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# fengari 🐺 φεγγάρι - The Lua VM written in JS ES6 targeting the browser ## So far - [x] Lexing/Parsing - [x] Parse bytecode - [x] Opcodes - [x] Basic types representation: - [x] Tag Methods - [ ] Standard library - [x] Base lib - [x] Coroutine - [x] Debug - [x] Math - [x] String - [x] Table - [x] utf8 - [x] os (~~`os.setlocale()`~~) - [ ] Package - [ ] io - [x] `io.stdin` - [x] `io.stdout` - [x] `io.stderr` - [ ] `io.flush()` - [ ] `io.input()` - [ ] `io.lines()` - [ ] `io.open()` - [ ] `io.output()` - [ ] `io.popen()` - [ ] `io.read()` - [ ] `io.tmpfile()` - [ ] `io.type()` - [ ] `io.write()` - [ ] `io.close()` - [ ] `file:flush()` - [ ] `file:lines()` - [ ] `file:read()` - [ ] `file:read()` - [ ] `file:setvbuf()` - [ ] `file:write()` - [ ] `file:__gc()` - [ ] `file:__tostring()` - [ ] C API - [x] ... - [ ] lua_arith - [ ] lua_islightuserdata - [ ] lua_pushfstring - [ ] lua_pushvfstring - [ ] lua_register - [ ] lua_setallocf - [ ] lua_tocfunction - [ ] Auxiliary library - [x] ... - [ ] luaL_addsize - [ ] luaL_checkoption - [ ] luaL_checkversion - [ ] luaL_gsub - [ ] luaL_newlibtable - [ ] luaL_optnumber - [ ] luaL_prepbuffer - [ ] luaL_pushresultsize - [ ] luaL_ref - [ ] luaL_unref - [ ] Run [Lua test suite](https://github.com/lua/tests) - [x] constructs.lua (`_soft`) - [x] locals.lua - [x] strings.lua - [ ] all.lua - [ ] big.lua - [ ] checktable.lua - [ ] errors.lua - [ ] gc.lua - [ ] literals.lua - [ ] math.lua - [ ] sort.lua - [ ] utf8.lua - [ ] api.lua - [ ] bitwise.lua - [ ] closure.lua - [ ] coroutine.lua - [ ] events.lua - [ ] goto.lua - [ ] nextvar.lua - [ ] vararg.lua - [ ] attrib.lua - [ ] calls.lua - [ ] code.lua - [ ] db.lua - [ ] files.lua - [ ] heavy.lua - [ ] main.lua - [ ] pm.lua - [ ] tpack.lua - [ ] verybig.lua - [ ] DOM API binding ## References - [Source code for Lua 5.3](lua.org/source/5.3/) - [Lua 5.2 Bytecode and Virtual Machine](http://files.catwell.info/misc/mirror/lua-5.2-bytecode-vm-dirk-laurie/lua52vm.html) - [Lua 5.3 Bytecode Reference](http://the-ravi-programming-language.readthedocs.io/en/latest/lua_bytecode_reference.html) - [A No-Frills Introduction to Lua 5.1 VM Instructions](http://luaforge.net/docman/83/98/ANoFrillsIntroToLua51VMInstructions.pdf)