from distutils.core import setup import py2exe languages = ["de"] setup( name="dotstr_edit", version="0.1", description="A tool for editing the .str files of EA's BFME2", author="\"Die Voelker Mittelerdes\" Modding Crew", windows=[ { "script": "", "icon_resources": [(1, "icon.ico")] } ], data_files=[("", ["icon.ico", "icon.png", "wm-icon.ico", "LICENSE", "README.markdown"])] + [(p, [p + "/"]) for p in ["locale/%s/LC_MESSAGES" % l for l in languages]], options={ "py2exe": { "optimize": 2, "excludes": ["pywin", "pywin.debugger", "pywin.debugger.dbgcon", "pywin.dialogs", "pywin.dialogs.list", "Tkconstants","Tkinter","tcl", "_ssl", "doctest", "pdb", "unittest", "difflib", "inspect", "wave", "xml", "email", "urllib", "urllib2" ], "includes": ["zlib"], # So the resulting program is able tu unpack the library, even after recompressing. "dll_excludes": ["MSVCP90.dll"], "bundle_files": 2 } } )