"use strict"; const { constant_types: { LUA_TLNGSTR }, thread_status: { LUA_ERRSYNTAX }, to_luastring } = require('./defs.js'); const { lua_assert } = require('./llimits.js'); const ldebug = require('./ldebug.js'); const ldo = require('./ldo.js'); const ljstype = require('./ljstype.js'); const lobject = require('./lobject.js'); const { luaS_bless, luaS_hash, luaS_hashlongstr, luaS_new } = require('./lstring.js'); const ltable = require('./ltable.js'); const llimits = require('./llimits.js'); const { EOZ, luaZ_buffer, luaZ_buffremove, luaZ_resetbuffer, luaZ_resizebuffer } = require('./lzio.js'); const FIRST_RESERVED = 257; const LUA_ENV = to_luastring("_ENV", true); const RESERVED = { /* terminal symbols denoted by reserved words */ TK_AND: FIRST_RESERVED, TK_BREAK: FIRST_RESERVED + 1, TK_DO: FIRST_RESERVED + 2, TK_ELSE: FIRST_RESERVED + 3, TK_ELSEIF: FIRST_RESERVED + 4, TK_END: FIRST_RESERVED + 5, TK_FALSE: FIRST_RESERVED + 6, TK_FOR: FIRST_RESERVED + 7, TK_FUNCTION: FIRST_RESERVED + 8, TK_GOTO: FIRST_RESERVED + 9, TK_IF: FIRST_RESERVED + 10, TK_IN: FIRST_RESERVED + 11, TK_LOCAL: FIRST_RESERVED + 12, TK_NIL: FIRST_RESERVED + 13, TK_NOT: FIRST_RESERVED + 14, TK_OR: FIRST_RESERVED + 15, TK_REPEAT: FIRST_RESERVED + 16, TK_RETURN: FIRST_RESERVED + 17, TK_THEN: FIRST_RESERVED + 18, TK_TRUE: FIRST_RESERVED + 19, TK_UNTIL: FIRST_RESERVED + 20, TK_WHILE: FIRST_RESERVED + 21, /* other terminal symbols */ TK_IDIV: FIRST_RESERVED + 22, TK_CONCAT: FIRST_RESERVED + 23, TK_DOTS: FIRST_RESERVED + 24, TK_EQ: FIRST_RESERVED + 25, TK_GE: FIRST_RESERVED + 26, TK_LE: FIRST_RESERVED + 27, TK_NE: FIRST_RESERVED + 28, TK_SHL: FIRST_RESERVED + 29, TK_SHR: FIRST_RESERVED + 30, TK_DBCOLON: FIRST_RESERVED + 31, TK_EOS: FIRST_RESERVED + 32, TK_FLT: FIRST_RESERVED + 33, TK_INT: FIRST_RESERVED + 34, TK_NAME: FIRST_RESERVED + 35, TK_STRING: FIRST_RESERVED + 36 }; const R = RESERVED; const luaX_tokens = [ "and", "break", "do", "else", "elseif", "end", "false", "for", "function", "goto", "if", "in", "local", "nil", "not", "or", "repeat", "return", "then", "true", "until", "while", "//", "..", "...", "==", ">=", "<=", "~=", "<<", ">>", "::", "", "", "", "", "" ]; class SemInfo { constructor() { this.r = NaN; this.i = NaN; this.ts = null; } } class Token { constructor() { this.token = NaN; this.seminfo = new SemInfo(); } } /* state of the lexer plus state of the parser when shared by all functions */ class LexState { constructor() { this.current = NaN; /* current character (charint) */ this.linenumber = NaN; /* input line counter */ this.lastline = NaN; /* line of last token 'consumed' */ this.t = new Token(); /* current token */ this.lookahead = new Token(); /* look ahead token */ this.fs = null; /* current function (parser) */ this.L = null; this.z = null; /* input stream */ this.buff = null; /* buffer for tokens */ this.h = null; /* to reuse strings */ this.dyd = null; /* dynamic structures used by the parser */ this.source = null; /* current source name */ this.envn = null; /* environment variable name */ } } const save = function(ls, c) { let b = ls.buff; if (b.n + 1 > b.buffer.length) { if (b.buffer.length >= llimits.MAX_INT/2) lexerror(ls, to_luastring("lexical element too long", true), 0); let newsize = b.buffer.length*2; luaZ_resizebuffer(ls.L, b, newsize); } b.buffer[b.n++] = c < 0 ? 255 + c + 1 : c; }; const luaX_token2str = function(ls, token) { if (token < FIRST_RESERVED) { /* single-byte symbols? */ return lobject.luaO_pushfstring(ls.L, to_luastring("'%c'", true), token); } else { let s = luaX_tokens[token - FIRST_RESERVED]; if (token < R.TK_EOS) /* fixed format (symbols and reserved words)? */ return lobject.luaO_pushfstring(ls.L, to_luastring("'%s'", true), to_luastring(s)); else /* names, strings, and numerals */ return to_luastring(s); } }; const currIsNewline = function(ls) { return ls.current === 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */ || ls.current === 13 /* ('\r').charCodeAt(0) */; }; const next = function(ls) { ls.current = ls.z.zgetc(); }; const save_and_next = function(ls) { save(ls, ls.current); next(ls); }; /* ** creates a new string and anchors it in scanner's table so that ** it will not be collected until the end of the compilation ** (by that time it should be anchored somewhere) */ const luaX_newstring = function(ls, str) { let L = ls.L; let ts = luaS_new(L, str); let o = ltable.luaH_set(L, ls.h, new lobject.TValue(LUA_TLNGSTR, ts)); if (o.ttisnil()) { /* not in use yet? */ o.setbvalue(true); } else { /* string already present */ /* HACK: Workaround lack of ltable 'keyfromval' */ let tpair = ls.h.strong.get(luaS_hashlongstr(ts)); lua_assert(tpair.value == o); /* fengari addition */ ts = tpair.key.tsvalue(); /* re-use value previously stored */ } return ts; }; /* ** increment line number and skips newline sequence (any of ** \n, \r, \n\r, or \r\n) */ const inclinenumber = function(ls) { let old = ls.current; lua_assert(currIsNewline(ls)); next(ls); /* skip '\n' or '\r' */ if (currIsNewline(ls) && ls.current !== old) next(ls); /* skip '\n\r' or '\r\n' */ if (++ls.linenumber >= llimits.MAX_INT) lexerror(ls, to_luastring("chunk has too many lines", true), 0); }; const luaX_setinput = function(L, ls, z, source, firstchar) { ls.t = { token: 0, seminfo: new SemInfo() }; ls.L = L; ls.current = firstchar; ls.lookahead = { token: R.TK_EOS, seminfo: new SemInfo() }; ls.z = z; ls.fs = null; ls.linenumber = 1; ls.lastline = 1; ls.source = source; ls.envn = luaS_bless(L, LUA_ENV); luaZ_resizebuffer(L, ls.buff, llimits.LUA_MINBUFFER); /* initialize buffer */ }; const check_next1 = function(ls, c) { if (ls.current === c) { next(ls); return true; } return false; }; /* ** Check whether current char is in set 'set' (with two chars) and ** saves it */ const check_next2 = function(ls, set) { if (ls.current === set[0].charCodeAt(0) || ls.current === set[1].charCodeAt(0)) { save_and_next(ls); return true; } return false; }; const read_numeral = function(ls, seminfo) { let expo = "Ee"; let first = ls.current; lua_assert(ljstype.lisdigit(ls.current)); save_and_next(ls); if (first === 48 /* ('0').charCodeAt(0) */ && check_next2(ls, "xX")) /* hexadecimal? */ expo = "Pp"; for (;;) { if (check_next2(ls, expo)) /* exponent part? */ check_next2(ls, "-+"); /* optional exponent sign */ if (ljstype.lisxdigit(ls.current)) save_and_next(ls); else if (ls.current === 46 /* ('.').charCodeAt(0) */) save_and_next(ls); else break; } // save(ls, 0); let obj = new lobject.TValue(); if (lobject.luaO_str2num(luaZ_buffer(ls.buff), obj) === 0) /* format error? */ lexerror(ls, to_luastring("malformed number", true), R.TK_FLT); if (obj.ttisinteger()) { seminfo.i = obj.value; return R.TK_INT; } else { lua_assert(obj.ttisfloat()); seminfo.r = obj.value; return R.TK_FLT; } }; const txtToken = function(ls, token) { switch (token) { case R.TK_NAME: case R.TK_STRING: case R.TK_FLT: case R.TK_INT: // save(ls, 0); return lobject.luaO_pushfstring(ls.L, to_luastring("'%s'", true), luaZ_buffer(ls.buff)); default: return luaX_token2str(ls, token); } }; const lexerror = function(ls, msg, token) { msg = ldebug.luaG_addinfo(ls.L, msg, ls.source, ls.linenumber); if (token) lobject.luaO_pushfstring(ls.L, to_luastring("%s near %s"), msg, txtToken(ls, token)); ldo.luaD_throw(ls.L, LUA_ERRSYNTAX); }; const luaX_syntaxerror = function(ls, msg) { lexerror(ls, msg, ls.t.token); }; /* ** skip a sequence '[=*[' or ']=*]'; if sequence is well formed, return ** its number of '='s; otherwise, return a negative number (-1 iff there ** are no '='s after initial bracket) */ const skip_sep = function(ls) { let count = 0; let s = ls.current; lua_assert(s === 91 /* ('[').charCodeAt(0) */ || s === 93 /* (']').charCodeAt(0) */); save_and_next(ls); while (ls.current === 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */) { save_and_next(ls); count++; } return ls.current === s ? count : (-count) - 1; }; const read_long_string = function(ls, seminfo, sep) { let line = ls.linenumber; /* initial line (for error message) */ save_and_next(ls); /* skip 2nd '[' */ if (currIsNewline(ls)) /* string starts with a newline? */ inclinenumber(ls); /* skip it */ let skip = false; for (; !skip ;) { switch (ls.current) { case EOZ: { /* error */ let what = seminfo ? "string" : "comment"; let msg = `unfinished long ${what} (starting at line ${line})`; lexerror(ls, to_luastring(msg), R.TK_EOS); break; } case 93 /* (']').charCodeAt(0) */: { if (skip_sep(ls) === sep) { save_and_next(ls); /* skip 2nd ']' */ skip = true; } break; } case 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */: case 13 /* ('\r').charCodeAt(0) */: { save(ls, 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */); inclinenumber(ls); if (!seminfo) luaZ_resetbuffer(ls.buff); break; } default: { if (seminfo) save_and_next(ls); else next(ls); } } } if (seminfo) seminfo.ts = luaX_newstring(ls, ls.buff.buffer.subarray(2 + sep, ls.buff.n - (2 + sep))); }; const esccheck = function(ls, c, msg) { if (!c) { if (ls.current !== EOZ) save_and_next(ls); /* add current to buffer for error message */ lexerror(ls, msg, R.TK_STRING); } }; const gethexa = function(ls) { save_and_next(ls); esccheck(ls, ljstype.lisxdigit(ls.current), to_luastring("hexadecimal digit expected", true)); return lobject.luaO_hexavalue(ls.current); }; const readhexaesc = function(ls) { let r = gethexa(ls); r = (r << 4) + gethexa(ls); luaZ_buffremove(ls.buff, 2); /* remove saved chars from buffer */ return r; }; const readutf8desc = function(ls) { let i = 4; /* chars to be removed: '\', 'u', '{', and first digit */ save_and_next(ls); /* skip 'u' */ esccheck(ls, ls.current === 123 /* ('{').charCodeAt(0) */, to_luastring("missing '{'", true)); let r = gethexa(ls); /* must have at least one digit */ save_and_next(ls); while (ljstype.lisxdigit(ls.current)) { i++; r = (r << 4) + lobject.luaO_hexavalue(ls.current); esccheck(ls, r <= 0x10FFFF, to_luastring("UTF-8 value too large", true)); save_and_next(ls); } esccheck(ls, ls.current === 125 /* ('}').charCodeAt(0) */, to_luastring("missing '}'", true)); next(ls); /* skip '}' */ luaZ_buffremove(ls.buff, i); /* remove saved chars from buffer */ return r; }; const utf8esc = function(ls) { let buff = new Uint8Array(lobject.UTF8BUFFSZ); let n = lobject.luaO_utf8esc(buff, readutf8desc(ls)); for (; n > 0; n--) /* add 'buff' to string */ save(ls, buff[lobject.UTF8BUFFSZ - n]); }; const readdecesc = function(ls) { let r = 0; /* result accumulator */ let i; for (i = 0; i < 3 && ljstype.lisdigit(ls.current); i++) { /* read up to 3 digits */ r = 10 * r + ls.current - 48 /* ('0').charCodeAt(0) */; save_and_next(ls); } esccheck(ls, r <= 255, to_luastring("decimal escape too large", true)); luaZ_buffremove(ls.buff, i); /* remove read digits from buffer */ return r; }; const read_string = function(ls, del, seminfo) { save_and_next(ls); /* keep delimiter (for error messages) */ while (ls.current !== del) { switch (ls.current) { case EOZ: lexerror(ls, to_luastring("unfinished string", true), R.TK_EOS); break; case 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */: case 13 /* ('\r').charCodeAt(0) */: lexerror(ls, to_luastring("unfinished string", true), R.TK_STRING); break; case 92 /* ('\\').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* escape sequences */ save_and_next(ls); /* keep '\\' for error messages */ let will; let c; switch(ls.current) { case 97 /* ('a').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 7 /* \a isn't valid JS */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 98 /* ('b').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 8 /* ('\b').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 102 /* ('f').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 12 /* ('\f').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 110 /* ('n').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 114 /* ('r').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 13 /* ('\r').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 116 /* ('t').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 9 /* ('\t').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 118 /* ('v').charCodeAt(0) */: c = 11 /* ('\v').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'read_save'; break; case 120 /* ('x').charCodeAt(0) */: c = readhexaesc(ls); will = 'read_save'; break; case 117 /* ('u').charCodeAt(0) */: utf8esc(ls); will = 'no_save'; break; case 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */: case 13 /* ('\r').charCodeAt(0) */: inclinenumber(ls); c = 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */; will = 'only_save'; break; case 92 /* ('\\').charCodeAt(0) */: case 34 /* ('"').charCodeAt(0) */: case 39 /* ('\'').charCodeAt(0) */: c = ls.current; will = 'read_save'; break; case EOZ: will = 'no_save'; break; /* will raise an error next loop */ case 122 /* ('z').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* zap following span of spaces */ luaZ_buffremove(ls.buff, 1); /* remove '\\' */ next(ls); /* skip the 'z' */ while (ljstype.lisspace(ls.current)) { if (currIsNewline(ls)) inclinenumber(ls); else next(ls); } will = 'no_save'; break; } default: { esccheck(ls, ljstype.lisdigit(ls.current), to_luastring("invalid escape sequence", true)); c = readdecesc(ls); /* digital escape '\ddd' */ will = 'only_save'; break; } } if (will === 'read_save') next(ls); if (will === 'read_save' || will === 'only_save') { luaZ_buffremove(ls.buff, 1); /* remove '\\' */ save(ls, c); } break; } default: save_and_next(ls); } } save_and_next(ls); /* skip delimiter */ seminfo.ts = luaX_newstring(ls, ls.buff.buffer.subarray(1, ls.buff.n-1)); }; const token_to_index = Object.create(null); /* don't want to return true for e.g. 'hasOwnProperty' */ luaX_tokens.forEach((e, i)=>token_to_index[luaS_hash(to_luastring(e))] = i); const isreserved = function(w) { let kidx = token_to_index[luaS_hashlongstr(w)]; return kidx !== void 0 && kidx <= 22; }; const llex = function(ls, seminfo) { luaZ_resetbuffer(ls.buff); for (;;) { lua_assert(typeof ls.current == "number"); /* fengari addition */ switch (ls.current) { case 10 /* ('\n').charCodeAt(0) */: case 13 /* ('\r').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* line breaks */ inclinenumber(ls); break; } case 32 /* (' ').charCodeAt(0) */: case 12 /* ('\f').charCodeAt(0) */: case 9 /* ('\t').charCodeAt(0) */: case 11 /* ('\v').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* spaces */ next(ls); break; } case 45 /* ('-').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* '-' or '--' (comment) */ next(ls); if (ls.current !== 45 /* ('-').charCodeAt(0) */) return 45 /* ('-').charCodeAt(0) */; /* else is a comment */ next(ls); if (ls.current === 91 /* ('[').charCodeAt(0) */) { /* long comment? */ let sep = skip_sep(ls); luaZ_resetbuffer(ls.buff); /* 'skip_sep' may dirty the buffer */ if (sep >= 0) { read_long_string(ls, null, sep); /* skip long comment */ luaZ_resetbuffer(ls.buff); /* previous call may dirty the buff. */ break; } } /* else short comment */ while (!currIsNewline(ls) && ls.current !== EOZ) next(ls); /* skip until end of line (or end of file) */ break; } case 91 /* ('[').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* long string or simply '[' */ let sep = skip_sep(ls); if (sep >= 0) { read_long_string(ls, seminfo, sep); return R.TK_STRING; } else if (sep !== -1) /* '[=...' missing second bracket */ lexerror(ls, to_luastring("invalid long string delimiter", true), R.TK_STRING); return 91 /* ('[').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */: { next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_EQ; else return 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 60 /* ('<').charCodeAt(0) */: { next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_LE; else if (check_next1(ls, 60 /* ('<').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_SHL; else return 60 /* ('<').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 62 /* ('>').charCodeAt(0) */: { next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_GE; else if (check_next1(ls, 62 /* ('>').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_SHR; else return 62 /* ('>').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 47 /* ('/').charCodeAt(0) */: { next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 47 /* ('/').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_IDIV; else return 47 /* ('/').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 126 /* ('~').charCodeAt(0) */: { next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 61 /* ('=').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_NE; else return 126 /* ('~').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 58 /* (':').charCodeAt(0) */: { next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 58 /* (':').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_DBCOLON; else return 58 /* (':').charCodeAt(0) */; } case 34 /* ('"').charCodeAt(0) */: case 39 /* ('\'').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* short literal strings */ read_string(ls, ls.current, seminfo); return R.TK_STRING; } case 46 /* ('.').charCodeAt(0) */: { /* '.', '..', '...', or number */ save_and_next(ls); if (check_next1(ls, 46 /* ('.').charCodeAt(0) */)) { if (check_next1(ls, 46 /* ('.').charCodeAt(0) */)) return R.TK_DOTS; /* '...' */ else return R.TK_CONCAT; /* '..' */ } else if (!ljstype.lisdigit(ls.current)) return 46 /* ('.').charCodeAt(0) */; else return read_numeral(ls, seminfo); } case 48 /* ('0').charCodeAt(0) */: case 49 /* ('1').charCodeAt(0) */: case 50 /* ('2').charCodeAt(0) */: case 51 /* ('3').charCodeAt(0) */: case 52 /* ('4').charCodeAt(0) */: case 53 /* ('5').charCodeAt(0) */: case 54 /* ('6').charCodeAt(0) */: case 55 /* ('7').charCodeAt(0) */: case 56 /* ('8').charCodeAt(0) */: case 57 /* ('9').charCodeAt(0) */: { return read_numeral(ls, seminfo); } case EOZ: { return R.TK_EOS; } default: { if (ljstype.lislalpha(ls.current)) { /* identifier or reserved word? */ do { save_and_next(ls); } while (ljstype.lislalnum(ls.current)); let ts = luaX_newstring(ls, luaZ_buffer(ls.buff)); seminfo.ts = ts; let kidx = token_to_index[luaS_hashlongstr(ts)]; if (kidx !== void 0 && kidx <= 22) /* reserved word? */ return kidx + FIRST_RESERVED; else return R.TK_NAME; } else { /* single-char tokens (+ - / ...) */ let c = ls.current; next(ls); return c; } } } } }; const luaX_next = function(ls) { ls.lastline = ls.linenumber; if (ls.lookahead.token !== R.TK_EOS) { /* is there a look-ahead token? */ ls.t.token = ls.lookahead.token; /* use this one */ ls.t.seminfo.i = ls.lookahead.seminfo.i; ls.t.seminfo.r = ls.lookahead.seminfo.r; ls.t.seminfo.ts = ls.lookahead.seminfo.ts; // TODO ? ls.lookahead.token = R.TK_EOS; /* and discharge it */ } else ls.t.token = llex(ls, ls.t.seminfo); /* read next token */ }; const luaX_lookahead = function(ls) { lua_assert(ls.lookahead.token === R.TK_EOS); ls.lookahead.token = llex(ls, ls.lookahead.seminfo); return ls.lookahead.token; }; module.exports.FIRST_RESERVED = FIRST_RESERVED; module.exports.LUA_ENV = LUA_ENV; module.exports.LexState = LexState; module.exports.RESERVED = RESERVED; module.exports.isreserved = isreserved; module.exports.luaX_lookahead = luaX_lookahead; module.exports.luaX_newstring = luaX_newstring; module.exports.luaX_next = luaX_next; module.exports.luaX_setinput = luaX_setinput; module.exports.luaX_syntaxerror = luaX_syntaxerror; module.exports.luaX_token2str = luaX_token2str; module.exports.luaX_tokens = luaX_tokens;