-- $Id: strings.lua,v 1.86 2016/11/07 13:11:28 roberto Exp roberto $ -- See Copyright Notice in file all.lua print('testing strings and string library') local maxi, mini = math.maxinteger, math.mininteger local function checkerror (msg, f, ...) local s, err = pcall(f, ...) assert(not s and string.find(err, msg)) end -- testing string comparisons assert('alo' < 'alo1') assert('' < 'a') assert('alo\0alo' < 'alo\0b') assert('alo\0alo\0\0' > 'alo\0alo\0') assert('alo' < 'alo\0') assert('alo\0' > 'alo') assert('\0' < '\1') assert('\0\0' < '\0\1') assert('\1\0a\0a' <= '\1\0a\0a') assert(not ('\1\0a\0b' <= '\1\0a\0a')) assert('\0\0\0' < '\0\0\0\0') assert(not('\0\0\0\0' < '\0\0\0')) assert('\0\0\0' <= '\0\0\0\0') assert(not('\0\0\0\0' <= '\0\0\0')) assert('\0\0\0' <= '\0\0\0') assert('\0\0\0' >= '\0\0\0') assert(not ('\0\0b' < '\0\0a\0')) -- testing string.sub assert(string.sub("123456789",2,4) == "234") assert(string.sub("123456789",7) == "789") assert(string.sub("123456789",7,6) == "") assert(string.sub("123456789",7,7) == "7") assert(string.sub("123456789",0,0) == "") assert(string.sub("123456789",-10,10) == "123456789") assert(string.sub("123456789",1,9) == "123456789") assert(string.sub("123456789",-10,-20) == "") assert(string.sub("123456789",-1) == "9") assert(string.sub("123456789",-4) == "6789") assert(string.sub("123456789",-6, -4) == "456") assert(string.sub("123456789", mini, -4) == "123456") assert(string.sub("123456789", mini, maxi) == "123456789") assert(string.sub("123456789", mini, mini) == "") assert(string.sub("\000123456789",3,5) == "234") assert(("\000123456789"):sub(8) == "789") -- testing string.find assert(string.find("123456789", "345") == 3) a,b = string.find("123456789", "345") assert(string.sub("123456789", a, b) == "345") assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", "345", 3) == 3) assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", "345", 4) == 13) assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", "346", 4) == nil) assert(string.find("1234567890123456789", ".45", -9) == 13) assert(string.find("abcdefg", "\0", 5, 1) == nil) assert(string.find("", "") == 1) assert(string.find("", "", 1) == 1) assert(not string.find("", "", 2)) assert(string.find('', 'aaa', 1) == nil) assert(('alo(.)alo'):find('(.)', 1, 1) == 4) assert(string.len("") == 0) assert(string.len("\0\0\0") == 3) assert(string.len("1234567890") == 10) assert(#"" == 0) assert(#"\0\0\0" == 3) assert(#"1234567890" == 10) -- testing string.byte/string.char assert(string.byte("a") == 97) assert(string.byte("\xe4") > 127) assert(string.byte(string.char(255)) == 255) assert(string.byte(string.char(0)) == 0) assert(string.byte("\0") == 0) assert(string.byte("\0\0alo\0x", -1) == string.byte('x')) assert(string.byte("ba", 2) == 97) assert(string.byte("\n\n", 2, -1) == 10) assert(string.byte("\n\n", 2, 2) == 10) assert(string.byte("") == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", -3) == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", 3) == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", 9, 10) == nil) assert(string.byte("hi", 2, 1) == nil) assert(string.char() == "") assert(string.char(0, 255, 0) == "\0\255\0") assert(string.char(0, string.byte("\xe4"), 0) == "\0\xe4\0") assert(string.char(string.byte("\xe4l\0óu", 1, -1)) == "\xe4l\0óu") assert(string.char(string.byte("\xe4l\0óu", 1, 0)) == "") assert(string.char(string.byte("\xe4l\0óu", -10, 100)) == "\xe4l\0óu") assert(string.upper("ab\0c") == "AB\0C") assert(string.lower("\0ABCc%$") == "\0abcc%$") assert(string.rep('teste', 0) == '') assert(string.rep('tés\00tê', 2) == 'tés\0têtés\000tê') assert(string.rep('', 10) == '') if string.packsize("i") == 4 then -- result length would be 2^31 (int overflow) checkerror("too large", string.rep, 'aa', (1 << 30)) checkerror("too large", string.rep, 'a', (1 << 30), ',') end -- repetitions with separator assert(string.rep('teste', 0, 'xuxu') == '') assert(string.rep('teste', 1, 'xuxu') == 'teste') assert(string.rep('\1\0\1', 2, '\0\0') == '\1\0\1\0\0\1\0\1') assert(string.rep('', 10, '.') == string.rep('.', 9)) assert(not pcall(string.rep, "aa", maxi // 2 + 10)) assert(not pcall(string.rep, "", maxi // 2 + 10, "aa")) assert(string.reverse"" == "") assert(string.reverse"\0\1\2\3" == "\3\2\1\0") assert(string.reverse"\0001234" == "4321\0") for i=0,30 do assert(string.len(string.rep('a', i)) == i) end assert(type(tostring(nil)) == 'string') assert(type(tostring(12)) == 'string') assert(string.find(tostring{}, 'table:')) assert(string.find(tostring(print), 'function:')) assert(#tostring('\0') == 1) assert(tostring(true) == "true") assert(tostring(false) == "false") assert(tostring(-1203) == "-1203") assert(tostring(1203.125) == "1203.125") assert(tostring(-0.5) == "-0.5") assert(tostring(-32767) == "-32767") if math.tointeger(2147483647) then -- no overflow? (32 bits) assert(tostring(-2147483647) == "-2147483647") end if math.tointeger(4611686018427387904) then -- no overflow? (64 bits) assert(tostring(4611686018427387904) == "4611686018427387904") assert(tostring(-4611686018427387904) == "-4611686018427387904") end if tostring(0.0) == "0.0" then -- "standard" coercion float->string assert('' .. 12 == '12' and 12.0 .. '' == '12.0') assert(tostring(-1203 + 0.0) == "-1203.0") else -- compatible coercion assert(tostring(0.0) == "0") assert('' .. 12 == '12' and 12.0 .. '' == '12') assert(tostring(-1203 + 0.0) == "-1203") end x = '"ílo"\n\\' assert(string.format('%q%s', x, x) == '"\\"ílo\\"\\\n\\\\""ílo"\n\\') assert(string.format('%q', "\0") == [["\0"]]) assert(load(string.format('return %q', x))() == x) x = "\0\1\0023\5\0009" assert(load(string.format('return %q', x))() == x) assert(string.format("\0%c\0%c%x\0", string.byte("\xe4"), string.byte("b"), 140) == "\0\xe4\0b8c\0") assert(string.format('') == "") assert(string.format("%c",34)..string.format("%c",48)..string.format("%c",90)..string.format("%c",100) == string.format("%c%c%c%c", 34, 48, 90, 100)) assert(string.format("%s\0 is not \0%s", 'not be', 'be') == 'not be\0 is not \0be') assert(string.format("%%%d %010d", 10, 23) == "%10 0000000023") assert(tonumber(string.format("%f", 10.3)) == 10.3) x = string.format('"%-50s"', 'a') assert(#x == 52) assert(string.sub(x, 1, 4) == '"a ') assert(string.format("-%.20s.20s", string.rep("%", 2000)) == "-"..string.rep("%", 20)..".20s") assert(string.format('"-%20s.20s"', string.rep("%", 2000)) == string.format("%q", "-"..string.rep("%", 2000)..".20s")) do local function checkQ (v) local s = string.format("%q", v) local nv = load("return " .. s)() assert(v == nv and math.type(v) == math.type(nv)) end -- checkQ("\0\0\1\255\u{234}") -- checkQ(math.maxinteger) -- checkQ(math.mininteger) -- checkQ(math.pi) checkQ(0.1) -- checkQ(true) -- checkQ(nil) -- checkQ(false) -- checkerror("no literal", string.format, "%q", {}) end