# fengari 🐺 φεγγάρι - A Lua VM written in JS ES6 targeting the browser ## So far - [x] Parse bytecode - [ ] VM - [ ] Opcodes - [x] `OP_MOVE` - [x] `OP_LOADK` - [x] `OP_LOADKX` - [x] `OP_LOADBOOL` - [x] `OP_LOADNIL` - [x] `OP_GETUPVAL` - [x] `OP_SETUPVAL` - [x] `OP_GETTABUP` - [x] `OP_GETTABLE` - [x] `OP_SETTABUP` - [x] `OP_SETTABLE` - [x] `OP_NEWTABLE` - [x] `OP_SELF` - [x] `OP_ADD` - [x] `OP_SUB` - [x] `OP_MUL` - [x] `OP_MOD` - [x] `OP_POW` - [x] `OP_DIV` - [x] `OP_IDIV` - [x] `OP_BAND` - [x] `OP_BOR` - [x] `OP_BXOR` - [x] `OP_SHL` - [x] `OP_SHR` - [x] `OP_UNM` - [x] `OP_BNOT` - [x] `OP_NOT` - [x] `OP_LEN` - [ ] `OP_CONCAT` - [x] `OP_JMP` - [x] `OP_EQ` - [x] `OP_LT` - [x] `OP_LE` - [x] `OP_TEST` - [x] `OP_TESTSET` - [x] `OP_CALL` - [x] `OP_TAILCALL` - [x] `OP_RETURN` - [x] `OP_FORLOOP` - [x] `OP_FORPREP` - [x] `OP_TFORCALL` - [x] `OP_TFORLOOP` - [x] `OP_SETLIST` - [x] `OP_CLOSURE` - [x] `OP_VARARG` - [x] `OP_EXTRAARG` - [ ] Tag Methods - [ ] `__index` - [ ] `__newindex` - [x] `__gc` (unavailable) - [ ] `__mode` - [ ] `__len` - [ ] `__eq` - [ ] `__add` - [ ] `__sub` - [ ] `__mul` - [ ] `__mod` - [ ] `__pow` - [ ] `__div` - [ ] `__idiv` - [ ] `__band` - [ ] `__bor` - [ ] `__bxor` - [ ] `__shl` - [ ] `__shr` - [ ] `__unm` - [ ] `__bnot` - [ ] `__lt` - [ ] `__le` - [ ] `__concat` - [ ] `__call` - [ ] Debug (errors) - [ ] C API - [ ] stdlib - [ ] DOM API binding - [ ] Parse Lua - [ ] Generate bytecode ## References - [Source code for Lua 5.3](lua.org/source/5.3/) - [Lua 5.2 Bytecode and Virtual Machine](http://files.catwell.info/misc/mirror/lua-5.2-bytecode-vm-dirk-laurie/lua52vm.html) - [Lua 5.3 Bytecode Reference](http://the-ravi-programming-language.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lua_bytecode_reference.html) - [A No-Frills Introduction to Lua 5.1 VM Instructions](http://luaforge.net/docman/83/98/ANoFrillsIntroToLua51VMInstructions.pdf)