/*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; const fs = require('fs'); const assert = require('assert'); const lua = require('./lua.js'); const LClosure = require('./lobject.js').LClosure; const TValue = require('./lobject.js').TValue; const Proto = require('./lfunc.js').Proto; const constant_types = require('./lua.js').constant_types; const OpCodes = require('./lopcodes.js'); const LUAI_MAXSHORTLEN = 40; class BytecodeParser { constructor(dataView) { this.intSize = 4; this.size_tSize = 8; this.instructionSize = 4; this.integerSize = 8; this.numberSize = 8; this.dataView = dataView; this.offset = 0; } peekByte() { return this.dataView.getUint8(this.offset, true); } readByte() { let byte = this.peekByte(); this.offset++; return byte; } peekInteger() { return this.dataView.getInt32(this.offset, true); } readInteger() { let integer = this.peekInteger(); this.offset += this.integerSize; return integer; } peekInt() { return this.dataView.getInt32(this.offset, true); } readInt() { let integer = this.peekInt(); this.offset += 4; return integer; } peekNumber() { return this.dataView.getFloat64(this.offset, true); } readNumber() { let number = this.peekNumber(); this.offset += this.numberSize; return number; } readString(n) { let size = typeof n !== 'undefined' ? n : this.readByte() - 1; if (size === 0xFF) // TODO: test this.offset += this.size_tSize; if (size === 0) { return null; } let string = new Uint8Array(); for (let i = 0; i < size; i++) string.push(this.readByte()); return string; } /* creates a mask with 'n' 1 bits at position 'p' */ static MASK1(n, p) { return ((~((~0)<<(n)))<<(p)); } /* creates a mask with 'n' 0 bits at position 'p' */ static MASK0(n, p) { return (~BytecodeParser.MASK1(n,p)); } readInstruction() { let ins = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(this.instructionSize)); for (let i = 0; i < this.instructionSize; i++) ins.setUint8(i, this.readByte()); return ins.getUint32(0, true); } readCode(f) { let n = this.readInt(); let o = OpCodes; let p = BytecodeParser; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let ins = this.readInstruction(); f.code[i] = { code: ins, opcode: (ins >> o.POS_OP) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_OP, 0), A: (ins >> o.POS_A) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_A, 0), B: (ins >> o.POS_B) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_B, 0), C: (ins >> o.POS_C) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_C, 0), Bx: (ins >> o.POS_Bx) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_Bx, 0), Ax: (ins >> o.POS_Ax) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_Ax, 0), sBx: ((ins >> o.POS_Bx) & p.MASK1(o.SIZE_Bx, 0)) - o.MAXARG_sBx }; } } readUpvalues(f) { let n = this.readInt(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { f.upvalues[i] = { name: null, instack: this.readByte(), idx: this.readByte() }; } } readConstants(f) { let n = this.readInt(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { let t = this.readByte(); switch (t) { case constant_types.LUA_TNIL: f.k.push(new TValue(constant_types.LUA_TNIL, null)); break; case constant_types.LUA_TBOOLEAN: f.k.push(new TValue(constant_types.LUA_TBOOLEAN, this.readByte())); break; case constant_types.LUA_TNUMFLT: f.k.push(new TValue(constant_types.LUA_TNUMFLT, this.readNumber())); break; case constant_types.LUA_TNUMINT: f.k.push(new TValue(constant_types.LUA_TNUMINT, this.readInteger())); break; case constant_types.LUA_TSHRSTR: case constant_types.LUA_TLNGSTR: f.k.push(new TValue(constant_types.LUA_TLNGSTR, this.readString())); break; default: throw new Error(`unrecognized constant '${t}'`); } } } readProtos(f) { let n = this.readInt(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { f.p[i] = new Proto(this.L); this.readFunction(f.p[i], f.source); } } readDebug(f) { let n = this.readInt(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) f.lineinfo[i] = this.readInt(); n = this.readInt(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { f.locvars[i] = { varname: this.readString(), startpc: this.readInt(), endpc: this.readInt() }; } n = this.readInt(); for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { f.upvalues[i].name = this.readString(); } } readFunction(f, psource) { f.source = this.readString(); if (f.source === null || f.source === undefined || f.source.length === 0) /* no source in dump? */ f.source = psource; /* reuse parent's source */ f.linedefined = this.readInt(); f.lastlinedefined = this.readInt(); f.numparams = this.readByte(); f.is_vararg = this.readByte(); f.maxstacksize = this.readByte(); this.readCode(f); this.readConstants(f); this.readUpvalues(f); this.readProtos(f); this.readDebug(f); } checkHeader() { if (this.readString(4) !== lua.LUA_SIGNATURE) throw new Error("bad LUA_SIGNATURE, expected 'Lua'"); if (this.readByte() !== 0x53) throw new Error("bad Lua version, expected 5.3"); if (this.readByte() !== 0) throw new Error("supports only official PUC-Rio implementation"); if (this.readString(6) !== "\x19\x93\r\n\x1a\n") throw new Error("bytecode corrupted"); this.intSize = this.readByte(); this.size_tSize = this.readByte(); this.instructionSize = this.readByte(); this.integerSize = this.readByte(); this.numberSize = this.readByte(); if (this.readInteger() !== 0x5678) throw new Error("endianness mismatch"); if (this.readNumber() !== 370.5) throw new Error("float format mismatch"); } luaU_undump(L) { this.checkHeader(); let cl = new LClosure(L, this.readByte()); L.stack[L.top] = cl; L.top++; cl.p = new Proto(); this.readFunction(cl.p); assert(cl.nupvalues === cl.p.upvalues.length); return cl; } } module.exports = BytecodeParser;