == "4611686018427387904") assert(tostring(-4611686018427387904) == "-4611686018427387904") end if tostring(0.0) == "0.0" then -- "standard" coercion float->string assert('' .. 12 == '12' and 12.0 .. '' == '12.0') assert(tostring(-1203 + 0.0) == "-1203.0") else -- compatible coercion assert(tostring(0.0) == "0") assert('' .. 12 == '12' and 12.0 .. '' == '12') assert(tostring(-1203 + 0.0) == "-1203") end `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing string.format', function (t) { let luaCode = ` x = '"ílo"\\n\\\\' assert(string.format('%q%s', x, x) == '"\\\\"ílo\\\\"\\\\\\n\\\\\\\\""ílo"\\n\\\\') assert(string.format('%q', "\\0") == [["\\0"]]) assert(load(string.format('return %q', x))() == x) x = "\\0\\1\\0023\\5\\0009" assert(load(string.format('return %q', x))() == x) assert(string.format("\\0%c\\0%c%x\\0", string.byte("\\xe4"), string.byte("b"), 140) == "\\0\\xe4\\0b8c\\0") assert(string.format('') == "") assert(string.format("%c",34)..string.format("%c",48)..string.format("%c",90)..string.format("%c",100) == string.format("%c%c%c%c", 34, 48, 90, 100)) assert(string.format("%s\\0 is not \\0%s", 'not be', 'be') == 'not be\\0 is not \\0be') assert(string.format("%%%d %010d", 10, 23) == "%10 0000000023") assert(tonumber(string.format("%f", 10.3)) == 10.3) x = string.format('"%-50s"', 'a') assert(#x == 52) assert(string.sub(x, 1, 4) == '"a ') assert(string.format("-%.20s.20s", string.rep("%", 2000)) == "-"..string.rep("%", 20)..".20s") assert(string.format('"-%20s.20s"', string.rep("%", 2000)) == string.format("%q", "-"..string.rep("%", 2000)..".20s")) `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing %q', function (t) { let luaCode = ` do local function checkQ (v) local s = string.format("%q", v) local nv = load("return " .. s)() assert(v == nv and math.type(v) == math.type(nv)) end checkQ("\\0\\0\\1\\255\\u{234}") checkQ(math.maxinteger) checkQ(math.mininteger) checkQ(math.pi) checkQ(0.1) checkQ(true) checkQ(nil) checkQ(false) checkerror("no literal", string.format, "%q", {}) end `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing embedded zeros error', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(string.format("\\0%s\\0", "\\0\\0\\1") == "\\0\\0\\0\\1\\0") checkerror("contains zeros", string.format, "%10s", "\\0") `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing format x tostring', function (t) { let luaCode = ` assert(string.format("%s %s", nil, true) == "nil true") assert(string.format("%s %.4s", false, true) == "false true") assert(string.format("%.3s %.3s", false, true) == "fal tru") local m = setmetatable({}, {__tostring = function () return "hello" end, __name = "hi"}) assert(string.format("%s %.10s", m, m) == "hello hello") getmetatable(m).__tostring = nil -- will use '__name' from now on assert(string.format("%.4s", m) == "hi: ") getmetatable(m).__tostring = function () return {} end checkerror("'__tostring' must return a string", tostring, m) assert(string.format("%x", 0.0) == "0") assert(string.format("%02x", 0.0) == "00") assert(string.format("%08X", 0xFFFFFFFF) == "FFFFFFFF") assert(string.format("%+08d", 31501) == "+0031501") assert(string.format("%+08d", -30927) == "-0030927") `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); }); test('testing longest number that can be formatted', function (t) { let luaCode = ` do local i = 1 local j = 10000 while i + 1 < j do -- binary search for maximum finite float local m = (i + j) // 2 if 10^m < math.huge then i = m else j = m end end assert(10^i < math.huge and 10^j == math.huge) local s = string.format('%.20f', -(10^i)) -- TODO: %.99f not possible with sprintf.js -- assert(string.len(s) >= i + 101) assert(tonumber(s) == -(10^i)) end `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lauxlib.luaL_loadstring(L, lua.to_luastring(checkerror + luaCode)); }, "Lua program loaded without error"); t.doesNotThrow(function () { lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "Lua program ran without error"); });