/*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; const test = require('tape'); const beautify = require('js-beautify').js_beautify; const tests = require("./tests.js"); const getState = tests.getState; const toByteCode = tests.toByteCode; const VM = require("../src/lvm.js"); const ldo = require("../src/ldo.js"); const lapi = require("../src/lapi.js"); const lauxlib = require("../src/lauxlib.js"); const lua = require('../src/lua.js'); const linit = require('../src/linit.js'); const CT = lua.constant_types; test('print', function (t) { let luaCode = ` print("hello", "world", 123) `, L; t.plan(1); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-print"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); }); test('setmetatable, getmetatable', function (t) { let luaCode = ` local mt = { __index = function () print("hello") return "hello" end } local t = {} setmetatable(t, mt); return t[1], getmetatable(t) `, L; t.plan(3); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-setmetatable-getmetatable"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -2), "hello", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.ok( lapi.lua_istable(L, -1), "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); }); test('rawequal', function (t) { let luaCode = ` local mt = { __eq = function () return true end } local t1 = {} local t2 = {} setmetatable(t1, mt); return rawequal(t1, t2), t1 == t2 `, L; t.plan(3); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-rawequal"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.notOk( lapi.lua_toboolean(L, -2), "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.ok( lapi.lua_toboolean(L, -1), "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); }); test('rawset, rawget', function (t) { let luaCode = ` local mt = { __newindex = function (table, key, value) rawset(table, key, "hello") end } local t = {} setmetatable(t, mt); t["yo"] = "bye" rawset(t, "yoyo", "bye") return rawget(t, "yo"), t["yo"], rawget(t, "yoyo"), t["yoyo"] `, L; t.plan(5); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-rawequal"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -4), "hello", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -3), "hello", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -2), "bye", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1), "bye", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); }); test('type', function (t) { let luaCode = ` return type(1), type(true), type("hello"), type({}), type(nil) `, L; t.plan(6); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-type"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -5), "number", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -4), "boolean", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -3), "string", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -2), "table", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1), "nil", "Correct element(s) on the stack" ); }); test('error', function (t) { let luaCode = ` error("you fucked up") `, L; t.plan(1); t.throws(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-error"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); }); test('error, protected', function (t) { let luaCode = ` error("you fucked up") `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-error"); lapi.lua_pcall(L, 0, -1, 0); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.ok( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1).endsWith("you fucked up"), "Error is on the stack" ) }); test('pcall', function (t) { let luaCode = ` local willFail = function () error("you fucked up") end return pcall(willFail) `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-pcall"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.ok( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1).endsWith("you fucked up"), "Error is on the stack" ) }); test('xpcall', function (t) { let luaCode = ` local willFail = function () error("you fucked up") end local msgh = function (err) return "Something's wrong: " .. err end return xpcall(willFail, msgh) `, L; t.plan(3); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-pcall"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); console.log(lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1)); t.ok( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1).startsWith("Something's wrong:"), "msgh was called and modified the error" ) t.ok( lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1).endsWith("you fucked up"), "msgh was called and modified the error" ) }); test('ipairs', function (t) { let luaCode = ` local t = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ['yo'] = 'lo'} local sum = 0 for i, v in ipairs(t) do sum = sum + v end return sum `, L; t.plan(2); t.doesNotThrow(function () { let bc = toByteCode(luaCode).dataView; L = lauxlib.luaL_newstate(); linit.luaL_openlibs(L); lapi.lua_load(L, bc, "test-pcall"); lapi.lua_call(L, 0, -1); }, "JS Lua program ran without error"); t.strictEqual( lapi.lua_tointeger(L, -1), 15, "Correct element(s) on the stack" ) });