# # bspwm hotkeys # ctrl + alt + q quitmenu alt + F4 bspc window -c shift + alt + F4 bspc window -k # Switch layout ctrl + alt + l bspc desktop -l next # Balance Tree ctrl + alt + b bspc desktop -B # Toggle Fullscreen/Floating ctrl + alt + {s,f} bspc window -t {floating,fullscreen} # Focus last selected Window / Desktop #super + {grave,Tab} # bspc {window,desktop} -f last # Circulate Tree ctrl + alt + {Prior,Next} bspc desktop -C {forward,backward} # Rotate alt + shift + {Prior,Next} bspc window -R {90,270} ctrl + alt + shift + {Prior,Next} bspc desktop -R {90,270} # Swap with last selected window #super + apostrophe # bspc window -s last ctrl + alt + t; ctrl + alt + t bspc window -w last.manual ctrl + alt + t; ctrl + alt + {Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc window -w {Left,Down,Up,Right} # Swap current window with biggest ctrl + alt + m bspc window -s biggest # Select / Swap with Window in Dir alt + {_,shift + }{Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc window -{f,s} {left,down,up,right} # Switch window (alt tab) alt + {_,shift + }Tab bspc window -f {next,prev} # Navigate Desktops alt + {Prior,Next} bspc desktop -f {prev,next} # Preselect splitting (CHORD) ctrl + alt + p; ctrl + alt + {Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc window -p {left,down,up,right} # Cancel (all) preselections ctrl + alt + p; ctrl + alt {_, + shift}+ c bspc {window -p cancel,desktop -c} #change spliting ctrl + alt + {Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc window -e {left,down,up,right} push ctrl + alt + shift + {Left,Down,Up,Right} bspc window -e {right,up,down,left} pull #super + ctrl + {1-9} # bspc window -r 0.{1-9} # Change /move to desktop ctrl + alt + {_,shift + }{1-9,0} bspc {desktop -f,window -d} ^{1-9,10} # Stuff for mouse focus, resize, ... ~button1 bspc pointer -g focus alt + button{1-3} bspc pointer -g {move,resize_side,resize_corner} alt + !button{1-3} bspc pointer -t %i %i # # wm independent hotkeys # alt + asciicircum xfce4-terminal alt + F2 dmenu_run # make sxhkd reload its configuration files: ctrl + alt + r pkill -USR1 -x sxhkd ctrl + shift + Return mydmenu