/*jshint esversion: 6 */ "use strict"; const assert = require('assert'); const lstate = require('./lstate.js'); const lapi = require('./lapi.js'); const lua = require('./lua.js'); const ldebug = require('./ldebug.js'); const CT = lua.constant_types; const LUA_LOADED_TABLE = "_LOADED"; class luaL_Buffer { constructor(L) { this.L = L; this.b = ""; } } /* ** search for 'objidx' in table at index -1. ** return 1 + string at top if find a good name. */ const findfield = function(L, objidx, level) { if (level === 0 || !lapi.lua_istable(L, -1)) return 0; /* not found */ lapi.lua_pushnil(L); /* start 'next' loop */ while (lapi.lua_next(L, -2)) { /* for each pair in table */ if (lapi.lua_type(L, -2) === CT.LUA_TSTRING) { /* ignore non-string keys */ if (lapi.lua_rawequal(L, objidx, -1)) { /* found object? */ lapi.lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove value (but keep name) */ return 1; } else if (findfield(L, objidx, level - 1)) { /* try recursively */ lapi.lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove table (but keep name) */ lapi.lua_pushliteral(L, "."); lapi.lua_insert(L, -2); /* place '.' between the two names */ lapi.lua_concat(L, 3); return 1; } } lapi.lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove value */ } return 0; /* not found */ }; /* ** Search for a name for a function in all loaded modules */ const pushglobalfuncname = function(L, ar) { let top = lapi.lua_gettop(L); ldebug.lua_getinfo(L, 'f', ar); /* push function */ lapi.lua_getfield(L, lua.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, lua.LUA_LOADED_TABLE); if (findfield(L, top + 1, 2)) { let name = lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1); if (name.startsWith("_G.")) { lapi.lua_pushstring(L, name.slice(3)); /* name start with '_G.'? */ lapi.lua_remove(L, -2); /* name start with '_G.'? */ } lapi.lua_copy(L, -1, top + 1); /* name start with '_G.'? */ lapi.lua_pop(L, 2); /* name start with '_G.'? */ } else { lapi.lua_settop(L, top); /* remove function and global table */ return 0; } }; const panic = function(L) { throw new Error(`PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API (${lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1)})`); }; const luaL_argerror = function(L, arg, extramsg) { let ar = new lua.lua_Debug(); if (!ldebug.lua_getstack(L, 0, ar)) /* no stack frame? */ return luaL_error(L, 'bad argument #%d (%s)', arg, extramsg); ldebug.lua_getinfo(L, 'n', ar); if (ar.namewhat === 'method') { arg--; /* do not count 'self' */ if (arg === 0) /* error is in the self argument itself? */ return luaL_error(L, "calling '%s' on bad self (%s)", ar.name, extramsg); } if (ar.name === null) ar.name = pushglobalfuncname(L, ar) ? lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1) : "?"; return luaL_error(L, `bad argument #${arg} to '${ar.name}' (${extramsg})`); }; const typeerror = function(L, arg, tname) { let typearg; if (luaL_getmetafield(L, arg, "__name") === CT.LUA_TSTRING) typearg = lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1); else if (lapi.lua_type(L, arg) === CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA) typearg = "light userdata"; else typearg = luaL_typename(L, arg); let msg = lapi.lua_pushstring(L, `${tname} expected, got ${typearg}`); return luaL_argerror(L, arg, msg); }; const luaL_where = function(L, level) { let ar = new lua.lua_Debug(); if (ldebug.lua_getstack(L, level, ar)) { ldebug.lua_getinfo(L, "Sl", ar); if (ar.currentline > 0) { lapi.lua_pushstring(L, `${ar.short_src}:${ar.currentline}:`); return; } } lapi.lua_pushstring(L, ""); }; const luaL_error = function(L, fmt, ...args) { let i = 0; // TODO: bypassing lua_pushvstring for now lapi.lua_pushstring(L, fmt.replace(/(^%[sfIpdcU]|([^%])%[sfIpdcU])/g, function (m, p1, p2, off) { return p2 ? p2 + args[i++] : args[i++]; })); return lapi.lua_error(L); }; const tag_error = function(L, arg, tag) { typeerror(L, arg, lapi.lua_typename(L, tag)); }; const luaL_newstate = function() { let L = lstate.lua_newstate(); if (L) lapi.lua_atpanic(L, panic); return L; }; const luaL_typename = function(L, i) { return lapi.lua_typename(L, lapi.lua_type(L, i)); }; const luaL_argcheck = function(L, cond, arg, extramsg) { if (!cond) luaL_argerror(L, arg, extramsg); }; const luaL_checkany = function(L, arg) { if (lapi.lua_type(L, arg) === CT.LUA_TNONE) luaL_argerror(L, arg, "value expected"); }; const luaL_checktype = function(L, arg, t) { if (lapi.lua_type(L, arg) !== t) tag_error(L, arg, t); }; const luaL_checkstring = function(L, n) { return luaL_checklstring(L, n, null); }; const luaL_checklstring = function(L, arg) { let s = lapi.lua_tolstring(L, arg); if (!s) tag_error(L, arg, CT.LUA_TSTRING); return s; }; const luaL_optlstring = function(L, arg, def) { if (lapi.lua_type(L, arg) <= 0) { return def; } else return luaL_checklstring(L, arg); }; const luaL_optstring = luaL_optlstring; const interror = function(L, arg) { if (lapi.lua_isnumber(L, arg)) luaL_argerror(L, arg, "number has no integer representation"); else tag_error(L, arg, CT.LUA_TNUMBER); }; const luaL_checknumber = function(L, arg) { let d = lapi.lua_tonumber(L, arg); if (d === false) tag_error(L, arg, CT.LUA_TNUMBER); return d; }; const luaL_checkinteger = function(L, arg) { let d = lapi.lua_tointeger(L, arg); if (d === false) interror(L, arg); return d; }; const luaL_optinteger = function(L, arg, def) { return luaL_opt(L, luaL_checkinteger, arg, def); }; const luaL_prepbuffsize = function(B, sz) { return B; }; const luaL_buffinit = function(L, B) { B.L = L; B.b = ""; }; const luaL_buffinitsize = function(L, B, sz) { luaL_buffinit(L, B); return B; }; const luaL_addlstring = function(B, s) { B.b += s; }; const luaL_addstring = luaL_addlstring; const luaL_pushresult = function(B) { let L = B.L; lapi.lua_pushstring(L, B.b); }; const luaL_addchar = function(B, c) { B.b += c; }; const luaL_addvalue = function(B) { let L = B.L; let s = lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1); // TODO: buffonstack ? necessary ? luaL_addstring(B, s); lapi.lua_remove(L, -1); }; const luaL_opt = function(L, f, n, d) { return lapi.lua_type(L, n) <= 0 ? d : f(L, n); }; const getS = function(L, ud) { let s = ud.string; ud.string = null; return s; }; const luaL_loadbufferx = function(L, buff, size, name, mode) { return lapi.lua_load(L, getS, {string: buff}, name, mode); }; const luaL_loadbuffer = function(L, s, sz, n) { return luaL_loadbufferx(L, s, sz, n, null); }; const luaL_loadstring = function(L, s) { return luaL_loadbuffer(L, s, s.length, s); }; const luaL_getmetafield = function(L, obj, event) { if (!lapi.lua_getmetatable(L, obj)) return CT.LUA_TNIL; else { lapi.lua_pushstring(L, event); let tt = lapi.lua_rawget(L, -2); if (tt === CT.LUA_TNIL) lapi.lua_pop(L, 2); return tt; } }; const luaL_callmeta = function(L, obj, event) { obj = lapi.lua_absindex(L, obj); if (luaL_getmetafield(L, obj, event) === CT.LUA_TNIL) return false; lapi.lua_pushvalue(L, obj); lapi.lua_call(L, 1, 1); return true; }; const luaL_len = function(L, idx) { lapi.lua_len(L, idx); let l = lapi.lua_tointegerx(L, -1); if (l === false) luaL_error(L, "object length is not an integer"); lapi.lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove object */ return l; }; const luaL_tolstring = function(L, idx) { if (luaL_callmeta(L, idx, "__tostring")) { if (!lapi.lua_isstring(L, -1)) luaL_error(L, "'__tostring' must return a string"); } else { switch(lapi.lua_type(L, idx)) { case CT.LUA_TNUMBER: case CT.LUA_TSTRING: case CT.LUA_TBOOLEAN: lapi.lua_pushstring(L, `${lapi.index2addr(L, idx).value}`); break; case CT.LUA_TNIL: lapi.lua_pushstring(L, `nil`); break; default: let tt = luaL_getmetafield(L, idx, "__name"); let kind = tt === CT.LUA_TSTRING ? lapi.lua_tostring(L, -1) : luaL_typename(L, idx); lapi.lua_pushstring(L, `${kind}`); // We can't print memory address in JS if (tt !== CT.LUA_TNIL) lapi.lua_remove(L, -2); break; } } return lapi.lua_tolstring(L, -1); }; /* ** Stripped-down 'require': After checking "loaded" table, calls 'openf' ** to open a module, registers the result in 'package.loaded' table and, ** if 'glb' is true, also registers the result in the global table. ** Leaves resulting module on the top. */ const luaL_requiref = function(L, modname, openf, glb) { luaL_getsubtable(L, lua.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, LUA_LOADED_TABLE); lapi.lua_getfield(L, -1, modname); /* LOADED[modname] */ if (!lapi.lua_toboolean(L, -1)) { /* package not already loaded? */ lapi.lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove field */ lapi.lua_pushcfunction(L, openf); lapi.lua_pushstring(L, modname); /* argument to open function */ lapi.lua_call(L, 1, 1); /* call 'openf' to open module */ lapi.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* make copy of module (call result) */ lapi.lua_setfield(L, -3, modname); /* LOADED[modname] = module */ } lapi.lua_remove(L, -2); /* remove LOADED table */ if (glb) { lapi.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* copy of module */ lapi.lua_setglobal(L, modname); /* _G[modname] = module */ } }; /* ** ensure that stack[idx][fname] has a table and push that table ** into the stack */ const luaL_getsubtable = function(L, idx, fname) { if (lapi.lua_getfield(L, idx, fname) === CT.LUA_TTABLE) return true; /* table already there */ else { lapi.lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove previous result */ idx = lapi.lua_absindex(L, idx); lapi.lua_newtable(L); lapi.lua_pushvalue(L, -1); /* copy to be left at top */ lapi.lua_setfield(L, idx, fname); /* assign new table to field */ return false; /* false, because did not find table there */ } }; /* ** set functions from list 'l' into table at top - 'nup'; each ** function gets the 'nup' elements at the top as upvalues. ** Returns with only the table at the stack. */ const luaL_setfuncs = function(L, l, nup) { luaL_checkstack(L, nup, "too many upvalues"); for (let lib in l) { /* fill the table with given functions */ for (let i = 0; i < nup; i++) /* copy upvalues to the top */ lapi.lua_pushvalue(L, -nup); lapi.lua_pushcclosure(L, l[lib], nup); /* closure with those upvalues */ lapi.lua_setfield(L, -(nup + 2), lib); } lapi.lua_pop(L, nup); /* remove upvalues */ }; /* ** Ensures the stack has at least 'space' extra slots, raising an error ** if it cannot fulfill the request. (The error handling needs a few ** extra slots to format the error message. In case of an error without ** this extra space, Lua will generate the same 'stack overflow' error, ** but without 'msg'.) */ const luaL_checkstack = function(L, space, msg) { if (!lapi.lua_checkstack(L, space)) { if (msg) luaL_error(L, `stack overflow (${msg})`); else luaL_error(L, 'stack overflow'); } }; const luaL_newlib = function(L, l) { lapi.lua_createtable(L); luaL_setfuncs(L, l, 0); }; module.exports.LUA_LOADED_TABLE = LUA_LOADED_TABLE; module.exports.luaL_Buffer = luaL_Buffer; module.exports.luaL_addchar = luaL_addchar; module.exports.luaL_addlstring = luaL_addlstring; module.exports.luaL_addstring = luaL_addstring; module.exports.luaL_addvalue = luaL_addvalue; module.exports.luaL_argcheck = luaL_argcheck; module.exports.luaL_argerror = luaL_argerror; module.exports.luaL_buffinit = luaL_buffinit; module.exports.luaL_buffinitsize = luaL_buffinitsize; module.exports.luaL_callmeta = luaL_callmeta; module.exports.luaL_checkany = luaL_checkany; module.exports.luaL_checkinteger = luaL_checkinteger; module.exports.luaL_checklstring = luaL_checklstring; module.exports.luaL_checknumber = luaL_checknumber; module.exports.luaL_checkstack = luaL_checkstack; module.exports.luaL_checkstring = luaL_checkstring; module.exports.luaL_checktype = luaL_checktype; module.exports.luaL_error = luaL_error; module.exports.luaL_getmetafield = luaL_getmetafield; module.exports.luaL_getsubtable = luaL_getsubtable; module.exports.luaL_len = luaL_len; module.exports.luaL_loadbuffer = luaL_loadbuffer; module.exports.luaL_loadbufferx = luaL_loadbufferx; module.exports.luaL_loadstring = luaL_loadstring; module.exports.luaL_newlib = luaL_newlib; module.exports.luaL_newstate = luaL_newstate; module.exports.luaL_opt = luaL_opt; module.exports.luaL_optinteger = luaL_optinteger; module.exports.luaL_optlstring = luaL_optlstring; module.exports.luaL_optstring = luaL_optstring; module.exports.luaL_prepbuffsize = luaL_prepbuffsize; module.exports.luaL_pushresult = luaL_pushresult; module.exports.luaL_requiref = luaL_requiref; module.exports.luaL_setfuncs = luaL_setfuncs; module.exports.luaL_tolstring = luaL_tolstring; module.exports.luaL_typename = luaL_typename; module.exports.luaL_where = luaL_where;