"use strict"; const assert = require('assert'); const defs = require('./defs.js'); const ldebug = require('./ldebug.js'); const ldo = require('./ldo.js'); const ldump = require('./ldump.js'); const lfunc = require('./lfunc.js'); const lobject = require('./lobject.js'); const lstate = require('./lstate.js'); const lstring = require('./lstring.js'); const ltm = require('./ltm.js'); const luaconf = require('./luaconf.js'); const lvm = require('./lvm.js'); const ltable = require('./ltable.js'); const lzio = require('./lzio.js'); const MAXUPVAL = lfunc.MAXUPVAL; const CT = defs.constant_types; const TS = defs.thread_status; const TValue = lobject.TValue; const CClosure = lobject.CClosure; const isvalid = function(o) { return o !== lobject.luaO_nilobject; }; const lua_version = function(L) { if (L === null) return defs.LUA_VERSION_NUM; else return L.l_G.version; }; const lua_atpanic = function(L, panicf) { let old = L.l_G.panic; L.l_G.panic = panicf; return old; }; const lua_atnativeerror = function(L, errorf) { let old = L.l_G.atnativeerror; L.l_G.atnativeerror = errorf; return old; }; // Return value for idx on stack const index2addr = function(L, idx) { let ci = L.ci; if (idx > 0) { let o = ci.funcOff + idx; assert(idx <= ci.top - (ci.funcOff + 1), "unacceptable index"); if (o >= L.top) return lobject.luaO_nilobject; else return L.stack[o]; } else if (idx > defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) { assert(idx !== 0 && -idx <= L.top, "invalid index"); return L.stack[L.top + idx]; } else if (idx === defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) { return L.l_G.l_registry; } else { /* upvalues */ idx = defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX - idx; assert(idx <= MAXUPVAL + 1, "upvalue index too large"); if (ci.func.ttislcf()) /* light C function? */ return lobject.luaO_nilobject; /* it has no upvalues */ else { return idx <= ci.func.value.nupvalues ? ci.func.value.upvalue[idx - 1] : lobject.luaO_nilobject; } } }; // Like index2addr but returns the index on stack; doesn't allow pseudo indices const index2addr_ = function(L, idx) { let ci = L.ci; if (idx > 0) { let o = ci.funcOff + idx; assert(idx <= ci.top - (ci.funcOff + 1), "unacceptable index"); if (o >= L.top) return null; else return o; } else if (idx > defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) { assert(idx !== 0 && -idx <= L.top, "invalid index"); return L.top + idx; } else { /* registry or upvalue */ throw Error("attempt to use pseudo-index"); } }; const lua_checkstack = function(L, n) { let res; let ci = L.ci; assert(n >= 0, "negative 'n'"); if (L.stack_last - L.top > n) /* stack large enough? */ res = true; else { /* no; need to grow stack */ let inuse = L.top + lstate.EXTRA_STACK; if (inuse > luaconf.LUAI_MAXSTACK - n) /* can grow without overflow? */ res = false; /* no */ else { /* try to grow stack */ ldo.luaD_growstack(L, n); res = true; } } if (res && ci.top < L.top + n) ci.top = L.top + n; /* adjust frame top */ return res; }; const lua_xmove = function(from, to, n) { if (from === to) return; assert(n < (from.top - from.ci.funcOff), "not enough elements in the stack"); assert(from.l_G === to.l_G, "moving among independent states"); assert(to.ci.top - to.top >= n, "stack overflow"); from.top -= n; for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) { to.stack[to.top] = new lobject.TValue(); lobject.setobj2s(to, to.top, from.stack[from.top + i]); delete from.stack[from.top + i]; to.top++; } }; /* ** basic stack manipulation */ /* ** convert an acceptable stack index into an absolute index */ const lua_absindex = function(L, idx) { return (idx > 0 || idx <= defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX) ? idx : (L.top - L.ci.funcOff) + idx; }; const lua_gettop = function(L) { return L.top - (L.ci.funcOff + 1); }; const lua_pushvalue = function(L, idx) { lobject.pushobj2s(L, index2addr(L, idx)); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_settop = function(L, idx) { let func = L.ci.funcOff; let newtop; if (idx >= 0) { assert(idx <= L.stack_last - (func + 1), "new top too large"); newtop = func + 1 + idx; } else { assert(-(idx + 1) <= L.top - (func + 1), "invalid new top"); newtop = L.top + idx + 1; /* 'subtract' index (index is negative) */ } if (L.top < newtop) { while (L.top < newtop) L.stack[L.top++] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNIL, null); } else { while (L.top > newtop) delete L.stack[--L.top]; } }; const lua_pop = function(L, n) { lua_settop(L, -n - 1); }; const reverse = function(L, from, to) { for (; from < to; from++, to--) { let fromtv = L.stack[from]; let temp = new TValue(fromtv.type, fromtv.value); lobject.setobjs2s(L, from, to); lobject.setobj2s(L, to, temp); } }; /* ** Let x = AB, where A is a prefix of length 'n'. Then, ** rotate x n === BA. But BA === (A^r . B^r)^r. */ const lua_rotate = function(L, idx, n) { let t = L.top - 1; let pIdx = index2addr_(L, idx); let p = L.stack[pIdx]; assert(isvalid(p) && idx > defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, "index not in the stack"); assert((n >= 0 ? n : -n) <= (t - pIdx + 1), "invalid 'n'"); let m = n >= 0 ? t - n : pIdx - n - 1; /* end of prefix */ reverse(L, pIdx, m); reverse(L, m + 1, L.top - 1); reverse(L, pIdx, L.top - 1); }; const lua_copy = function(L, fromidx, toidx) { let from = index2addr(L, fromidx); L.stack[index2addr_(L, toidx)].setfrom(from); }; const lua_remove = function(L, idx) { lua_rotate(L, idx, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); }; const lua_insert = function(L, idx) { lua_rotate(L, idx, 1); }; const lua_replace = function(L, idx) { lua_copy(L, -1, idx); lua_pop(L, 1); }; /* ** push functions (JS -> stack) */ const lua_pushnil = function(L) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNIL, null); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_pushnumber = function(L, n) { assert(typeof n === "number"); L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNUMFLT, n); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_pushinteger = function(L, n) { assert(typeof n === "number" && (n|0) === n); L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNUMINT, n); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_pushlstring = function(L, s, len) { assert(typeof len === "number"); let ts; if (len === 0) { ts = lstring.luaS_bless(L, []); } else { assert(Array.isArray(s), "lua_pushlstring expects array of byte"); ts = lstring.luaS_bless(L, s.slice(0, len)); } lobject.pushsvalue2s(L, ts); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return ts.value; }; const lua_pushstring = function (L, s) { assert(Array.isArray(s) || s === undefined || s === null, "lua_pushstring expects array of byte"); if (s === undefined || s === null) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNIL, null) L.top++; } else { let ts = lstring.luaS_new(L, s); lobject.pushsvalue2s(L, ts); s = ts.getstr(); /* internal copy */ } assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return s; }; const lua_pushvfstring = function (L, fmt, argp) { assert(Array.isArray(fmt)); return lobject.luaO_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp); }; const lua_pushfstring = function (L, fmt, ...argp) { assert(Array.isArray(fmt)); return lobject.luaO_pushvfstring(L, fmt, argp); }; /* Similar to lua_pushstring, but takes a JS string */ const lua_pushliteral = function (L, s) { assert(typeof s === "string" || s === undefined || s === null, "lua_pushliteral expects a JS string"); if (s === undefined || s === null) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNIL, null); L.top++; } else { let ts = lstring.luaS_newliteral(L, s); lobject.pushsvalue2s(L, ts); s = ts.getstr(); /* internal copy */ } assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return s; }; const lua_pushcclosure = function(L, fn, n) { assert(typeof fn === "function"); assert(typeof n === "number"); if (n === 0) L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TLCF, fn); else { assert(n < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); assert(n <= MAXUPVAL, "upvalue index too large"); let cl = new CClosure(L, fn, n); for (let i=0; i0) --L.top; L.stack[L.top].setclCvalue(cl); } L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_pushjsclosure = lua_pushcclosure; const lua_pushcfunction = function(L, fn) { lua_pushcclosure(L, fn, 0); }; const lua_pushjsfunction = lua_pushcfunction; const lua_pushboolean = function(L, b) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TBOOLEAN, b ? true : false); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_pushlightuserdata = function(L, p) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, p); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const lua_pushthread = function(L) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TTHREAD, L); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return L.l_G.mainthread === L; }; const lua_pushglobaltable = function(L) { lua_rawgeti(L, defs.LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, defs.LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); }; /* ** set functions (stack -> Lua) */ /* ** t[k] = value at the top of the stack (where 'k' is a string) */ const auxsetstr = function(L, t, k) { assert(Array.isArray(k), "key must be an array of bytes"); let str = lstring.luaS_new(L, k); assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); lobject.pushsvalue2s(L, str); /* push 'str' (to make it a TValue) */ assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); lvm.settable(L, t, L.stack[L.top - 1], L.stack[L.top - 2]); /* pop value and key */ delete L.stack[--L.top]; delete L.stack[--L.top]; }; const lua_setglobal = function(L, name) { auxsetstr(L, ltable.luaH_getint(L.l_G.l_registry.value, defs.LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS), name); }; const lua_setmetatable = function(L, objindex) { assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let mt; let obj = index2addr(L, objindex); if (L.stack[L.top - 1].ttisnil()) mt = null; else { assert(L.stack[L.top - 1].ttistable(), "table expected"); mt = L.stack[L.top - 1].value; } switch (obj.ttnov()) { case CT.LUA_TUSERDATA: case CT.LUA_TTABLE: { obj.value.metatable = mt; break; } default: { L.l_G.mt[obj.ttnov()] = mt; break; } } delete L.stack[--L.top]; return true; }; const lua_settable = function(L, idx) { assert(2 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let t = index2addr(L, idx); lvm.settable(L, t, L.stack[L.top - 2], L.stack[L.top - 1]); L.top -= 2; }; const lua_setfield = function(L, idx, k) { auxsetstr(L, index2addr(L, idx), k); }; const lua_seti = function(L, idx, n) { assert(typeof n === "number" && (n|0) === n); assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let t = index2addr(L, idx); L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNUMINT, n); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); lvm.settable(L, t, L.stack[L.top - 1], L.stack[L.top - 2]); /* pop value and key */ delete L.stack[--L.top]; delete L.stack[--L.top]; }; const lua_rawset = function(L, idx) { assert(2 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let o = index2addr(L, idx); assert(o.ttistable(), "table expected"); let k = L.stack[L.top - 2]; let v = L.stack[L.top - 1]; if (v.ttisnil()) { ltable.luaH_delete(L, o.value, k); } else { let slot = ltable.luaH_set(L, o.value, k); slot.setfrom(v); } ltable.invalidateTMcache(o.value); delete L.stack[--L.top]; delete L.stack[--L.top]; }; const lua_rawseti = function(L, idx, n) { assert(2 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let o = index2addr(L, idx); assert(o.ttistable(), "table expected"); ltable.luaH_setint(o.value, n, L.stack[L.top - 1]); delete L.stack[--L.top]; }; const lua_rawsetp = function(L, idx, p) { assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let o = index2addr(L, idx); assert(L, o.ttistable(), "table expected"); let k = new TValue(CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, p); let v = L.stack[L.top - 1]; if (v.ttisnil()) { ltable.luaH_delete(L, o.value, k); } else { let slot = ltable.luaH_set(L, o.value, k); slot.setfrom(v); } delete L.stack[--L.top]; }; /* ** get functions (Lua -> stack) */ const auxgetstr = function(L, t, k) { assert(Array.isArray(k), "key must be an array of bytes"); let str = lstring.luaS_new(L, k); lobject.pushsvalue2s(L, str); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); lvm.gettable(L, t, L.stack[L.top - 1], L.top - 1); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; const lua_rawgeti = function(L, idx, n) { let t = index2addr(L, idx); assert(t.ttistable(), "table expected"); lobject.pushobj2s(L, ltable.luaH_getint(t.value, n)); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; const lua_rawgetp = function(L, idx, p) { let t = index2addr(L, idx); assert(t.ttistable(), "table expected"); let k = new TValue(CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA, p); lobject.pushobj2s(L, ltable.luaH_get(L, t.value, k)); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; const lua_rawget = function(L, idx) { let t = index2addr(L, idx); assert(t.ttistable(t), "table expected"); lobject.setobj2s(L, L.top - 1, ltable.luaH_get(L, t.value, L.stack[L.top - 1])); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; // narray and nrec are mostly useless for this implementation const lua_createtable = function(L, narray, nrec) { let t = new lobject.TValue(CT.LUA_TTABLE, ltable.luaH_new(L)); L.stack[L.top] = t; L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const luaS_newudata = function(L, size) { return new lobject.Udata(L, size); }; const lua_newuserdata = function(L, size) { let u = luaS_newudata(L, size); L.stack[L.top] = new lobject.TValue(CT.LUA_TUSERDATA, u); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return u.data; }; const aux_upvalue = function(L, fi, n) { switch(fi.ttype()) { case CT.LUA_TCCL: { /* C closure */ let f = fi.value; if (!(1 <= n && n <= f.nupvalues)) return null; return { name: [], val: f.upvalue[n-1] }; } case CT.LUA_TLCL: { /* Lua closure */ let f = fi.value; let p = f.p; if (!(1 <= n && n <= p.upvalues.length)) return null; let name = p.upvalues[n-1].name; return { name: name ? name.getstr() : defs.to_luastring("(*no name)", true), val: f.upvals[n-1].val() }; } default: return null; /* not a closure */ } }; const lua_getupvalue = function(L, funcindex, n) { let up = aux_upvalue(L, index2addr(L, funcindex), n); if (up) { let name = up.name; let val = up.val; lobject.pushobj2s(L, val); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return name; } return null; }; const lua_setupvalue = function(L, funcindex, n) { let fi = index2addr(L, funcindex); assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let aux = aux_upvalue(L, fi, n); if (aux) { let name = aux.name; let val = aux.val; val.setfrom(L.stack[L.top-1]); delete L.stack[--L.top]; return name; } return null; }; const lua_newtable = function(L) { lua_createtable(L, 0, 0); }; const lua_register = function(L, n, f) { lua_pushcfunction(L, f); lua_setglobal(L, n); }; const lua_getmetatable = function(L, objindex) { let obj = index2addr(L, objindex); let mt; let res = false; switch (obj.ttnov()) { case CT.LUA_TTABLE: case CT.LUA_TUSERDATA: mt = obj.value.metatable; break; default: mt = L.l_G.mt[obj.ttnov()]; break; } if (mt !== null && mt !== undefined) { L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TTABLE, mt); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); res = true; } return res; }; const lua_getuservalue = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); assert(L, o.ttisfulluserdata(), "full userdata expected"); let uv = o.value.uservalue; L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(uv.type, uv.value); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; const lua_gettable = function(L, idx) { let t = index2addr(L, idx); lvm.gettable(L, t, L.stack[L.top - 1], L.top - 1); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; const lua_getfield = function(L, idx, k) { return auxgetstr(L, index2addr(L, idx), k); }; const lua_geti = function(L, idx, n) { assert(typeof n === "number" && (n|0) === n); let t = index2addr(L, idx); L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(CT.LUA_TNUMINT, n); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); lvm.gettable(L, t, L.stack[L.top - 1], L.top - 1); return L.stack[L.top - 1].ttnov(); }; const lua_getglobal = function(L, name) { return auxgetstr(L, ltable.luaH_getint(L.l_G.l_registry.value, defs.LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS), name); }; /* ** access functions (stack -> JS) */ const lua_toboolean = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); return !o.l_isfalse(); }; const lua_tolstring = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); if (!o.ttisstring()) { if (!lvm.cvt2str(o)) { /* not convertible? */ return null; } /* TODO: this should modify number on the stack */ return lobject.luaO_tostring(L, o).getstr(); } return o.svalue(); }; const lua_tostring = lua_tolstring; const lua_toljsstring = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); if (!o.ttisstring()) { if (!lvm.cvt2str(o)) { /* not convertible? */ return null; } /* TODO: this should modify number on the stack */ return defs.to_jsstring(lobject.luaO_tostring(L, o).getstr()); } return o.jsstring(); }; const lua_tojsstring = lua_toljsstring; // Convert a string on the stack to a dataview, because lua_tostring will perform utf-8 to utf-16 conversion const lua_todataview = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); if (!o.ttisstring() && !o.ttisnumber()) return null; let dv = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(o.vslen())); o.svalue().forEach((e, i) => dv.setUint8(i, e, true)); return dv; }; const lua_rawlen = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); switch (o.ttype()) { case CT.LUA_TSHRSTR: case CT.LUA_TLNGSTR: return o.vslen(); case CT.LUA_TUSERDATA: return o.value.len; case CT.LUA_TTABLE: return ltable.luaH_getn(o.value); default: return 0; } }; const lua_tocfunction = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); if (o.ttislcf() || o.ttisCclosure()) return o.value; else return null; /* not a C function */ }; const lua_tointeger = function(L, idx) { return lvm.tointeger(index2addr(L, idx)); }; const lua_tonumber = function(L, idx) { let n = lvm.tonumber(index2addr(L, idx)); return n === false ? 0 : n; }; const lua_touserdata = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); switch (o.ttnov()) { case CT.LUA_TUSERDATA: return o.value.data; case CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: return o.value; default: return null; } }; const lua_tothread = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); return o.ttisthread() ? o.value : null; }; const lua_topointer = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); switch (o.ttype()) { case CT.LUA_TTABLE: case CT.LUA_TLCL: case CT.LUA_TCCL: case CT.LUA_TLCF: case CT.LUA_TTHREAD: case CT.LUA_TUSERDATA: /* note: this differs in behaviour to reference lua implementation */ case CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA: return o.value; default: return null; } }; /* A proxy is a function that the same lua value to the given lua state. */ /* Having a weakmap of created proxies was only way I could think of to provide an 'isproxy' function */ const seen = new WeakMap(); /* is the passed object a proxy? is it from the given state? (if passed) */ const lua_isproxy = function(p, L) { let G = seen.get(p); if (!G) return false; return (L === null) || (L.l_G === G); }; /* Use 'create_proxy' helper function so that 'L' is not in scope */ const create_proxy = function(G, type, value) { let proxy = function(L) { assert(L instanceof lstate.lua_State && G === L.l_G, "must be from same global state"); L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(type, value); L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; seen.set(proxy, G); return proxy; }; const lua_toproxy = function(L, idx) { let tv = index2addr(L, idx); /* pass broken down tv incase it is an upvalue index */ return create_proxy(L.l_G, tv.type, tv.value); }; const lua_compare = function(L, index1, index2, op) { let o1 = index2addr(L, index1); let o2 = index2addr(L, index2); let i = 0; if (isvalid(o1) && isvalid(o2)) { switch (op) { case defs.LUA_OPEQ: i = lvm.luaV_equalobj(L, o1, o2); break; case defs.LUA_OPLT: i = lvm.luaV_lessthan(L, o1, o2); break; case defs.LUA_OPLE: i = lvm.luaV_lessequal(L, o1, o2); break; default: assert(false, "invalid option"); } } return i; }; const lua_stringtonumber = function(L, s) { let tv = lobject.luaO_str2num(s); if (tv) { L.stack[L.top] = tv; L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return s.length+1; } return 0; }; const lua_tointegerx = function(L, idx) { return lvm.tointeger(index2addr(L, idx)); }; const f_call = function(L, ud) { ldo.luaD_callnoyield(L, ud.funcOff, ud.nresults); }; const lua_type = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); return isvalid(o) ? o.ttnov() : CT.LUA_TNONE; }; const lua_typename = function(L, t) { assert(CT.LUA_TNONE <= t && t < CT.LUA_NUMTAGS, "invalid tag"); return ltm.ttypename(t); }; const lua_iscfunction = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); return o.ttislcf(o) || o.ttisCclosure(); }; const lua_isnil = function(L, n) { return lua_type(L, n) === CT.LUA_TNIL; }; const lua_isboolean = function(L, n) { return lua_type(L, n) === CT.LUA_TBOOLEAN; }; const lua_isnone = function(L, n) { return lua_type(L, n) === CT.LUA_TNONE; }; const lua_isnoneornil = function(L, n) { return lua_type(L, n) <= 0; }; const lua_istable = function(L, idx) { return index2addr(L, idx).ttistable(); }; const lua_isinteger = function(L, idx) { return index2addr(L, idx).ttisinteger(); }; const lua_isnumber = function(L, idx) { return lvm.tonumber(index2addr(L, idx)) !== false; }; const lua_isstring = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); return o.ttisstring() || lvm.cvt2str(o); }; const lua_isuserdata = function(L, idx) { let o = index2addr(L, idx); return o.ttisfulluserdata(o) || o.ttislightuserdata(); }; const lua_isthread = function(L, idx) { return lua_type(L, idx) === CT.LUA_TTHREAD; }; const lua_isfunction = function(L, idx) { return lua_type(L, idx) === CT.LUA_TFUNCTION; }; const lua_islightuserdata = function(L, idx) { return lua_type(L, idx) === CT.LUA_TLIGHTUSERDATA; }; const lua_rawequal = function(L, index1, index2) { let o1 = index2addr(L, index1); let o2 = index2addr(L, index2); return isvalid(o1) && isvalid(o2) ? lvm.luaV_equalobj(null, o1, o2) : 0; // TODO: isvalid ? }; const lua_arith = function(L, op) { if (op !== defs.LUA_OPUNM && op !== defs.LUA_OPBNOT) assert(2 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); /* all other operations expect two operands */ else { /* for unary operations, add fake 2nd operand */ assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); lobject.pushobj2s(L, L.stack[L.top-1]); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); } /* first operand at top - 2, second at top - 1; result go to top - 2 */ lobject.luaO_arith(L, op, L.stack[L.top - 2], L.stack[L.top - 1], L.stack[L.top - 2]); delete L.stack[--L.top]; /* remove second operand */ }; /* ** 'load' and 'call' functions (run Lua code) */ const lua_load = function(L, reader, data, chunkname, mode) { assert(Array.isArray(chunkname), "lua_load expect an array of byte as chunkname"); assert(mode ? Array.isArray(mode) : true, "lua_load expect an array of byte as mode"); if (!chunkname) chunkname = [defs.char["?"]]; let z = new lzio.ZIO(L, reader, data); let status = ldo.luaD_protectedparser(L, z, chunkname, mode); if (status === TS.LUA_OK) { /* no errors? */ let f = L.stack[L.top - 1].value; /* get newly created function */ if (f.nupvalues >= 1) { /* does it have an upvalue? */ /* get global table from registry */ let gt = ltable.luaH_getint(L.l_G.l_registry.value, defs.LUA_RIDX_GLOBALS); /* set global table as 1st upvalue of 'f' (may be LUA_ENV) */ f.upvals[0].value.setfrom(gt); } } return status; }; const lua_dump = function(L, writer, data, strip) { assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let o = L.stack[L.top -1]; if (o.ttisLclosure()) return ldump.luaU_dump(L, o.value.p, writer, data, strip); return 1; }; const lua_status = function(L) { return L.status; }; const lua_setuservalue = function(L, idx) { assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); let o = index2addr(L, idx); assert(L, o.ttisfulluserdata(), "full userdata expected"); o.value.uservalue.setfrom(L.stack[L.top - 1]); delete L.stack[--L.top]; }; const lua_callk = function(L, nargs, nresults, ctx, k) { assert(k === null || !(L.ci.callstatus & lstate.CIST_LUA), "cannot use continuations inside hooks"); assert(nargs + 1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); assert(L.status === TS.LUA_OK, "cannot do calls on non-normal thread"); assert(nargs === defs.LUA_MULTRET || (L.ci.top - L.top >= nargs - nresults, "results from function overflow current stack size")); let func = L.top - (nargs + 1); if (k !== null && L.nny === 0) { /* need to prepare continuation? */ L.ci.c_k = k; L.ci.c_ctx = ctx; ldo.luaD_call(L, func, nresults); } else { /* no continuation or no yieldable */ ldo.luaD_callnoyield(L, func, nresults); } if (nresults === defs.LUA_MULTRET && L.ci.top < L.top) L.ci.top = L.top; }; const lua_call = function(L, n, r) { lua_callk(L, n, r, 0, null); }; const lua_pcallk = function(L, nargs, nresults, errfunc, ctx, k) { assert(nargs + 1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); assert(L.status === TS.LUA_OK, "cannot do calls on non-normal thread"); assert(nargs === defs.LUA_MULTRET || (L.ci.top - L.top >= nargs - nresults, "results from function overflow current stack size")); let c = { func: null, funcOff: NaN, nresults: NaN }; let status; let func; if (errfunc === 0) func = 0; else { // let o = index2addr(L, errfunc); // TODO: api_checkstackindex(L, errfunc, o); func = index2addr_(L, errfunc); } c.funcOff = L.top - (nargs + 1); /* function to be called */ c.func = L.stack[c.funcOff]; if (k === null || L.nny > 0) { /* no continuation or no yieldable? */ c.nresults = nresults; /* do a 'conventional' protected call */ status = ldo.luaD_pcall(L, f_call, c, c.funcOff, func); } else { /* prepare continuation (call is already protected by 'resume') */ let ci = L.ci; ci.c_k = k; /* prepare continuation (call is already protected by 'resume') */ ci.c_ctx = ctx; /* prepare continuation (call is already protected by 'resume') */ /* save information for error recovery */ ci.extra = c.funcOff; ci.c_old_errfunc = L.errfunc; L.errfunc = func; ci.callstatus &= ~lstate.CIST_OAH | L.allowhook; ci.callstatus |= lstate.CIST_YPCALL; /* function can do error recovery */ ldo.luaD_call(L, c.funcOff, nresults); /* do the call */ ci.callstatus &= ~lstate.CIST_YPCALL; L.errfunc = ci.c_old_errfunc; status = TS.LUA_OK; } if (nresults === defs.LUA_MULTRET && L.ci.top < L.top) L.ci.top = L.top; return status; }; const lua_pcall = function(L, n, r, f) { return lua_pcallk(L, n, r, f, 0, null); }; /* ** miscellaneous functions */ const lua_error = function(L) { assert(1 < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); ldebug.luaG_errormsg(L); }; const lua_next = function(L, idx) { let t = index2addr(L, idx); assert(t.ttistable(), "table expected"); L.stack[L.top] = new TValue(); let more = ltable.luaH_next(L, t.value, L.top - 1); if (more) { L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); return 1; } else { delete L.stack[L.top]; delete L.stack[--L.top]; return 0; } }; const lua_concat = function(L, n) { assert(n < L.top - L.ci.funcOff, "not enough elements in the stack"); if (n >= 2) lvm.luaV_concat(L, n); else if (n === 0) { lobject.pushsvalue2s(L, lstring.luaS_bless(L, [])); assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); } }; const lua_len = function(L, idx) { let t = index2addr(L, idx); let tv = new TValue(); lvm.luaV_objlen(L, tv, t); L.stack[L.top] = tv; L.top++; assert(L.top <= L.ci.top, "stack overflow"); }; const getupvalref = function(L, fidx, n, pf) { let fi = index2addr(L, fidx); assert(fi.ttisLclosure(), "Lua function expected"); let f = fi.value; assert(1 <= n && n <= f.p.upvalues.length, "invalid upvalue index"); return { closure: f, upval: f.upvals[n - 1], upvalOff: n - 1 }; }; const lua_upvalueid = function(L, fidx, n) { let fi = index2addr(L, fidx); switch (fi.ttype()) { case CT.LUA_TLCL: { /* lua closure */ return getupvalref(L, fidx, n, null).upval; } case CT.LUA_TCCL: { /* C closure */ let f = fi.value; assert(1 <= n && n <= f.nupvalues, "invalid upvalue index"); return f.upvalue[n - 1]; } default: { assert(false, "closure expected"); return null; } } }; const lua_upvaluejoin = function(L, fidx1, n1, fidx2, n2) { let ref1 = getupvalref(L, fidx1, n1); let ref2 = getupvalref(L, fidx2, n2); let up1 = ref1.upvalOff; let up2 = ref2.upval; let f1 = ref1.closure; f1.upvals[up1] = up2; }; // This functions are only there for compatibility purposes const lua_gc = function () {}; const lua_getallocf = function () { console.warn("lua_getallocf is not available"); return 0; }; const lua_setallocf = function () { console.warn("lua_setallocf is not available"); return 0; }; const lua_getextraspace = function () { console.warn("lua_getextraspace is not available"); return 0; }; module.exports.index2addr = index2addr; module.exports.index2addr_ = index2addr_; module.exports.lua_absindex = lua_absindex; module.exports.lua_arith = lua_arith; module.exports.lua_atpanic = lua_atpanic; module.exports.lua_atnativeerror = lua_atnativeerror; module.exports.lua_call = lua_call; module.exports.lua_callk = lua_callk; module.exports.lua_checkstack = lua_checkstack; module.exports.lua_compare = lua_compare; module.exports.lua_concat = lua_concat; module.exports.lua_copy = lua_copy; module.exports.lua_createtable = lua_createtable; module.exports.lua_dump = lua_dump; module.exports.lua_error = lua_error; module.exports.lua_gc = lua_gc; module.exports.lua_getallocf = lua_getallocf; module.exports.lua_getextraspace = lua_getextraspace; module.exports.lua_getfield = lua_getfield; module.exports.lua_getglobal = lua_getglobal; module.exports.lua_geti = lua_geti; module.exports.lua_getmetatable = lua_getmetatable; module.exports.lua_gettable = lua_gettable; module.exports.lua_gettop = lua_gettop; module.exports.lua_getupvalue = lua_getupvalue; module.exports.lua_getuservalue = lua_getuservalue; module.exports.lua_insert = lua_insert; module.exports.lua_isboolean = lua_isboolean; module.exports.lua_iscfunction = lua_iscfunction; module.exports.lua_isfunction = lua_isfunction; module.exports.lua_isinteger = lua_isinteger; module.exports.lua_islightuserdata = lua_islightuserdata; module.exports.lua_isnil = lua_isnil; module.exports.lua_isnone = lua_isnone; module.exports.lua_isnoneornil = lua_isnoneornil; module.exports.lua_isnumber = lua_isnumber; module.exports.lua_isproxy = lua_isproxy; module.exports.lua_isstring = lua_isstring; module.exports.lua_istable = lua_istable; module.exports.lua_isthread = lua_isthread; module.exports.lua_isuserdata = lua_isuserdata; module.exports.lua_len = lua_len; module.exports.lua_load = lua_load; module.exports.lua_newtable = lua_newtable; module.exports.lua_newuserdata = lua_newuserdata; module.exports.lua_next = lua_next; module.exports.lua_pcall = lua_pcall; module.exports.lua_pcallk = lua_pcallk; module.exports.lua_pop = lua_pop; module.exports.lua_pushboolean = lua_pushboolean; module.exports.lua_pushcclosure = lua_pushcclosure; module.exports.lua_pushcfunction = lua_pushcfunction; module.exports.lua_pushfstring = lua_pushfstring; module.exports.lua_pushglobaltable = lua_pushglobaltable; module.exports.lua_pushinteger = lua_pushinteger; module.exports.lua_pushjsclosure = lua_pushjsclosure; module.exports.lua_pushjsfunction = lua_pushjsfunction; module.exports.lua_pushlightuserdata = lua_pushlightuserdata; module.exports.lua_pushliteral = lua_pushliteral; module.exports.lua_pushlstring = lua_pushlstring; module.exports.lua_pushnil = lua_pushnil; module.exports.lua_pushnumber = lua_pushnumber; module.exports.lua_pushstring = lua_pushstring; module.exports.lua_pushthread = lua_pushthread; module.exports.lua_pushvalue = lua_pushvalue; module.exports.lua_pushvfstring = lua_pushvfstring; module.exports.lua_rawequal = lua_rawequal; module.exports.lua_rawget = lua_rawget; module.exports.lua_rawgeti = lua_rawgeti; module.exports.lua_rawgetp = lua_rawgetp; module.exports.lua_rawlen = lua_rawlen; module.exports.lua_rawset = lua_rawset; module.exports.lua_rawseti = lua_rawseti; module.exports.lua_rawsetp = lua_rawsetp; module.exports.lua_register = lua_register; module.exports.lua_remove = lua_remove; module.exports.lua_replace = lua_replace; module.exports.lua_rotate = lua_rotate; module.exports.lua_setallocf = lua_setallocf; module.exports.lua_setfield = lua_setfield; module.exports.lua_setglobal = lua_setglobal; module.exports.lua_seti = lua_seti; module.exports.lua_setmetatable = lua_setmetatable; module.exports.lua_settable = lua_settable; module.exports.lua_settop = lua_settop; module.exports.lua_setupvalue = lua_setupvalue; module.exports.lua_setuservalue = lua_setuservalue; module.exports.lua_status = lua_status; module.exports.lua_stringtonumber = lua_stringtonumber; module.exports.lua_toboolean = lua_toboolean; module.exports.lua_tocfunction = lua_tocfunction; module.exports.lua_todataview = lua_todataview; module.exports.lua_tointeger = lua_tointeger; module.exports.lua_tointegerx = lua_tointegerx; module.exports.lua_tojsstring = lua_tojsstring; module.exports.lua_toljsstring = lua_toljsstring; module.exports.lua_tolstring = lua_tolstring; module.exports.lua_tonumber = lua_tonumber; module.exports.lua_topointer = lua_topointer; module.exports.lua_toproxy = lua_toproxy; module.exports.lua_tostring = lua_tostring; module.exports.lua_tothread = lua_tothread; module.exports.lua_touserdata = lua_touserdata; module.exports.lua_type = lua_type; module.exports.lua_typename = lua_typename; module.exports.lua_upvalueid = lua_upvalueid; module.exports.lua_upvaluejoin = lua_upvaluejoin; module.exports.lua_version = lua_version; module.exports.lua_xmove = lua_xmove;