package main import ( "fmt" "" "" "" "" "strconv" "unicode" ) type biomeEditFrame struct { *gtk.Frame applyBtn *gtk.Button idInput, snowLineInput, nameInput *gtk.Entry colorInput *gtk.ColorButton } func newBiomeEditFrame() *biomeEditFrame { frm := &biomeEditFrame{ Frame: gtk.NewFrame("Edit Biome"), applyBtn: gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Apply"), idInput: gtk.NewEntry(), snowLineInput: gtk.NewEntry(), nameInput: gtk.NewEntry(), colorInput: gtk.NewColorButton(), } frm.idInput.SetSizeRequest(40, -1) frm.snowLineInput.SetSizeRequest(40, -1) frm.idInput.Connect("changed", frm.unlockApply) frm.nameInput.Connect("changed", frm.unlockApply) frm.snowLineInput.Connect("changed", frm.unlockApply) frm.applyBtn.SetSensitive(false) vbox := gtk.NewVBox(false, 0) hbox := gtk.NewHBox(false, 0) hbox.PackStart(gtk.NewLabel("Color:"), false, false, 0) hbox.PackStart(frm.colorInput, false, false, 3) hbox.PackStart(gtk.NewLabel("ID:"), false, false, 0) hbox.PackStart(frm.idInput, false, false, 3) hbox.PackStart(gtk.NewLabel("Snowline:"), false, false, 0) hbox.PackStart(frm.snowLineInput, false, false, 3) hbox.PackStart(gtk.NewLabel("Name:"), false, false, 0) hbox.PackStart(frm.nameInput, true, true, 3) vbox.PackStart(hbox, false, false, 0) vbox.PackStart(frm.applyBtn, false, false, 3) frm.Add(vbox) return frm } func (frm *biomeEditFrame) setBiomeInfo(info BiomeInfo) { frm.colorInput.SetColor(gdk.NewColor(info.Color)) frm.idInput.SetText(strconv.FormatInt(int64(info.ID), 10)) frm.snowLineInput.SetText(strconv.FormatInt(int64(info.SnowLine), 10)) frm.nameInput.SetText(info.Name) } func (frm *biomeEditFrame) getBiomeInfo() (BiomeInfo, bool) { id, err := strconv.ParseUint(frm.idInput.GetText(), 10, 8) if err != nil { return BiomeInfo{}, false } snow, err := strconv.ParseInt(frm.snowLineInput.GetText(), 10, 32) if err != nil { return BiomeInfo{}, false } if (snow > mcmap.ChunkSizeY) || (snow < 0) { snow = mcmap.ChunkSizeY } name := frm.nameInput.GetText() if name != "" { return BiomeInfo{}, false } col := frm.colorInput.GetColor() return BiomeInfo{ ID: mcmap.Biome(id), SnowLine: int(snow), Name: name, Color: fmt.Sprintf("#%02x%02x%02x", col.Red()<<8, col.Green()<<8, col.Blue()<<8), }, true } func (frm *biomeEditFrame) checkOK() bool { if id := frm.idInput.GetText(); (id == "") || (!kagus.StringConsistsOf(id, unicode.IsNumber)) { return false } if snow := frm.snowLineInput.GetText(); (snow == "") || (!kagus.StringConsistsOf(snow, unicode.IsNumber)) { return false } return frm.nameInput.GetText() != "" } func (frm *biomeEditFrame) unlockApply() { frm.applyBtn.SetSensitive(frm.checkOK()) } type BiomeInfoEditor struct { *gtk.Dialog biomes []BiomeInfo } func NewBiomeInfoEditor(biomes []BiomeInfo) *BiomeInfoEditor { ed := &BiomeInfoEditor{ Dialog: gtk.NewDialog(), biomes: biomes, } ed.SetModal(true) vbox := ed.GetVBox() btnHBox := gtk.NewHBox(true, 0) resetBtn := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Reset to defaults") resetBtn.Connect("clicked", ed.reset) loadBtn := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Load from file ...") loadBtn.Connect("clicked", ed.load) saveBtn := gtk.NewButtonWithLabel("Save to file ...") saveBtn.Connect("clicked", btnHBox.PackStart(resetBtn, true, true, 3) btnHBox.PackStart(loadBtn, true, true, 3) btnHBox.PackStart(saveBtn, true, true, 3) vbox.PackStart(btnHBox, false, false, 3) editFrame := newBiomeEditFrame() vbox.PackStart(editFrame, false, false, 3) ed.AddButton("Cancel", gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL) ed.AddButton("OK", gtk.RESPONSE_OK) ed.ShowAll() return ed } func (ed *BiomeInfoEditor) reset() { ed.biomes = ReadDefaultBiomes() // TODO: Update view } func (ed *BiomeInfoEditor) load() { // TODO } func (ed *BiomeInfoEditor) save() { // TODO } func (ed *BiomeInfoEditor) Biomes() []BiomeInfo { return ed.biomes }