/*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; const assert = require('assert'); const defs = require('./defs.js'); const ldebug = require('./ldebug.js'); const lobject = require('./lobject.js'); const CT = defs.constant_types; /* converts strings (arrays) to a consistent map key */ const hashstr = function(str) { return str.map(e => `${e}|`).join(''); }; const table_hash = function(key) { switch(key.type) { case CT.LUA_TBOOLEAN: case CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: /* XXX: if user pushes conflicting lightuserdata then the table will do odd things */ case CT.LUA_TNUMFLT: case CT.LUA_TNUMINT: case CT.LUA_TTABLE: case CT.LUA_TLCL: case CT.LUA_TLCF: case CT.LUA_TCCL: case CT.LUA_TUSERDATA: case CT.LUA_TTHREAD: return key.value; case CT.LUA_TSHRSTR: case CT.LUA_TLNGSTR: return hashstr(key.value); default: throw new Error("unknown key type: " + key.type); } }; const luaH_new = function(L) { let t = { strong: new Map(), metatable: null }; return t; }; const getgeneric = function(t, hash) { let v = t.strong.get(hash); return v ? v.value : lobject.luaO_nilobject; }; const luaH_getint = function(t, key) { assert(typeof key == "number"); return getgeneric(t, key); }; const luaH_getstr = function(t, key) { assert(Array.isArray(key)); return getgeneric(t, hashstr(key)); }; const luaH_get = function(t, key) { assert(key instanceof lobject.TValue); if (key.ttisnil()) return lobject.luaO_nilobject; return getgeneric(t, table_hash(key)); }; const setgeneric = function(t, hash, key) { let v = t.strong.get(hash); if (v) return v.value; let tv = new lobject.TValue(CT.LUA_TNIL, null); t.strong.set(hash, { key: key, value: tv }); return tv; }; const luaH_setint = function(t, key, value) { assert(typeof key == "number" && value instanceof lobject.TValue && key|0 === key); let hash = key; /* table_hash known result */ let v = t.strong.get(hash); if (v) { let tv = v.value; tv.setfrom(value); } else { t.strong.set(hash, { key: new lobject.TValue(CT.LUA_TNUMINT, key), value: new lobject.TValue(value.type, value.value) }); } }; const luaH_set = function(t, key) { assert(key instanceof lobject.TValue); let hash = table_hash(key); return setgeneric(t, hash, new lobject.TValue(key.type, key.value)); }; const luaH_delete = function(t, key) { assert(key instanceof lobject.TValue); let hash = table_hash(key); t.strong.delete(hash); }; /* ** Try to find a boundary in table 't'. A 'boundary' is an integer index ** such that t[i] is non-nil and t[i+1] is nil (and 0 if t[1] is nil). */ const luaH_getn = function(t) { let i = 0; let j = t.strong.size + 1; /* use known size of Map to bound search */ /* now do a binary search between them */ while (j - i > 1) { let m = Math.floor((i+j)/2); if (luaH_getint(t, m).ttisnil()) j = m; else i = m; } return i; }; /* ** Javascript tables don't have any next-like primitive. ** For each call of `next` this does a full iteration up to the item */ const luaH_next = function(L, table, keyI) { let keyO = L.stack[keyI]; let iterresult; if (keyO.type === CT.LUA_TNIL) { iterresult = table.strong.keys().next(); } else { let hash = table_hash(keyO); if (!table.strong.has(hash)) /* item not in table */ return ldebug.luaG_runerror(L, "invalid key to 'next'"); let indexes = table.strong.keys(); while (1) { let e = indexes.next(); if (e.done) throw "unreachable"; else if (e.value == hash) break; } iterresult = indexes.next(); } if (iterresult.done) return false; let entry = table.strong.get(iterresult.value); L.stack[keyI] = new lobject.TValue(entry.key.type, entry.key.value); L.stack[keyI+1] = new lobject.TValue(entry.value.type, entry.value.value); return true; }; module.exports.luaH_delete = luaH_delete; module.exports.luaH_get = luaH_get; module.exports.luaH_getint = luaH_getint; module.exports.luaH_getn = luaH_getn; module.exports.luaH_getstr = luaH_getstr; module.exports.luaH_set = luaH_set; module.exports.luaH_setint = luaH_setint; module.exports.luaH_new = luaH_new; module.exports.luaH_next = luaH_next;