"use strict"; const assert = require('assert'); const lcode = require('./lcode.js'); const lfunc = require('./lfunc.js'); const llex = require('./llex.js'); const llimit = require('./llimit.js'); const lobject = require('./lobject.js'); const lopcode = require('./lopcodes.js'); const lua = require('./lua.js'); const BinOpr = lcode.BinOpr; const OpCodesI = lopcode.OpCodesI; const Proto = lfunc.Proto; const R = llex.RESERVED; const TValue = lobject.TValue; const Table = lobject.Table; const UnOpr = lcode.UnOpr; const UpVal = lfunc.UpVal; const char = llex.char; const MAXVARS = 200; const hasmultret = function(k) { return k === expkind.VCALL || k === expkind.VVARARG; }; class BlockCnt { constructor() { this.previous = null; /* chain */ this.firstlabel = NaN; /* index of first label in this block */ this.firstgoto = NaN; /* index of first pending goto in this block */ this.nactvar = NaN; /* # active locals outside the block */ this.upval = NaN; /* true if some variable in the block is an upvalue */ this.isloop = NaN; /* true if 'block' is a loop */ } } const expkind = { VVOID: 0, /* when 'expdesc' describes the last expression a list, this kind means an empty list (so, no expression) */ VNIL: 1, /* constant nil */ VTRUE: 2, /* constant true */ VFALSE: 3, /* constant false */ VK: 4, /* constant in 'k'; info = index of constant in 'k' */ VKFLT: 5, /* floating constant; nval = numerical float value */ VKINT: 6, /* integer constant; nval = numerical integer value */ VNONRELOC: 7, /* expression has its value in a fixed register; info = result register */ VLOCAL: 8, /* local variable; info = local register */ VUPVAL: 9, /* upvalue variable; info = index of upvalue in 'upvalues' */ VINDEXED: 10, /* indexed variable; ind.vt = whether 't' is register or upvalue; ind.t = table register or upvalue; ind.idx = key's R/K index */ VJMP: 11, /* expression is a test/comparison; info = pc of corresponding jump instruction */ VRELOCABLE: 12, /* expression can put result in any register; info = instruction pc */ VCALL: 13, /* expression is a function call; info = instruction pc */ VVARARG: 14 /* vararg expression; info = instruction pc */ }; const vkisvar = function(k) { return expkind.VLOCAL <= k && k <= expkind.VINDEXED; }; const vkisinreg = function(k) { return k === expkind.VNONRELOC || k === expkind.VLOCAL; }; class expdesc { constructor() { this.k = NaN; this.u = { ival: NaN, /* for VKINT */ nval: NaN, /* for VKFLT */ info: NaN, /* for generic use */ ind: { /* for indexed variables (VINDEXED) */ idx: NaN, /* index (R/K) */ t: NaN, /* table (register or upvalue) */ vt: NaN /* whether 't' is register (VLOCAL) or upvalue (VUPVAL) */ } }; this.t = NaN; /* patch list of 'exit when true' */ this.f = NaN; /* patch list of 'exit when false' */ } to(e) { // Copy e content to this, cf. luaK_posfix this.k = e.k; this.u = e.u; this.t = e.t; this.f = e.f; } } class FuncState { constructor() { this.f = null; /* current function header */ this.prev = null; /* enclosing function */ this.ls = null; /* lexical state */ this.bl = null; /* chain of current blocks */ this.pc = NaN; /* next position to code (equivalent to 'ncode') */ this.lasttarget = NaN; /* 'label' of last 'jump label' */ this.jpc = NaN; /* list of pending jumps to 'pc' */ this.nk = NaN; /* number of elements in 'k' */ this.np = NaN; /* number of elements in 'p' */ this.firstlocal = NaN; /* index of first local var (in Dyndata array) */ this.nlocvars = NaN; /* number of elements in 'f->locvars' */ this.nactvar = NaN; /* number of active local variables */ this.nups = NaN; /* number of upvalues */ this.freereg = NaN; /* first free register */ } } /* description of active local variable */ class Vardesc { constructor() { this.idx = NaN; /* variable index in stack */ } } /* description of pending goto statements and label statements */ class Labeldesc { constructor() { this.name = null; /* label identifier */ this.pc = NaN; /* position in code */ this.line = NaN; /* line where it appeared */ this.nactvar = NaN; /* local level where it appears in current block */ } } /* list of labels or gotos */ class Labellist { constructor() { this.arr = []; /* array */ this.n = NaN; /* number of entries in use */ this.size = NaN; /* array size */ } } /* dynamic structures used by the parser */ class Dyndata { constructor() { this.actvar = { /* list of active local variables */ arr: [], n: NaN, size: NaN }; this.gt = new Labellist(); this.label = new Labellist(); } } const semerror = function(ls, msg) { ls.t.token = 0; /* remove "near " from final message */ llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, msg); }; const error_expected = function(ls, token) { llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, lua.to_luastring(`${lobject.jsstring(llex.luaX_token2str(ls, token))} expected`)); }; const errorlimit = function(fs, limit, what) { let L = fs.ls.L; let line = fs.f.linedefined; let where = (line === 0) ? "main function" : `function at line ${line}`; let msg = `too many ${what} (limit is ${limit}) in ${where}`; llex.luaX_syntaxerror(fs.ls, lua.to_luastring(msg)); }; const checklimit = function(fs, v, l, what) { if (v > l) errorlimit(fs, l, what); }; const testnext = function(ls, c) { if (ls.t.token === c) { llex.luaX_next(ls); return true; } return false; }; const check = function(ls, c) { if (ls.t.token !== c) error_expected(ls, c); }; const checknext = function(ls, c) { check(ls, c); llex.luaX_next(ls); }; const check_condition = function(ls, c, msg) { if (!c) llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, msg); }; const check_match = function(ls, what, who, where) { if (!testnext(ls, what)) { if (where === ls.linenumber) error_expected(ls, what); else llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, lua.to_luastring(`${lobject.jsstring(llex.luaX_token2str(ls, what))} expected (to close ${lobject.jsstring(llex.luaX_token2str(ls, who))} at line ${where}`)); } }; const str_checkname = function(ls) { check(ls, R.TK_NAME); let ts = ls.t.seminfo.ts; llex.luaX_next(ls); return ts; }; const init_exp = function(e, k, i) { e.f = e.t = lcode.NO_JUMP; e.k = k; e.u.info = i; }; const codestring = function(ls, e, s) { init_exp(e, expkind.VK, lcode.luaK_stringK(ls.fs, s)); }; const checkname = function(ls, e) { codestring(ls, e, str_checkname(ls)); }; const registerlocalvar = function(ls, varname) { let fs = ls.fs; let f = fs.f; f.locvars[fs.nlocvars] = new lobject.LocVar(); f.locvars[fs.nlocvars].varname = varname; return fs.nlocvars++; }; const new_localvar = function(ls, name) { let fs = ls.fs; let dyd = ls.dyd; let reg = registerlocalvar(ls, name); checklimit(fs, dyd.actvar.n + 1 - fs.firstlocal, MAXVARS, lua.to_luastring("local variables")); dyd.actvar.arr[dyd.actvar.n] = new Vardesc(); dyd.actvar.arr[dyd.actvar.n].idx = reg; dyd.actvar.n++; }; const new_localvarliteral = function(ls, name) { new_localvar(ls, new TValue(lua.CT.LUA_TLNGSTR, name)); }; const getlocvar = function(fs, i) { let idx = fs.ls.dyd.actvar.arr[fs.firstlocal + i].idx; assert(idx < fs.nlocvars); return fs.f.locvars[idx]; }; const adjustlocalvars = function(ls, nvars) { let fs = ls.fs; fs.nactvar = fs.nactvar + nvars; for (; nvars; nvars--) getlocvar(fs, fs.nactvar - nvars).startpc = fs.pc; }; const removevars = function(fs, tolevel) { fs.ls.dyd.actvar.n -= fs.nactvar - tolevel; while (fs.nactvar > tolevel) getlocvar(fs, --fs.nactvar).endpc = fs.pc; }; const searchupvalue = function(fs, name) { let up = fs.f.upvalues; for (let i = 0; i < fs.nups; i++) { if (up[i].name.value.join() === name.value.join()) return i; } return -1; /* not found */ }; const newupvalue = function(fs, name, v) { let f = fs.f; checklimit(fs, fs.nups + 1, lfunc.MAXUPVAL, lua.to_luastring("upvalues")); f.upvalues[fs.nups] = new UpVal(fs.ls.L); f.upvalues[fs.nups].instack = v.k === expkind.VLOCAL; f.upvalues[fs.nups].idx = v.u.info; f.upvalues[fs.nups].name = name; return fs.nups++; }; const searchvar = function(fs, n) { for (let i = fs.nactvar - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (n.value.join() === getlocvar(fs, i).varname.value.join()) return i; } return -1; }; /* ** Mark block where variable at given level was defined ** (to emit close instructions later). */ const markupval = function(fs, level) { let bl = fs.bl; while (bl.nactvar > level) bl = bl.previous; bl.upval = 1; }; /* ** Find variable with given name 'n'. If it is an upvalue, add this ** upvalue into all intermediate functions. */ const singlevaraux = function(fs, n, vr, base) { if (fs === null) /* no more levels? */ init_exp(vr, expkind.VVOID, 0); /* default is global */ else { let v = searchvar(fs, n); /* look up locals at current level */ if (v >= 0) { /* found? */ init_exp(vr, expkind.VLOCAL, v); /* variable is local */ if (!base) markupval(fs, v); /* local will be used as an upval */ } else { /* not found as local at current level; try upvalues */ let idx = searchupvalue(fs, n); /* try existing upvalues */ if (idx < 0) { /* not found? */ singlevaraux(fs.prev, n, vr, 0); /* try upper levels */ if (vr.k === expkind.VVOID) /* not found? */ return; /* it is a global */ /* else was LOCAL or UPVAL */ idx = newupvalue(fs, n, vr); /* will be a new upvalue */ } init_exp(vr, expkind.VUPVAL, idx); /* new or old upvalue */ } } }; const singlevar = function(ls, vr) { let varname = str_checkname(ls); let fs = ls.fs; singlevaraux(fs, varname, vr, 1); if (vr.k === expkind.VVOID) { /* global name? */ let key = new expdesc(); singlevaraux(fs, ls.envn, vr, 1); /* get environment variable */ assert(vr.k !== expkind.VVOID); /* this one must exist */ codestring(ls, key, varname); /* key is variable name */ lcode.luaK_indexed(fs, vr, key); /* env[varname] */ } }; const adjust_assign = function(ls, nvars, nexps, e) { let fs = ls.fs; let extra = nvars - nexps; if (hasmultret(e.k)) { extra++; /* includes call itself */ if (extra < 0) extra = 0; lcode.luaK_setreturns(fs, e, extra); /* last exp. provides the difference */ if (extra > 1) lcode.luaK_reserveregs(fs, extra - 1); } else { if (e.k !== expkind.VVOID) lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, e); /* close last expression */ if (extra > 0) { let reg = fs.freereg; lcode.luaK_reserveregs(fs, extra); lcode.luaK_nil(fs, reg, extra); } } if (nexps > nvars) ls.fs.freereg -= nexps - nvars; /* remove extra values */ }; const enterlevel = function(ls) { let L = ls.L; ++L.nCcalls; checklimit(ls.fs, L.nCcalls, llimit.LUAI_MAXCCALLS, lua.to_luastring("JS levels")); }; const leavelevel = function(ls) { return ls.L.nCcalls--; }; const closegoto = function(ls, g, label) { let fs = ls.fs; let gl = ls.dyd.gt; let gt = gl.arr[g]; assert(gt.name.value.join() === label.name.value.join()); if (gt.nactvar < label.nactvar) { let vname = getlocvar(fs, gt.nactvar).varname; semerror(ls, lua.to_luastring(` at line ${gt.line} jumps into the scope of local '${vname.jsstring()}'`)); } lcode.luaK_patchlist(fs, gt.pc, label.pc); /* remove goto from pending list */ for (let i = g; i < gl.n - 1; i++) gl.arr[i] = gl.arr[i + 1]; gl.n--; }; /* ** try to close a goto with existing labels; this solves backward jumps */ const findlabel = function(ls, g) { let bl = ls.fs.bl; let dyd = ls.dyd; let gt = dyd.gt.arr[g]; /* check labels in current block for a match */ for (let i = bl.firstlabel; i < dyd.label.n; i++) { let lb = dyd.label.arr[i]; if (lb.name.value.join() === gt.name.value.join()) { /* correct label? */ if (gt.nactvar > lb.nactvar && (bl.upval || dyd.label.n > bl.firstlabel)) lcode.luaK_patchclose(ls.fs, gt.pc, lb.nactvar); closegoto(ls, g, lb); /* close it */ return true; } } return false; /* label not found; cannot close goto */ }; const newlabelentry = function(ls, l, name, line, pc) { let n = l.n; l.arr[n] = new Labeldesc(); l.arr[n].name = name; l.arr[n].line = line; l.arr[n].nactvar = ls.fs.nactvar; l.arr[n].pc = pc; l.n = n + 1; return n; }; /* ** check whether new label 'lb' matches any pending gotos in current ** block; solves forward jumps */ const findgotos = function(ls, lb) { let gl = ls.dyd.gt; let i = ls.fs.bl.firstgoto; while (i < gl.n) { if (gl.arr[i].name.value.join() === lb.name.value.join()) closegoto(ls, i, lb); else i++; } }; /* ** export pending gotos to outer level, to check them against ** outer labels; if the block being exited has upvalues, and ** the goto exits the scope of any variable (which can be the ** upvalue), close those variables being exited. */ const movegotosout = function(fs, bl) { let i = bl.firstgoto; let gl = fs.ls.dyd.gt; /* correct pending gotos to current block and try to close it with visible labels */ while (i < gl.n) { let gt = gl.arr[i]; if (gt.nactvar > bl.nactvar) { if (bl.upval) lcode.luaK_patchclose(fs, gt.pc, bl.nactvar); gt.nactvar = bl.nactvar; } if (!findlabel(fs.ls, i)) i++; /* move to next one */ } }; const enterblock = function(fs, bl, isloop) { bl.isloop = isloop; bl.nactvar = fs.nactvar; bl.firstlabel = fs.ls.dyd.label.n; bl.firstgoto = fs.ls.dyd.gt.n; bl.upval = 0; bl.previous = fs.bl; fs.bl = bl; assert(fs.freereg === fs.nactvar); }; /* ** create a label named 'break' to resolve break statements */ const breaklabel = function(ls) { let n = new TValue(lua.CT.LUA_TLNGSTR, lua.to_luastring("break")); let l = newlabelentry(ls, ls.dyd.label, n, 0, ls.fs.pc); findgotos(ls, ls.dyd.label.arr[l]); }; /* ** generates an error for an undefined 'goto'; choose appropriate ** message when label name is a reserved word (which can only be 'break') */ const undefgoto = function(ls, gt) { const msg = llex.isreserved(gt.name.value) ? `<${gt.name.jsstring()}> at line ${gt.line} not inside a loop` : `no visible label '${gt.name.jsstring()}' for at line ${gt.line}`; semerror(ls, lua.to_luastring(msg)); }; /* ** adds a new prototype into list of prototypes */ const addprototype = function(ls) { let clp = new Proto(); let L = ls.L; let fs = ls.fs; let f = fs.f; /* prototype of current function */ f.p[fs.np++] = clp; return clp; }; /* ** codes instruction to create new closure in parent function. */ const codeclosure = function(ls, v) { let fs = ls.fs.prev; init_exp(v, expkind.VRELOCABLE, lcode.luaK_codeABx(fs, OpCodesI.OP_CLOSURE, 0, fs.np -1)); lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, v); /* fix it at the last register */ }; const open_func = function(ls, fs, bl) { fs.prev = ls.fs; /* linked list of funcstates */ fs.ls = ls; ls.fs = fs; fs.pc = 0; fs.lasttarget = 0; fs.jpc = lcode.NO_JUMP; fs.freereg = 0; fs.nk = 0; fs.np = 0; fs.nups = 0; fs.nlocvars = 0; fs.nactvar = 0; fs.firstlocal = ls.dyd.actvar.n; fs.bl = null; let f = new Proto(); f = fs.f; f.source = ls.source; f.maxstacksize = 2; /* registers 0/1 are always valid */ enterblock(fs, bl, false); }; const leaveblock = function(fs) { let bl = fs.bl; let ls = fs.ls; if (bl.previous && bl.upval) { /* create a 'jump to here' to close upvalues */ let j = lcode.luaK_jump(fs); lcode.luaK_patchclose(fs, j , bl.nactvar); lcode.luaK_patchtohere(fs, j); } if (bl.isloop) breaklabel(ls); /* close pending breaks */ fs.bl = bl.previous; removevars(fs, bl.nactvar); assert(bl.nactvar === fs.nactvar); fs.freereg = fs.nactvar; /* free registers */ ls.dyd.label.n = bl.firstlabel; /* remove local labels */ if (bl.previous) /* inner block? */ movegotosout(fs, bl); /* update pending gotos to outer block */ else if (bl.firstgoto < ls.dyd.gt.n) /* pending gotos in outer block? */ undefgoto(ls, ls.dyd.gt.arr[bl.firstgoto]); /* error */ }; const close_func = function(ls) { let L = ls.L; let fs = ls.fs; let f = fs.f; lcode.luaK_ret(fs, 0, 0); /* final return */ leaveblock(fs); ls.fs = fs.prev; }; /*============================================================*/ /* GRAMMAR RULES */ /*============================================================*/ const block_follow = function(ls, withuntil) { switch (ls.t.token) { case R.TK_ELSE: case R.TK_ELSEIF: case R.TK_END: case R.TK_EOS: return true; case R.TK_UNTIL: return withuntil; default: return false; } }; const statlist = function(ls) { /* statlist -> { stat [';'] } */ while (!block_follow(ls, 1)) { if (ls.t.token === R.TK_RETURN) { statement(ls); return; /* 'return' must be last statement */ } statement(ls); } }; const fieldsel = function(ls, v) { /* fieldsel -> ['.' | ':'] NAME */ let fs = ls.fs; let key = new expdesc(); lcode.luaK_exp2anyregup(fs, v); llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip the dot or colon */ checkname(ls, key); lcode.luaK_indexed(fs, v, key); }; const yindex = function(ls, v) { /* index -> '[' expr ']' */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip the '[' */ expr(ls, v); lcode.luaK_exp2val(ls.fs, v); checknext(ls, char[']']); }; /* ** {====================================================================== ** Rules for Constructors ** ======================================================================= */ class ConsControl { constructor() { this.v = new expdesc(); /* last list item read */ this.t = new expdesc(); /* table descriptor */ this.nh = NaN; /* total number of 'record' elements */ this.na = NaN; /* total number of array elements */ this.tostore = NaN; /* number of array elements pending to be stored */ } } const recfield = function(ls, cc) { /* recfield -> (NAME | '['exp1']') = exp1 */ let fs = ls.fs; let reg = ls.fs.freereg; let key = new expdesc(); let val = new expdesc(); if (ls.t.token === R.TK_NAME) { checklimit(fs, cc.nh, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, lua.to_luastring("items in a constructor")); checkname(ls, key); } else /* ls->t.token === '[' */ yindex(ls, key); cc.nh++; checknext(ls, char['=']); let rkkey = lcode.luaK_exp2RK(fs, key); expr(ls, val); lcode.luaK_codeABC(fs, OpCodesI.OP_SETTABLE, cc.t.u.info, rkkey, lcode.luaK_exp2RK(fs, val)); fs.freereg = reg; /* free registers */ }; const closelistfield = function(fs, cc) { if (cc.v.k === expkind.VVOID) return; /* there is no list item */ lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, cc.v); cc.v.k = expkind.VVOID; if (cc.tostore === lopcode.LFIELDS_PER_FLUSH) { lcode.luaK_setlist(fs, cc.t.u.info, cc.na, cc.tostore); /* flush */ cc.tostore = 0; /* no more items pending */ } }; const lastlistfield = function(fs, cc) { if (cc.tostore === 0) return; if (hasmultret(cc.v.k)) { lcode.luaK_setmultret(fs, cc.v); lcode.luaK_setlist(fs, cc.t.u.info, cc.na, lua.LUA_MULTRET); cc.na--; /* do not count last expression (unknown number of elements) */ } else { if (cc.v.k !== expkind.VVOID) lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, cc.v); lcode.luaK_setlist(fs, cc.t.u.info, cc.na, cc.tostore); } }; const listfield = function(ls, cc) { /* listfield -> exp */ expr(ls, cc.v); checklimit(ls.fs, cc.na, Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, lua.to_luastring("items in a constructor")); cc.na++; cc.tostore++; }; const field = function(ls, cc) { /* field -> listfield | recfield */ switch (ls.t.token) { case R.TK_NAME: { /* may be 'listfield' or 'recfield' */ if (llex.luaX_lookahead(ls) !== char['=']) /* expression? */ listfield(ls, cc); else recfield(ls, cc); break; } case char['[']: { recfield(ls, cc); break; } default: { listfield(ls, cc); break; } } }; const constructor = function(ls, t) { /* constructor -> '{' [ field { sep field } [sep] ] '}' sep -> ',' | ';' */ let fs = ls.fs; let line = ls.linenumber; let pc = lcode.luaK_codeABC(fs, OpCodesI.OP_NEWTABLE, 0, 0, 0); let cc = new ConsControl(); cc.na = cc.nh = cc.tostore = 0; cc.t = t; init_exp(t, expkind.VRELOCABLE, pc); init_exp(cc.v, expkind.VVOID, 0); /* no value (yet) */ lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(ls.fs, t); /* fix it at stack top */ checknext(ls, char['{']); do { assert(cc.v.k === expkind.VVOID || cc.tostore > 0); if (ls.t.token === char['}']) break; closelistfield(fs, cc); field(ls, cc); } while (testnext(ls, char[',']) || testnext(ls, char[';'])); check_match(ls, char['}'], char['{'], line); lastlistfield(fs, cc); lopcode.SETARG_B(fs.f.code[pc], lobject.luaO_int2fb(cc.na)); /* set initial array size */ lopcode.SETARG_C(fs.f.code[pc], lobject.luaO_int2fb(cc.nh)); /* set initial table size */ }; /* }====================================================================== */ const parlist = function(ls) { /* parlist -> [ param { ',' param } ] */ let fs = ls.fs; let f = fs.f; let nparams = 0; f.is_vararg = 0; if (ls.t.token !== char[')']) { /* is 'parlist' not empty? */ do { switch (ls.t.token) { case R.TK_NAME: { /* param -> NAME */ new_localvar(ls, str_checkname(ls)); nparams++; break; } case R.TK_DOTS: { /* param -> '...' */ llex.luaX_next(ls); f.is_vararg = 1; /* declared vararg */ break; } default: llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, lua.to_luastring(" or '...' expected")); } } while(!f.is_vararg && testnext(ls, char[','])); } adjustlocalvars(ls, nparams); f.numparams = fs.nactvar; lcode.luaK_reserveregs(fs, fs.nactvar); /* reserve register for parameters */ }; const body = function(ls, e, ismethod, line) { /* body -> '(' parlist ')' block END */ let new_fs = new FuncState(); let bl = new BlockCnt(); new_fs.f = addprototype(ls); new_fs.f.linedefined = line; open_func(ls, new_fs, bl); checknext(ls, char['(']); if (ismethod) { new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("self")); /* create 'self' parameter */ adjustlocalvars(ls, 1); } parlist(ls); checknext(ls, char[')']); statlist(ls); new_fs.f.lastlinedefined = ls.linenumber; check_match(ls, R.TK_END, R.TK_FUNCTION, line); codeclosure(ls, e); close_func(ls); }; const explist = function(ls, v) { /* explist -> expr { ',' expr } */ let n = 1; /* at least one expression */ expr(ls, v); while (testnext(ls, char[','])) { lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(ls.fs, v); expr(ls, v); n++; } return n; }; const funcargs = function(ls, f, line) { let fs = ls.fs; let args = new expdesc(); switch (ls.t.token) { case char['(']: { /* funcargs -> '(' [ explist ] ')' */ llex.luaX_next(ls); if (ls.t.token === char[')']) /* arg list is empty? */ args.k = expkind.VVOID; else { explist(ls, args); lcode.luaK_setmultret(fs, args); } check_match(ls, char[')'], char['('], line); break; } case char['{']: { /* funcargs -> constructor */ constructor(ls, args); break; } case R.TK_STRING: { /* funcargs -> STRING */ codestring(ls, args, ls.t.seminfo.ts); llex.luaX_next(ls); /* must use 'seminfo' before 'next' */ break; } default: { llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, lua.to_luastring("function arguments expected")); } } assert(f.k === expkind.VNONRELOC); let nparams; let base = f.u.info; /* base register for call */ if (hasmultret(args.k)) nparams = lua.LUA_MULTRET; /* open call */ else { if (args.k !== expkind.VVOID) lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, args); /* close last argument */ nparams = fs.freereg - (base+1); } init_exp(f, expkind.VCALL, lcode.luaK_codeABC(fs, OpCodesI.OP_CALL, base, nparams+1, 2)); lcode.luaK_fixline(fs, line); fs.freereg = base + 1; /* call remove function and arguments and leaves (unless changed) one result */ }; /* ** {====================================================================== ** Expression parsing ** ======================================================================= */ const primaryexp = function(ls, v) { /* primaryexp -> NAME | '(' expr ')' */ switch (ls.t.token) { case char['(']: { let line = ls.linenumber; llex.luaX_next(ls); expr(ls, v); check_match(ls, char[')'], char['('], line); lcode.luaK_dischargevars(ls.fs, v); return; } case R.TK_NAME: { singlevar(ls, v); return; } default: { llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, lua.to_luastring("unexpected symbol")); } } }; const suffixedexp = function(ls, v) { /* suffixedexp -> primaryexp { '.' NAME | '[' exp ']' | ':' NAME funcargs | funcargs } */ let fs = ls.fs; let line = ls.linenumber; primaryexp(ls, v); for (;;) { switch (ls.t.token) { case char['.']: { /* fieldsel */ fieldsel(ls, v); break; } case char['[']: { /* '[' exp1 ']' */ let key = new expdesc(); lcode.luaK_exp2anyregup(fs, v); yindex(ls, key); lcode.luaK_indexed(fs, v, key); break; } case char[':']: { /* ':' NAME funcargs */ let key = new expdesc(); llex.luaX_next(ls); checkname(ls, key); lcode.luaK_self(fs, v, key); funcargs(ls, v, line); break; } case char['(']: case R.TK_STRING: case char['{']: { /* funcargs */ lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, v); funcargs(ls, v, line); break; } default: return; } } }; const simpleexp = function(ls, v) { /* simpleexp -> FLT | INT | STRING | NIL | TRUE | FALSE | ... | constructor | FUNCTION body | suffixedexp */ switch (ls.t.token) { case R.TK_FLT: { init_exp(v, expkind.VKFLT, 0); v.u.nval = ls.t.seminfo.r; break; } case R.TK_INT: { init_exp(v, expkind.VKINT, 0); v.u.ival = ls.t.seminfo.i; break; } case R.TK_STRING: { codestring(ls, v, ls.t.seminfo.ts); break; } case R.TK_NIL: { init_exp(v, expkind.VNIL, 0); break; } case R.TK_TRUE: { init_exp(v, expkind.VTRUE, 0); break; } case R.TK_FALSE: { init_exp(v, expkind.VFALSE, 0); break; } case R.TK_DOTS: { /* vararg */ let fs = ls.fs; check_condition(ls, fs.f.is_vararg, lua.to_luastring("cannot use '...' outside a vararg function")); init_exp(v, expkind.VVARARG, lcode.luaK_codeABC(fs, OpCodesI.OP_VARARG, 0, 1, 0)); break; } case char['{']: { /* constructor */ constructor(ls, v); return; } case R.TK_FUNCTION: { llex.luaX_next(ls); body(ls, v, 0, ls.linenumber); return; } default: { suffixedexp(ls, v); return; } } llex.luaX_next(ls); }; const getunopr = function(op) { switch (op) { case R.TK_NOT: return UnOpr.OPR_NOT; case char['-']: return UnOpr.OPR_MINUS; case char['~']: return UnOpr.OPR_BNOT; case char['#']: return UnOpr.OPR_LEN; default: return UnOpr.OPR_NOUNOPR; } }; const getbinopr = function(op) { switch (op) { case char['+']: return BinOpr.OPR_ADD; case char['-']: return BinOpr.OPR_SUB; case char['*']: return BinOpr.OPR_MUL; case char['%']: return BinOpr.OPR_MOD; case char['^']: return BinOpr.OPR_POW; case char['/']: return BinOpr.OPR_DIV; case R.TK_IDIV: return BinOpr.OPR_IDIV; case char['&']: return BinOpr.OPR_BAND; case char['|']: return BinOpr.OPR_BOR; case char['~']: return BinOpr.OPR_BXOR; case R.TK_SHL: return BinOpr.OPR_SHL; case R.TK_SHR: return BinOpr.OPR_SHR; case R.TK_CONCAT: return BinOpr.OPR_CONCAT; case R.TK_NE: return BinOpr.OPR_NE; case R.TK_EQ: return BinOpr.OPR_EQ; case char['<']: return BinOpr.OPR_LT; case R.TK_LE: return BinOpr.OPR_LE; case char['>']: return BinOpr.OPR_GT; case R.TK_GE: return BinOpr.OPR_GE; case R.TK_AND: return BinOpr.OPR_AND; case R.TK_OR: return BinOpr.OPR_OR; default: return BinOpr.OPR_NOBINOPR; } }; const priority = [ /* ORDER OPR */ {left: 10, right: 10}, {left: 10, right: 10}, /* '+' '-' */ {left: 11, right: 11}, {left: 11, right: 11}, /* '*' '%' */ {left: 14, right: 13}, /* '^' (right associative) */ {left: 11, right: 11}, {left: 11, right: 11}, /* '/' '//' */ {left: 6, right: 6}, {left: 4, right: 4}, {left: 5, right: 5}, /* '&' '|' '~' */ {left: 7, right: 7}, {left: 7, right: 7}, /* '<<' '>>' */ {left: 9, right: 8}, /* '..' (right associative) */ {left: 3, right: 3}, {left: 3, right: 3}, {left: 3, right: 3}, /* ==, <, <= */ {left: 3, right: 3}, {left: 3, right: 3}, {left: 3, right: 3}, /* ~=, >, >= */ {left: 2, right: 2}, {left: 1, right: 1} /* and, or */ ]; const UNARY_PRIORITY = 12; /* ** subexpr -> (simpleexp | unop subexpr) { binop subexpr } ** where 'binop' is any binary operator with a priority higher than 'limit' */ const subexpr = function(ls, v, limit) { enterlevel(ls); let uop = getunopr(ls.t.token); if (uop !== UnOpr.OPR_NOUNOPR) { let line = ls.linenumber; llex.luaX_next(ls); subexpr(ls, v, UNARY_PRIORITY); lcode.luaK_prefix(ls.fs, uop, v, line); } else simpleexp(ls, v); /* expand while operators have priorities higher than 'limit' */ let op = getbinopr(ls.t.token); while (op !== BinOpr.OPR_NOBINOPR && priority[op].left > limit) { let v2 = new expdesc(); let line = ls.linenumber; llex.luaX_next(ls); lcode.luaK_infix(ls.fs, op, v); /* read sub-expression with higher priority */ let nextop = subexpr(ls, v2, priority[op].right); lcode.luaK_posfix(ls.fs, op, v, v2, line); op = nextop; } leavelevel(ls); return op; /* return first untreated operator */ }; const expr = function(ls, v) { subexpr(ls, v, 0); }; /* }==================================================================== */ /* ** {====================================================================== ** Rules for Statements ** ======================================================================= */ const block = function(ls) { /* block -> statlist */ let fs = ls.fs; let bl = new BlockCnt(); enterblock(fs, bl, 0); statlist(ls); leaveblock(fs); }; /* ** structure to chain all variables in the left-hand side of an ** assignment */ class LHS_assign { constructor() { this.prev = null; this.v = new expdesc(); /* variable (global, local, upvalue, or indexed) */ } } /* ** check whether, in an assignment to an upvalue/local variable, the ** upvalue/local variable is begin used in a previous assignment to a ** table. If so, save original upvalue/local value in a safe place and ** use this safe copy in the previous assignment. */ const check_conflict = function(ls, lh, v) { let fs = ls.fs; let extra = fs.freereg; /* eventual position to save local variable */ let conflict = false; for (; lh; lh = lh.prev) { /* check all previous assignments */ if (lh.v.k === expkind.VINDEXED) { /* assigning to a table? */ /* table is the upvalue/local being assigned now? */ if (lh.v.u.ind.vt === v.k && lh.v.u.ind.t === v.u.info) { conflict = true; lh.v.u.ind.vt = expkind.VLOCAL; lh.v.u.ind.t = extra; /* previous assignment will use safe copy */ } /* index is the local being assigned? (index cannot be upvalue) */ if (v.k === expkind.VLOCAL && lh.v.u.ind.idx === v.u.info) { conflict = true; lh.v.u.ind.idx = extra; /* previous assignment will use safe copy */ } } } if (conflict) { /* copy upvalue/local value to a temporary (in position 'extra') */ let op = v.k === expkind.VLOCAL ? OpCodesI.OP_MOVE : OpCodesI.OP_GETUPVAL; lcode.luaK_codeABC(fs, op, extra, v.u.info, 0); lcode.luaK_reserveregs(fs, 1); } }; const assignment = function(ls, lh, nvars) { let e = new expdesc(); check_condition(ls, vkisvar(lh.v.k), lua.to_luastring("syntax error")); if (testnext(ls, char[','])) { /* assignment -> ',' suffixedexp assignment */ let nv = new LHS_assign(); nv.prev = lh; suffixedexp(ls, nv.v); if (nv.v.k !== expkind.VINDEXED) check_conflict(ls, lh, nv.v); checklimit(ls.fs, nvars + ls.L.nCcalls, llimit.LUAI_MAXCCALLS, lua.to_luastring("JS levels")); assignment(ls, nv, nvars + 1); } else { /* assignment -> '=' explist */ checknext(ls, char['=']); let nexps = explist(ls, e); if (nexps !== nvars) adjust_assign(ls, nvars, nexps, e); else { lcode.luaK_setoneret(ls.fs, e); /* close last expression */ lcode.luaK_storevar(ls.fs, lh.v, e); return; /* avoid default */ } } init_exp(e, expkind.VNONRELOC, ls.fs.freereg-1); /* default assignment */ lcode.luaK_storevar(ls.fs, lh.v, e); }; const cond = function(ls) { /* cond -> exp */ let v = expdesc(); expr(ls, v); /* read condition */ if (v.k === expkind.VNIL) v.k = expkind.VFALSE; /* 'falses' are all equal here */ lcode.luaK_goiftrue(ls.fs, v); return v; }; const gotostat = function(ls, pc) { let line = ls.linenumber; let label; if (testnext(ls, R.TK_GOTO)) label = str_checkname(ls); else { llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip break */ label = new TValue(lua.CT.LUA_TLNGSTR, lua.to_luastring("break")); } let g = newlabelentry(ls, ls.dyd.gt, label, line, pc); findlabel(ls, g); /* close it if label already defined */ }; /* check for repeated labels on the same block */ const checkrepeated = function(fs, ll, label) { for (let i = fs.bl.firstlabel; i < ll.n; i++) { if (label.value.join() === ll.arr[i].name.value.join()) { semerror(fs.ls, lua.to_luastring(`label '${label.jsstring()}' already defined on line ${ll.arr[i].line}`)); } } }; /* skip no-op statements */ const skipnoopstat = function(ls) { while (ls.t.token === char[';'] || ls.t.token === R.TK_DBCOLON) statement(ls); }; const labelstat = function(ls, label, line) { /* label -> '::' NAME '::' */ let fs = ls.fs; let ll = ls.dyd.label; let l; /* index of new label being created */ checkrepeated(fs, ll, label); /* check for repeated labels */ checknext(ls, R.TK_DBCOLON); /* skip double colon */ /* create new entry for this label */ l = newlabelentry(ls, ll, label, line, lcode.luaK_getlabel(fs)); skipnoopstat(ls); /* skip other no-op statements */ if (block_follow(ls, 0)) { /* label is last no-op statement in the block? */ /* assume that locals are already out of scope */ ll.arr[l].nactvar = fs.bl.nactvar; } findgotos(ls, ll.arr[l]); }; const whilestat = function(ls, line) { /* whilestat -> WHILE cond DO block END */ let fs = ls.fs; let bl = new BlockCnt(); llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip WHILE */ let whileinit = lcode.luaK_getlabel(fs); let condexit = cond(ls); enterblock(fs, bl, 1); checknext(ls, R.TK_DO); block(ls); lcode.luaK_jumpto(fs, whileinit); check_match(ls, R.TK_END, R.TK_WHILE, line); leaveblock(fs); lcode.luaK_patchtohere(fs, condexit); /* false conditions finish the loop */ }; const repeatstat = function(ls, line) { /* repeatstat -> REPEAT block UNTIL cond */ let fs = ls.fs; let repeat_init = lcode.luaK_getlabel(fs); let bl1 = new BlockCnt(); let bl2 = new BlockCnt(); enterblock(fs, bl1, 1); /* loop block */ enterblock(fs, bl2, 0); /* scope block */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip REPEAT */ statlist(ls); check_match(ls, R.TK_UNTIL, R.TK_REPEAT, line); let condexit = cond(ls); /* read condition (inside scope block) */ if (bl2.upval) /* upvalues? */ lcode.luaK_patchclose(fs, condexit, bl2.nactvar); leaveblock(fs); /* finish scope */ lcode.luaK_patchlist(fs, condexit, repeat_init); /* close the loop */ leaveblock(fs); /* finish loop */ }; const exp1 = function(ls) { let e = new expdesc(); expr(ls, e); lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(ls.fs, e); assert(e.k === expkind.VNONRELOC); let reg = e.u.info; return reg; }; const forbody = function(ls, base, line, nvars, isnum) { /* forbody -> DO block */ let bl = new BlockCnt(); let fs = ls.fs; let endfor; adjustlocalvars(ls, 3); /* control variables */ checknext(ls, R.TK_DO); let prep = isnum ? lcode.luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OpCodesI.OP_FORPREP, base, lcode.NO_JUMP) : lcode.luaK_jump(fs); enterblock(fs, bl, 0); /* scope for declared variables */ adjustlocalvars(ls, nvars); lcode.luaK_reserveregs(fs, nvars); block(ls); leaveblock(fs); /* end of scope for declared variables */ lcode.luaK_patchtohere(fs, prep); if (isnum) /* end of scope for declared variables */ endfor = lcode.luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OpCodesI.OP_FORLOOP, base, lcode.NO_JUMP); else { /* generic for */ lcode.luaK_codeABC(fs, OpCodesI.OP_TFORCALL, base, 0, nvars); lcode.luaK_fixline(fs, line); endfor = lcode.luaK_codeAsBx(fs, OpCodesI.OP_TFORLOOP, base + 2, lcode.NO_JUMP); } lcode.luaK_patchlist(fs, endfor, prep + 1); lcode.luaK_fixline(fs, line); }; const fornum = function(ls, varname, line) { /* fornum -> NAME = exp1,exp1[,exp1] forbody */ let fs = ls.fs; let base = fs.freereg; new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("(for index)")); new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("(for limit)")); new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("(for step)")); new_localvar(ls, varname); checknext(ls, char['=']); exp1(ls); /* initial value */ checknext(ls, char[',']); exp1(ls); /* limit */ if (testnext(ls, char[','])) exp1(ls); /* optional step */ else { /* default step = 1 */ lcode.luaK_codek(fs, fs.freereg, lcode.luaK_intK(fs, 1)); lcode.luaK_reserveregs(fs, 1); } forbody(ls, base, line, 1, 1); }; const forlist = function(ls, indexname) { /* forlist -> NAME {,NAME} IN explist forbody */ let fs = ls.fs; let e = new expdesc(); let nvars = 4; /* gen, state, control, plus at least one declared var */ let base = fs.freereg; /* create control variables */ new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("(for generator)")); new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("(for state)")); new_localvarliteral(ls, lua.to_luastring("(for control)")); /* create declared variables */ new_localvar(ls, indexname); while (testnext(ls, char[','])) { new_localvar(ls, str_checkname(ls)); nvars++; } checknext(ls, R.TK_IN); let line = ls.linenumber; adjust_assign(ls, 3, explist(ls, e), e); lcode.luaK_checkstack(fs, 3); /* extra space to call generator */ forbody(ls, base, line, nvars - 3, 0); }; const forstat = function(ls, line) { /* forstat -> FOR (fornum | forlist) END */ let fs = ls.fs; let bl = new BlockCnt(); enterblock(fs, bl, 1); /* scope for loop and control variables */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip 'for' */ let varname = str_checkname(ls); /* first variable name */ switch (ls.t.token) { case char['=']: fornum(ls, varname, line); break; case char[',']: case R.TK_IN: forlist(ls, varname); break; default: llex.luaX_syntaxerror(ls, lua.to_luastring("'=' or 'in' expected")); } check_match(ls, R.TK_END, R.TK_FOR, line); leaveblock(fs); /* loop scope ('break' jumps to this point) */ }; const test_then_block = function(ls, escapelist) { /* test_then_block -> [IF | ELSEIF] cond THEN block */ let bl = new BlockCnt(); let fs = ls.fs; let v = new expdesc(); let jf; /* instruction to skip 'then' code (if condition is false) */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip IF or ELSEIF */ expr(ls, v); /* read condition */ checknext(ls, R.TK_THEN); if (ls.t.token === R.TK_GOTO || ls.t.token === R.TK_BREAK) { lcode.luaK_goiffalse(ls.fs, v); /* will jump to label if condition is true */ enterblock(fs, bl, false); /* must enter block before 'goto' */ gotostat(ls, v.t); /* handle goto/break */ skipnoopstat(ls); /* skip other no-op statements */ if (block_follow(ls, 0)) { /* 'goto' is the entire block? */ leaveblock(fs); return; /* and that is it */ } else /* must skip over 'then' part if condition is false */ jf = lcode.luaK_jump(fs); } else { /* regular case (not goto/break) */ lcode.luaK_goiftrue(ls.fs, v); /* skip over block if condition is false */ enterblock(fs, bl, false); jf = v.f; } statlist(ls); /* 'then' part */ leaveblock(fs); if (ls.t.token === R.TK_ELSE || ls.t.token === R.TK_ELSEIF) /* followed by 'else'/'elseif'? */ escapelist = lcode.luaK_concat(fs, escapelist, lcode.luaK_jump(fs)); /* must jump over it */ lcode.luaK_patchtohere(fs, jf); }; const ifstat = function(ls, line) { /* ifstat -> IF cond THEN block {ELSEIF cond THEN block} [ELSE block] END */ let fs = ls.fs; let escapelist = lcode.NO_JUMP; /* exit list for finished parts */ test_then_block(ls, escapelist); /* IF cond THEN block */ while (ls.t.token === R.TK_ELSEIF) test_then_block(ls, escapelist); /* ELSEIF cond THEN block */ if (testnext(ls, R.TK_ELSE)) block(ls); /* 'else' part */ check_match(ls, R.TK_END, R.TK_IF, line); lcode.luaK_patchtohere(fs, escapelist); /* patch escape list to 'if' end */ }; const localfunc = function(ls) { let b = new expdesc(); let fs = ls.fs; new_localvar(ls, str_checkname(ls)); /* new local variable */ adjustlocalvars(ls, 1); /* enter its scope */ body(ls, b, 0, ls.linenumber); /* function created in next register */ /* debug information will only see the variable after this point! */ getlocvar(fs, b.u.info).startpc = fs.pc; }; const localstat = function(ls) { /* stat -> LOCAL NAME {',' NAME} ['=' explist] */ let nvars = 0; let nexps; let e = new expdesc(); do { new_localvar(ls, str_checkname(ls)); nvars++; } while (testnext(ls, char[','])); if (testnext(ls, char['='])) nexps = explist(ls, e); else { e.k = expkind.VVOID; nexps = 0; } adjust_assign(ls, nvars, nexps, e); adjustlocalvars(ls, nvars); }; const funcname = function(ls, v) { /* funcname -> NAME {fieldsel} [':' NAME] */ let ismethod = 0; singlevar(ls, v); while (ls.t.token === char['.']) fieldsel(ls, v); if (ls.t.token === char[':']) { ismethod = 1; fieldsel(ls, v); } return ismethod; }; const funcstat = function(ls, line) { /* funcstat -> FUNCTION funcname body */ let v = new expdesc(); let b = new expdesc(); llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip FUNCTION */ let ismethod = funcname(ls, v); body(ls, b, ismethod, line); lcode.luaK_storevar(ls.fs, v, b); lcode.luaK_fixline(ls.fs, line); /* definition "happens" in the first line */ }; const exprstat= function(ls) { /* stat -> func | assignment */ let fs = ls.fs; let v = new LHS_assign(); suffixedexp(ls, v.v); if (ls.t.token === char['='] || ls.t.token === char[',']) { /* stat . assignment ? */ v.prev = null; assignment(ls, v, 1); } else { /* stat -> func */ check_condition(ls, v.v.k === expkind.VCALL, lua.to_luastring("syntax error")); lopcode.SETARG_C(lcode.getinstruction(fs, v.v), 1); /* call statement uses no results */ } }; const retstat = function(ls) { /* stat -> RETURN [explist] [';'] */ let fs = ls.fs; let e = new expdesc(); let first, nret; /* registers with returned values */ if (block_follow(ls, 1) || ls.t.token === char[';']) first = nret = 0; /* return no values */ else { nret = explist(ls, e); /* optional return values */ if (hasmultret(e.k)) { lcode.luaK_setmultret(fs, e); if (e.k === expkind.VCALL && nret === 1) { /* tail call? */ lopcode.SET_OPCODE(lcode.getinstruction(fs, e), OpCodesI.OP_TAILCALL); assert(lcode.getinstruction(fs, e).A === fs.nactvar); } first = fs.nactvar; nret = lua.LUA_MULTRET; /* return all values */ } else { if (nret === 1) /* only one single value? */ first = lcode.luaK_exp2anyreg(fs, e); else { lcode.luaK_exp2nextreg(fs, e); /* values must go to the stack */ first = fs.nactvar; /* return all active values */ assert(nret === fs.freereg - first); } } } lcode.luaK_ret(fs, first, nret); testnext(ls, char[';']); /* skip optional semicolon */ }; const statement = function(ls) { let line = ls.linenumber; /* may be needed for error messages */ enterlevel(ls); switch(ls.t.token) { case char[';']: { /* stat -> ';' (empty statement) */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip ';' */ break; } case R.TK_IF: { /* stat -> ifstat */ ifstat(ls, line); break; } case R.TK_WHILE: { /* stat -> whilestat */ whilestat(ls, line); break; } case R.TK_DO: { /* stat -> DO block END */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip DO */ block(ls); check_match(ls, R.TK_END, R.TK_DO, line); break; } case R.TK_FOR: { /* stat -> forstat */ forstat(ls, line); break; } case R.TK_REPEAT: { /* stat -> repeatstat */ repeatstat(ls, line); break; } case R.TK_FUNCTION: { /* stat -> funcstat */ funcstat(ls, line); break; } case R.TK_LOCAL: { /* stat -> localstat */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip LOCAL */ if (testnext(ls, R.TK_FUNCTION)) /* local function? */ localfunc(ls); else localstat(ls); break; } case R.TK_DBCOLON: { /* stat -> label */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip double colon */ labelstat(ls, str_checkname(ls), line); break; } case R.TK_RETURN: { /* skip double colon */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* skip RETURN */ retstat(ls); break; } case R.TK_BREAK: /* stat -> breakstat */ case R.TK_GOTO: { /* stat -> 'goto' NAME */ gotostat(ls, lcode.luaK_jump(ls.fs)); break; } default: { /* stat -> func | assignment */ exprstat(ls); break; } } assert(ls.fs.f.maxstacksize >= ls.fs.freereg && ls.fs.freereg >= ls.fs.nactvar); ls.fs.freereg = ls.fs.nactvar; /* free registers */ leavelevel(ls); }; /* ** compiles the main function, which is a regular vararg function with an ** upvalue named LUA_ENV */ const mainfunc = function(ls, fs) { let bl = new BlockCnt(); let v = new expdesc(); open_func(ls, fs, bl); fs.f.is_vararg = true; /* main function is always declared vararg */ init_exp(v, expkind.VLOCAL, 0); /* create and... */ newupvalue(fs, ls.envn, v); /* ...set environment upvalue */ llex.luaX_next(ls); /* read first token */ statlist(ls); /* parse main body */ check(ls, R.TK_EOS); close_func(ls); }; const luaY_parser = function(L, z, buff, dyd, name, firstchar) { let lexstate = new llex.LexState(); let funcstate = new FuncState(); let cl = lfunc.luaF_newLclosure(L, 1); /* create main closure */ L.stack[L.top++] = cl; lexstate.h = new Table(); /* create table for scanner */ L.stack[L.top++] = lexstate.h; funcstate.f = cl.p = new Proto(L); funcstate.f.source = new TValue(lua.CT.LUA_TLNGSTR, name); lexstate.buff = buff; lexstate.dyd = dyd; dyd.actvar.n = dyd.gt.n = dyd.label.n = 0; llex.luaX_setinput(L, lexstate, z, funcstate.f.source, firstchar); mainfunc(lexstate, funcstate); assert(!funcstate.prev && funcstate.nups === 1 && !lexstate.fs); /* all scopes should be correctly finished */ assert(dyd.actvar.n === 0 && dyd.gt.n === 0 && dyd.label.n === 0); L.top--; /* remove scanner's table */ return cl; /* closure is on the stack, too */ }; module.exports.Dyndata = Dyndata; module.exports.expkind = expkind; module.exports.expdesc = expdesc; module.exports.luaY_parser = luaY_parser; module.exports.vkisinreg = vkisinreg;